BINDIR := $(CURDIR)/bin GO_BUILD_TAGS := continuous_profiler_stackdriver MOCKGEN_VERSION=v1.6.0 FIPS_MODE ?= 0 ifeq ($(FIPS_MODE), 1) GO_BUILD_TAGS := $(GO_BUILD_TAGS),fips endif # To compute a unique and deterministic value for GNU build-id, we build the Go binary a second time. # From the first build, we extract its unique and deterministic Go build-id, and use that to derive # a comparably unique and deterministic GNU build-id to inject into the final binary. ## Skip generation of the GNU build ID if set to speed up builds. WITHOUT_BUILD_ID ?= .PHONY: all generate-mocks build clean all: gitlab-pages generate-mocks: $Q go run$(MOCKGEN_VERSION) -source=internal/interface.go -destination=internal/handlers/mock/handler_mock.go -package=mock $Q go run$(MOCKGEN_VERSION) -source=internal/source/source.go -destination=internal/source/mock/source_mock.go -package=mock $Q go run$(MOCKGEN_VERSION) -source=internal/source/gitlab/mock/client_stub.go -destination=internal/source/gitlab/mock/client_mock.go -package=mock $Q go run$(MOCKGEN_VERSION) -source=internal/domain/resolver.go -destination=internal/domain/mock/resolver_mock.go -package=mock build: $Q GOBIN=$(BINDIR) go install $(if $V,-v) -ldflags="$(VERSION_FLAGS)" -tags "${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" -buildmode exe $(IMPORT_PATH) ifndef WITHOUT_BUILD_ID GO_BUILD_ID=$$( go tool buildid $(BINDIR)/gitlab-pages ) && \ GNU_BUILD_ID=$$( echo $$GO_BUILD_ID | sha1sum | cut -d' ' -f1 ) && \ $Q GOBIN=$(BINDIR) go install $(if $V,-v) -ldflags="$(VERSION_FLAGS) -B 0x$$GNU_BUILD_ID" -tags "${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" -buildmode exe $(IMPORT_PATH) endif ifeq ($(FIPS_MODE), 1) go tool nm $(BINDIR)/gitlab-pages | grep boringcrypto >/dev/null && echo "binary is correctly built in FIPS mode" || (echo "binary is not correctly built in FIPS mode" && exit 1) endif clean: $Q GOBIN=$(BINDIR) go clean -i -modcache -x gitlab-pages: build $Q cp -f $(BINDIR)/gitlab-pages .