/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Comminos * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package se.lublin.humla; import android.app.Service; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.util.Log; import java.security.Security; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.minidns.dnsserverlookup.android21.AndroidUsingLinkProperties; import se.lublin.humla.audio.AudioOutput; import se.lublin.humla.audio.BluetoothScoReceiver; import se.lublin.humla.audio.inputmode.ActivityInputMode; import se.lublin.humla.audio.inputmode.ContinuousInputMode; import se.lublin.humla.audio.inputmode.IInputMode; import se.lublin.humla.audio.inputmode.ToggleInputMode; import se.lublin.humla.audio.javacpp.CELT7; import se.lublin.humla.exception.AudioException; import se.lublin.humla.exception.NotConnectedException; import se.lublin.humla.exception.NotSynchronizedException; import se.lublin.humla.model.Channel; import se.lublin.humla.model.IChannel; import se.lublin.humla.model.IUser; import se.lublin.humla.model.Message; import se.lublin.humla.model.Server; import se.lublin.humla.model.TalkState; import se.lublin.humla.model.User; import se.lublin.humla.model.WhisperTarget; import se.lublin.humla.model.WhisperTargetList; import se.lublin.humla.net.HumlaConnection; import se.lublin.humla.net.HumlaTCPMessageType; import se.lublin.humla.net.HumlaUDPMessageType; import se.lublin.humla.protobuf.Mumble; import se.lublin.humla.protocol.AudioHandler; import se.lublin.humla.protocol.ModelHandler; import se.lublin.humla.util.HumlaCallbacks; import se.lublin.humla.util.HumlaDisconnectedException; import se.lublin.humla.util.HumlaException; import se.lublin.humla.util.HumlaLogger; import se.lublin.humla.util.IHumlaObserver; import se.lublin.humla.util.VoiceTargetMode; public class HumlaService extends Service implements IHumlaService, IHumlaSession, HumlaConnection.HumlaConnectionListener, HumlaLogger, BluetoothScoReceiver.Listener { static { // Use Spongy Castle for crypto implementation so we can create and manage PKCS #12 (.p12) certificates. Security.insertProviderAt(new org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1); } /** * An action to immediately connect to a given Mumble server. * Requires that {@link #EXTRAS_SERVER} is provided. */ public static final String ACTION_CONNECT = "se.lublin.humla.CONNECT"; /** A {@link Server} specifying the server to connect to. */ public static final String EXTRAS_SERVER = "server"; public static final String EXTRAS_AUTO_RECONNECT = "auto_reconnect"; public static final String EXTRAS_AUTO_RECONNECT_DELAY = "auto_reconnect_delay"; public static final String EXTRAS_CERTIFICATE = "certificate"; public static final String EXTRAS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD = "certificate_password"; public static final String EXTRAS_DETECTION_THRESHOLD = "detection_threshold"; public static final String EXTRAS_AMPLITUDE_BOOST = "amplitude_boost"; public static final String EXTRAS_TRANSMIT_MODE = "transmit_mode"; public static final String EXTRAS_INPUT_RATE = "input_frequency"; public static final String EXTRAS_INPUT_QUALITY = "input_quality"; public static final String EXTRAS_USE_OPUS = "use_opus"; public static final String EXTRAS_FORCE_TCP = "force_tcp"; public static final String EXTRAS_USE_TOR = "use_tor"; public static final String EXTRAS_CLIENT_NAME = "client_name"; public static final String EXTRAS_ACCESS_TOKENS = "access_tokens"; public static final String EXTRAS_AUDIO_SOURCE = "audio_source"; public static final String EXTRAS_AUDIO_STREAM = "audio_stream"; public static final String EXTRAS_FRAMES_PER_PACKET = "frames_per_packet"; /** An optional path to a trust store for CA certificates. */ public static final String EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE = "trust_store"; /** The trust store's password. */ public static final String EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD = "trust_store_password"; /** The trust store's format. */ public static final String EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE_FORMAT = "trust_store_format"; public static final String EXTRAS_HALF_DUPLEX = "half_duplex"; /** A list of users that should be local muted upon connection. */ public static final String EXTRAS_LOCAL_MUTE_HISTORY = "local_mute_history"; /** A list of users that should be local ignored upon connection. */ public static final String EXTRAS_LOCAL_IGNORE_HISTORY = "local_ignore_history"; public static final String EXTRAS_ENABLE_PREPROCESSOR = "enable_preprocessor"; // Service settings private Server mServer; private boolean mAutoReconnect; private int mAutoReconnectDelay; private byte[] mCertificate; private String mCertificatePassword; private boolean mUseOpus; private boolean mForceTcp; private boolean mUseTor; private String mClientName; private List mAccessTokens; private String mTrustStore; private String mTrustStorePassword; private String mTrustStoreFormat; private List mLocalMuteHistory; private List mLocalIgnoreHistory; private AudioHandler.Builder