v 0.3.1 - Pass the metrics address fd to the child process v 0.3.0 - Prometheus metrics support with `metrics-address` v 0.2.5 - Allow listen-http, listen-https and listen-proxy to be specified multiple times v 0.2.4 - Fix predefined 404 page content-type v 0.2.3 - Add `-version` to command line v 0.2.2 - Fix predefined 404 page content-type v 0.2.1 - Serve nice GitLab branded 404 page - Present user's error page for 404: put the 404.html in root of your pages v 0.2.0 - Execute the unprivileged pages daemon in chroot v 0.1.0 - Allow to run the pages daemon unprivileged (-daemon-uid, -daemon-gid) v 0.0.0 - Initial release