# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::SSHPublicKey, lib: true, fips_mode: false do let(:key) { attributes_for(:rsa_key_2048)[:key] } let(:public_key) { described_class.new(key) } describe '.technology(name)' do it 'returns nil for an unrecognised name' do expect(described_class.technology(:foo)).to be_nil end where(:name) do [:rsa, :dsa, :ecdsa, :ed25519, :ecdsa_sk, :ed25519_sk] end with_them do it { expect(described_class.technology(name).name).to eq(name) } it { expect(described_class.technology(name.to_s).name).to eq(name) } end context 'FIPS mode', :fips_mode do where(:name) do [:rsa, :ecdsa, :ed25519, :ecdsa_sk, :ed25519_sk] end with_them do it { expect(described_class.technology(name).name).to eq(name) } it { expect(described_class.technology(name.to_s).name).to eq(name) } end end end describe '.supported_types' do it 'returns array with the names of supported technologies' do expect(described_class.supported_types).to eq( [:rsa, :dsa, :ecdsa, :ed25519, :ecdsa_sk, :ed25519_sk] ) end context 'FIPS mode', :fips_mode do it 'returns array with the names of supported technologies' do expect(described_class.supported_types).to eq( [:rsa, :dsa, :ecdsa, :ed25519, :ecdsa_sk, :ed25519_sk] ) end end end describe '.supported_sizes(name)' do where(:name, :sizes) do [ [:rsa, [1024, 2048, 3072, 4096]], [:dsa, [1024, 2048, 3072]], [:ecdsa, [256, 384, 521]], [:ed25519, [256]], [:ecdsa_sk, [256]], [:ed25519_sk, [256]] ] end with_them do it { expect(described_class.supported_sizes(name)).to eq(sizes) } it { expect(described_class.supported_sizes(name.to_s)).to eq(sizes) } end context 'FIPS mode', :fips_mode do where(:name, :sizes) do [ [:rsa, [3072, 4096]], [:dsa, []], [:ecdsa, [256, 384, 521]], [:ed25519, [256]], [:ecdsa_sk, [256]], [:ed25519_sk, [256]] ] end with_them do it { expect(described_class.supported_sizes(name)).to eq(sizes) } it { expect(described_class.supported_sizes(name.to_s)).to eq(sizes) } end end end describe '.supported_algorithms' do it 'returns all supported algorithms' do expect(described_class.supported_algorithms).to eq( %w( ssh-rsa ssh-dss ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ssh-ed25519 sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com ) ) end context 'FIPS mode', :fips_mode do it 'returns all supported algorithms' do expect(described_class.supported_algorithms).to eq( %w( ssh-rsa ssh-dss ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ssh-ed25519 sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com ) ) end end end describe '.supported_algorithms_for_name' do where(:name, :algorithms) do [ [:rsa, %w(ssh-rsa)], [:dsa, %w(ssh-dss)], [:ecdsa, %w(ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521)], [:ed25519, %w(ssh-ed25519)], [:ecdsa_sk, %w(sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com)], [:ed25519_sk, %w(sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com)] ] end with_them do it "returns all supported algorithms for #{params[:name]}" do expect(described_class.supported_algorithms_for_name(name)).to eq(algorithms) expect(described_class.supported_algorithms_for_name(name.to_s)).to eq(algorithms) end end context 'FIPS mode', :fips_mode do where(:name, :algorithms) do [ [:rsa, %w(ssh-rsa)], [:dsa, %w(ssh-dss)], [:ecdsa, %w(ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521)], [:ed25519, %w(ssh-ed25519)], [:ecdsa_sk, %w(sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com)], [:ed25519_sk, %w(sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com)] ] end with_them do it "returns all supported algorithms for #{params[:name]}" do expect(described_class.supported_algorithms_for_name(name)).to eq(algorithms) expect(described_class.supported_algorithms_for_name(name.to_s)).to eq(algorithms) end end end end describe '.sanitize(key_content)' do let(:content) { build(:key).key } context 'when key has blank space characters' do it 'removes the extra blank space characters' do unsanitized = content.insert(100, "\n") .insert(40, "\r\n") .insert(30, ' ') sanitized = described_class.sanitize(unsanitized) _, body = sanitized.split expect(sanitized).not_to eq(unsanitized) expect(body).not_to match(/\s/) end end context "when key doesn't have blank space characters" do it "doesn't modify the content" do sanitized = described_class.sanitize(content) expect(sanitized).to eq(content) end end context "when key is invalid" do it 'returns the original content' do unsanitized = "ssh-foo any content==" sanitized = described_class.sanitize(unsanitized) expect(sanitized).to eq(unsanitized) end end end describe '#valid?' do subject { public_key } context 'with a valid SSH key' do where(:factory) do %i(rsa_key_2048 rsa_key_4096 rsa_key_5120 rsa_key_8192 dsa_key_2048 ecdsa_key_256 ed25519_key_256 ecdsa_sk_key_256 ed25519_sk_key_256) end with_them do let(:key) { attributes_for(factory)[:key] } it { is_expected.to be_valid } context 'when key begins with options' do let(:key) { "restrict,command='dump /home' #{attributes_for(factory)[:key]}" } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context 'when key is in known_hosts format' do context "when key begins with 'example.com'" do let(:key) { "example.com #{attributes_for(factory)[:key]}" } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end context "when key begins with '@revoked other.example.com'" do let(:key) { "@revoked other.example.com #{attributes_for(factory)[:key]}" } it { is_expected.to be_valid } end end end end context 'with an invalid SSH key' do let(:key) { 'this is not a key' } it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end context 'when an unsupported SSH key algorithm' do let(:key) { "unsupported-#{attributes_for(:rsa_key_2048)[:key]}" } it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end end shared_examples 'raises error when the key is represented by a class that is not in the list of supported technologies' do context 'when the key is represented by a class that is not in the list of supported technologies' do it 'raises error' do klass = Class.new key = klass.new allow(public_key).to receive(:key).and_return(key) expect { subject }.to raise_error("Unsupported key type: #{key.class}") end end context 'when the key is represented by a subclass of the class that is in the list of supported technologies' do it 'raises error' do rsa_subclass = Class.new(described_class.technology(:rsa).key_class) do def initialize end end key = rsa_subclass.new allow(public_key).to receive(:key).and_return(key) expect { subject }.to raise_error("Unsupported key type: #{key.class}") end end end describe '#type' do subject { public_key.type } where(:factory, :type) do [ [:rsa_key_2048, :rsa], [:dsa_key_2048, :dsa], [:ecdsa_key_256, :ecdsa], [:ed25519_key_256, :ed25519], [:ecdsa_sk_key_256, :ecdsa_sk], [:ed25519_sk_key_256, :ed25519_sk] ] end with_them do let(:key) { attributes_for(factory)[:key] } it { is_expected.to eq(type) } end context 'with an invalid SSH key' do let(:key) { 'this is not a key' } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end include_examples 'raises error when the key is represented by a class that is not in the list of supported technologies' end describe '#bits' do subject { public_key.bits } where(:factory, :bits) do [ [:rsa_key_2048, 2048], [:rsa_key_4096, 4096], [:rsa_key_5120, 5120], [:rsa_key_8192, 8192], [:dsa_key_2048, 2048], [:ecdsa_key_256, 256], [:ed25519_key_256, 256], [:ecdsa_sk_key_256, 256], [:ed25519_sk_key_256, 256] ] end with_them do let(:key) { attributes_for(factory)[:key] } it { is_expected.to eq(bits) } end context 'with an invalid SSH key' do let(:key) { 'this is not a key' } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end include_examples 'raises error when the key is represented by a class that is not in the list of supported technologies' end describe '#fingerprint' do subject { public_key.fingerprint } where(:factory, :fingerprint) do [ [:rsa_key_2048, '58:a8:9d:cd:1f:70:f8:5a:d9:e4:24:8e:da:89:e4:fc'], [:rsa_key_4096, 'df:73:db:29:3c:a5:32:cf:09:17:7e:8e:9d:de:d7:f7'], [:rsa_key_5120, 'fe:fa:3a:4d:7d:51:ec:bf:c7:64:0c:96:d0:17:8a:d0'], [:rsa_key_8192, 'fb:53:7f:e9:2f:f7:17:aa:c8:32:52:06:8e:05:e2:82'], [:dsa_key_2048, 'c8:85:1e:df:44:0f:20:00:3c:66:57:2b:21:10:5a:27'], [:ecdsa_key_256, '67:a3:a9:7d:b8:e1:15:d4:80:40:21:34:bb:ed:97:38'], [:ed25519_key_256, 'e6:eb:45:8a:3c:59:35:5f:e9:5b:80:12:be:7e:22:73'], [:ecdsa_sk_key_256, '56:b9:bc:99:3d:2f:cf:63:6b:70:d8:f9:40:7e:09:4c'], [:ed25519_sk_key_256, 'f9:a0:64:0b:4b:72:72:0e:62:92:d7:04:14:74:1c:c9'] ] end with_them do let(:key) { attributes_for(factory)[:key] } it { is_expected.to eq(fingerprint) } end context 'with an invalid SSH key' do let(:key) { 'this is not a key' } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#fingerprint_sha256' do subject { public_key.fingerprint_sha256 } where(:factory, :fingerprint_sha256) do [ [:rsa_key_2048, 'SHA256:GdtgO0eHbwLB+mK47zblkoXujkqKRZjgMQrHH6Kks3E'], [:rsa_key_4096, 'SHA256:ByDU7hQ1JB95l6p53rHrffc4eXvEtqGUtQhS+Dhyy7g'], [:rsa_key_5120, 'SHA256:PCCupLbFHScm4AbEufbGDvhBU27IM0MVAor715qKQK8'], [:rsa_key_8192, 'SHA256:CtHFQAS+9Hb8z4vrv4gVQPsHjNN0WIZhWODaB1mQLs4'], [:dsa_key_2048, 'SHA256:+a3DQ7cU5GM+gaYOfmc0VWNnykHQSuth3VRcCpWuYNI'], [:ecdsa_key_256, 'SHA256:C+I5k3D+IGeM6k5iBR1ZsphqTKV+7uvL/XZ5hcrTr7g'], [:ed25519_key_256, 'SHA256:DCKAjzxWrdOTjaGKBBjtCW8qY5++GaiAJflrHPmp6W0'], [:ecdsa_sk_key_256, 'SHA256:N0sNKBgWKK8usPuPegtgzHQQA9vQ/dRhAEhwFDAnLA4'], [:ed25519_sk_key_256, 'SHA256:U8IKRkIHed6vFMTflwweA3HhIf2DWgZ8EFTm9fgwOUk'] ] end with_them do let(:key) { attributes_for(factory)[:key] } it { is_expected.to eq(fingerprint_sha256) } end context 'with an invalid SSH key' do let(:key) { 'this is not a key' } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#key_text' do where(:key_value) do [ 'this is not a key', nil ] end with_them do let(:key) { key_value } it 'carries the unmodified key data' do expect(public_key.key_text).to eq(key) end end end end