# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.configure do |config| # Ensure database versions are memoized to prevent query counts from # being affected by version checks. Note that # Gitlab::Database.check_postgres_version_and_print_warning is called # at startup, but that generates its own # `Gitlab::Database::Reflection` so the result is not memoized by # callers of `ApplicationRecord.database.version`, such as # `Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_supported?`. # TODO This can be removed once https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/325639 is completed. [ApplicationRecord, ::Ci::ApplicationRecord].each { |record| record.database.version } config.around(:each, :reestablished_active_record_base) do |example| with_reestablished_active_record_base(reconnect: example.metadata.fetch(:reconnect, true)) do example.run end end config.around(:each, :add_ci_connection) do |example| with_added_ci_connection do example.run end end end