package org.spongycastle.crypto.tls.test; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.spongycastle.crypto.tls.DTLSClientProtocol; import org.spongycastle.crypto.tls.DTLSServerProtocol; import org.spongycastle.crypto.tls.DTLSTransport; import org.spongycastle.crypto.tls.DatagramTransport; import org.spongycastle.crypto.tls.ProtocolVersion; import org.spongycastle.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class DTLSTestCase { // Make the access to constants less verbose static abstract class C extends TlsTestConfig {} @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{index}: {1}") public static Collection data() { List params = new ArrayList(); addVersionTests(params, ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10); addVersionTests(params, ProtocolVersion.DTLSv12); return params; } private static void addVersionTests(List params, ProtocolVersion version) { String prefix = version.toString().replaceAll("[ \\.]", "") + "_"; /* * NOTE: Temporarily disabled automatic test runs because of problems getting a clean exit * of the DTLS server after a fatal alert. As of writing, manual runs show the correct * alerts being raised */ // { // TlsTestConfig c = createDTLSTestConfig(version); // c.clientAuth = C.CLIENT_AUTH_INVALID_VERIFY; // c.expectServerFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decrypt_error); // // testSuite.addTest(new DTLSTestCase(c, prefix + "BadCertificateVerify")); // } // // { // TlsTestConfig c = createDTLSTestConfig(version); // c.clientAuth = C.CLIENT_AUTH_INVALID_CERT; // c.expectServerFatalAlert(AlertDescription.bad_certificate); // // testSuite.addTest(new DTLSTestCase(c, prefix + "BadClientCertificate")); // } // // { // TlsTestConfig c = createDTLSTestConfig(version); // c.clientAuth = C.CLIENT_AUTH_NONE; // c.serverCertReq = C.SERVER_CERT_REQ_MANDATORY; // c.expectServerFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure); // // testSuite.addTest(new DTLSTestCase(c, prefix + "BadMandatoryCertReqDeclined")); // } { TlsTestConfig c = createDTLSTestConfig(version); params.add(new Object[] { c, prefix + "GoodDefault" }); } { TlsTestConfig c = createDTLSTestConfig(version); c.serverCertReq = C.SERVER_CERT_REQ_NONE; params.add(new Object[]{ c, prefix + "GoodNoCertReq"}); } { TlsTestConfig c = createDTLSTestConfig(version); c.clientAuth = C.CLIENT_AUTH_NONE; params.add(new Object[]{ c, prefix + "GoodOptionalCertReqDeclined"}); } } private static TlsTestConfig createDTLSTestConfig(ProtocolVersion version) { TlsTestConfig c = new TlsTestConfig(); c.clientMinimumVersion = ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10; /* * TODO We'd like to just set the offer version to DTLSv12, but there is a known issue with * overly-restrictive version checks b/w BC DTLS 1.2 client, BC DTLS 1.0 server */ c.clientOfferVersion = version; c.serverMaximumVersion = version; c.serverMinimumVersion = ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10; return c; } private static void checkDTLSVersion(ProtocolVersion version) { if (version != null && !version.isDTLS()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Non-DTLS version"); } } protected final TlsTestConfig config; public DTLSTestCase(TlsTestConfig config, String name) { checkDTLSVersion(config.clientMinimumVersion); checkDTLSVersion(config.clientOfferVersion); checkDTLSVersion(config.serverMaximumVersion); checkDTLSVersion(config.serverMinimumVersion); this.config = config; } @Test public void runTest() throws Throwable { SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom(); DTLSClientProtocol clientProtocol = new DTLSClientProtocol(secureRandom); DTLSServerProtocol serverProtocol = new DTLSServerProtocol(secureRandom); MockDatagramAssociation network = new MockDatagramAssociation(1500); TlsTestClientImpl clientImpl = new TlsTestClientImpl(config); TlsTestServerImpl serverImpl = new TlsTestServerImpl(config); ServerThread serverThread = new ServerThread(serverProtocol, network.getServer(), serverImpl); serverThread.start(); Exception caught = null; try { DatagramTransport clientTransport = network.getClient(); if (TlsTestConfig.DEBUG) { clientTransport = new LoggingDatagramTransport(clientTransport, System.out); } DTLSTransport dtlsClient = clientProtocol.connect(clientImpl, clientTransport); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { byte[] data = new byte[i]; Arrays.fill(data, (byte)i); dtlsClient.send(data, 0, data.length); } byte[] buf = new byte[dtlsClient.getReceiveLimit()]; while (dtlsClient.receive(buf, 0, buf.length, 100) >= 0) { } dtlsClient.close(); } catch (Exception e) { caught = e; logException(caught); } serverThread.shutdown(); // TODO Add checks that the various streams were closed assertEquals("Client fatal alert connection end", config.expectFatalAlertConnectionEnd, clientImpl.firstFatalAlertConnectionEnd); assertEquals("Server fatal alert connection end", config.expectFatalAlertConnectionEnd, serverImpl.firstFatalAlertConnectionEnd); assertEquals("Client fatal alert description", config.expectFatalAlertDescription, clientImpl.firstFatalAlertDescription); assertEquals("Server fatal alert description", config.expectFatalAlertDescription, serverImpl.firstFatalAlertDescription); if (config.expectFatalAlertConnectionEnd == -1) { assertNull("Unexpected client exception", caught); assertNull("Unexpected server exception", serverThread.caught); } } protected void logException(Exception e) { if (TlsTestConfig.DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } } class ServerThread extends Thread { private final DTLSServerProtocol serverProtocol; private final DatagramTransport serverTransport; private final TlsTestServerImpl serverImpl; private volatile boolean isShutdown = false; Exception caught = null; ServerThread(DTLSServerProtocol serverProtocol, DatagramTransport serverTransport, TlsTestServerImpl serverImpl) { this.serverProtocol = serverProtocol; this.serverTransport = serverTransport; this.serverImpl = serverImpl; } public void run() { try { DTLSTransport dtlsServer = serverProtocol.accept(serverImpl, serverTransport); byte[] buf = new byte[dtlsServer.getReceiveLimit()]; while (!isShutdown) { int length = dtlsServer.receive(buf, 0, buf.length, 100); if (length >= 0) { dtlsServer.send(buf, 0, length); } } dtlsServer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { caught = e; logException(caught); } } void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { if (!isShutdown) { isShutdown = true; this.interrupt(); this.join(); } } } }