# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ::Ci::Runners::RegisterRunnerService, '#execute' do let(:registration_token) { 'abcdefg123456' } let(:token) {} let(:args) { {} } let(:runner) { execute.payload[:runner] } before do stub_feature_flags(runner_registration_control: false) stub_application_setting(runners_registration_token: registration_token) stub_application_setting(valid_runner_registrars: ApplicationSetting::VALID_RUNNER_REGISTRAR_TYPES) end subject(:execute) { described_class.new.execute(token, args) } context 'when no token is provided' do let(:token) { '' } it 'returns error response' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.message).to eq 'invalid token supplied' expect(execute.http_status).to eq :forbidden end end context 'when invalid token is provided' do let(:token) { 'invalid' } it 'returns error response' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.message).to eq 'invalid token supplied' expect(execute.http_status).to eq :forbidden end end context 'when valid token is provided' do context 'with a registration token' do let(:token) { registration_token } it 'creates runner with default values' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.persisted?).to be_truthy expect(runner.run_untagged).to be true expect(runner.active).to be true expect(runner.token).not_to eq(registration_token) expect(runner).to be_instance_type end context 'with non-default arguments' do let(:args) do { description: 'some description', active: false, locked: true, run_untagged: false, tag_list: %w(tag1 tag2), access_level: 'ref_protected', maximum_timeout: 600, name: 'some name', version: 'some version', revision: 'some revision', platform: 'some platform', architecture: 'some architecture', ip_address: '', config: { gpus: 'some gpu config' } } end it 'creates runner with specified values', :aggregate_failures do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.active).to eq args[:active] expect(runner.locked).to eq args[:locked] expect(runner.run_untagged).to eq args[:run_untagged] expect(runner.tags).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(name: 'tag1'), an_object_having_attributes(name: 'tag2') ) expect(runner.access_level).to eq args[:access_level] expect(runner.maximum_timeout).to eq args[:maximum_timeout] expect(runner.name).to eq args[:name] expect(runner.version).to eq args[:version] expect(runner.revision).to eq args[:revision] expect(runner.platform).to eq args[:platform] expect(runner.architecture).to eq args[:architecture] expect(runner.ip_address).to eq args[:ip_address] expect(Ci::Runner.tagged_with('tag1')).to include(runner) expect(Ci::Runner.tagged_with('tag2')).to include(runner) end end context 'with runner token expiration interval', :freeze_time do before do stub_application_setting(runner_token_expiration_interval: 5.days) end it 'creates runner with token expiration' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.token_expires_at).to eq(5.days.from_now) end end end context 'when project token is used' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:token) { project.runners_token } it 'creates project runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(project.runners.size).to eq(1) expect(runner).to eq(project.runners.first) expect(runner.token).not_to eq(registration_token) expect(runner.token).not_to eq(project.runners_token) expect(runner).to be_project_type end context 'when it exceeds the application limits' do before do create(:ci_runner, runner_type: :project_type, projects: [project], contacted_at: 1.second.ago) create(:plan_limits, :default_plan, ci_registered_project_runners: 1) end it 'does not create runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.persisted?).to be_falsey expect(runner.errors.messages).to eq( 'runner_projects.base': ['Maximum number of ci registered project runners (1) exceeded'] ) expect(project.runners.reload.size).to eq(1) end end context 'when abandoned runners cause application limits to not be exceeded' do before do create(:ci_runner, runner_type: :project_type, projects: [project], created_at: 14.months.ago, contacted_at: 13.months.ago) create(:plan_limits, :default_plan, ci_registered_project_runners: 1) end it 'creates runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.errors).to be_empty expect(project.runners.reload.size).to eq(2) expect(project.runners.recent.size).to eq(1) end end context 'when valid runner registrars do not include project' do before do stub_application_setting(valid_runner_registrars: ['group']) end context 'when feature flag is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(runner_registration_control: true) end it 'returns 403 error' do expect(execute).to be_error expect(execute.http_status).to eq :forbidden end end context 'when feature flag is disabled' do it 'registers the runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.errors).to be_empty expect(runner.active).to be true end end end end context 'when group token is used' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:token) { group.runners_token } it 'creates a group runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.errors).to be_empty expect(group.runners.reload.size).to eq(1) expect(runner.token).not_to eq(registration_token) expect(runner.token).not_to eq(group.runners_token) expect(runner).to be_group_type end context 'when it exceeds the application limits' do before do create(:ci_runner, runner_type: :group_type, groups: [group], contacted_at: nil, created_at: 1.month.ago) create(:plan_limits, :default_plan, ci_registered_group_runners: 1) end it 'does not create runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.persisted?).to be_falsey expect(runner.errors.messages).to eq( 'runner_namespaces.base': ['Maximum number of ci registered group runners (1) exceeded'] ) expect(group.runners.reload.size).to eq(1) end end context 'when abandoned runners cause application limits to not be exceeded' do before do create(:ci_runner, runner_type: :group_type, groups: [group], created_at: 4.months.ago, contacted_at: 3.months.ago) create(:ci_runner, runner_type: :group_type, groups: [group], contacted_at: nil, created_at: 4.months.ago) create(:plan_limits, :default_plan, ci_registered_group_runners: 1) end it 'creates runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.errors).to be_empty expect(group.runners.reload.size).to eq(3) expect(group.runners.recent.size).to eq(1) end end context 'when valid runner registrars do not include group' do before do stub_application_setting(valid_runner_registrars: ['project']) end context 'when feature flag is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(runner_registration_control: true) end it 'returns error response' do is_expected.to be_error end end context 'when feature flag is disabled' do it 'registers the runner' do expect(execute).to be_success expect(runner).to be_an_instance_of(::Ci::Runner) expect(runner.errors).to be_empty expect(runner.active).to be true end end end end context 'when tags are provided' do let(:token) { registration_token } let(:args) do { tag_list: %w(tag1 tag2) } end it 'creates runner with tags' do expect(runner).to be_persisted expect(runner.tags).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(name: 'tag1'), an_object_having_attributes(name: 'tag2') ) end it 'creates tags in bulk' do expect(Gitlab::Ci::Tags::BulkInsert).to receive(:bulk_insert_tags!).and_call_original expect(runner).to be_persisted end context 'and tag list exceeds limit' do let(:args) do { tag_list: (1..Ci::Runner::TAG_LIST_MAX_LENGTH + 1).map { |i| "tag#{i}" } } end it 'does not create any tags' do expect(Gitlab::Ci::Tags::BulkInsert).not_to receive(:bulk_insert_tags!) expect(runner).not_to be_persisted expect(runner.tags).to be_empty end end end end end