# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require_migration! RSpec.describe UpdateInvalidDormantUserSetting, :migration do let(:settings) { table(:application_settings) } context 'with no rows in the application_settings table' do it 'does not insert a row' do expect { migrate! }.to not_change { settings.count } end end context 'with a row in the application_settings table' do before do settings.create!(deactivate_dormant_users_period: days) end context 'with deactivate_dormant_users_period set to a value greater than or equal to 90' do let(:days) { 90 } it 'does not update the row' do expect { migrate! } .to not_change { settings.count } .and not_change { settings.first.deactivate_dormant_users_period } end end context 'with deactivate_dormant_users_period set to a value less than or equal to 90' do let(:days) { 1 } it 'updates the existing row' do expect { migrate! } .to not_change { settings.count } .and change { settings.first.deactivate_dormant_users_period } end end end end