# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::LooseForeignKeys do describe 'verify all definitions' do subject(:definitions) { described_class.definitions } it 'all definitions have assigned a known gitlab_schema and on_delete' do is_expected.to all(have_attributes( options: a_hash_including( column: be_a(String), gitlab_schema: be_in(Gitlab::Database.schemas_to_base_models.symbolize_keys.keys), on_delete: be_in([:async_delete, :async_nullify]) ), from_table: be_a(String), to_table: be_a(String) )) end context 'ensure keys are sorted' do it 'does not have any keys that are out of order' do parsed = YAML.parse_file(described_class.loose_foreign_keys_yaml_path) mapping = parsed.children.first table_names = mapping.children.select(&:scalar?).map(&:value) expect(table_names).to eq(table_names.sort), "expected sorted table names in the YAML file" end end context 'ensure no duplicates are found' do it 'does not have duplicate tables defined' do # since we use hash to detect duplicate hash keys we need to parse YAML document parsed = YAML.parse_file(described_class.loose_foreign_keys_yaml_path) expect(parsed).to be_document expect(parsed.children).to be_one, "YAML has a single document" # require hash mapping = parsed.children.first expect(mapping).to be_mapping, "YAML has a top-level hash" # find all scalars with names table_names = mapping.children.select(&:scalar?).map(&:value) expect(table_names).not_to be_empty, "YAML has a non-zero tables defined" # expect to not have duplicates expect(table_names).to contain_exactly(*table_names.uniq) end it 'does not have duplicate column definitions' do # ignore other modifiers all_definitions = definitions.map do |definition| { from_table: definition.from_table, to_table: definition.to_table, column: definition.column } end # expect to not have duplicates expect(all_definitions).to contain_exactly(*all_definitions.uniq) end end describe 'ensuring database integrity' do def base_models_for(table) parent_table_schema = Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema.table_schema(table) Gitlab::Database.schemas_to_base_models.fetch(parent_table_schema) end it 'all `to_table` tables are present' do definitions.each do |definition| base_models_for(definition.to_table).each do |model| expect(model.connection).to be_table_exist(definition.to_table) end end end it 'all `from_table` tables are present' do definitions.each do |definition| base_models_for(definition.from_table).each do |model| expect(model.connection).to be_table_exist(definition.from_table) expect(model.connection).to be_column_exist(definition.from_table, definition.column) end end end end end end