# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe SubmitUsagePingService do include StubRequests include UsageDataHelpers let(:usage_data_id) { 31643 } let(:score_params) do { score: { leader_issues: 10.2, instance_issues: 3.2, percentage_issues: 31.37, leader_notes: 25.3, instance_notes: 23.2, leader_milestones: 16.2, instance_milestones: 5.5, leader_boards: 5.2, instance_boards: 3.2, leader_merge_requests: 5.2, instance_merge_requests: 3.2, leader_ci_pipelines: 25.1, instance_ci_pipelines: 21.3, leader_environments: 3.3, instance_environments: 2.2, leader_deployments: 41.3, instance_deployments: 15.2, leader_projects_prometheus_active: 0.31, instance_projects_prometheus_active: 0.30, leader_service_desk_issues: 15.8, instance_service_desk_issues: 15.1, usage_data_id: usage_data_id, non_existing_column: 'value' } } end let(:with_dev_ops_score_params) { { dev_ops_score: score_params[:score] } } let(:with_conv_index_params) { { conv_index: score_params[:score] } } shared_examples 'does not run' do it do expect(Gitlab::HTTP).not_to receive(:post) expect(Gitlab::UsageData).not_to receive(:data) subject.execute end end shared_examples 'does not send a blank usage ping payload' do it do expect(Gitlab::HTTP).not_to receive(:post) expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(described_class::SubmissionError) do |error| expect(error.message).to include('Usage data is blank') end end end shared_examples 'saves DevOps report data from the response' do it do expect { subject.execute } .to change { DevOpsReport::Metric.count } .by(1) expect(DevOpsReport::Metric.last.leader_issues).to eq 10.2 expect(DevOpsReport::Metric.last.instance_issues).to eq 3.2 expect(DevOpsReport::Metric.last.percentage_issues).to eq 31.37 end end context 'when usage ping is disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: false) end it_behaves_like 'does not run' end context 'when usage ping is enabled' do before do stub_usage_data_connections stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true) end context 'and user requires usage stats consent' do before do allow(User).to receive(:single_user).and_return(double(:user, requires_usage_stats_consent?: true)) end it_behaves_like 'does not run' end it 'sends a POST request' do response = stub_response(body: with_dev_ops_score_params) subject.execute expect(response).to have_been_requested end it 'forces a refresh of usage data statistics before submitting' do stub_response(body: with_dev_ops_score_params) expect(Gitlab::UsageData).to receive(:data).with(force_refresh: true).and_call_original subject.execute end context 'when conv_index data is passed' do before do stub_response(body: with_conv_index_params) end it_behaves_like 'saves DevOps report data from the response' it 'saves usage_data_id to version_usage_data_id_value' do recorded_at = Time.current usage_data = { uuid: 'uuid', recorded_at: recorded_at } expect(Gitlab::UsageData).to receive(:data).with(force_refresh: true).and_return(usage_data) subject.execute raw_usage_data = RawUsageData.find_by(recorded_at: recorded_at) expect(raw_usage_data.version_usage_data_id_value).to eq(31643) end end context 'when version app usage_data_id is invalid' do let(:usage_data_id) { -1000 } before do stub_response(body: with_conv_index_params) end it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(described_class::SubmissionError) do |error| expect(error.message).to include('Invalid usage_data_id in response: -1000') end end end context 'when DevOps report data is passed' do before do stub_response(body: with_dev_ops_score_params) end it_behaves_like 'saves DevOps report data from the response' end context 'with saving raw_usage_data' do before do stub_response(body: with_dev_ops_score_params) end it 'creates a raw_usage_data record' do expect { subject.execute }.to change(RawUsageData, :count).by(1) end it 'saves the correct payload' do recorded_at = Time.current usage_data = { uuid: 'uuid', recorded_at: recorded_at } expect(Gitlab::UsageData).to receive(:data).with(force_refresh: true).and_return(usage_data) subject.execute raw_usage_data = RawUsageData.find_by(recorded_at: recorded_at) expect(raw_usage_data.recorded_at).to be_like_time(recorded_at) expect(raw_usage_data.payload.to_json).to eq(usage_data.to_json) end end context 'and usage ping response has unsuccessful status' do before do stub_response(body: nil, status: 504) end it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(described_class::SubmissionError) do |error| expect(error.message).to include('Unsuccessful response code: 504') end end end context 'and usage data is empty string' do before do allow(Gitlab::UsageData).to receive(:data).and_return({}) end it_behaves_like 'does not send a blank usage ping payload' end context 'and usage data is nil' do before do allow(Gitlab::UsageData).to receive(:data).and_return(nil) end it_behaves_like 'does not send a blank usage ping payload' end end def stub_response(body:, status: 201) stub_full_request(SubmitUsagePingService::STAGING_URL, method: :post) .to_return( headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: body.to_json, status: status ) end end