mAudioBuilder; private int mTransmitMode; private byte mVoiceTargetId; private WhisperTargetList mWhisperTargetList; private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock; private Handler mHandler; private HumlaCallbacks mCallbacks; private HumlaConnection mConnection; private ConnectionState mConnectionState; private ModelHandler mModelHandler; private AudioHandler mAudioHandler; private BluetoothScoReceiver mBluetoothReceiver; private ActivityInputMode mActivityInputMode; private ToggleInputMode mToggleInputMode; private ContinuousInputMode mContinuousInputMode; private boolean mReconnecting; /** * Listen for connectivity changes in the reconnection state, and reconnect accordingly. */ private BroadcastReceiver mConnectivityReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (!mReconnecting) { unregisterReceiver(this); return; } ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (info != null && info.isConnected()) { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Connectivity restored, attempting reconnect."); connect(); } } }; private AudioHandler.AudioEncodeListener mAudioInputListener = new AudioHandler.AudioEncodeListener() { @Override public void onAudioEncoded(byte[] data, int length) { if(mConnection != null && mConnection.isSynchronized()) { mConnection.sendUDPMessage(data, length, false); } } @Override public void onTalkingStateChanged(final boolean talking) { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // If the server session is inactive, ignore this message. // It's likely that this is leftover from a terminated connection. if (!isSynchronized()) return; if (mModelHandler == null || mConnection == null) { return; } final User currentUser = mModelHandler.getUser(mConnection.getSession()); if (currentUser == null) return; currentUser.setTalkState(talking ? TalkState.TALKING : TalkState.PASSIVE); mCallbacks.onUserTalkStateUpdated(currentUser); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } }; private AudioOutput.AudioOutputListener mAudioOutputListener = new AudioOutput.AudioOutputListener() { @Override public void onUserTalkStateUpdated(final User user) { mCallbacks.onUserTalkStateUpdated(user); } @Override public User getUser(int session) { if (mModelHandler != null) { return mModelHandler.getUser(session); } return null; } }; @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent != null) { Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); if (extras != null) { try { configureExtras(extras); } catch (AudioException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to initialize audio in onStartCommand erroneously."); } } if (ACTION_CONNECT.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (extras == null || !extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_SERVER)) { // Ensure that we have been provided all required attributes.``` throw new RuntimeException(ACTION_CONNECT + " requires a server provided in extras."); } connect(); } } return START_NOT_STICKY; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "Humla:HumlaService"); mHandler = new Handler(getMainLooper()); mCallbacks = new HumlaCallbacks(); mAudioBuilder = new AudioHandler.Builder() .setContext(this) .setLogger(this) .setEncodeListener(mAudioInputListener) .setTalkingListener(mAudioOutputListener); mConnectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; mBluetoothReceiver = new BluetoothScoReceiver(this, this); registerReceiver(mBluetoothReceiver, new IntentFilter(AudioManager.ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED)); mToggleInputMode = new ToggleInputMode(); mActivityInputMode = new ActivityInputMode(0); // FIXME: reasonable default mContinuousInputMode = new ContinuousInputMode(); mWhisperTargetList = new WhisperTargetList(); // initialize minidns dns lookup mechanisms AndroidUsingLinkProperties.setup(this); } @Override public void onDestroy() { unregisterReceiver(mBluetoothReceiver); super.onDestroy(); } public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return new HumlaBinder(this); } protected void connect() { try { setReconnecting(false); mConnectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; mVoiceTargetId = 0; mWhisperTargetList.clear(); mConnection = new HumlaConnection(this); mConnection.setForceTCP(mForceTcp); mConnection.setUseTor(mUseTor); mConnection.setKeys(mCertificate, mCertificatePassword); mConnection.setTrustStore(mTrustStore, mTrustStorePassword, mTrustStoreFormat); mModelHandler = new ModelHandler(this, mCallbacks, this, mLocalMuteHistory, mLocalIgnoreHistory); mConnection.addTCPMessageHandlers(mModelHandler); mConnectionState = ConnectionState.CONNECTING; mCallbacks.onConnecting(); mConnection.connect(mServer.getSrvHost(), mServer.getSrvPort()); } catch (HumlaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mCallbacks.onDisconnected(e); } } public void disconnect() { if (mConnection != null) { mConnection.disconnect(); } } public boolean isConnectionEstablished() { return mConnection != null && mConnection.isConnected(); } /** * @return true if Humla