# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Kubernetes::Deployment do include KubernetesHelpers let(:pods) { {} } subject(:deployment) { described_class.new(params, pods: pods) } describe '#name' do let(:params) { named(:selected) } it { expect(deployment.name).to eq(:selected) } end describe '#labels' do let(:params) { make('metadata', 'labels' => :selected) } it { expect(deployment.labels).to eq(:selected) } end describe '#outdated?' do context 'when outdated' do let(:params) { generation(2, 1, 0) } it { expect(deployment.outdated?).to be_truthy } end context 'when up to date' do let(:params) { generation(2, 2, 0) } it { expect(deployment.outdated?).to be_falsy } end context 'when ahead of latest' do let(:params) { generation(1, 2, 0) } it { expect(deployment.outdated?).to be_falsy } end end describe '#instances' do context 'when unnamed' do let(:pods) do [ kube_pod(name: nil, status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: nil, status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: nil, status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: nil, status: 'Pending') ] end let(:params) { combine(generation(1, 1, 4)) } it 'returns all pods with generated names and pending' do expected = [ { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'generated-name-with-suffix', tooltip: 'generated-name-with-suffix (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'generated-name-with-suffix', tooltip: 'generated-name-with-suffix (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'generated-name-with-suffix', tooltip: 'generated-name-with-suffix (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'generated-name-with-suffix', tooltip: 'generated-name-with-suffix (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true } ] expect(deployment.instances).to eq(expected) end end # When replica count is higher than pods it is considered that pod was not # able to spawn for some reason like limited resources. context 'when number of pods is less than wanted replicas' do let(:wanted_replicas) { 3 } let(:pods) { [kube_pod(name: nil, status: 'Running')] } let(:params) { combine(generation(1, 1, wanted_replicas)) } it 'returns not spawned pods as pending and unknown and running' do expected = [ { status: 'running', pod_name: 'generated-name-with-suffix', tooltip: 'generated-name-with-suffix (Running)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'Not provided', tooltip: 'Not provided (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'Not provided', tooltip: 'Not provided (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true } ] expect(deployment.instances).to eq(expected) end end context 'when outdated' do let(:pods) do [ kube_pod(status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: 'kube-pod1', status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: 'kube-pod2', status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: 'kube-pod3', status: 'Pending') ] end let(:params) { combine(named('foo'), generation(1, 0, 4)) } it 'returns all instances as named and waiting' do expected = [ { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod', tooltip: 'kube-pod (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod1', tooltip: 'kube-pod1 (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod2', tooltip: 'kube-pod2 (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod3', tooltip: 'kube-pod3 (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true } ] expect(deployment.instances).to eq(expected) end end context 'with pods of each type' do let(:pods) do [ kube_pod(status: 'Succeeded'), kube_pod(name: 'kube-pod1', status: 'Running'), kube_pod(name: 'kube-pod2', status: 'Pending'), kube_pod(name: 'kube-pod3', status: 'Pending') ] end let(:params) { combine(named('foo'), generation(1, 1, 4)) } it 'returns all instances' do expected = [ { status: 'succeeded', pod_name: 'kube-pod', tooltip: 'kube-pod (Succeeded)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'running', pod_name: 'kube-pod1', tooltip: 'kube-pod1 (Running)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod2', tooltip: 'kube-pod2 (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true }, { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod3', tooltip: 'kube-pod3 (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true } ] expect(deployment.instances).to eq(expected) end end context 'with track label' do let(:pods) { [kube_pod(status: 'Pending')] } let(:labels) { { 'track' => track } } let(:params) { combine(named('foo', labels), generation(1, 0, 1)) } context 'when marked as stable' do let(:track) { 'stable' } it 'returns all instances' do expected = [ { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod', tooltip: 'kube-pod (Pending)', track: 'stable', stable: true } ] expect(deployment.instances).to eq(expected) end end context 'when marked as canary' do let(:track) { 'canary' } let(:pods) { [kube_pod(status: 'Pending', track: track)] } it 'returns all instances' do expected = [ { status: 'pending', pod_name: 'kube-pod', tooltip: 'kube-pod (Pending)', track: 'canary', stable: false } ] expect(deployment.instances).to eq(expected) end end end end def generation(expected, observed, replicas) combine( make('metadata', 'generation' => expected), make('status', 'observedGeneration' => observed), make('spec', 'replicas' => replicas) ) end def named(name = "foo", labels = {}) make('metadata', 'name' => name, 'labels' => labels) end def make(key, values = {}) hsh = {} hsh[key] = values hsh end def combine(*hashes) out = {} hashes.each { |hsh| out = out.deep_merge(hsh) } out end end