# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fast_spec_helper' require_relative '../../../../scripts/lib/glfm/update_specification' require_relative '../../../support/helpers/next_instance_of' # IMPORTANT NOTE: See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/gitlab_flavored_markdown/specification_guide/#update-specificationrb-script # for details on the implementation and usage of the `update_specification.rb` script being tested. # This developers guide contains diagrams and documentation of the script, # including explanations and examples of all files it reads and writes. # # Note that this test is not structured in a traditional way, with multiple examples # to cover all different scenarios. Instead, the content of the stubbed test fixture # files are crafted to cover multiple scenarios with in a single example run. # # This is because the invocation of the full script is slow, because it executes # a subshell for processing, which runs a full Rails environment. # This results in each full run of the script taking between 30-60 seconds. # The majority of this is spent loading the Rails environment. # # However, only the `with generation of spec.html` context is used # to test this slow sub-process, and it only contains one example. # # All other tests currently in the file pass the `skip_spec_html_generation: true` # flag to `#process`, which skips the slow sub-process. All of these other tests # should run in sub-second time when the Spring pre-loader is used. This allows # logic which is not directly related to the slow sub-processes to be TDD'd with a # very rapid feedback cycle. RSpec.describe Glfm::UpdateSpecification, '#process', feature_category: :team_planning do include NextInstanceOf subject { described_class.new } let(:ghfm_spec_txt_uri) { described_class::GHFM_SPEC_TXT_URI } let(:ghfm_spec_txt_uri_parsed) { instance_double(URI::HTTPS, :ghfm_spec_txt_uri_parsed) } let(:ghfm_spec_txt_uri_io) { StringIO.new(ghfm_spec_txt_contents) } let(:ghfm_spec_md_path) { described_class::GHFM_SPEC_MD_PATH } let(:ghfm_spec_txt_local_io) { StringIO.new(ghfm_spec_txt_contents) } let(:glfm_official_specification_md_path) { described_class::GLFM_OFFICIAL_SPECIFICATION_MD_PATH } let(:glfm_official_specification_md_io) { StringIO.new(glfm_official_specification_md_contents) } let(:glfm_internal_extensions_md_path) { described_class::GLFM_INTERNAL_EXTENSIONS_MD_PATH } let(:glfm_internal_extensions_md_io) { StringIO.new(glfm_internal_extensions_md_contents) } let(:glfm_spec_txt_path) { described_class::GLFM_SPEC_TXT_PATH } let(:glfm_spec_txt_io) { StringIO.new } let(:glfm_spec_html_path) { described_class::GLFM_SPEC_HTML_PATH } let(:glfm_spec_html_io) { StringIO.new } let(:es_snapshot_spec_md_path) { described_class::ES_SNAPSHOT_SPEC_MD_PATH } let(:es_snapshot_spec_md_io) { StringIO.new } let(:es_snapshot_spec_html_path) { described_class::ES_SNAPSHOT_SPEC_HTML_PATH } let(:es_snapshot_spec_html_io) { StringIO.new } let(:markdown_tempfile_io) { StringIO.new } let(:ghfm_spec_txt_examples) do <<~MARKDOWN # Section with examples ## Emphasis and strong ```````````````````````````````` example _EMPHASIS LINE 1_ _EMPHASIS LINE 2_ .


```````````````````````````````` ```````````````````````````````` example __STRONG!__ .


```````````````````````````````` End of last GitHub examples section. MARKDOWN end let(:ghfm_spec_txt_contents) do <<~MARKDOWN --- title: GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec version: 0.29 date: '2019-04-06' license: '[CC-BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)' ... # Introduction GHFM Intro. #{ghfm_spec_txt_examples} # Appendix Appendix text. MARKDOWN end let(:glfm_official_specification_md_examples) do <<~MARKDOWN # Official Specification Section with Examples ```````````````````````````````` example official example .

