# Color Your World **Color Your World** is a [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) theme developed around a single experiment that led me to this: ![HTML color picker with 12 presets.](https://gitlab.com/rmaguiar/hugo-theme-color-your-world/-/raw/master/images/color-picker.png) It's a HTML color picker. Along with some vanilla JS, it allows anyone to change what I'll be calling here... the **accent color**, a color used mostly in interactive elements. I liked the result so much that I decided to use it on my main site, but I also want to share it, in case anyone wants to tinker with it. It makes heavy use of [Hugo Pipes](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes) and I highly recommend using `--minify` when building! I've been working on this theme for so long that there are features I don't even remember anymore... But here are *some*: * Customizable light/dark mode; * Customizable "accent color" (in an user-level); * Keyboard-friendly; * Privacy-aware to an extent (no Google Analytics/Fonts, Disqus, etc); * Social shortcode including centralized and decentralized platforms; * Contact form shortcode (via [Formspree](https://formspree.io)); * Open Graph, Twitter Cards and Structured Data (schema.org) meta tags; * Responsive images via image processing; * Image lazy loading (native + [lazysizes](https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes)); * **noscript** capable to an extent (except KaTeX). ## Screenshots ![Theme screenshot in dark mode.](https://gitlab.com/rmaguiar/hugo-theme-color-your-world/-/raw/master/images/screenshot.png) ![Theme screenshot in light mode.](https://gitlab.com/rmaguiar/hugo-theme-color-your-world/-/raw/master/images/screenshot2.png) ## Requirements * Hugo Extended * Minimum version: 0.71.0 ## Installation If you have git installed, you can do the following at the CLI within the Hugo directory: ``` git clone https://gitlab.com/rmaguiar/hugo-theme-color-your-world.git themes/color-your-world ``` For more information read the [Hugo official setup guide](https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/). ## Customization ### Light/dark mode colors Both color palettes can be found in `assets/scss/colors/variables.scss`. ### Accent color By default, there are 2 accent colors plus 10 on the `exampleSite`, distributed into pairs. You can change the default mode and accent colors in the config: ```toml [params.style] # Dark mode as default # The default is false isDark = true # Accent colors for light and dark mode respectively lightAccent = "#225670" # Default is "#225670" darkAccent = "#dd587c" # Default is "#dd587c" # More colors, pick as many as you want (not really sure if there's a limit) # Apparently these may not show up on every modern browser (ie. Firefox) # There's no default value. Used here just as example presets = [ "#1f676b", "#f3a530", "#902b37", "#1dbc91", "#754e85", "#7fc121", "#a8314a", "#ff7433", "#3e6728", "#c063bd" ] ``` ### Syntax highlighting This theme comes with two chroma styles, meant to be used with light and dark mode respectively. These are **Solarized Dark** for light mode and **Monokai** for dark mode. ![Syntax highlighting in both dark and light modes.](https://gitlab.com/rmaguiar/hugo-theme-color-your-world/-/raw/master/images/syntax-highlight.gif) It's worth noting that I'm not using the original stylesheets, but modified stylesheets based on the [pygments-high-contrast-stylesheets](https://github.com/mpchadwick/pygments-high-contrast-stylesheets) (aka "WCAG AA passing Pygments stylesheets"). In case you want to change it, it can be found in `assets/scss/colors/chroma` as `light.scss` and `dark.scss`. The lines below are **required** in your config file to make use of this feature: ```toml [markup] [markup.highlight] noClasses = false ``` To disable it, you can just remove the `noClasses = false` (as its default value is `true`) and add the lines below: ```toml [params] [params.style] useCustomChroma = false ``` ## Image processing By default, images with width equal or greater than 1280 pixels are processed (resized) into 3 resolutions: 1280x, 960x and 640x (this one with quality at 90, as opposed to the default 75). You can change this behavior via config: ```toml [params.imageProc] highRes = [ "1280x", "1280w" ] mediumRes = [ "960x", "960w" ] lowRes = [ "640x q90", "640w" ] # entry = [ resize options, condition ] # Images with width equal or greater this value # will be processed into the 3 resolutions above # Valid only for images rendered via markdown # The default value is 1280 markupAutoResizeWidth = 1280 ``` The shortcodes `img` and `figure` will **always** process images and cover images will *also* process resolutions for Open Graph (1200x630) and Twitter (1280x640). ## Shortcodes The most complex shortcodes here are the `social` and `contact-form`. They can be used to inject a list of social platform links and a contact form, respectively. ### Social Here I make a distinction between centralized and decentralized platforms. Since decentralized platforms introduced the concept of "instances". It's not uncommon that a single person owns multiple accounts, in multiple instances, in the same platform. This distinction should make the setup easier. Here's an example of config file: ```toml [params.social.centralized] facebook = [ "", "Zuckerburg" ] flickr = [ "" ] github = [ "" ] gitlab = [ "" ] instagram = [ "" ] keybase = [ "" ] linkedin = [ "" ] medium = [ "" ] reddit = [ "" ] soundcloud = [ "" ] stackOverflow = [ "" ] strava = [ "" ] telegram = [ "" ] twitch = [ "" ] twitter = [ "", "@birb" ] vimeo = [ "" ] whatsapp = [ "" ] youtube = [ "" ] #entry = [ "username", "label (optional)" ] # The "entry" here IS important. It's used to load the data. [params.social.decentralized] [params.social.decentralized.funkwhale] 1 = [ "https://open.audio/", "open.audio" ] [params.social.decentralized.mastodon] 1 = [ "https://mastodon.social/", "mastodon.social" ] 2 = [ "https://mastodon.too/", "mastodon.too" ] 3 = [ "https://yet.another.one/", "yet.another.one" ] #entry = [ "full url", "label (required)" ] [params.social.decentralized.matrix] 1 = [ "https://matrix.to/#/:matrix.org", "matrix.org" ] 2 = [ "https://matrix.to/#/:other.org", "other.org" ] #entry = [ "full url", "label (required)" ] [params.social.decentralized.peertube] 1 = [ "https://peertube.something/accounts/", "peertube.something" ] #entry = [ "full url", "label (required)" ] [params.social.decentralized.pixelfed] 1 = [ "https://pixelfed.social/", "pixelfed.social" ] [params.social.decentralized.riot] 1 = [ "https://riot.im/app/#/user/:matrix.org", "matrix.org" ] # The "entry" here ISN'T important. It's used for nothing. ``` This information will also be used to generate social meta tags (ie.: rel="me" and Schema.org). Alternatively, you can have these params in the front matter of any page. ### Contact form ```toml # Contact form shortcode [params.contact] # formspree.io Form ID formspreeFormId = "example" # Autocomplete [on/off] and min character length for message autoComplete = false # Default is false messageMinLength = 140 # Default is 140 # Subject # You can set a single value below (and it will cease to be a dropdown), # BUT KEEP IT AS AN ARRAY # It can also be disabled entirely (and it will turn into a text field) subject = [ 'Just saying "hi"', "I know what you did last winter", "... Is that a sloth?", "お前はもう死んでいる。" ] # Text placeholders. As usual, comment the lines if you don't want use them # The "subject" below will only be used if the "subject" above doesn't exist (ie.: commented/deleted) [params.contact.placeholder] name = "Jane Doe" email = "janedoe@example.com" subject = 'Just saying "hi"' message = "Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla nullam quis risus." ``` ## Miscellaneous ### Rich content Minimal effort was put here, since I don't use this feature. I recommend that you create your own `assets/scss/rich-content.scss`. ### 404 A **really** basic 404 page can be generated via config file by using: ```toml [params.notFound] title = "Page not found" description = "This page was not found." text = "Nothing to see here, buddy." ``` ### Custom partials * The site title can be replaced by creating a file named `layouts/partials/custom/header.html`; * Custom favicons can be used by creating a file named `layouts/partials/custom/head.html`; * Custom CSS can be imported into the main CSS file by creating a file named `static/css/custom.css` or `assets/scss/custom.scss`; * The `copyright` param can be replaced by creating a file named `layouts/partials/custom/footer.html`. ### More config More possible params for your config file: ```toml [params] # Site description description = "John Doe's personal website" # Author author = "John Doe" authorDesc = "Some indescribable horror." # Site cover, for Open Graph, Twitter Cards and Schema.org # It will be used if the current page doesn't have a image cover # File will be picked from the "assets" directory # Comment the lines if you don't want to use it cover = "img/cover.jpg" coverAlt = "A placeholder that doesn't deserve to be described." # Shows a message in the footer about JavaScript being disabled # The default is false hasNoscriptNotice = true # Default path for images in posts # ie.: "content/some-post/img" # Can also be set PER PAGE # It can be used to reduce repetition # There's no default value imgPath = "img" # Default classes for markup image # Modifies the default behavior of images placed via markdown # Can also be set PER PAGE via front matter # Available classes are: border and borderless # There's no default value markupImgClass = "borderless" # This will append a separator (of your choice) along the site title to your # You can disabled it PER PAGE by using "disableTitleSeparator" at front # matter or disable it entirely by commenting the line below # ie.: | ❚ - – — • ⚫ titleSeparator = "|" [params.style] # Use an icon or text for footnote return links # The default is false hasIconAsFootnoteReturnLink = true # For the social shortcode # Use flexbox (with flex-grow) or grid (equal width) # The default is false socialIsFlex = true # Keep anchor links hidden until it's focused/hovered # They will always be visible in mobile devices, regardless the option # The default is false hideAnchors = true # CSS animation transition when changing colors # The default is ".5s ease" changeTransition = ".3s ease" ``` ## Thanks to * [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/) and [Fork Awesome](https://forkaweso.me/) for the icons; * [@nickpunt](https://gist.github.com/nickpunt) and [@regpaq](https://gist.github.com/regpaq) for the [dark/light mode switcher](https://gist.github.com/regpaq/04c67e8aceecbf0fd819945835412d1f) idea; * Glenn McComb and [his great article](https://glennmccomb.com/articles/how-to-build-custom-hugo-pagination/) about custom pagination with Hugo; * Philip Walton and [his sticky footer solution](https://philipwalton.github.io/solved-by-flexbox/demos/sticky-footer/) with Flexbox; * [lazysizes](https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes); * [KaTeX](https://katex.org/), "the _**fastest**_ math typesetting library for the web"; * Hugo and [its community](https://discourse.gohugo.io/).