# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Conflict::File do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:repository) { project.repository } let(:their_commit) { TestEnv::BRANCH_SHA['conflict-start'] } let(:our_commit) { TestEnv::BRANCH_SHA['conflict-resolvable'] } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_branch: 'conflict-resolvable', target_branch: 'conflict-start', source_project: project) } let(:conflicts_client) { repository.gitaly_conflicts_client(our_commit, their_commit) } let(:raw_conflict_files) { conflicts_client.list_conflict_files } let(:conflict_file_name) { 'files/ruby/regex.rb' } let(:raw_conflict_file) { raw_conflict_files.find { |conflict| conflict.our_path == conflict_file_name } } let(:conflict_file) { described_class.new(raw_conflict_file, merge_request: merge_request) } describe 'delegates' do it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:type).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:content).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:path).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:ancestor_path).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:their_path).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:our_path).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:our_mode).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:our_blob).to(:raw) } it { expect(conflict_file).to delegate_method(:repository).to(:raw) } end describe '#resolve_lines' do let(:section_keys) { conflict_file.sections.map { |section| section[:id] }.compact } context 'when resolving everything to the same side' do let(:resolution_hash) { section_keys.to_h { |key| [key, 'head'] } } let(:resolved_lines) { conflict_file.resolve_lines(resolution_hash) } let(:expected_lines) { conflict_file.lines.reject { |line| line.type == 'old' } } it 'has the correct number of lines' do expect(resolved_lines.length).to eq(expected_lines.length) end it 'has content matching the chosen lines' do expect(resolved_lines.map(&:text)).to eq(expected_lines.map(&:text)) end end context 'with mixed resolutions' do let(:resolution_hash) do section_keys.map.with_index { |key, i| [key, i.even? ? 'head' : 'origin'] }.to_h end let(:resolved_lines) { conflict_file.resolve_lines(resolution_hash) } it 'has the correct number of lines' do file_lines = conflict_file.lines.reject { |line| line.type == 'new' } expect(resolved_lines.length).to eq(file_lines.length) end it 'returns a file containing only the chosen parts of the resolved sections' do expect(resolved_lines.chunk { |line| line.type || 'both' }.map(&:first)) .to eq(%w(both new both old both new both)) end end it 'raises ResolutionError when passed a hash without resolutions for all sections' do empty_hash = section_keys.to_h { |key| [key, nil] } invalid_hash = section_keys.to_h { |key| [key, 'invalid'] } expect { conflict_file.resolve_lines({}) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Resolver::ResolutionError) expect { conflict_file.resolve_lines(empty_hash) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Resolver::ResolutionError) expect { conflict_file.resolve_lines(invalid_hash) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Resolver::ResolutionError) end end describe '#highlight_lines!' do def html_to_text(html) CGI.unescapeHTML(ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(html)).delete("\n") end it 'is called implicitly when rich_text is accessed on a line' do expect(conflict_file).to receive(:highlight_lines!).once.and_call_original conflict_file.lines.each(&:rich_text) end it 'sets the rich_text of the lines matching the text content' do conflict_file.lines.each do |line| expect(line.text).to eq(html_to_text(line.rich_text)) end end # This spec will break if Rouge's highlighting changes, but we need to # ensure that the lines are actually highlighted. it 'highlights the lines correctly' do expect(conflict_file.lines.first.rich_text) .to eq("module Gitlab\n") end end describe '#diff_lines_for_serializer' do let(:diff_line_types) { conflict_file.diff_lines_for_serializer.map(&:type) } it 'assigns conflict types to the diff lines' do expect(diff_line_types[4]).to eq('conflict_marker_our') expect(diff_line_types[5..10]).to eq(['conflict_our'] * 6) expect(diff_line_types[11]).to eq('conflict_marker') expect(diff_line_types[12..17]).to eq(['conflict_their'] * 6) expect(diff_line_types[18]).to eq('conflict_marker_their') expect(diff_line_types[19..24]).to eq([nil] * 6) expect(diff_line_types[25]).to eq('conflict_marker_our') expect(diff_line_types[26..27]).to eq(['conflict_our'] * 2) expect(diff_line_types[28]).to eq('conflict_marker') expect(diff_line_types[29..30]).to eq(['conflict_their'] * 2) expect(diff_line_types[31]).to eq('conflict_marker_their') end # Swap the positions around due to conflicts/diffs display inconsistency # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/291989 it 'swaps the new and old positions around' do lines = conflict_file.diff_lines_for_serializer expect(lines.map(&:old_pos)[26..27]).to eq([21, 22]) expect(lines.map(&:new_pos)[29..30]).to eq([21, 22]) end it 'does not add a match line to the end of the section' do expect(diff_line_types.last).to eq(nil) end context 'when there are unchanged trailing lines' do let(:conflict_file_name) { 'files/ruby/popen.rb' } it 'assign conflict types and adds match line to the end of the section' do expect(diff_line_types).to eq( [ 'match', nil, nil, nil, "conflict_marker_our", "conflict_our", "conflict_marker", "conflict_their", "conflict_their", "conflict_their", "conflict_marker_their", nil, nil, nil, "match" ]) end end end describe '#sections' do it 'only inserts match lines when there is a gap between sections' do conflict_file.sections.each_with_index do |section, i| previous_line_number = 0 current_line_number = section[:lines].map(&:old_line).compact.min if i > 0 previous_line_number = conflict_file.sections[i - 1][:lines].map(&:old_line).compact.last end if current_line_number == previous_line_number + 1 expect(section[:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match') else expect(section[:lines].first.type).to eq('match') expect(section[:lines].first.text).to match(/\A@@ -#{current_line_number},\d+ \+\d+,\d+ @@ module Gitlab\Z/) end end end it 'sets conflict to false for sections with only unchanged lines' do conflict_file.sections.reject { |section| section[:conflict] }.each do |section| without_match = section[:lines].reject { |line| line.type == 'match' } expect(without_match).to all(have_attributes(type: nil)) end end it 'only includes a maximum of CONTEXT_LINES (plus an optional match line) in context sections' do conflict_file.sections.reject { |section| section[:conflict] }.each do |section| without_match = section[:lines].reject { |line| line.type == 'match' } expect(without_match.length).to be <= Gitlab::Conflict::File::CONTEXT_LINES * 2 end end it 'sets conflict to true for sections with only changed lines' do conflict_file.sections.select { |section| section[:conflict] }.each do |section| section[:lines].each do |line| expect(line.type).to be_in(%w(new old)) end end end it 'adds unique IDs to conflict sections, and not to other sections' do section_ids = [] conflict_file.sections.each do |section| if section[:conflict] expect(section).to have_key(:id) section_ids << section[:id] else expect(section).not_to have_key(:id) end end expect(section_ids.uniq).to eq(section_ids) end context 'with an example file' do let(:raw_conflict_content) do <<~FILE # Ensure there is no match line header here def username_regexp default_regexp end <<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb def project_name_regexp /\A[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z/ end def name_regexp /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z/ ======= def project_name_regex %r{\A[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z} end def name_regex %r{\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z} >>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb end # Some extra lines # To force a match line # To be created def path_regexp default_regexp end <<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb def archive_formats_regexp /(zip|tar|7z|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)/ ======= def archive_formats_regex %r{(zip|tar|7z|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)} >>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb end def git_reference_regexp # Valid git ref regexp, see: # https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html %r{ (?! (?# doesn't begins with) \/| (?# rule #6) (?# doesn't contain) .*(?: [\/.]\.| (?# rule #1,3) \/\/| (?# rule #6) @\{| (?# rule #8) \\ (?# rule #9) ) ) [^\000-\040\177~^:?*\[]+ (?# rule #4-5) (?# doesn't end with) (?>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb end FILE end let(:conflict) { { ancestor: { path: '' }, theirs: { path: conflict_file_name }, ours: { path: conflict_file_name } } } let(:raw_conflict_file) { Gitlab::Git::Conflict::File.new(repository, our_commit, conflict, raw_conflict_content) } let(:sections) { conflict_file.sections } it 'sets the correct match line headers' do expect(sections[0][:lines].first).to have_attributes(type: 'match', text: '@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@') expect(sections[3][:lines].first).to have_attributes(type: 'match', text: '@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ def path_regexp') expect(sections[6][:lines].first).to have_attributes(type: 'match', text: '@@ -47,52 +47,52 @@ end') end it 'does not add match lines where they are not needed' do expect(sections[1][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match') expect(sections[2][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match') expect(sections[4][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match') expect(sections[5][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match') expect(sections[7][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match') end it 'creates context sections of the correct length' do expect(sections[0][:lines].count { |line| line.type.nil? }).to eq(3) expect(sections[2][:lines].count { |line| line.type.nil? }).to eq(3) expect(sections[3][:lines].count { |line| line.type.nil? }).to eq(3) expect(sections[5][:lines].count { |line| line.type.nil? }).to eq(3) expect(sections[6][:lines].count { |line| line.type.nil? }).to eq(3) expect(sections[8][:lines].count { |line| line.type.nil? }).to eq(1) end end end describe '#as_json' do it 'includes the blob path for the file' do expect(conflict_file.as_json[:blob_path]) .to eq("/#{project.full_path}/-/blob/#{our_commit}/files/ruby/regex.rb") end it 'includes the blob icon for the file' do expect(conflict_file.as_json[:blob_icon]).to eq('doc-text') end context 'with the full_content option passed' do it 'includes the full content of the conflict' do expect(conflict_file.as_json(full_content: true)).to have_key(:content) end end end describe '#conflict_type' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:conflict) { { ancestor: { path: ancestor_path }, theirs: { path: their_path }, ours: { path: our_path } } } let(:raw_conflict_file) { Gitlab::Git::Conflict::File.new(repository, our_commit, conflict, '') } let(:diff_file) { double(renamed_file?: renamed_file?) } subject(:conflict_type) { conflict_file.conflict_type(diff_file) } where(:ancestor_path, :their_path, :our_path, :renamed_file?, :result) do '/ancestor/path' | '/their/path' | '/our/path' | false | :both_modified '/ancestor/path' | '' | '/our/path' | false | :modified_source_removed_target '/ancestor/path' | '/their/path' | '' | false | :modified_target_removed_source '' | '/their/path' | '/our/path' | false | :both_added '' | '' | '/our/path' | false | :removed_target_renamed_source '' | '' | '/our/path' | true | :renamed_same_file '' | '/their/path' | '' | false | :removed_source_renamed_target end with_them do it { expect(conflict_type).to eq(result) } end end end