official example

```````````````````````````````` MARKDOWN end let(:glfm_official_specification_md_contents) do <<~MARKDOWN GLFM official text before examples #{described_class::BEGIN_TESTS_COMMENT_LINE_TEXT} #{glfm_official_specification_md_examples} #{described_class::END_TESTS_COMMENT_LINE_TEXT} GLFM official text after examples MARKDOWN end let(:glfm_internal_extensions_md_examples) do <<~MARKDOWN # Internal Extension Section with Examples ```````````````````````````````` example internal example .

internal extension example

```````````````````````````````` MARKDOWN end let(:glfm_internal_extensions_md_contents) do <<~MARKDOWN #{described_class::BEGIN_TESTS_COMMENT_LINE_TEXT} #{glfm_internal_extensions_md_examples} #{described_class::END_TESTS_COMMENT_LINE_TEXT} MARKDOWN end before do # Mock default ENV var values stub_env('UPDATE_GHFM_SPEC_MD') # We mock out the URI and local file IO objects with real StringIO, instead of just mock # objects. This gives better and more realistic coverage, while still avoiding # actual network and filesystem I/O during the spec run. # input files allow(URI).to receive(:parse).with(ghfm_spec_txt_uri).and_return(ghfm_spec_txt_uri_parsed) allow(ghfm_spec_txt_uri_parsed).to receive(:open).and_return(ghfm_spec_txt_uri_io) allow(File).to receive(:open).with(ghfm_spec_md_path) { ghfm_spec_txt_local_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_official_specification_md_path) do glfm_official_specification_md_io end allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_internal_extensions_md_path) do glfm_internal_extensions_md_io end # output files allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_spec_txt_path, 'w') { glfm_spec_txt_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_spec_html_path, 'w') { glfm_spec_html_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_snapshot_spec_md_path, 'w') { es_snapshot_spec_md_io } allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_snapshot_spec_html_path, 'w') { es_snapshot_spec_html_io } # Allow normal opening of Tempfile files created during script execution. tempfile_basenames = [ described_class::MARKDOWN_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0], described_class::STATIC_HTML_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0] ].join('|') # NOTE: This approach with a single regex seems to be the only way this can work. If you # attempt to have multiple `allow...and_call_original` with `any_args`, the mocked # parameter matching will fail to match the second one. tempfiles_regex = /(#{tempfile_basenames})/ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(tempfiles_regex, any_args).and_call_original # Prevent console output when running tests allow(subject).to receive(:output) end describe 'retrieving latest GHFM spec.txt' do context 'when UPDATE_GHFM_SPEC_MD is not true (default)' do it 'does not download' do expect(URI).not_to receive(:parse).with(ghfm_spec_txt_uri) subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) expect(reread_io(ghfm_spec_txt_local_io)).to eq(ghfm_spec_txt_contents) end end context 'when UPDATE_GHFM_SPEC_MD is true' do let(:ghfm_spec_txt_local_io) { StringIO.new } before do stub_env('UPDATE_GHFM_SPEC_MD', 'true') allow(File).to receive(:open).with(ghfm_spec_md_path, 'w') { ghfm_spec_txt_local_io } end context 'with success' do it 'downloads and saves' do subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) expect(reread_io(ghfm_spec_txt_local_io)).to eq(ghfm_spec_txt_contents) end end context 'with error handling' do context 'with a version mismatch' do let(:ghfm_spec_txt_contents) do <<~MARKDOWN --- title: GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec version: 0.30 ... MARKDOWN end it 'raises an error' do expect do subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) end.to raise_error /version mismatch.*expected.*29.*got.