# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fast_spec_helper' require_relative '../../../../scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots' # IMPORTANT NOTE: See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/gitlab_flavored_markdown/specification_guide/#update-example-snapshotsrb-script # for details on the implementation and usage of the `update_example_snapshots.rb` script being tested. # This developers guide contains diagrams and documentation of the script, # including explanations and examples of all files it reads and writes. # # Note that this test is not structured in a traditional way, with multiple examples # to cover all different scenarios. Instead, the content of the stubbed test fixture # files are crafted to cover multiple scenarios with in a single example run. # # This is because the invocation of the full script is slow, because it executes # two subshells for processing, one which runs a full Rails environment, and one # which runs a jest test environment. This results in each full run of the script # taking between 30-60 seconds. The majority of this is spent loading the Rails environment. # # However, only the `with full processing of static and WYSIWYG HTML` context is used # to test these slow sub-processes, and it only contains two examples. # # All other tests currently in the file pass the `skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true` # flag to `#process`, which skips the slow sub-processes. All of these other tests # should run in sub-second time when the Spring pre-loader is used. This allows # logic which is not directly related to the slow sub-processes to be TDD'd with a # very rapid feedback cycle. # # Also, the textual content of the individual fixture file entries is also crafted to help # indicate which scenarios which they are covering. # rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers RSpec.describe Glfm::UpdateExampleSnapshots, '#process', feature_category: :team_planning do subject { described_class.new } # GLFM input files let(:es_snapshot_spec_md_path) { described_class::ES_SNAPSHOT_SPEC_MD_PATH } let(:es_snapshot_spec_md_local_io) { StringIO.new(es_snapshot_spec_md_contents) } let(:glfm_example_status_yml_path) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_STATUS_YML_PATH } let(:glfm_example_metadata_yml_path) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_METADATA_YML_PATH } let(:glfm_example_normalizations_yml_path) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_NORMALIZATIONS_YML_PATH } # Example Snapshot (ES) output files let(:es_examples_index_yml_path) { described_class::ES_EXAMPLES_INDEX_YML_PATH } let(:es_examples_index_yml_io) { StringIO.new } let(:es_markdown_yml_path) { described_class::ES_MARKDOWN_YML_PATH } let(:es_markdown_yml_io) { StringIO.new } let(:es_html_yml_path) { described_class::ES_HTML_YML_PATH } let(:es_html_yml_io_existing) { StringIO.new(es_html_yml_io_existing_contents) } let(:es_html_yml_io) { StringIO.new } let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_path) { described_class::ES_PROSEMIRROR_JSON_YML_PATH } let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_io_existing) { StringIO.new(es_prosemirror_json_yml_io_existing_contents) } let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_io) { StringIO.new } # Internal tempfiles let(:static_html_tempfile_path) { Tempfile.new.path } let(:es_snapshot_spec_md_contents) do <<~MARKDOWN --- title: GitLab Flavored Markdown Spec ... # Inlines ## Strong This example doesn't have an extension after the `example` keyword, so its `source_specification` will be `commonmark`. ```````````````````````````````` example __bold__ .


```````````````````````````````` This example has an extension after the `example` keyword, so its `source_specification` will be `github`. ```````````````````````````````` example some_extension_name __bold with more text__ .

bold with more text

### Motivation This is a third-level heading with no examples, as exists in the actual GHFM specification. It exists to drive a fix for a bug where this caused the indexing and ordering to in examples_index.yml to be incorrect. ### Another H3 This is a second consecutive third-level heading. It exists to drive full code coverage for this scenario, although it doesn't (yet) exist in the actual snapshot_spec.md. ## An H2 with all disabled examples In the GHFM specification, the 'Task list items (extension)' contains only "disabled" examples, which are ignored by the GitHub fork of `spec_test.py`, and thus not part of the Markdown conformance tests, but are part of the HTML-rendered version of the specification. We also exclude them from our GLFM specification for consistency, but we may add GitLab-specific examples for the behavior instead. ```````````````````````````````` example disabled this example is disabled during conformance testing .

this example is disabled during conformance testing

```````````````````````````````` ## Strikethrough (extension) GFM enables the `strikethrough` extension. ```````````````````````````````` example strikethrough ~~Hi~~ Hello, world! .

Hi Hello, world!

End of last GitHub examples section. # First GitLab-Specific Section with Examples ## Strong but with two asterisks ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab **bold** .


```````````````````````````````` ## H2 which contains an H3 ### Example in an H3 The CommonMark and GHFM specifications don't have any examples inside an H3, but it is supported for the GLFM specification. ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab Example in an H3 .

