require 'spec_helper' describe RepositoryImportWorker do describe 'modules' do it 'includes ProjectImportOptions' do expect(described_class).to include_module(ProjectImportOptions) end end describe '#perform' do let(:project) { create(:project, :import_scheduled) } let(:import_state) { project.import_state } context 'when worker was reset without cleanup' do it 'imports the project successfully' do jid = '12345678' started_project = create(:project) started_import_state = create(:import_state, :started, project: started_project, jid: jid) allow(subject).to receive(:jid).and_return(jid) expect_any_instance_of(Projects::ImportService).to receive(:execute) .and_return({ status: :ok }) # Works around expect(Project).to receive(:find).with( expect(started_project.repository).to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) expect( receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) expect(started_import_state).to receive(:finish) subject.perform( end end context 'when the import was successful' do it 'imports a project' do expect_any_instance_of(Projects::ImportService).to receive(:execute) .and_return({ status: :ok }) # Works around expect(Project).to receive(:find).with( expect(project.repository).to receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) expect( receive(:expire_emptiness_caches) expect(import_state).to receive(:finish) subject.perform( end end context 'when the import has failed' do it 'hide the credentials that were used in the import URL' do error = %q{remote: Not Found fatal: repository '' not found } import_state.update(jid: '123') expect_any_instance_of(Projects::ImportService).to receive(:execute).and_return({ status: :error, message: error }) expect do subject.perform( raise_error(RuntimeError, error) expect(import_state.reload.jid).not_to be_nil end it 'updates the error on Import/Export' do error = %q{remote: Not Found fatal: repository '' not found } project.update(import_type: 'gitlab_project') import_state.update(jid: '123') expect_any_instance_of(Projects::ImportService).to receive(:execute).and_return({ status: :error, message: error }) expect do subject.perform( raise_error(RuntimeError, error) expect(import_state.reload.last_error).not_to be_nil end end context 'when using an asynchronous importer' do it 'does not mark the import process as finished' do service = double(:service) allow(Projects::ImportService) .to receive(:new) .and_return(service) allow(service) .to receive(:execute) .and_return(true) allow(service) .to receive(:async?) .and_return(true) expect_any_instance_of(ProjectImportState) .not_to receive(:finish) subject.perform( end end end end