# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Organizations::CreateService, feature_category: :cell do describe '#execute' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:current_user) { user } let(:params) { attributes_for(:organization).merge(extra_params) } let(:avatar_filename) { nil } let(:extra_params) { {} } let(:created_organization) { response.payload } subject(:response) { described_class.new(current_user: current_user, params: params).execute } context 'when user does not have permission' do let(:current_user) { nil } it 'returns an error' do expect(response).to be_error expect(response.message).to match_array( ['You have insufficient permissions to create organizations']) end end context 'when user has permission' do shared_examples 'creating an organization' do it 'creates the organization' do expect { response }.to change { Organizations::Organization.count } expect(response).to be_success expect(created_organization.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(created_organization.path).to eq(params[:path]) expect(created_organization.description).to eq(params[:description]) expect(created_organization.avatar.filename).to eq(avatar_filename) end end it_behaves_like 'creating an organization' context 'with description' do let(:description) { 'Organization description' } let(:extra_params) { { description: description } } it_behaves_like 'creating an organization' end context 'with avatar' do let(:avatar_filename) { 'dk.png' } let(:avatar) { fixture_file_upload("spec/fixtures/#{avatar_filename}") } let(:extra_params) { { avatar: avatar } } it_behaves_like 'creating an organization' end context 'when the organization is not persisted' do let(:extra_params) { { name: nil } } it 'returns an error when the organization is not persisted' do expect(response).to be_error expect(response.message).to match_array(["Name can't be blank"]) end end end end end