package goredis import ( "context" "net" "sync/atomic" "testing" "" "" "" ) func mockRedisServer(t *testing.T, connectReceived *atomic.Value) string { ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") require.Nil(t, err) go func() { defer ln.Close() conn, err := ln.Accept() require.Nil(t, err) connectReceived.Store(true) conn.Write([]byte("OK\n")) }() return ln.Addr().String() } func TestConfigureNoConfig(t *testing.T) { rdb = nil Configure(nil) require.Nil(t, rdb, "rdb client should be nil") } func TestConfigureValidConfigX(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { scheme string }{ { scheme: "redis", }, { scheme: "tcp", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.scheme, func(t *testing.T) { connectReceived := atomic.Value{} a := mockRedisServer(t, &connectReceived) parsedURL := helper.URLMustParse(tc.scheme + "://" + a) cfg := &config.RedisConfig{URL: config.TomlURL{URL: *parsedURL}} Configure(cfg) require.NotNil(t, GetRedisClient().Conn(), "Pool should not be nil") // goredis initialise connections lazily rdb.Ping(context.Background()) require.True(t, connectReceived.Load().(bool)) rdb = nil }) } } func TestConnectToSentinel(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { scheme string }{ { scheme: "redis", }, { scheme: "tcp", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.scheme, func(t *testing.T) { connectReceived := atomic.Value{} a := mockRedisServer(t, &connectReceived) addrs := []string{tc.scheme + "://" + a} var sentinelUrls []config.TomlURL for _, a := range addrs { parsedURL := helper.URLMustParse(a) sentinelUrls = append(sentinelUrls, config.TomlURL{URL: *parsedURL}) } cfg := &config.RedisConfig{Sentinel: sentinelUrls} Configure(cfg) require.NotNil(t, GetRedisClient().Conn(), "Pool should not be nil") // goredis initialise connections lazily rdb.Ping(context.Background()) require.True(t, connectReceived.Load().(bool)) rdb = nil }) } } func TestSentinelOptions(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { description string inputSentinelPassword string inputSentinel []string password string sentinels []string }{ { description: "no sentinel passwords", inputSentinel: []string{"tcp://localhost:26480"}, sentinels: []string{"localhost:26480"}, }, { description: "specific sentinel password defined", inputSentinel: []string{"tcp://localhost:26480"}, inputSentinelPassword: "password1", sentinels: []string{"localhost:26480"}, password: "password1", }, { description: "specific sentinel password defined in url", inputSentinel: []string{"tcp://:password2@localhost:26480", "tcp://:password3@localhost:26481"}, sentinels: []string{"localhost:26480", "localhost:26481"}, password: "password2", }, { description: "passwords defined specifically and in url", inputSentinel: []string{"tcp://:password2@localhost:26480", "tcp://:password3@localhost:26481"}, sentinels: []string{"localhost:26480", "localhost:26481"}, inputSentinelPassword: "password1", password: "password1", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { sentinelUrls := make([]config.TomlURL, len(tc.inputSentinel)) for i, str := range tc.inputSentinel { parsedURL := helper.URLMustParse(str) sentinelUrls[i] = config.TomlURL{URL: *parsedURL} } outputPw, outputSentinels := sentinelOptions(&config.RedisConfig{ Sentinel: sentinelUrls, SentinelPassword: tc.inputSentinelPassword, }) require.Equal(t, tc.password, outputPw) require.Equal(t, tc.sentinels, outputSentinels) }) } }