# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe EmailsOnPushWorker, :mailer, feature_category: :source_code_management do include EmailSpec::Matchers let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:data) { Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build_sample(project, user) } let(:recipients) { user.email } let(:perform) { subject.perform(project.id, recipients, data.stringify_keys) } let(:email) { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last } subject { described_class.new } describe "#perform" do context "when push is a new branch" do before do data_new_branch = data.stringify_keys.merge("before" => Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) subject.perform(project.id, recipients, data_new_branch) end it "sends a mail with the correct subject" do expect(email.subject).to include("Pushed new branch") end it "sends the mail to the correct recipient" do expect(email.to).to eq([user.email]) end end context "when push is a deleted branch" do before do data_deleted_branch = data.stringify_keys.merge("after" => Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA) subject.perform(project.id, recipients, data_deleted_branch) end it "sends a mail with the correct subject" do expect(email.subject).to include("Deleted branch") end it "sends the mail to the correct recipient" do expect(email.to).to eq([user.email]) end end context "when push is a force push to delete commits" do before do data_force_push = data.stringify_keys.merge( "after" => data[:before], "before" => data[:after] ) subject.perform(project.id, recipients, data_force_push) end it "sends a mail with the correct subject" do expect(email.subject).to include('adds bar folder and branch-test text file') end it "mentions force pushing in the body" do expect(email).to have_body_text("force push") end it "sends the mail to the correct recipient" do expect(email.to).to eq([user.email]) end end context "when there are no errors in sending" do before do perform end it "sends a mail with the correct subject" do expect(email.subject).to include('adds bar folder and branch-test text file') end it "does not mention force pushing in the body" do expect(email).not_to have_body_text("force push") end it "sends the mail to the correct recipient" do expect(email.to).to eq([user.email]) end end context "when there is an SMTP error" do before do allow(Notify).to receive(:repository_push_email).and_raise(Net::SMTPFatalError.new(nil)) allow(subject).to receive_message_chain(:logger, :info) perform end it "gracefully handles an input SMTP error" do expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to be_empty end end context "when there are multiple recipients" do before do # This is a hack because we modify the mail object before sending, for efficiency, # but the TestMailer adapter just appends the objects to an array. To clone a mail # object, create a new one! # https://github.com/mikel/mail/issues/314#issuecomment-12750108 allow_any_instance_of(Mail::TestMailer).to receive(:deliver!).and_wrap_original do |original, mail| original.call(Mail.new(mail.encoded)) end end context "with mixed-case recipient" do let(:recipients) { user.email.upcase } it "retains the case" do perform expect(email_recipients).to contain_exactly(recipients) end end context "when the recipient addresses are a list of email addresses" do let(:recipients) do 1.upto(5).map { |i| user.email.sub('@', "+#{i}@") }.join("\n") end it "sends the mail to each of the recipients" do perform expect(email_recipients).to contain_exactly(*recipients.split) end it "only generates the mail once" do expect(Notify).to receive(:repository_push_email).once.and_call_original expect(Premailer::Rails::CustomizedPremailer).to receive(:new).once.and_call_original perform end context 'when SMIME signing is enabled' do include SmimeHelper before :context do @root_ca = generate_root @cert = generate_cert(signer_ca: @root_ca) end let(:root_certificate) do Gitlab::X509::Certificate.new(@root_ca[:key], @root_ca[:cert]) end let(:certificate) do Gitlab::X509::Certificate.new(@cert[:key], @cert[:cert]) end before do allow(Gitlab::Email::Hook::SmimeSignatureInterceptor).to receive(:certificate).and_return(certificate) Mail.register_interceptor(Gitlab::Email::Hook::SmimeSignatureInterceptor) end after do Mail.unregister_interceptor(Gitlab::Email::Hook::SmimeSignatureInterceptor) end it 'does not sign the email multiple times' do perform ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each do |mail| expect(mail.header['Content-Type'].value).to match('multipart/signed').and match('protocol="application/x-pkcs7-signature"') expect(mail.to_s.scan(/Content-Disposition: attachment;\r\n filename=smime.p7s/).size).to eq(1) end end end end context "when recipients are invalid" do let(:recipients) { "invalid\n\nrecipients" } it "ignores them" do perform expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to be_empty end end context "when the recipient addresses contains angle brackets and are separated by spaces" do let(:recipients) { "John Doe Jane Doe " } it "accepts emails separated by whitespace" do perform expect(email_recipients).to contain_exactly("johndoe@example.com", "janedoe@example.com") end end context "when the recipient addresses contain a mix of emails with and without angle brackets" do let(:recipients) { "johndoe@example.com Jane Doe " } it "accepts both kind of emails" do perform expect(email_recipients).to contain_exactly("johndoe@example.com", "janedoe@example.com") end end context "when the recipient addresses contains angle brackets and are separated by newlines" do let(:recipients) { "John Doe \nJane Doe " } it "accepts emails separated by newlines" do perform expect(email_recipients).to contain_exactly("johndoe@example.com", "janedoe@example.com") end end context 'when the recipient addresses contains duplicates' do let(:recipients) { 'non@dubplicate.com Duplic@te.com duplic@te.com Duplic@te.com duplic@Te.com' } it 'deduplicates recipients while treating the domain part as case-insensitive' do perform expect(email_recipients).to contain_exactly('non@dubplicate.com', 'Duplic@te.com') end end end end end