package; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.spongycastle.asn1.x9.ECNamedCurveTable; import org.spongycastle.asn1.x9.X9ECParameters; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.spongycastle.util.BigIntegers; /** * Test class for {@link ECPoint}. All * literature values are taken from "Guide to elliptic curve cryptography", * Darrel Hankerson, Alfred J. Menezes, Scott Vanstone, 2004, Springer-Verlag * New York, Inc. */ public class ECPointTest extends TestCase { /** * Random source used to generate random points */ private SecureRandom secRand = new SecureRandom(); private ECPointTest.Fp fp = null; private ECPointTest.F2m f2m = null; /** * Nested class containing sample literature values for Fp. */ public static class Fp { private final BigInteger q = new BigInteger("29"); private final BigInteger a = new BigInteger("4"); private final BigInteger b = new BigInteger("20"); private final BigInteger n = new BigInteger("38"); private final BigInteger h = new BigInteger("1"); private final ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(q, a, b, n, h); private final ECPoint infinity = curve.getInfinity(); private final int[] pointSource = { 5, 22, 16, 27, 13, 6, 14, 6 }; private ECPoint[] p = new ECPoint[pointSource.length / 2]; /** * Creates the points on the curve with literature values. */ private void createPoints() { for (int i = 0; i < pointSource.length / 2; i++) { p[i] = curve.createPoint( new BigInteger(Integer.toString(pointSource[2 * i])), new BigInteger(Integer.toString(pointSource[2 * i + 1]))); } } } /** * Nested class containing sample literature values for F2m. */ public static class F2m { // Irreducible polynomial for TPB z^4 + z + 1 private final int m = 4; private final int k1 = 1; // a = z^3 private final BigInteger aTpb = new BigInteger("1000", 2); // b = z^3 + 1 private final BigInteger bTpb = new BigInteger("1001", 2); private final BigInteger n = new BigInteger("23"); private final BigInteger h = new BigInteger("1"); private final ECCurve.F2m curve = new ECCurve.F2m(m, k1, aTpb, bTpb, n, h); private final ECPoint.F2m infinity = (ECPoint.F2m) curve.getInfinity(); private final String[] pointSource = { "0010", "1111", "1100", "1100", "0001", "0001", "1011", "0010" }; private ECPoint[] p = new ECPoint[pointSource.length / 2]; /** * Creates the points on the curve with literature values. */ private void createPoints() { for (int i = 0; i < pointSource.length / 2; i++) { p[i] = curve.createPoint( new BigInteger(pointSource[2 * i], 2), new BigInteger(pointSource[2 * i + 1], 2)); } } } public void setUp() { fp = new ECPointTest.Fp(); fp.createPoints(); f2m = new ECPointTest.F2m(); f2m.createPoints(); } /** * Tests, if inconsistent points can be created, i.e. points with exactly * one null coordinate (not permitted). */ public void testPointCreationConsistency() { try { ECPoint bad = fp.curve.createPoint(new BigInteger("12"), null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } try { ECPoint bad = fp.curve.createPoint(null, new BigInteger("12")); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } try { ECPoint bad = f2m.curve.createPoint(new BigInteger("1011"), null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } try { ECPoint bad = f2m.curve.createPoint(null, new BigInteger("1011")); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } /** * Tests ECPoint.add() against literature values. * * @param p * The array of literature values. * @param infinity * The point at infinity on the respective curve. */ private void implTestAdd(ECPoint[] p, ECPoint infinity) { assertPointsEqual("p0 plus p1 does not equal p2", p[2], p[0].add(p[1])); assertPointsEqual("p1 plus p0 does not equal p2", p[2], p[1].add(p[0])); for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { assertPointsEqual("Adding infinity failed", p[i], p[i].add(infinity)); assertPointsEqual("Adding to infinity failed", p[i], infinity.add(p[i])); } } /** * Calls implTestAdd() for Fp and * F2m. */ public void