Example in an H3

```````````````````````````````` # Second GitLab-Specific Section with Examples ## Strong but with HTML This example has the `gitlab` keyword after the `example` keyword, so its `source_specification` will be `gitlab`. ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab bold .


```````````````````````````````` # Third GitLab-Specific Section with skipped Examples ## Strong but skipped ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab **this example will be skipped** .

this example will be skipped

```````````````````````````````` ## Strong but manually modified and skipped ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab **This example will have its manually modified static HTML, WYSIWYG HTML, and ProseMirror JSON preserved** .

This example will have its manually modified static HTML, WYSIWYG HTML, and ProseMirror JSON preserved

```````````````````````````````` # API Request Overrides This section contains examples which verify that all of the fixture models which are set up in `render_static_html.rb` are correctly configured. They exercise various `preview_markdown` endpoints via `glfm_example_metadata.yml`. ## Group Upload Link `preview_markdown` exercising `groups` API endpoint and `UploadLinkFilter`: ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab [groups-test-file](/uploads/groups-test-file) .


```````````````````````````````` ## Project Repo Link `preview_markdown` exercising `projects` API endpoint and `RepositoryLinkFilter`: ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab [projects-test-file](projects-test-file) .


```````````````````````````````` ## Project Snippet Ref `preview_markdown` exercising `projects` API endpoint and `SnippetReferenceFilter`: ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888 .

This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888 ```````````````````````````````` ## Personal Snippet Ref `preview_markdown` exercising personal (non-project) `snippets` API endpoint. This is only used by the comment field on personal snippets. It has no unique custom markdown extension behavior, and specifically does not render snippet references via `SnippetReferenceFilter`, even if the ID is valid. ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999 .

This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999

```````````````````````````````` ## Project Wiki Link `preview_markdown` exercising project `wikis` API endpoint and `WikiLinkFilter`: ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab [project-wikis-test-file](project-wikis-test-file) .


```````````````````````````````` MARKDOWN end let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: # The skip_update_example_snapshots key is present, but false, so this example is not skipped skip_update_example_snapshots: false 02_01_00__inlines__strong__002: # It is OK to have an empty (nil) value for an example statuses entry, it means they will all be false. 05_01_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_skipped__001: # Always skip this example skip_update_example_snapshots: 'skipping this example because it is very bad' 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: # Always skip this example, but preserve the existing manual modifications skip_update_example_snapshots: 'skipping this example because we have manually modified it' YAML end let(:glfm_example_metadata_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 06_01_00__api_request_overrides__group_upload_link__001: api_request_override_path: /groups/glfm_group/preview_markdown 06_02_00__api_request_overrides__project_repo_link__001: api_request_override_path: /glfm_group/glfm_project/preview_markdown 06_03_00__api_request_overrides__project_snippet_ref__001: api_request_override_path: /glfm_group/glfm_project/preview_markdown 06_04_00__api_request_overrides__personal_snippet_ref__001: api_request_override_path: /-/snippets/preview_markdown 06_05_00__api_request_overrides__project_wiki_link__001: api_request_override_path: /glfm_group/glfm_project/-/wikis/new_page/preview_markdown YAML end let(:test1) { '\1\2URI_PREFIX\4' } let(:glfm_example_normalizations_yml_contents) do # NOTE: This heredoc identifier must be quoted because we are using control characters in the heredoc body. # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/73831037/25192 <<~'YAML' --- # If a config file entry starts with `00_`, it will be skipped for validation that it exists in `examples_index.yml` 00_shared: 00_uri: &00_uri - regex: '(href|data-src)(=")(.*?)(test-file\.(png|zip)")' replacement: '\1\2URI_PREFIX\4' YAML end let(:es_html_yml_io_existing_contents) do <<~YAML --- 01_00_00__obsolete_entry_to_be_deleted__001: canonical: | This entry is no longer exists in the snapshot_spec.md, so it will be deleted. static: |- This entry is no longer exists in the snapshot_spec.md, so it will be deleted. wysiwyg: |- This entry is no longer exists in the snapshot_spec.md, so it will be deleted. 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: canonical: | This entry is existing, but not skipped, so it will be overwritten. static: |- This entry is existing, but not skipped, so it will be overwritten. wysiwyg: |- This entry is existing, but not skipped, so it will be overwritten. 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: canonical: |

This example will have its manually modified static HTML, WYSIWYG HTML, and ProseMirror JSON preserved

static: |-

This is the manually modified static HTML which will be preserved

wysiwyg: |-

This is the manually modified WYSIWYG HTML which will be preserved

