# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe Gitlab::InactiveProjectsDeletionWarningTracker, :freeze_time do let_it_be(:project_id) { 1 } describe '.notified_projects', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do before do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified end it 'returns the list of projects for which deletion warning email has been sent' do expected_hash = { "project:1" => Date.current.to_s } expect(described_class.notified_projects).to eq(expected_hash) end end describe '.reset_all' do before do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified end it 'deletes all the projects for which deletion warning email was sent' do described_class.reset_all expect(described_class.notified_projects).to eq({}) end end describe '#notified?' do before do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified end it 'returns true if the project has already been notified' do expect(described_class.new(project_id).notified?).to eq(true) end it 'returns false if the project has not been notified' do expect(described_class.new(2).notified?).to eq(false) end end describe '#mark_notified' do it 'marks the project as being notified' do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified expect(described_class.new(project_id).notified?).to eq(true) end end describe '#notification_date', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do before do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified end it 'returns the date if a deletion warning email has been sent for a given project' do expect(described_class.new(project_id).notification_date).to eq(Date.current.to_s) end it 'returns nil if a deletion warning email has not been sent for a given project' do expect(described_class.new(2).notification_date).to eq(nil) end end describe '#scheduled_deletion_date', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do shared_examples 'returns the expected deletion date' do it do expect(described_class.new(project_id).scheduled_deletion_date) .to eq(1.month.from_now.to_date.to_s) end end before do stub_application_setting(inactive_projects_delete_after_months: 2) stub_application_setting(inactive_projects_send_warning_email_after_months: 1) end context 'without a stored deletion email date' do it_behaves_like 'returns the expected deletion date' end context 'with a stored deletion email date' do before do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified end it_behaves_like 'returns the expected deletion date' end end describe '#reset' do before do described_class.new(project_id).mark_notified end it 'resets the project as not being notified' do described_class.new(project_id).reset expect(described_class.new(project_id).notified?).to eq(false) end end end