has received the ServerSync message, indicating synchronization with * the server's model and settings. This is the main state of the service. */ public boolean isSynchronized() { return mConnection != null && mConnection.isSynchronized(); } @Override public void onConnectionEstablished() { // Send version information and authenticate. final Mumble.Version.Builder version = Mumble.Version.newBuilder(); version.setRelease(mClientName); version.setVersion(Constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION); version.setOs("Android"); version.setOsVersion(Build.VERSION.RELEASE); final Mumble.Authenticate.Builder auth = Mumble.Authenticate.newBuilder(); auth.setUsername(mServer.getUsername()); auth.setPassword(mServer.getPassword()); auth.addCeltVersions(CELT7.getBitstreamVersion()); // FIXME: resolve issues with CELT 11 robot voices. // auth.addCeltVersions(Constants.CELT_11_VERSION); auth.setOpus(mUseOpus); auth.addAllTokens(mAccessTokens); mConnection.sendTCPMessage(version.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.Version); mConnection.sendTCPMessage(auth.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.Authenticate); } @Override public void onConnectionSynchronized() { // early disconned? if (!mConnection.isConnected()) { return; } // TODO hackish, but this seems to happen?! if (mModelHandler == null) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Error in HumlaService.onConnectionSynchronized: mAudioHandler is null"); return; } mConnectionState = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Connected"); mWakeLock.acquire(); try { mAudioHandler = mAudioBuilder.initialize( mModelHandler.getUser(mConnection.getSession()), mConnection.getMaxBandwidth(), mConnection.getCodec(), mVoiceTargetId); mConnection.addTCPMessageHandlers(mAudioHandler); mConnection.addUDPMessageHandlers(mAudioHandler); } catch (AudioException e) { e.printStackTrace(); onConnectionWarning(e.getMessage()); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Connection should be synchronized in callback for synchronization!", e); } mCallbacks.onConnected(); } @Override public void onConnectionHandshakeFailed(X509Certificate[] chain) { mCallbacks.onTLSHandshakeFailed(chain); } @Override public void onConnectionDisconnected(HumlaException e) { if (e != null) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Error: " + e.getMessage() + " (reason: " + e.getReason().name() + ")"); mConnectionState = ConnectionState.CONNECTION_LOST; setReconnecting(mAutoReconnect && e.getReason() == HumlaException.HumlaDisconnectReason.CONNECTION_ERROR); } else { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Disconnected"); mConnectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; } if(mWakeLock.isHeld()) { mWakeLock.release(); } if (mAudioHandler != null) { mAudioHandler.shutdown(); } mModelHandler = null; mAudioHandler = null; mVoiceTargetId = 0; mWhisperTargetList.clear(); // Halt SCO connection on shutdown. mBluetoothReceiver.stopBluetoothSco(); mCallbacks.onDisconnected(e); } @Override public void onConnectionWarning(String warning) { logWarning(warning); } @Override public void logInfo(String message) { if (mConnection == null || !mConnection.isSynchronized()) return; // don't log info prior to synchronization mCallbacks.onLogInfo(message); } @Override public void logWarning(String message) { mCallbacks.onLogWarning(message); } @Override public void logError(String message) { mCallbacks.onLogError(message); } public void setReconnecting(boolean reconnecting) { if (mReconnecting == reconnecting) return; mReconnecting = reconnecting; if (reconnecting) { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (info != null && info.isConnected()) { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Connection lost due to non-connectivity issue. Start reconnect polling."); Handler mainHandler = new Handler(); mainHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mReconnecting) connect(); } }, mAutoReconnectDelay); } else { // In the event that we've lost connectivity, don't poll. Wait until network // returns before we resume connection attempts. Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Connection lost due to connectivity issue. Waiting until network returns."); try { registerReceiver(mConnectivityReceiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { try { unregisterReceiver(mConnectivityReceiver); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Instantiates an audio handler with the current service settings, destroying any previous * handler. Requires synchronization with the server, as the maximum bandwidth and session must * be known. */ private void createAudioHandler() throws AudioException { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && mConnectionState != ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { throw new AssertionError("Attempted to instantiate audio handler when not connected!"); } if (mAudioHandler != null) { mConnection.removeTCPMessageHandler(mAudioHandler); mConnection.removeUDPMessageHandler(mAudioHandler); mAudioHandler.shutdown(); } try { mAudioHandler = mAudioBuilder.initialize( mModelHandler.getUser(mConnection.getSession()), mConnection.getMaxBandwidth(), mConnection.getCodec(), mVoiceTargetId); mConnection.addTCPMessageHandlers(mAudioHandler); mConnection.addUDPMessageHandlers(mAudioHandler); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to create audio handler when not synchronized!"); } } /** * Loads all defined settings from the given bundle into the HumlaService. * Some settings may only take effect after a reconnect. * @param extras A bundle with settings. * @return true if a reconnect is required for changes to take effect. * @see se.lublin.humla.HumlaService */ public boolean configureExtras(Bundle extras) throws AudioException { boolean reconnectNeeded = false; if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_SERVER)) { mServer = extras.getParcelable(EXTRAS_SERVER); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_AUTO_RECONNECT)) { mAutoReconnect = extras.getBoolean(EXTRAS_AUTO_RECONNECT); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_AUTO_RECONNECT_DELAY)) { mAutoReconnectDelay = extras.getInt(EXTRAS_AUTO_RECONNECT_DELAY); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_CERTIFICATE)) { mCertificate = extras.getByteArray(EXTRAS_CERTIFICATE); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD)) { mCertificatePassword = extras.getString(EXTRAS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_DETECTION_THRESHOLD)) { mActivityInputMode.setThreshold(extras.getFloat(EXTRAS_DETECTION_THRESHOLD)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_AMPLITUDE_BOOST)) { mAudioBuilder.setAmplitudeBoost(extras.getFloat(EXTRAS_AMPLITUDE_BOOST)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_TRANSMIT_MODE)) { mTransmitMode = extras.getInt(EXTRAS_TRANSMIT_MODE); IInputMode inputMode; switch (mTransmitMode) { case Constants.TRANSMIT_PUSH_TO_TALK: inputMode = mToggleInputMode; break; case Constants.TRANSMIT_CONTINUOUS: inputMode = mContinuousInputMode; break; case Constants.TRANSMIT_VOICE_ACTIVITY: inputMode = mActivityInputMode; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } mAudioBuilder.setInputMode(inputMode); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_INPUT_RATE)) { mAudioBuilder.setInputSampleRate(extras.getInt(EXTRAS_INPUT_RATE)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_INPUT_QUALITY)) { mAudioBuilder.setTargetBitrate(extras.getInt(EXTRAS_INPUT_QUALITY)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_USE_OPUS)) { mUseOpus = extras.getBoolean(EXTRAS_USE_OPUS); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_USE_TOR)) { mUseTor = extras.getBoolean(EXTRAS_USE_TOR); mForceTcp |= mUseTor; // Tor requires TCP connections to work- if it's on, force TCP. reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_FORCE_TCP)) { mForceTcp |= extras.getBoolean(EXTRAS_FORCE_TCP); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_CLIENT_NAME)) { mClientName = extras.getString(EXTRAS_CLIENT_NAME); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_ACCESS_TOKENS)) { mAccessTokens = extras.getStringArrayList(EXTRAS_ACCESS_TOKENS); if (mConnection != null && mConnection.isConnected()) { mConnection.sendAccessTokens(mAccessTokens); } } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_AUDIO_SOURCE)) { mAudioBuilder.setAudioSource(extras.getInt(EXTRAS_AUDIO_SOURCE)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_AUDIO_STREAM)) { mAudioBuilder.setAudioStream(extras.getInt(EXTRAS_AUDIO_STREAM)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_FRAMES_PER_PACKET)) { mAudioBuilder.setTargetFramesPerPacket(extras.getInt(EXTRAS_FRAMES_PER_PACKET)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE)) { mTrustStore = extras.getString(EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD)) { mTrustStorePassword = extras.getString(EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE_FORMAT)) { mTrustStoreFormat = extras.getString(EXTRAS_TRUST_STORE_FORMAT); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_HALF_DUPLEX)) { mAudioBuilder.setHalfDuplexEnabled( extras.getInt(EXTRAS_TRANSMIT_MODE) == Constants.TRANSMIT_PUSH_TO_TALK && extras.getBoolean(EXTRAS_HALF_DUPLEX)); } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_LOCAL_MUTE_HISTORY)) { mLocalMuteHistory = extras.getIntegerArrayList(EXTRAS_LOCAL_MUTE_HISTORY); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_LOCAL_IGNORE_HISTORY)) { mLocalIgnoreHistory = extras.getIntegerArrayList(EXTRAS_LOCAL_IGNORE_HISTORY); reconnectNeeded = true; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRAS_ENABLE_PREPROCESSOR)) { mAudioBuilder.setPreprocessorEnabled(extras.getBoolean(EXTRAS_ENABLE_PREPROCESSOR)); } // Reload audio subsystem if initialized if (mAudioHandler != null && mAudioHandler.isInitialized()) { createAudioHandler(); Log.i(Constants.TAG, "Audio subsystem reloaded after settings change."); } return reconnectNeeded; } @Override public void onBluetoothScoConnected() { // After an SCO connection is established, audio is