# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe MergeRequestPollCachedWidgetEntity do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:project, refind: true) { create :project, :repository } let_it_be(:resource, refind: true) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } let(:request) { double('request', current_user: user, project: project) } subject do described_class.new(resource, request: request).as_json end it 'has the latest sha of the target branch' do is_expected.to include(:target_branch_sha) end it 'has public_merge_status as merge_status' do expect(resource).to receive(:public_merge_status).and_return('checking') expect(subject[:merge_status]).to eq 'checking' end it 'has blob path data' do allow(resource).to receive_messages( base_pipeline: pipeline, head_pipeline: pipeline ) expect(subject).to include(:blob_path) expect(subject[:blob_path]).to include(:base_path) expect(subject[:blob_path]).to include(:head_path) end describe 'diverged_commits_count' do context 'when MR open and its diverging' do it 'returns diverged commits count' do allow(resource).to receive_messages(open?: true, diverged_from_target_branch?: true, diverged_commits_count: 10) expect(subject[:diverged_commits_count]).to eq(10) end end context 'when MR is not open' do it 'returns 0' do allow(resource).to receive_messages(open?: false) expect(subject[:diverged_commits_count]).to be_zero end end context 'when MR is not diverging' do it 'returns 0' do allow(resource).to receive_messages(open?: true, diverged_from_target_branch?: false) expect(subject[:diverged_commits_count]).to be_zero end end end describe 'diff_head_sha' do before do allow(resource).to receive(:diff_head_sha) { 'sha' } end context 'when diff head commit is empty' do it 'returns nil' do allow(resource).to receive(:diff_head_sha) { '' } expect(subject[:diff_head_sha]).to be_nil end end context 'when diff head commit present' do it 'returns diff head commit short id' do expect(subject[:diff_head_sha]).to eq('sha') end end end describe 'metrics' do context 'when metrics record exists with merged data' do before do resource.mark_as_merged! resource.metrics.update!(merged_by: user) end it 'matches merge request metrics schema' do expect(subject[:metrics].with_indifferent_access) .to match_schema('entities/merge_request_metrics') end it 'returns values from metrics record' do expect(subject.dig(:metrics, :merged_by, :id)) .to eq(resource.metrics.merged_by_id) end end context 'when metrics record exists with closed data' do before do resource.close! resource.metrics.update!(latest_closed_by: user) end it 'matches merge request metrics schema' do expect(subject[:metrics].with_indifferent_access) .to match_schema('entities/merge_request_metrics') end it 'returns values from metrics record' do expect(subject.dig(:metrics, :closed_by, :id)) .to eq(resource.metrics.latest_closed_by_id) end end context 'when metrics does not exists' do before do resource.mark_as_merged! resource.metrics.destroy! resource.reload end context 'when events exists' do let!(:closed_event) { create(:event, :closed, project: project, target: resource) } let!(:merge_event) { create(:event, :merged, project: project, target: resource) } it 'matches merge request metrics schema' do expect(subject[:metrics].with_indifferent_access) .to match_schema('entities/merge_request_metrics') end it 'returns values from events record' do expect(subject.dig(:metrics, :merged_by, :id)) .to eq(merge_event.author_id) expect(subject.dig(:metrics, :closed_by, :id)) .to eq(closed_event.author_id) expect(subject.dig(:metrics, :merged_at).to_s) .to eq(merge_event.updated_at.to_s) expect(subject.dig(:metrics, :closed_at).to_s) .to eq(closed_event.updated_at.to_s) end end context 'when events does not exists' do it 'matches merge request metrics schema' do expect(subject[:metrics].with_indifferent_access) .to match_schema('entities/merge_request_metrics') end end end end describe 'commits_without_merge_commits' do def find_matching_commit(short_id) resource.commits.find { |c| c.short_id == short_id } end it 'does not include merge commits' do commits_in_widget = subject[:commits_without_merge_commits] expect(commits_in_widget.length).to be < resource.commits.length expect(commits_in_widget.length).to