# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::RelativePositioning::ItemContext do let_it_be(:default_user) { create_default(:user) } let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project) } def create_issue(pos) create(:issue, project: project, relative_position: pos) end range = (101..107) # A deliberately small range, so we can test everything indices = (0..).take(range.size) let(:start) { ((range.first + range.last) / 2.0).floor } let(:subjects) { issues.map { |i| described_class.new(i.reset, range) } } # This allows us to refer to range in methods and examples let_it_be(:full_range) { range } context 'there are gaps at the start and end' do let_it_be(:issues) { (range.first.succ..range.last.pred).map { |pos| create_issue(pos) } } it 'is always possible to find a gap' do expect(subjects) .to all(have_attributes(find_next_gap_before: be_present, find_next_gap_after: be_present)) end where(:index) { indices.reverse.drop(2) } with_them do subject { subjects[index] } let(:positions) { subject.scoped_items.map(&:relative_position) } it 'is possible to shift_right, which will consume the gap at the end' do subject.shift_right expect(subject.find_next_gap_after).not_to be_present expect(positions).to all(be_between(range.first, range.last)) expect(positions).to eq(positions.uniq) end it 'is possible to create_space_right, which will move the gap to immediately after' do subject.create_space_right expect(subject.find_next_gap_after).to have_attributes(start_pos: subject.relative_position) expect(positions).to all(be_between(range.first, range.last)) expect(positions).to eq(positions.uniq) end it 'is possible to shift_left, which will consume the gap at the start' do subject.shift_left expect(subject.find_next_gap_before).not_to be_present expect(positions).to all(be_between(range.first, range.last)) expect(positions).to eq(positions.uniq) end it 'is possible to create_space_left, which will move the gap to immediately before' do subject.create_space_left expect(subject.find_next_gap_before).to have_attributes(start_pos: subject.relative_position) expect(positions).to all(be_between(range.first, range.last)) expect(positions).to eq(positions.uniq) end end end context 'there is a gap of multiple spaces' do let_it_be(:issues) { [range.first, range.last].map { |pos| create_issue(pos) } } it 'is impossible to move the last element to the right' do expect { subjects.last.shift_right }.to raise_error(Gitlab::RelativePositioning::NoSpaceLeft) end it 'is impossible to move the first element to the left' do expect { subjects.first.shift_left }.to raise_error(Gitlab::RelativePositioning::NoSpaceLeft) end it 'is possible to move the last element to the left' do subject = subjects.last expect { subject.shift_left }.to change { subject.relative_position }.by(be < 0) end it 'is possible to move the first element to the right' do subject = subjects.first expect { subject.shift_right }.to change { subject.relative_position }.by(be > 0) end it 'is possible to find the gap from the right' do gap = Gitlab::RelativePositioning::Gap.new(range.last, range.first) expect(subjects.last).to have_attributes( find_next_gap_before: eq(gap), find_next_gap_after: be_nil ) end it 'is possible to find the gap from the left' do gap = Gitlab::RelativePositioning::Gap.new(range.first, range.last) expect(subjects.first).to have_attributes( find_next_gap_before: be_nil, find_next_gap_after: eq(gap) ) end end context 'there are several free spaces' do let_it_be(:issues) { range.select(&:even?).map { |pos| create_issue(pos) } } let_it_be(:gaps) do range.select(&:odd?).map do |pos| rhs = pos.succ.clamp(range.first, range.last) lhs = pos.pred.clamp(range.first, range.last) { before: Gitlab::RelativePositioning::Gap.new(rhs, lhs), after: Gitlab::RelativePositioning::Gap.new(lhs, rhs) } end end def issue_at(position) issues.find { |i| i.relative_position == position } end where(:current_pos) { range.select(&:even?) } with_them do let(:subject) { subjects.find { |s| s.relative_position == current_pos } } let(:siblings) { subjects.reject { |s| s.relative_position == current_pos } } def covered_by_range(pos) full_range.cover?(pos) ? pos : nil end it 'finds the closest gap' do closest_gap_before = gaps .map { |gap| gap[:before] } .select { |gap| gap.start_pos <= subject.relative_position } .max_by { |gap| gap.start_pos } closest_gap_after = gaps .map { |gap| gap[:after] } .select { |gap| gap.start_pos >= subject.relative_position } .min_by { |gap| gap.start_pos } expect(subject).to have_attributes( find_next_gap_before: closest_gap_before, find_next_gap_after: closest_gap_after ) end it 'finds the neighbours' do expect(subject).to have_attributes( lhs_neighbour: subject.neighbour(issue_at(subject.relative_position - 2)), rhs_neighbour: subject.neighbour(issue_at(subject.relative_position + 2)) ) end it 'finds the next relative_positions' do expect(subject).to have_attributes( prev_relative_position: covered_by_range(subject.relative_position - 2), next_relative_position: covered_by_range(subject.relative_position + 2) ) end it 'finds the min/max positions' do expect(subject).to have_attributes( min_relative_position: issues.first.relative_position, max_relative_position: issues.last.relative_position ) end it 'finds the min/max siblings' do expect(subject).to have_attributes( min_sibling: siblings.first, max_sibling: siblings.last ) end end end context 'there is at least one free space' do where(:free_space) { range.to_a } with_them do let(:issues) { range.reject { |x| x == free_space }.map { |p| create_issue(p) } } let(:gap_rhs) { free_space.succ.clamp(range.first, range.last) } let(:gap_lhs) { free_space.pred.clamp(range.first, range.last) } it 'can always find a gap before if there is space to the left' do expected_gap = Gitlab::RelativePositioning::Gap.new(gap_rhs, gap_lhs) to_the_right_of_gap = subjects.select { |s| free_space < s.relative_position } expect(to_the_right_of_gap) .to all(have_attributes(find_next_gap_before: eq(expected_gap), find_next_gap_after: be_nil)) end it 'can always find a gap after if there is space to the right' do expected_gap = Gitlab::RelativePositioning::Gap.new(gap_lhs, gap_rhs) to_the_left_of_gap = subjects.select { |s| s.relative_position < free_space } expect(to_the_left_of_gap) .to all(have_attributes(find_next_gap_before: be_nil, find_next_gap_after: eq(expected_gap))) end end end end