# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Marginalia spec' do class MarginaliaTestController < ActionController::Base def first_user User.first render body: nil end end class MarginaliaTestJob include Sidekiq::Worker def perform User.first end end class MarginaliaTestMailer < ApplicationMailer def first_user User.first end end describe 'For rails web requests' do let(:correlation_id) { SecureRandom.uuid } let(:recorded) { ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { make_request(correlation_id) } } let(:component_map) do { "application" => "test", "controller" => "marginalia_test", "action" => "first_user", "correlation_id" => correlation_id } end context 'when the feature is enabled' do before do stub_feature(true) end it 'generates a query that includes the component and value' do component_map.each do |component, value| expect(recorded.log.last).to include("#{component}:#{value}") end end end context 'when the feature is disabled' do before do stub_feature(false) end it 'excludes annotations in generated queries' do expect(recorded.log.last).not_to include("/*") expect(recorded.log.last).not_to include("*/") end end end describe 'for Sidekiq worker jobs' do around do |example| with_sidekiq_server_middleware do |chain| chain.add Marginalia::SidekiqInstrumentation::Middleware Marginalia.application_name = "sidekiq" example.run end end after(:all) do MarginaliaTestJob.clear end before do MarginaliaTestJob.perform_async end let(:sidekiq_job) { MarginaliaTestJob.jobs.first } let(:recorded) { ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { MarginaliaTestJob.drain } } let(:component_map) do { "application" => "sidekiq", "job_class" => "MarginaliaTestJob", "correlation_id" => sidekiq_job['correlation_id'], "jid" => sidekiq_job['jid'] } end context 'when the feature is enabled' do before do stub_feature(true) end it 'generates a query that includes the component and value' do component_map.each do |component, value| expect(recorded.log.last).to include("#{component}:#{value}") end end describe 'for ActionMailer delivery jobs' do let(:delivery_job) { MarginaliaTestMailer.first_user.deliver_later } let(:recorded) do ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do delivery_job.perform_now end end let(:component_map) do { "application" => "sidekiq", "jid" => delivery_job.job_id, "job_class" => delivery_job.arguments.first } end it 'generates a query that includes the component and value' do component_map.each do |component, value| expect(recorded.log.last).to include("#{component}:#{value}") end end end end context 'when the feature is disabled' do before do stub_feature(false) end it 'excludes annotations in generated queries' do expect(recorded.log.last).not_to include("/*") expect(recorded.log.last).not_to include("*/") end end end def stub_feature(value) stub_feature_flags(marginalia: value) Gitlab::Marginalia.set_enabled_from_feature_flag end def make_request(correlation_id) request_env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/') ::Labkit::Correlation::CorrelationId.use_id(correlation_id) do MarginaliaTestController.action(:first_user).call(request_env) end end end