rerouted to be compatible with SCO. mAudioBuilder.setBluetoothEnabled(true); if (mAudioHandler != null) { try { createAudioHandler(); } catch (AudioException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void onBluetoothScoDisconnected() { // Restore audio settings after disconnection. mAudioBuilder.setBluetoothEnabled(false); if (mAudioHandler != null) { try { createAudioHandler(); } catch (AudioException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Exposes the current connection. The current connection is set once an attempt to connect to * a server is made, and remains set until a subsequent connection. It remains available * after disconnection to provide information regarding the terminated connection. * @return The active {@link HumlaConnection}. */ public HumlaConnection getConnection() { return mConnection; } /** * Returnes the current {@link AudioHandler}. An AudioHandler is instantiated upon connection * to a server, and destroyed upon disconnection. * @return the active AudioHandler, or null if there is no active connection. */ private AudioHandler getAudioHandler() throws NotSynchronizedException { if (!isSynchronized()) throw new NotSynchronizedException(); if (mAudioHandler == null && mConnectionState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) throw new RuntimeException("Audio handler should always be instantiated while connected!"); return mAudioHandler; } /** * Returns the current {@link ModelHandler}, containing the channel tree. A model handler is * valid for the lifetime of a connection. * @return the active ModelHandler, or null if there is no active connection. */ private ModelHandler getModelHandler() throws NotSynchronizedException { if (!isSynchronized()) throw new NotSynchronizedException(); if (mModelHandler == null && mConnectionState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) throw new RuntimeException("Model handler should always be instantiated while connected!"); return mModelHandler; } /** * Returns the bluetooth service provider, established after synchronization. * @return The {@link BluetoothScoReceiver} attached to this service. */ private BluetoothScoReceiver getBluetoothReceiver() throws NotSynchronizedException { if (!isSynchronized()) throw new NotSynchronizedException(); return mBluetoothReceiver; } @Override public HumlaService.ConnectionState getConnectionState() { return mConnectionState; } @Override public HumlaException getConnectionError() { HumlaConnection connection = getConnection(); return connection != null ? connection.getError() : null; } @Override public boolean isReconnecting() { return mReconnecting; } @Override public void cancelReconnect() { setReconnecting(false); } @Override public Server getTargetServer() { return mServer; } @Override public IHumlaSession HumlaSession() throws HumlaDisconnectedException { if (mConnectionState != ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { throw new HumlaDisconnectedException(); } return this; } @Override public long getTCPLatency() { try { return getConnection().getTCPLatency(); } catch (NotConnectedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public long getUDPLatency() { try { return getConnection().getUDPLatency(); } catch (NotConnectedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public int getMaxBandwidth() { try { return getConnection().getMaxBandwidth(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public int getCurrentBandwidth() { try { return getAudioHandler().getCurrentBandwidth(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public int getServerVersion() { try { return getConnection().getServerVersion(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public String getServerRelease() { try { return getConnection().getServerRelease(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public String getServerOSName() { try { return getConnection().getServerOSName(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public String getServerOSVersion() { try { return getConnection().getServerOSVersion(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public int getSessionId() { try { return getConnection().getSession(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public IUser getSessionUser() { try { return getModelHandler().getUser(getSessionId()); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public IChannel getSessionChannel() { IUser user = getSessionUser(); if (user != null) return user.getChannel(); throw new IllegalStateException("Session user should be set post-synchronization!"); } @Override public IUser getUser(int session) { try { return getModelHandler().getUser(session); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public IChannel getChannel(int id) { try { return getModelHandler().getChannel(id); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public IChannel getRootChannel() { return getChannel(0); } @Override public int getPermissions() { try { return getModelHandler().getPermissions(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public int