package org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls; import; import; import; import; /** * An implementation of the TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 record layer, allowing downgrade to SSLv3. */ class RecordStream { private static int DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT_LIMIT = (1 << 14); private TlsProtocol handler; private InputStream input; private OutputStream output; private TlsCompression pendingCompression = null, readCompression = null, writeCompression = null; private TlsCipher pendingCipher = null, readCipher = null, writeCipher = null; private long readSeqNo = 0, writeSeqNo = 0; private ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private TlsContext context = null; private TlsHandshakeHash handshakeHash = null; private ProtocolVersion readVersion = null, writeVersion = null; private boolean restrictReadVersion = true; private int plaintextLimit, compressedLimit, ciphertextLimit; RecordStream(TlsProtocol handler, InputStream input, OutputStream output) { this.handler = handler; this.input = input; this.output = output; this.readCompression = new TlsNullCompression(); this.writeCompression = this.readCompression; this.readCipher = new TlsNullCipher(context); this.writeCipher = this.readCipher; setPlaintextLimit(DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT_LIMIT); } void init(TlsContext context) { this.context = context; this.handshakeHash = new DeferredHash(); this.handshakeHash.init(context); } int getPlaintextLimit() { return plaintextLimit; } void setPlaintextLimit(int plaintextLimit) { this.plaintextLimit = plaintextLimit; this.compressedLimit = this.plaintextLimit + 1024; this.ciphertextLimit = this.compressedLimit + 1024; } ProtocolVersion getReadVersion() { return readVersion; } void setReadVersion(ProtocolVersion readVersion) { this.readVersion = readVersion; } void setWriteVersion(ProtocolVersion writeVersion) { this.writeVersion = writeVersion; } /** * RFC 5246 E.1. "Earlier versions of the TLS specification were not fully clear on what the * record layer version number (TLSPlaintext.version) should contain when sending ClientHello * (i.e., before it is known which version of the protocol will be employed). Thus, TLS servers * compliant with this specification MUST accept any value {03,XX} as the record layer version * number for ClientHello." */ void setRestrictReadVersion(boolean enabled) { this.restrictReadVersion = enabled; } void setPendingConnectionState(TlsCompression tlsCompression, TlsCipher tlsCipher) { this.pendingCompression = tlsCompression; this.pendingCipher = tlsCipher; } void sentWriteCipherSpec() throws IOException { if (pendingCompression == null || pendingCipher == null) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure); } this.writeCompression = this.pendingCompression; this.writeCipher = this.pendingCipher; this.writeSeqNo = 0; } void receivedReadCipherSpec() throws IOException { if (pendingCompression == null || pendingCipher == null) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure); } this.readCompression = this.pendingCompression; this.readCipher = this.pendingCipher; this.readSeqNo = 0; } void finaliseHandshake() throws IOException { if (readCompression != pendingCompression || writeCompression != pendingCompression || readCipher != pendingCipher || writeCipher != pendingCipher) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure); } pendingCompression = null; pendingCipher = null; } public boolean readRecord() throws IOException { byte[] recordHeader = TlsUtils.readAllOrNothing(5, input); if (recordHeader == null) { return false; } short type = TlsUtils.readUint8(recordHeader, 0); /* * RFC 5246 6. If a TLS implementation receives an unexpected record type, it MUST send an * unexpected_message alert. */ checkType(type, AlertDescription.unexpected_message); if (!restrictReadVersion) { int version = TlsUtils.readVersionRaw(recordHeader, 1); if ((version & 0xffffff00) != 0x0300) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter); } } else { ProtocolVersion version = TlsUtils.readVersion(recordHeader, 1); if (readVersion == null) { readVersion = version; } else if (!version.equals(readVersion)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter); } } int length = TlsUtils.readUint16(recordHeader, 3); byte[] plaintext = decodeAndVerify(type, input, length); handler.processRecord(type, plaintext, 