eq(resource.commits.without_merge_commits.length) commits_in_widget.each do |c| expect(find_matching_commit(c[:short_id]).merge_commit?).to eq(false) end end end describe 'auto merge' do context 'when auto merge is enabled' do let(:resource) { create(:merge_request, :merge_when_pipeline_succeeds) } it 'returns auto merge related information' do expect(subject[:auto_merge_enabled]).to be_truthy end end context 'when auto merge is not enabled' do it 'returns auto merge related information' do expect(subject[:auto_merge_enabled]).to be_falsy end end end describe 'squash defaults for projects' do where(:squash_option, :value, :default, :readonly) do 'always' | true | true | true 'never' | false | false | true 'default_on' | false | true | false 'default_off' | false | false | false end with_them do before do project.project_setting.update!(squash_option: squash_option) end it 'the key reflects the correct value' do expect(subject[:squash_on_merge]).to eq(value) expect(subject[:squash_enabled_by_default]).to eq(default) expect(subject[:squash_readonly]).to eq(readonly) end end end describe 'attributes for squash commit message' do context 'when merge request is mergeable' do before do stub_const('MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE', 20) end it 'has default_squash_commit_message and commits_without_merge_commits' do expect(subject[:default_squash_commit_message]) .to eq(resource.default_squash_commit_message) expect(subject[:commits_without_merge_commits].size).to eq(12) end end end describe 'pipeline' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, ref: resource.source_branch, sha: resource.source_branch_sha, head_pipeline_of: resource) } before do allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequestPresenter).to receive(:can?).and_call_original allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequestPresenter).to receive(:can?).with(user, :read_pipeline, anything).and_return(can_access) end context 'when user has access to pipelines' do let(:can_access) { true } context 'when is up to date' do let(:req) { double('request', current_user: user, project: project) } it 'returns pipeline' do pipeline_payload = MergeRequests::PipelineEntity .represent(pipeline, request: req) .as_json expect(subject[:pipeline]).to eq(pipeline_payload) end end context 'when user does not have access to pipelines' do let(:can_access) { false } let(:req) { double('request', current_user: user, project: project) } it 'does not have pipeline' do expect(subject[:pipeline]).to eq(nil) end end context 'when is not up to date' do it 'returns nil' do pipeline.update!(sha: "not up to date") expect(subject[:pipeline]).to eq(nil) end end end end describe 'merge_pipeline' do it 'returns nil' do expect(subject[:merge_pipeline]).to be_nil end context 'when is merged' do let(:resource) { create(:merged_merge_request, source_project: project, merge_commit_sha: project.commit.id) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, ref: resource.target_branch, sha: resource.merge_commit_sha) } before do project.add_maintainer(user) end it 'returns merge_pipeline' do pipeline.reload pipeline_payload = MergeRequests::PipelineEntity .represent(pipeline, request: request) .as_json expect(subject[:merge_pipeline]).to eq(pipeline_payload) end context 'when user cannot read pipelines on target project' do before do project.add_guest(user) end it 'returns nil' do expect(subject[:merge_pipeline]).to be_nil end end end end describe 'ci related paths' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:path_field, :method_for_existence_check) do :terraform_reports_path | :has_terraform_reports? :accessibility_report_path | :has_accessibility_reports? :exposed_artifacts_path | :has_exposed_artifacts? :test_reports_path | :has_test_reports? :codequality_reports_path | :has_codequality_reports? end with_them do context 'when merge request has reports' do before do allow(resource).to receive(method_for_existence_check).and_return(true) end it 'set the path to poll data' do expect(subject[path_field]).to be_present end end context 'when merge request has no reports' do before do allow(resource).to receive(method_for_existence_check).and_return(false) end it 'does not set reports path' do expect(subject[path_field]).to be_nil end end end end end