YAML end let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_io_existing_contents) do <<~YAML --- 01_00_00__obsolete_entry_to_be_deleted__001: |- { "obsolete": "This entry is no longer exists in the snapshot_spec.md, and is not skipped, so it will be deleted." } 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: |- { "existing": "This entry is existing, but not skipped, so it will be overwritten." } 02_03_00__inlines__strikethrough_extension__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "~~Hi~~ Hello, world!" } ] } ] } 04_01_00__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__001: |- { "existing": "This entry is manually modified and preserved because skip_update_example_snapshot_prosemirror_json will be truthy" } 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: |- { "existing": "This entry is manually modified and preserved because skip_update_example_snapshots will be truthy" } YAML end before do # We mock out the URI and local file IO objects with real StringIO, instead of just mock # objects. This gives better and more realistic coverage, while still avoiding # actual network and filesystem I/O during the spec run. # input files allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_snapshot_spec_md_path) { es_snapshot_spec_md_local_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_example_status_yml_path) do StringIO.new(glfm_example_status_yml_contents) end allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_example_metadata_yml_path) do StringIO.new(glfm_example_metadata_yml_contents) end allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_example_normalizations_yml_path) do StringIO.new(glfm_example_normalizations_yml_contents) end # output files allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_examples_index_yml_path, 'w') { es_examples_index_yml_io } # output files which are also input files allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_markdown_yml_path, 'w') { es_markdown_yml_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_markdown_yml_path) { es_markdown_yml_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_html_yml_path, 'w') { es_html_yml_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_html_yml_path) { es_html_yml_io_existing } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_prosemirror_json_yml_path, 'w') { es_prosemirror_json_yml_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_prosemirror_json_yml_path) { es_prosemirror_json_yml_io_existing } # Allow normal opening of Tempfile files created during script execution. tempfile_basenames = [ described_class::MARKDOWN_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0], described_class::METADATA_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0], described_class::STATIC_HTML_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0], described_class::WYSIWYG_HTML_AND_JSON_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0] ].join('|') # NOTE: This approach with a single regex seems to be the only way this can work. If you # attempt to have multiple `allow...and_call_original` with `any_args`, the mocked # parameter matching will fail to match the second one. tempfiles_regex = /(#{tempfile_basenames})/ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(tempfiles_regex, any_args).and_call_original # Prevent console output when running tests allow(subject).to receive(:output) end describe 'glfm_example_status.yml' do describe 'when skip_update_example_snapshots entry is truthy' do let(:es_examples_index_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_examples_index_yml_io) } let(:es_markdown_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_markdown_yml_io) } let(:expected_unskipped_example) do /05_01_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_skipped__001/ end it 'still writes the example to examples_index.yml' do subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) expect(es_examples_index_yml_contents).to match(expected_unskipped_example) end it 'still writes the example to markdown.yml' do subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) expect(es_markdown_yml_contents).to match(expected_unskipped_example) end describe 'when any other skip_update_example_snapshot_* is also truthy' do let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: skip_update_example_snapshots: 'if the skip_update_example_snapshots key is truthy...' skip_update_example_snapshot_html_static: '...then no other skip_update_example_* keys can be truthy' YAML end it 'raises an error' do expected_msg = "Error: '02_01_00__inlines__strong__001' must not have any 'skip_update_example_snapshot_*' " \ "values specified if 'skip_update_example_snapshots' is truthy" expect { subject.process }.to raise_error(/#{Regexp.escape(expected_msg)}/) end end end end describe 'writing examples_index.yml' do let(:es_examples_index_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_examples_index_yml_io) } let(:expected_examples_index_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: spec_example_position: 1 source_specification: commonmark 02_01_00__inlines__strong__002: spec_example_position: 2 source_specification: github 02_03_00__inlines__strikethrough_extension__001: spec_example_position: 4 source_specification: github 03_01_00__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__001: spec_example_position: 5 source_specification: gitlab 03_02_01__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__h2_which_contains_an_h3__example_in_an_h3__001: spec_example_position: 6 source_specification: gitlab 04_01_00__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__001: spec_example_position: 7 source_specification: gitlab 05_01_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_skipped__001: spec_example_position: 8 source_specification: gitlab 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: spec_example_position: 9 source_specification: gitlab 06_01_00__api_request_overrides__group_upload_link__001: spec_example_position: 10 source_specification: gitlab 06_02_00__api_request_overrides__project_repo_link__001: spec_example_position: 11 source_specification: gitlab 06_03_00__api_request_overrides__project_snippet_ref__001: spec_example_position: 12 source_specification: gitlab 06_04_00__api_request_overrides__personal_snippet_ref__001: spec_example_position: 13 source_specification: gitlab 06_05_00__api_request_overrides__project_wiki_link__001: spec_example_position: 14 source_specification: gitlab YAML end it 'writes the correct content' do subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) expect(es_examples_index_yml_contents).to eq(expected_examples_index_yml_contents) end end describe 'writing markdown.yml' do let(:es_markdown_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_markdown_yml_io) } let(:expected_markdown_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: | __bold__ 02_01_00__inlines__strong__002: | __bold with more text__ 02_03_00__inlines__strikethrough_extension__001: | ~~Hi~~ Hello, world! 