package zip import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "path" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" // TODO: Revert back to zip/archive once we no longer support go1.17 ( zip "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( dirPrefix = "public/" maxSymlinkSize = 256 ) var ( errNotSymlink = errors.New("not a symlink") errSymlinkSize = errors.New("symlink too long") errNotFile = errors.New("not a file") ) type archiveStatus int const ( archiveOpening archiveStatus = iota archiveOpenError archiveOpened archiveCorrupted ) // zipArchive implements the vfs.Root interface. // It represents a zip archive saving all its files in memory. // It holds an httprange.Resource that can be read with httprange.RangedReader in chunks. type zipArchive struct { fs *zipVFS once sync.Once done chan struct{} openTimeout time.Duration cacheNamespace string resource *httprange.Resource reader *httprange.RangedReader err error files map[string]*zip.File directories map[string]*zip.FileHeader } func newArchive(fs *zipVFS, openTimeout time.Duration) *zipArchive { return &zipArchive{ fs: fs, done: make(chan struct{}), files: make(map[string]*zip.File), directories: make(map[string]*zip.FileHeader), openTimeout: openTimeout, cacheNamespace: strconv.FormatInt(atomic.AddInt64(fs.archiveCount, 1), 10) + ":", } } func (a *zipArchive) openArchive(parentCtx context.Context, url string) (err error) { // always try to update URL on resource if a.resource != nil { a.resource.SetURL(url) } // return early if openArchive was done already in a concurrent request if status, err := a.openStatus(); status != archiveOpening { return err } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, a.openTimeout) defer cancel() a.once.Do(func() { // read archive once in its own routine with its own timeout // if parentCtx is canceled, readArchive will continue regardless and will be cached in memory go a.readArchive(url) }) // wait for readArchive to be done or return if the parent context is canceled select { case <-a.done: return a.err case <-ctx.Done(): err := ctx.Err() if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { log.ContextLogger(parentCtx).WithError(err).Traceln("open zip archive request canceled") } else if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) { log.ContextLogger(parentCtx).WithError(err).Traceln("open zip archive timed out") } return err } } // readArchive creates an httprange.Resource that can read the archive's contents and stores a slice of *zip.Files // that can be accessed later when calling any of th vfs.VFS operations func (a *zipArchive) readArchive(url string) { defer close(a.done) // readArchive with a timeout separate from openArchive's ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), a.openTimeout) defer cancel() a.resource, a.err = httprange.NewResource(ctx, url, a.fs.httpClient) if a.err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "archive_url": url, }).WithError(a.err).Infoln("read zip archive request failed") metrics.ZipOpened.WithLabelValues("error").Inc() return } var archive *zip.Reader // load all archive files into memory using a cached ranged reader a.reader = httprange.NewRangedReader(a.resource) a.reader.WithCachedReader(ctx, func() { archive, a.err = zip.NewReader(a.reader, a.resource.Size) }) if archive == nil || a.err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "archive_url": url, }).WithError(a.err).Infoln("loading zip archive files into memory failed") metrics.ZipOpened.WithLabelValues("error").Inc() return } // TODO: Improve preprocessing of zip archives for _, file := range archive.File { if !strings.HasPrefix(file.Name, dirPrefix) { continue } // Each Modified timestamp contains a pointer to a unique timezone // object. This wastes a lot of memory. By setting the timezone to UTC on // each timestamp, we allow the unique timezone objects to be // garbage-collected. Also see // file.Modified = file.Modified.UTC() if file.Mode().IsDir() { a.directories[file.Name] = &file.FileHeader } else { a.files[file.Name] = file } a.addPathDirectory(file.Name) } // Each file stores a pointer to the zip.reader. // The file slice is not used so we null it out // to reduce memory consumption. archive.File = nil fileCount := float64(len(a.files)) metrics.ZipOpened.WithLabelValues("ok").Inc() metrics.ZipOpenedEntriesCount.Add(fileCount) metrics.ZipArchiveEntriesCached.Add(fileCount) } // addPathDirectory adds a directory for a given path func (a *zipArchive) addPathDirectory(pathname string) { // Split dir and file from `path` pathname, _ = path.Split(pathname) if pathname == "" { return } if a.directories[pathname] != nil { return } a.directories[pathname] = &zip.FileHeader{ Name: pathname, } } func (a *zipArchive) findFile(name string) *zip.File { name = path.Clean(dirPrefix + name) return a.files[name] } func (a *zipArchive) findDirectory(name string) *zip.FileHeader { name = path.Clean(dirPrefix + name) return a.directories[name+"/"] } // Open finds the file by name inside the zipArchive and returns a reader that can be served by the VFS func (a *zipArchive) Open(ctx context.Context, name string) (vfs.File, error) { file := a.findFile(name) if file == nil { if a.findDirectory(name) != nil { return nil, errNotFile } return nil, os.ErrNotExist } if !file.Mode().IsRegular() { return nil, errNotFile } dataOffset, err := a.fs.dataOffsetCache.FindOrFetch(a.cacheNamespace, name, func() (interface{}, error) { return file.DataOffset() }) if err != nil { return nil, err } // only read from dataOffset up to the size of the compressed file reader := a.reader.SectionReader(ctx, dataOffset.(int64), int64(file.CompressedSize64)) switch file.Method { case zip.Deflate: return newDeflateReader(reader), nil case zip.Store: return reader, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported compression method: %x", file.Method) } } // IsCompressed finds the file by name and checks its compression method. If the method is // zip.Store it means it's not compressed. // Returns errNotFile for directories or non-regular files. func (a *zipArchive) IsCompressed(name string) (bool, error) { file := a.findFile(name) if file == nil { if a.findDirectory(name) != nil { return false, errNotFile } return false, os.ErrNotExist } if !file.Mode().IsRegular() { return false, errNotFile } return file.Method != zip.Store, nil } // Lstat finds the file by name inside the zipArchive and returns its FileInfo func (a *zipArchive) Lstat(ctx context.Context, name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { file := a.findFile(name) if file != nil { return file.FileInfo(), nil } directory := a.findDirectory(name) if directory != nil { return directory.FileInfo(), nil } return nil, os.ErrNotExist } // ReadLink finds the file by name inside the zipArchive and returns the contents of the symlink func (a *zipArchive) Readlink(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) { file := a.findFile(name) if file == nil { if a.findDirectory(name) != nil { return "", errNotSymlink } return "", os.ErrNotExist } if file.FileInfo().Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != os.ModeSymlink { return "", errNotSymlink } symlinkValue, err := a.fs.readlinkCache.FindOrFetch(a.cacheNamespace, name, func() (interface{}, error) { rc, err := file.Open() if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rc.Close() var link [maxSymlinkSize + 1]byte // read up to len(symlink) bytes from the link file n, err := io.ReadFull(rc, link[:]) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) { // if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF the link is smaller than len(symlink) so it's OK to not return it return nil, err } return string(link[:n]), nil }) if err != nil { return "", err } symlink := symlinkValue.(string) // return errSymlinkSize if the number of bytes read from the link is too big if len(symlink) > maxSymlinkSize { return "", errSymlinkSize } return symlink, nil } // onEvicted called by the zipVFS.cache when an archive is removed from the cache func (a *zipArchive) onEvicted() { metrics.ZipArchiveEntriesCached.Sub(float64(len(a.files))) } func (a *zipArchive) openStatus() (archiveStatus, error) { select { case <-a.done: if a.err != nil { return archiveOpenError, a.err } if a.resource != nil && a.resource.Err() != nil { return archiveCorrupted, a.resource.Err() } return archiveOpened, nil default: return archiveOpening, nil } }