testAdd() { implTestAdd(fp.p, fp.infinity); implTestAdd(f2m.p, f2m.infinity); } /** * Tests ECPoint.twice() against literature values. * * @param p * The array of literature values. */ private void implTestTwice(ECPoint[] p) { assertPointsEqual("Twice incorrect", p[3], p[0].twice()); assertPointsEqual("Add same point incorrect", p[3], p[0].add(p[0])); } /** * Calls implTestTwice() for Fp and * F2m. */ public void testTwice() { implTestTwice(fp.p); implTestTwice(f2m.p); } private void implTestThreeTimes(ECPoint[] p) { ECPoint P = p[0]; ECPoint _3P = P.add(P).add(P); assertPointsEqual("ThreeTimes incorrect", _3P, P.threeTimes()); assertPointsEqual("TwicePlus incorrect", _3P, P.twicePlus(P)); } /** * Calls implTestThreeTimes() for Fp and * F2m. */ public void testThreeTimes() { implTestThreeTimes(fp.p); implTestThreeTimes(f2m.p); } /** * Goes through all points on an elliptic curve and checks, if adding a * point k-times is the same as multiplying the point by * k, for all k. Should be called for points * on very small elliptic curves only. * * @param p * The base point on the elliptic curve. * @param infinity * The point at infinity on the elliptic curve. */ private void implTestAllPoints(ECPoint p, ECPoint infinity) { ECPoint adder = infinity; ECPoint multiplier = infinity; BigInteger i = BigInteger.valueOf(1); do { adder = adder.add(p); multiplier = p.multiply(i); assertPointsEqual("Results of add() and multiply() are inconsistent " + i, adder, multiplier); i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE); } while (!(adder.equals(infinity))); } /** * Calls implTestAllPoints() for the small literature curves, * both for Fp and F2m. */ public void testAllPoints() { for (int i = 0; i < fp.p.length; i++) { implTestAllPoints(fp.p[0], fp.infinity); } for (int i = 0; i < f2m.p.length; i++) { implTestAllPoints(f2m.p[0], f2m.infinity); } } /** * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference * implementation given in multiply(). This method chooses a * random number by which the given point p is multiplied. * * @param p * The point to be multiplied. * @param numBits * The bitlength of the random number by which p * is multiplied. */ private void implTestMultiply(ECPoint p, int numBits) { BigInteger k = new BigInteger(numBits, secRand); ECPoint ref = ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(p, k); ECPoint q = p.multiply(k); assertPointsEqual("ECPoint.multiply is incorrect", ref, q); } /** * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference * implementation given in multiply(). This method tests * multiplication of p by every number of bitlength * numBits or less. * * @param p * The point to be multiplied. * @param numBits * Try every multiplier up to this bitlength */ private void implTestMultiplyAll(ECPoint p, int numBits) { BigInteger bound = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(numBits); BigInteger k = BigInteger.ZERO; do { ECPoint ref = ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(p, k); ECPoint q = p.multiply(k); assertPointsEqual("ECPoint.multiply is incorrect", ref, q); k = k.add(BigInteger.ONE); } while (k.compareTo(bound) < 0); } /** * Tests ECPoint.add() and ECPoint.subtract() * for the given point and the given point at infinity. * * @param p * The point on which the tests are performed. * @param infinity * The point at infinity on the same curve as p. */ private void implTestAddSubtract(ECPoint p, ECPoint infinity) { assertPointsEqual("Twice and Add inconsistent", p.twice(), p.add(p)); assertPointsEqual("Twice p - p is not p", p, p.twice().subtract(p)); assertPointsEqual("TwicePlus(p, -p) is not p", p, p.twicePlus(p.negate())); assertPointsEqual("p - p is not infinity", infinity, p.subtract(p)); assertPointsEqual("p plus infinity is not p", p, p.add(infinity)); assertPointsEqual("infinity plus p is not p", p, infinity.add(p)); assertPointsEqual("infinity plus infinity is not infinity ", infinity, infinity.add(infinity)); assertPointsEqual("Twice infinity is not infinity ", infinity, infinity.twice()); } /** * Calls implTestAddSubtract() for