03_01_00__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__001: | **bold** 03_02_01__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__h2_which_contains_an_h3__example_in_an_h3__001: | Example in an H3 04_01_00__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__001: | bold 05_01_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_skipped__001: | **this example will be skipped** 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: | **This example will have its manually modified static HTML, WYSIWYG HTML, and ProseMirror JSON preserved** 06_01_00__api_request_overrides__group_upload_link__001: | [groups-test-file](/uploads/groups-test-file) 06_02_00__api_request_overrides__project_repo_link__001: | [projects-test-file](projects-test-file) 06_03_00__api_request_overrides__project_snippet_ref__001: | This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888 06_04_00__api_request_overrides__personal_snippet_ref__001: | This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999 06_05_00__api_request_overrides__project_wiki_link__001: | [project-wikis-test-file](project-wikis-test-file) YAML end it 'writes the correct content' do subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) expect(es_markdown_yml_contents).to eq(expected_markdown_yml_contents) end end describe 'error handling when manually-curated input specification config files contain invalid example names:' do let(:err_msg) do /#{config_file}.*01_00_00__invalid__001.*does not have.*entry in.*#{described_class::ES_EXAMPLES_INDEX_YML_PATH}/m end let(:invalid_example_name_file_contents) do <<~YAML --- 01_00_00__invalid__001: a: 1 YAML end context 'for glfm_example_status.yml' do let(:config_file) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_STATUS_YML_PATH } let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) { invalid_example_name_file_contents } it 'raises error' do expect { subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) }.to raise_error(err_msg) end end context 'for glfm_example_metadata.yml' do let(:config_file) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_METADATA_YML_PATH } let(:glfm_example_metadata_yml_contents) { invalid_example_name_file_contents } it 'raises error' do expect { subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) }.to raise_error(err_msg) end end context 'for glfm_example_normalizations.yml' do let(:config_file) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_NORMALIZATIONS_YML_PATH } let(:glfm_example_normalizations_yml_contents) { invalid_example_name_file_contents } it 'raises error' do expect { subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true) }.to raise_error(err_msg) end end end context 'with full processing of static and WYSIWYG HTML' do before(:all) do # NOTE: It is a necessary to do a `yarn install` in order to ensure that # `scripts/lib/glfm/render_wysiwyg_html_and_json.js` can be invoked successfully # on the CI job (which will not be set up for frontend specs since this is # an RSpec spec), or if the current yarn dependencies are not installed locally. described_class.new.run_external_cmd('yarn install --frozen-lockfile') end describe 'manually-curated input specification config files' do let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) { '' } let(:glfm_example_metadata_yml_contents) { '' } let(:glfm_example_normalizations_yml_contents) { '' } it 'can be empty' do expect { subject.process }.not_to raise_error end end describe 'writing html.yml and prosemirror_json.yml' do let(:es_html_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_html_yml_io) } let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_prosemirror_json_yml_io) } # NOTE: This example_status.yml is crafted in conjunction with expected_html_yml_contents # to test the behavior of the `skip_update_*` flags let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__002: # NOTE: 02_01_00__inlines__strong__002: is omitted from the existing prosemirror_json.yml file, and is also # skipped here, to show that an example does not need to exist in order to be skipped. # TODO: This should be changed to raise an error instead, to enforce that there cannot be orphaned # entries in glfm_example_status.yml. This task is captured in # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/361241#other-cleanup-tasks skip_update_example_snapshot_prosemirror_json: "skipping because JSON isn't cool enough" 03_01_00__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__001: skip_update_example_snapshot_html_static: "skipping because there's too much static" 04_01_00__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__001: skip_update_example_snapshot_html_wysiwyg: 'skipping because what you see is NOT what you get' skip_update_example_snapshot_prosemirror_json: "skipping because JSON still isn't cool enough" 05_01_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_skipped__001: skip_update_example_snapshots: 'skipping this example because it is very bad' 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: skip_update_example_snapshots: 'skipping this example because we have manually modified it' YAML end let(:expected_html_yml_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: canonical: |


static: |-


wysiwyg: |-


02_01_00__inlines__strong__002: canonical: |

bold with more text

static: |-

bold with more text

wysiwyg: |-

bold with more text

02_03_00__inlines__strikethrough_extension__001: canonical: |

Hi Hello, world!

