# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe OauthAccessToken, feature_category: :system_access do let(:app_one) { create(:oauth_application) } let(:app_two) { create(:oauth_application) } let(:app_three) { create(:oauth_application) } let(:token) { create(:oauth_access_token, application_id: app_one.id) } describe 'scopes' do describe '.latest_per_application' do let!(:app_two_token1) { create(:oauth_access_token, application: app_two) } let!(:app_two_token2) { create(:oauth_access_token, application: app_two) } let!(:app_three_token1) { create(:oauth_access_token, application: app_three) } let!(:app_three_token2) { create(:oauth_access_token, application: app_three) } it 'returns only the latest token for each application' do expect(described_class.latest_per_application.map(&:id)) .to match_array([app_two_token2.id, app_three_token2.id]) end end end describe 'Doorkeeper secret storing' do it 'does not have a prefix' do expect(token.plaintext_token).not_to start_with('gl') end it 'stores the token in hashed format' do expect(token.token).not_to eq(token.plaintext_token) end it 'does not allow falling back to plaintext token comparison' do expect(described_class.by_token(token.token)).to be_nil end it 'finds a token by plaintext token' do expect(described_class.by_token(token.plaintext_token)).to be_a(described_class) end context 'when the token is stored in plaintext' do let(:plaintext_token) { Devise.friendly_token(20) } before do token.update_column(:token, plaintext_token) end it 'falls back to plaintext token comparison' do expect(described_class.by_token(plaintext_token)).to be_a(described_class) end end end describe '.matching_token_for' do it 'does not find existing tokens' do expect(described_class.matching_token_for(app_one, token.resource_owner, token.scopes)).to be_nil end end describe '#expires_in' do context 'when token has expires_in value set' do it 'uses the expires_in value' do token = described_class.new(expires_in: 1.minute) expect(token).to be_valid end end context 'when token has nil expires_in' do it 'uses default value' do token = described_class.new(expires_in: nil) expect(token).to be_invalid end end end end