literature values, both * for Fp and F2m. */ public void testAddSubtractMultiplySimple() { int fpBits = fp.curve.getOrder().bitLength(); for (int iFp = 0; iFp < fp.pointSource.length / 2; iFp++) { implTestAddSubtract(fp.p[iFp], fp.infinity); implTestMultiplyAll(fp.p[iFp], fpBits); implTestMultiplyAll(fp.infinity, fpBits); } int f2mBits = f2m.curve.getOrder().bitLength(); for (int iF2m = 0; iF2m < f2m.pointSource.length / 2; iF2m++) { implTestAddSubtract(f2m.p[iF2m], f2m.infinity); implTestMultiplyAll(f2m.p[iF2m], f2mBits); implTestMultiplyAll(f2m.infinity, f2mBits); } } /** * Test encoding with and without point compression. * * @param p * The point to be encoded and decoded. */ private void implTestEncoding(ECPoint p) { // Not Point Compression byte[] unCompBarr = p.getEncoded(false); ECPoint decUnComp = p.getCurve().decodePoint(unCompBarr); assertPointsEqual("Error decoding uncompressed point", p, decUnComp); // Point compression byte[] compBarr = p.getEncoded(true); ECPoint decComp = p.getCurve().decodePoint(compBarr); assertPointsEqual("Error decoding compressed point", p, decComp); } private void implAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncodingTest(ECCurve curve, ECPoint q, BigInteger n) { // Get point at infinity on the curve ECPoint infinity = curve.getInfinity(); implTestAddSubtract(q, infinity); implTestMultiply(q, n.bitLength()); implTestMultiply(infinity, n.bitLength()); ECPoint p = q; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { implTestEncoding(p); p = p.twice(); } } private void implSqrtTest(ECCurve c) { if (ECAlgorithms.isFpCurve(c)) { BigInteger p = c.getField().getCharacteristic(); BigInteger pMinusOne = p.subtract(ECConstants.ONE); BigInteger legendreExponent = p.shiftRight(1); int count = 0; while (count < 10) { BigInteger nonSquare = BigIntegers.createRandomInRange(ECConstants.TWO, pMinusOne, secRand); if (!nonSquare.modPow(legendreExponent, p).equals(ECConstants.ONE)) { ECFieldElement root = c.fromBigInteger(nonSquare).sqrt(); assertNull(root); ++count; } } } } private void implAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncodingTestAllCoords(X9ECParameters x9ECParameters) { BigInteger n = x9ECParameters.getN(); ECPoint G = x9ECParameters.getG(); ECCurve C = x9ECParameters.getCurve(); int[] coords = ECCurve.getAllCoordinateSystems(); for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; ++i) { int coord = coords[i]; if (C.supportsCoordinateSystem(coord)) { ECCurve c = C; ECPoint g = G; if (c.getCoordinateSystem() != coord) { c = C.configure().setCoordinateSystem(coord).create(); g = c.importPoint(G); } // The generator is multiplied by random b to get random q BigInteger b = new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), secRand); ECPoint q = g.multiply(b).normalize(); implAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncodingTest(c, q, n); implSqrtTest(c); } } } /** * Calls implTestAddSubtract(), * implTestMultiply and implTestEncoding for * the standard elliptic curves as given in SECNamedCurves. */ public void testAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncoding() { Set names = new HashSet(enumToList(ECNamedCurveTable.getNames())); names.addAll(enumToList(CustomNamedCurves.getNames())); Iterator it = names.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = (String); X9ECParameters x9ECParameters = ECNamedCurveTable.getByName(name); if (x9ECParameters != null) { implAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncodingTestAllCoords(x9ECParameters); } x9ECParameters = CustomNamedCurves.getByName(name); if (x9ECParameters != null) { implAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncodingTestAllCoords(x9ECParameters); } } } private List enumToList(Enumeration en) { List rv = new ArrayList(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { rv.add(en.nextElement()); } return rv; } private void assertPointsEqual(String message, ECPoint a, ECPoint b) { assertEquals(message, a, b); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(ECPointTest.class); } }