require 'spec_helper' describe Identity do describe 'relations' do it { belong_to(:user) } end describe 'fields' do it { respond_to(:provider) } it { respond_to(:extern_uid) } end describe '#is_ldap?' do let(:ldap_identity) { create(:identity, provider: 'ldapmain') } let(:other_identity) { create(:identity, provider: 'twitter') } it 'returns true if it is a ldap identity' do expect(ldap_identity.ldap?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false if it is not a ldap identity' do expect(other_identity.ldap?).to be_falsey end end describe '.with_extern_uid' do context 'LDAP identity' do let!(:ldap_identity) { create(:identity, provider: 'ldapmain', extern_uid: 'uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com') } it 'finds the identity when the DN is formatted differently' do identity = described_class.with_extern_uid('ldapmain', 'uid=John Smith, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com').first expect(identity).to eq(ldap_identity) end end context 'any other provider' do let!(:test_entity) { create(:identity, provider: 'test_provider', extern_uid: 'test_uid') } it 'the extern_uid lookup is case insensitive' do identity = described_class.with_extern_uid('test_provider', 'TEST_UID').first expect(identity).to eq(test_entity) end end end context 'callbacks' do context 'before_save' do describe 'normalizes extern uid' do let!(:ldap_identity) { create(:identity, provider: 'ldapmain', extern_uid: 'uid=john smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com') } it 'if extern_uid changes' do expect(ldap_identity).not_to receive(:ensure_normalized_extern_uid) end it 'if current_uid is nil' do expect(ldap_identity).to receive(:ensure_normalized_extern_uid) ldap_identity.update(extern_uid: nil) expect(ldap_identity.extern_uid).to be_nil end it 'if extern_uid changed and not nil' do ldap_identity.update(extern_uid: 'uid=john1,ou=PEOPLE,dc=example,dc=com') expect(ldap_identity.extern_uid).to eq 'uid=john1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' end end end end end