0, plaintext.length); return true; } protected byte[] decodeAndVerify(short type, InputStream input, int len) throws IOException { checkLength(len, ciphertextLimit, AlertDescription.record_overflow); byte[] buf = TlsUtils.readFully(len, input); byte[] decoded = readCipher.decodeCiphertext(readSeqNo++, type, buf, 0, buf.length); checkLength(decoded.length, compressedLimit, AlertDescription.record_overflow); /* * TODO RFC5264 6.2.2. Implementation note: Decompression functions are responsible for * ensuring that messages cannot cause internal buffer overflows. */ OutputStream cOut = readCompression.decompress(buffer); if (cOut != buffer) { cOut.write(decoded, 0, decoded.length); cOut.flush(); decoded = getBufferContents(); } /* * RFC 5264 6.2.2. If the decompression function encounters a TLSCompressed.fragment that * would decompress to a length in excess of 2^14 bytes, it should report a fatal * decompression failure error. */ checkLength(decoded.length, plaintextLimit, AlertDescription.decompression_failure); /* * RFC 5264 6.2.1 Implementations MUST NOT send zero-length fragments of Handshake, Alert, * or ChangeCipherSpec content types. */ if (decoded.length < 1 && type != ContentType.application_data) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter); } return decoded; } protected void writeRecord(short type, byte[] plaintext, int plaintextOffset, int plaintextLength) throws IOException { // Never send anything until a valid ClientHello has been received if (writeVersion == null) { return; } /* * RFC 5264 6. Implementations MUST NOT send record types not defined in this document * unless negotiated by some extension. */ checkType(type, AlertDescription.internal_error); /* * RFC 5264 6.2.1 The length should not exceed 2^14. */ checkLength(plaintextLength, plaintextLimit, AlertDescription.internal_error); /* * RFC 5264 6.2.1 Implementations MUST NOT send zero-length fragments of Handshake, Alert, * or ChangeCipherSpec content types. */ if (plaintextLength < 1 && type != ContentType.application_data) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } if (type == ContentType.handshake) { updateHandshakeData(plaintext, plaintextOffset, plaintextLength); } OutputStream cOut = writeCompression.compress(buffer); byte[] ciphertext; if (cOut == buffer) { ciphertext = writeCipher.encodePlaintext(writeSeqNo++, type, plaintext, plaintextOffset, plaintextLength); } else { cOut.write(plaintext, plaintextOffset, plaintextLength); cOut.flush(); byte[] compressed = getBufferContents(); /* * RFC5264 6.2.2. Compression must be lossless and may not increase the content length * by more than 1024 bytes. */ checkLength(compressed.length, plaintextLength + 1024, AlertDescription.internal_error); ciphertext = writeCipher.encodePlaintext(writeSeqNo++, type, compressed, 0, compressed.length); } /* * RFC 5264 6.2.3. The length may not exceed 2^14 + 2048. */ checkLength(ciphertext.length, ciphertextLimit, AlertDescription.internal_error); byte[] record = new byte[ciphertext.length + 5]; TlsUtils.writeUint8(type, record, 0); TlsUtils.writeVersion(writeVersion, record, 1); TlsUtils.writeUint16(ciphertext.length, record, 3); System.arraycopy(ciphertext, 0, record, 5, ciphertext.length); output.write(record); output.flush(); } void notifyHelloComplete() { this.handshakeHash = handshakeHash.notifyPRFDetermined(); } TlsHandshakeHash getHandshakeHash() { return handshakeHash; } TlsHandshakeHash prepareToFinish() { TlsHandshakeHash result = handshakeHash; this.handshakeHash = handshakeHash.stopTracking(); return result; } void updateHandshakeData(byte[] message, int offset, int len) { handshakeHash.update(message, offset, len); } protected void safeClose() { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } protected void flush() throws IOException { output.flush(); } private byte[] getBufferContents() { byte[] contents = buffer.toByteArray(); buffer.reset(); return contents; } private static void checkType(short type, short alertDescription) throws IOException { switch (type) { case ContentType.application_data: case ContentType.alert: case ContentType.change_cipher_spec: case ContentType.handshake: case ContentType.heartbeat: break; default: throw new TlsFatalAlert(alertDescription); } } private static void checkLength(int length, int limit, short alertDescription) throws IOException { if (length > limit) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(alertDescription); } } }