# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Sentence, feature_category: :shared do delegate :to_exclusive_sentence, to: :described_class describe '.to_exclusive_sentence' do it 'calls #to_sentence on the array' do array = double expect(array).to receive(:to_sentence) to_exclusive_sentence(array) end it 'joins arrays with two elements correctly' do array = %w[foo bar] expect(to_exclusive_sentence(array)).to eq('foo or bar') end it 'joins arrays with more than two elements correctly' do array = %w[foo bar baz] expect(to_exclusive_sentence(array)).to eq('foo, bar, or baz') end it 'localizes the connector words' do array = %w[foo bar baz] expect(described_class).to receive(:_).with(' or ').and_return(' <1> ') expect(described_class).to receive(:_).with(', or ').and_return(', <2> ') expect(to_exclusive_sentence(array)).to eq('foo, bar, <2> baz') end end end