static: |-

Hi Hello, world!

wysiwyg: |-

Hi Hello, world!

03_01_00__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__001: canonical: |


wysiwyg: |-


03_02_01__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__h2_which_contains_an_h3__example_in_an_h3__001: canonical: |

Example in an H3

static: |-

Example in an H3

wysiwyg: |-

Example in an H3

04_01_00__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__001: canonical: |


static: |- bold 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: canonical: |

This example will have its manually modified static HTML, WYSIWYG HTML, and ProseMirror JSON preserved

static: |-

This is the manually modified static HTML which will be preserved

wysiwyg: |-

This is the manually modified WYSIWYG HTML which will be preserved

06_01_00__api_request_overrides__group_upload_link__001: canonical: |


static: |-


wysiwyg: |-


06_02_00__api_request_overrides__project_repo_link__001: canonical: |


static: |-


wysiwyg: |-


06_03_00__api_request_overrides__project_snippet_ref__001: canonical: |

This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888 static: |-

This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888

wysiwyg: |-

This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888

06_04_00__api_request_overrides__personal_snippet_ref__001: canonical: |

This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999

static: |-

This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999

wysiwyg: |-

This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999

06_05_00__api_request_overrides__project_wiki_link__001: canonical: |


static: |-


wysiwyg: |-


YAML end let(:expected_prosemirror_json_contents) do <<~YAML --- 02_01_00__inlines__strong__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "marks": [ { "type": "bold" } ], "text": "bold" } ] } ] } 02_03_00__inlines__strikethrough_extension__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "marks": [ { "type": "strike" } ], "text": "Hi" }, { "type": "text", "text": " Hello, world!" } ] } ] } 03_01_00__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "marks": [ { "type": "bold" } ], "text": "bold" } ] } ] } 03_02_01__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__h2_which_contains_an_h3__example_in_an_h3__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Example in an H3" } ] } ] } 04_01_00__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__001: |- { "existing": "This entry is manually modified and preserved because skip_update_example_snapshot_prosemirror_json will be truthy" } 05_02_00__third_gitlab_specific_section_with_skipped_examples__strong_but_manually_modified_and_skipped__001: |- { "existing": "This entry is manually modified and preserved because skip_update_example_snapshots will be truthy" } 06_01_00__api_request_overrides__group_upload_link__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "marks": [ { "type": "link", "attrs": { "href": "/uploads/groups-test-file", "target": "_blank", "class": null, "title": null, "canonicalSrc": "/uploads/groups-test-file", "isReference": false } } ], "text": "groups-test-file" } ] } ] } 06_02_00__api_request_overrides__project_repo_link__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "marks": [ { "type": "link", "attrs": { "href": "projects-test-file", "target": "_blank", "class": null, "title": null, "canonicalSrc": "projects-test-file", "isReference": false } } ], "text": "projects-test-file" } ] } ] } 06_03_00__api_request_overrides__project_snippet_ref__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "This project snippet ID reference IS filtered: $88888" } ] } ] } 06_04_00__api_request_overrides__personal_snippet_ref__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "This personal snippet ID reference is NOT filtered: $99999" } ] } ] } 06_05_00__api_request_overrides__project_wiki_link__001: |- { "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "marks": [ { "type": "link", "attrs": { "href": "project-wikis-test-file", "target": "_blank", "class": null, "title": null, "canonicalSrc": "project-wikis-test-file", "isReference": false } } ], "text": "project-wikis-test-file" } ] } ] } YAML end # NOTE: Both `html.yml` and `prosemirror_json.yml` generation are tested in a single example, to # avoid slower tests, because generating the static HTML is slow due to the need to invoke # the rails environment. We could have separate sections, but this would require an extra flag # to the `process` method to independently skip static vs. WYSIWYG, which is not worth the effort. it 'writes the correct content', :unlimited_max_formatted_output_length do # expectation that skipping message is only output once per example expect(subject).to receive(:output).once.with(/reason.*skipping this example because it is very bad/i) subject.process expect(es_html_yml_contents).to eq(expected_html_yml_contents) expect(es_prosemirror_json_yml_contents).to eq(expected_prosemirror_json_contents) end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers def reread_io(io) # Reset the io StringIO to the beginning position of the buffer io.seek(0) io.read end end