*30/i end end context 'with a failed read of file lines' do let(:ghfm_spec_txt_contents) { '' } it 'raises an error if lines cannot be read' do expect { subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) }.to raise_error /unable to read lines/i end end context 'with a failed re-read of file string' do before do allow(ghfm_spec_txt_uri_io).to receive(:read).and_return(nil) end it 'raises an error if file is blank' do expect { subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) }.to raise_error /unable to read string/i end end end end end describe 'writing output_spec/spec.txt' do let(:glfm_spec_txt_contents) { reread_io(glfm_spec_txt_io) } before do subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) end it 'includes only the header and official examples' do expected = described_class::GLFM_SPEC_TXT_HEADER + glfm_official_specification_md_contents expect(glfm_spec_txt_contents).to eq(expected) end end describe 'writing output_example_snapshots/snapshot_spec.md' do let(:es_snapshot_spec_md_contents) { reread_io(es_snapshot_spec_md_io) } context 'with valid glfm_internal_extensions.md' do before do subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) end it 'replaces the header text with the GitLab version' do expect(es_snapshot_spec_md_contents).not_to match(/GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec/m) expect(es_snapshot_spec_md_contents).not_to match(/^version: \d\.\d/m) expect(es_snapshot_spec_md_contents).not_to match(/^date: /m) expect(es_snapshot_spec_md_contents).to match(/#{Regexp.escape(described_class::ES_SNAPSHOT_SPEC_MD_HEADER)}/mo) end it 'includes header and all examples', :unlimited_max_formatted_output_length do # rubocop:disable Style/StringConcatenation (string contatenation is more readable) expected = described_class::ES_SNAPSHOT_SPEC_MD_HEADER + ghfm_spec_txt_examples + "\n" + glfm_official_specification_md_examples + "\n\n" + # NOTE: We want a blank line between the official and internal examples glfm_internal_extensions_md_examples + "\n" # rubocop:enable Style/StringConcatenation expect(es_snapshot_spec_md_contents).to eq(expected) end end context 'with invalid non-example content in glfm_internal_extensions.md' do let(:glfm_internal_extensions_md_contents) do <<~MARKDOWN THIS TEXT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THIS FILE, ONLY EXAMPLES IN BEGIN/END TEST BLOCK ARE ALLOWED #{described_class::BEGIN_TESTS_COMMENT_LINE_TEXT} #{glfm_internal_extensions_md_examples} #{described_class::END_TESTS_COMMENT_LINE_TEXT} MARKDOWN end it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.process(skip_spec_html_generation: true) }.to raise_error /no content is allowed outside/i end end end # rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers describe 'writing output html files' do let(:spec_html_contents) { reread_io(glfm_spec_html_io) } let(:snapshot_spec_html_contents) { reread_io(es_snapshot_spec_html_io) } before do subject.process end it 'renders expected HTML', :unlimited_max_formatted_output_length do # NOTE: We do all assertions for both output HTML files in this same `it` example block, # because calling a full `subject.process` without `skip_spec_html_generation: true` # is very slow, and want to avoid doing it multiple times # # We also do fairly loose and minimal assertions around the basic structure of the files. # Otherwise, if we asserted the complete exact structure of the HTML, this would be a # brittle test which would breaks every time that something minor changed around the # GLFM rendering. E.g. classes, ids, attribute ordering, etc. All of this behavior # should be thoroughly covered elsewhere by other testing. If there are regressions # in the update specification logic in the future which are not caught by this example, # additional test coverage can be added as necessary. # -------------------- # spec.html assertions # -------------------- # correct title should in a header expect(spec_html_contents).to match(%r{}o) # correct text should be included with correct ordering expect(spec_html_contents) .to match(%r{official text before.*official example.*official text after}m) # ----------------------------- # snapshot_spec.html assertions # ----------------------------- # correct title should in a header expect(snapshot_spec_html_contents).to match(%r{}o) # correct example text should be included expect(snapshot_spec_html_contents) .to match(%r{internal example}m) # ----------------------------- # general formatting assertions # ----------------------------- md = '_EMPHASIS LINE 1_' html = '<em>EMPHASIS LINE 1</em>' # examples should have markdown and HTML in separate pre+code blocks expected_example_1_regex = ".*" expect(snapshot_spec_html_contents).to match(%r{#{expected_example_1_regex}}m) # examples should have proper divs prepended for numbering, links, and styling empty_div_for_example_class = '
' examplenum_div = '' expect(snapshot_spec_html_contents) .to match(%r{#{empty_div_for_example_class}\n#{examplenum_div}.*#{expected_example_1_regex}.*}m) end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers def reread_io(io) # Reset the io StringIO to the beginning position of the buffer io.seek(0) io.read end end