# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Ci::Config::Yaml::Documents, feature_category: :pipeline_composition do let(:documents) { described_class.new(yaml_documents) } describe '#valid?' do context 'when there are no errors' do let(:yaml_documents) { [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job:')] } it 'returns true' do expect(documents).to be_valid end end context 'when there are errors' do let(:yaml_documents) { [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('_!@malformedyaml:&')] } it 'returns false' do expect(documents).not_to be_valid end end end describe '#header' do context 'when there are at least 2 documents and the first document has a `spec` keyword' do let(:yaml_documents) { [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('spec:'), ::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job:')] } it 'returns the header' do expect(documents.header).to eq(spec: nil) end end context 'when there are fewer than 2 documents' do let(:yaml_documents) { [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job:')] } it 'returns nil' do expect(documents.header).to be_nil end end context 'when there are at least 2 documents and the first document does not have a `spec` keyword' do let(:yaml_documents) do [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job1:'), ::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job2:')] end it 'returns nil' do expect(documents.header).to be_nil end end end describe '#content' do context 'when there is a header' do let(:yaml_documents) { [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('spec:'), ::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job:')] } it 'returns the unparsed content of the last document' do expect(documents.content).to eq('job:') end end context 'when there is no header' do let(:yaml_documents) { [::Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new('job:')] } it 'returns the unparsed content of the first document' do expect(documents.content).to eq('job:') end end end end