# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require Rails.root.join('db', 'post_migrate', '20180202111106_remove_project_labels_group_id.rb') describe RemoveProjectLabelsGroupId, :delete do let(:migration) { described_class.new } let(:group) { create(:group) } # rubocop:disable RSpec/FactoriesInMigrationSpecs let!(:project_label) { create(:label, group_id: group.id) } # rubocop:disable RSpec/FactoriesInMigrationSpecs let!(:group_label) { create(:group_label) } # rubocop:disable RSpec/FactoriesInMigrationSpecs describe '#up' do it 'updates the project labels group ID' do expect { migration.up }.to change { project_label.reload.group_id }.to(nil) end it 'keeps the group labels group ID' do expect { migration.up }.not_to change { group_label.reload.group_id } end end end