# frozen_string_literal: true # These shared examples expect a `snippets` array of snippets RSpec.shared_examples 'paginated snippets' do |remote: false| it "is limited to #{Snippet.default_per_page} items per page" do expect(page.all('.snippets-list-holder .snippet-row').count).to eq(Snippet.default_per_page) end context 'clicking on the link to the second page' do before do click_link('2') wait_for_requests if remote end it 'shows the remaining snippets' do remaining_snippets_count = [snippets.size - Snippet.default_per_page, Snippet.default_per_page].min expect(page).to have_selector('.snippets-list-holder .snippet-row', count: remaining_snippets_count) end end end RSpec.shared_examples 'tabs with counts' do let(:tabs) { page.all('.js-snippets-nav-tabs li') } it 'shows a tab for All snippets and count' do tab = tabs[0] expect(tab.text).to include('All') expect(tab.find('.badge').text).to eq(counts[:all]) end it 'shows a tab for Private snippets and count' do tab = tabs[1] expect(tab.text).to include('Private') expect(tab.find('.badge').text).to eq(counts[:private]) end it 'shows a tab for Internal snippets and count' do tab = tabs[2] expect(tab.text).to include('Internal') expect(tab.find('.badge').text).to eq(counts[:internal]) end it 'shows a tab for Public snippets and count' do tab = tabs[3] expect(tab.text).to include('Public') expect(tab.find('.badge').text).to eq(counts[:public]) end end RSpec.shared_examples 'does not show New Snippet button' do let(:user) { create(:user, :external) } specify do sign_in(user) subject wait_for_requests expect(page).not_to have_link('New snippet') end end RSpec.shared_examples 'show and render proper snippet blob' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Snippet).to receive(:blobs).and_return([snippet.repository.blob_at('master', file_path)]) end context 'Ruby file' do let(:file_path) { 'files/ruby/popen.rb' } it 'displays the blob' do subject aggregate_failures do # shows highlighted Ruby code expect(page).to have_content("require 'fileutils'") # does not show a viewer switcher expect(page).not_to have_selector('.js-blob-viewer-switcher') # shows an enabled copy button expect(page).to have_button('Copy file contents', disabled: false) # shows a raw button expect(page).to have_link('Open raw') # shows a download button expect(page).to have_link('Download') end end end context 'Markdown file' do let(:file_path) { 'files/markdown/ruby-style-guide.md' } context 'visiting directly' do before do subject end it 'displays the blob using the rich viewer' do aggregate_failures do # hides the simple viewer expect(page).to have_selector('.blob-viewer[data-type="rich"]') # shows rendered Markdown expect(page).to have_link("PEP-8") # shows a viewer switcher expect(page).to have_selector('.js-blob-viewer-switcher') # shows a disabled copy button expect(page).to have_button('Copy file contents', disabled: true) # shows a raw button expect(page).to have_link('Open raw') # shows a download button expect(page).to have_link('Download') end end context 'switching to the simple viewer' do before do find_button('Display source').click wait_for_requests end it 'displays the blob using the simple viewer' do aggregate_failures do # hides the rich viewer expect(page).to have_selector('.blob-viewer[data-type="simple"]') # shows highlighted Markdown code expect(page).to have_content("[PEP-8](http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)") # shows an enabled copy button expect(page).to have_button('Copy file contents', disabled: false) end end context 'switching to the rich viewer again' do before do find_button('Display rendered file').click wait_for_requests end it 'displays the blob using the rich viewer' do aggregate_failures do # hides the simple viewer expect(page).to have_selector('.blob-viewer[data-type="rich"]') # Used to show an enabled copy button since the code has already been fetched # Will be resolved in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/262389 expect(page).to have_button('Copy file contents', disabled: true) end end end end end context 'visiting with a line number anchor' do # L1 used to work and will be revisited in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/262391 let(:anchor) { 'LC1' } it 'displays the blob using the simple viewer' do subject aggregate_failures do # hides the rich viewer expect(page).to have_selector('.blob-viewer[data-type="simple"]') # highlights the line in question expect(page).to have_selector('#LC1.hll') # shows highlighted Markdown code expect(page).to have_content("[PEP-8](http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)") # shows an enabled copy button expect(page).to have_button('Copy file contents', disabled: false) end end end end end RSpec.shared_examples 'personal snippet with references' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } let_it_be(:project_snippet) { create(:project_snippet, :repository, project: project) } let_it_be(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let_it_be(:commit) { project.commit } let(:mr_reference) { merge_request.to_reference(full: true) } let(:issue_reference) { issue.to_reference(full: true) } let(:snippet_reference) { project_snippet.to_reference(full: true) } let(:commit_reference) { commit.reference_link_text(full: true) } RSpec.shared_examples 'handles resource links' do context 'with access to the resource' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'converts the reference to a link' do subject page.within(container) do aggregate_failures do expect(page).to have_link(mr_reference) expect(page).to have_link(issue_reference) expect(page).to have_link(snippet_reference) expect(page).to have_link(commit_reference) end end end end context 'without access to the resource' do it 'does not convert the reference to a link' do subject page.within(container) do expect(page).not_to have_link(mr_reference) expect(page).not_to have_link(issue_reference) expect(page).not_to have_link(snippet_reference) expect(page).not_to have_link(commit_reference) end end end end context 'when using references to resources' do let(:references) do <<~REFERENCES MR: #{mr_reference} Commit: #{commit_reference} Issue: #{issue_reference} ProjectSnippet: #{snippet_reference} REFERENCES end it_behaves_like 'handles resource links' end context 'when using links to resources' do let(:args) { { host: Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, port: nil } } let(:references) do <<~REFERENCES MR: #{merge_request_url(merge_request, args)} Commit: #{project_commit_url(project, commit, args)} Issue: #{issue_url(issue, args)} ProjectSnippet: #{project_snippet_url(project, project_snippet, args)} REFERENCES end it_behaves_like 'handles resource links' end end