getTransmitMode() { return mTransmitMode; } @Override public HumlaUDPMessageType getCodec() { try { return getConnection().getCodec(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public boolean usingBluetoothSco() { try { return getBluetoothReceiver().isBluetoothScoOn(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public void enableBluetoothSco() { try { getBluetoothReceiver().startBluetoothSco(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public void disableBluetoothSco() { try { getBluetoothReceiver().stopBluetoothSco(); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public boolean isTalking() { return mToggleInputMode.isTalkingOn(); } @Override public void setTalkingState(boolean talking) { mToggleInputMode.setTalkingOn(talking); } @Override public void joinChannel(int channel) { moveUserToChannel(getSessionId(), channel); } @Override public void moveUserToChannel(int session, int channel) { Mumble.UserState.Builder usb = Mumble.UserState.newBuilder(); usb.setSession(session); usb.setChannelId(channel); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(usb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserState); } @Override public void createChannel(int parent, String name, String description, int position, boolean temporary) { Mumble.ChannelState.Builder csb = Mumble.ChannelState.newBuilder(); csb.setParent(parent); csb.setName(name); csb.setDescription(description); csb.setPosition(position); csb.setTemporary(temporary); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(csb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.ChannelState); } @Override public void sendAccessTokens(final List tokens) { getConnection().sendAccessTokens(tokens); } @Override public void requestBanList() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented"); // TODO } @Override public void requestUserList() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented"); // TODO } @Override public void requestPermissions(int channel) { Mumble.PermissionQuery.Builder pqb = Mumble.PermissionQuery.newBuilder(); pqb.setChannelId(channel); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(pqb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.PermissionQuery); } @Override public void requestComment(int session) { Mumble.RequestBlob.Builder rbb = Mumble.RequestBlob.newBuilder(); rbb.addSessionComment(session); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(rbb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.RequestBlob); } @Override public void requestAvatar(int session) { Mumble.RequestBlob.Builder rbb = Mumble.RequestBlob.newBuilder(); rbb.addSessionTexture(session); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(rbb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.RequestBlob); } @Override public void requestChannelDescription(int channel) { Mumble.RequestBlob.Builder rbb = Mumble.RequestBlob.newBuilder(); rbb.addChannelDescription(channel); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(rbb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.RequestBlob); } @Override public void registerUser(int session) { Mumble.UserState.Builder usb = Mumble.UserState.newBuilder(); usb.setSession(session); usb.setUserId(0); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(usb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserState); } @Override public void kickBanUser(int session, String reason, boolean ban) { Mumble.UserRemove.Builder urb = Mumble.UserRemove.newBuilder(); urb.setSession(session); urb.setReason(reason); urb.setBan(ban); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(urb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserRemove); } @Override public Message sendUserTextMessage(int session, String message) { try { if (!isSynchronized()) throw new NotSynchronizedException(); Mumble.TextMessage.Builder tmb = Mumble.TextMessage.newBuilder(); tmb.addSession(session); tmb.setMessage(message); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(tmb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.TextMessage); User self = getModelHandler().getUser(getSessionId()); User user = getModelHandler().getUser(session); List users = new ArrayList(1); users.add(user); return new Message(getSessionId(), self.getName(), new ArrayList(0), new ArrayList(0), users, message); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public Message sendChannelTextMessage(int channel, String message, boolean tree) { try { if (!isSynchronized()) throw new NotSynchronizedException(); Mumble.TextMessage.Builder tmb = Mumble.TextMessage.newBuilder(); if (tree) tmb.addTreeId(channel); else tmb.addChannelId(channel); tmb.setMessage(message); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(tmb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.TextMessage); User self = getModelHandler().getUser(getSessionId()); Channel targetChannel = getModelHandler().getChannel(channel); List targetChannels = new ArrayList(); targetChannels.add(targetChannel); return new Message(getSessionId(), self.getName(), targetChannels, tree ? targetChannels : new ArrayList(0), new ArrayList(0), message); } catch (NotSynchronizedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public void setUserComment(int session, String comment) { Mumble.UserState.Builder usb = Mumble.UserState.newBuilder(); usb.setSession(session); usb.setComment(comment); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(usb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserState); } @Override public void setPrioritySpeaker(int session, boolean priority) { Mumble.UserState.Builder usb = Mumble.UserState.newBuilder(); usb.setSession(session); usb.setPrioritySpeaker(priority); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(usb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserState); } @Override public void removeChannel(int channel) { Mumble.ChannelRemove.Builder crb = Mumble.ChannelRemove.newBuilder(); crb.setChannelId(channel); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(crb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.ChannelRemove); } @Override public void setMuteDeafState(int session, boolean mute, boolean deaf) { Mumble.UserState.Builder usb = Mumble.UserState.newBuilder(); usb.setSession(session); usb.setMute(mute); usb.setDeaf(deaf); if (!mute) usb.setSuppress(false); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(usb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserState); } @Override public void setSelfMuteDeafState(boolean mute, boolean deaf) { Mumble.UserState.Builder usb = Mumble.UserState.newBuilder(); usb.setSelfMute(mute); usb.setSelfDeaf(deaf); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(usb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.UserState); } public void registerObserver(IHumlaObserver observer) { mCallbacks.registerObserver(observer); } public void unregisterObserver(IHumlaObserver observer) { mCallbacks.unregisterObserver(observer); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return mConnectionState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED; } @Override public void linkChannels(IChannel channelA, IChannel channelB) { Mumble.ChannelState.Builder csb = Mumble.ChannelState.newBuilder(); csb.setChannelId(channelA.getId()); csb.addLinksAdd(channelB.getId()); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(csb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.ChannelState); } @Override public void unlinkChannels(IChannel channelA, IChannel channelB) { Mumble.ChannelState.Builder csb = Mumble.ChannelState.newBuilder(); csb.setChannelId(channelA.getId()); csb.addLinksRemove(channelB.getId()); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(csb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.ChannelState); } @Override public void unlinkAllChannels(IChannel channel) { Mumble.ChannelState.Builder csb = Mumble.ChannelState.newBuilder(); csb.setChannelId(channel.getId()); for (IChannel linked : channel.getLinks()) { csb.addLinksRemove(linked.getId()); } getConnection().sendTCPMessage(csb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.ChannelState); } @Override public byte registerWhisperTarget(final WhisperTarget target) { byte id = mWhisperTargetList.append(target); if (id < 0) { return -1; } Mumble.VoiceTarget.Target voiceTarget = target.createTarget(); Mumble.VoiceTarget.Builder vtb = Mumble.VoiceTarget.newBuilder(); vtb.setId(id); vtb.addTargets(voiceTarget); getConnection().sendTCPMessage(vtb.build(), HumlaTCPMessageType.VoiceTarget); return id; } @Override public void unregisterWhisperTarget(byte targetId) { mWhisperTargetList.free(targetId); } @Override public void setVoiceTargetId(byte targetId) { if ((targetId & ~0x1F) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target ID must be at most 5 bits."); } mVoiceTargetId = targetId; mAudioHandler.setVoiceTargetId(targetId); mCallbacks.onVoiceTargetChanged(VoiceTargetMode.fromId(targetId)); } @Override public byte getVoiceTargetId() { return mVoiceTargetId; } @Override public VoiceTargetMode getVoiceTargetMode() { return VoiceTargetMode.fromId(mVoiceTargetId); } @Override public WhisperTarget getWhisperTarget() { if (VoiceTargetMode.fromId(mVoiceTargetId) == VoiceTargetMode.WHISPER) { return mWhisperTargetList.get(mVoiceTargetId); } return null; } /** * The current connection state of the service. */ public enum ConnectionState { /** * The default state of Humla, before connection to a server and after graceful/expected * disconnection from a server. */ DISCONNECTED, /** * A connection to the server is currently in progress. */ CONNECTING, /** * Humla has received all data necessary for normal protocol communication with the server. */ CONNECTED, /** * The connection was lost due to either a kick/ban or socket I/O error. * Humla may be reconnecting in this state. * @see #isReconnecting() * @see #cancelReconnect() */ CONNECTION_LOST } public static class HumlaBinder extends Binder { private final IHumlaService mService; private HumlaBinder(IHumlaService service) { mService = service; } public IHumlaService getService() { return mService; } } }