# Mumla Mumla is a fork and continuation of [Plumble](https://github.com/acomminos/Plumble), a robust GPLv3 Mumble client for Android originally written by Andrew Comminos. It uses the the [Humla](https://gitlab.com/quite/humla) protocol implementation (forked from Comminos's [Jumble](https://github.com/acomminos/Jumble)). Mumla should run on Android 4.0 (IceCreamSandwich, API 14) and later. Mumla is available [on F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/packages/se.lublin.mumla/). There is a small [landing page](https://mumla-app.gitlab.io/), that also has information about [Beta releases](https://mumla-app.gitlab.io/beta/). ## Translations If you want to help out translating Mumla, the project is [on Weblate](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/mumla/) -- thanks for gratis hosting of our libre project! ## Building on GNU/Linux TODO: humla-spongycastle should be built as a sub-project of Humla's Gradle, but currently isn't. git submodule update --init --recursive pushd libraries/humla/libs/humla-spongycastle ../../gradlew jar popd ./gradlew assembleDebug ### Notes According to https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/gradle-plugin default NDK for Android Gradle Plugin 7.x is 21.4.7075529. It should be installed automatically (by Android Studio and/or the plugin right), but for me it wasn't. I had to Bring up SDK Manager in Android Studio. - Click SDK Tools tab. - Check "Show Package Details" - In the list view, expand "NDK (Side by side)" - Check 21.4.7075529 - Click OK ## License Mumla's [LICENSE](LICENSE) is GNU GPL v3.