# Header & Footer [ariaMainMenu] other = "Main menu." [changeAccent] other = "Change accent color." [changeMode] other = "Change to light/dark mode." [noscript] other = "Unable to execute JavaScript. Some features were disabled." # Pages [anchorFor] other = "Anchor for" [tableOfContents] other = "Contents" [publishedOn] other = "Published on" [lastUpdatedOn] other = "Last updated on" # Footnotes [references] other = "References" [seeFootnotes] other = "See footnotes." [return] other = "Return" [returnToText] other = "Return to text." # Contact form [name] other = "Name" [subject] other = "Subject" [message] other = "Message" [submit] other = "Submit" # List (layout) [tag] other = "Tag" [tags] other = "Tags" [category] other = "Category" [categories] other = "Categories" [ariaPagination] other = "Pagination navigation." [ariaGoToPage] other = "Go to page {{ .PageNumber }}." [ariaGoToFirst] other = "Go to first page." [ariaGoToNext] other = "Go to next page." [ariaGoToPrev] other = "Go to previous page." [ariaGoToLast] other = "Go to last page." # List (meta tags) [page] other = "page" [of] other = "of" [posts] other = "Posts" [postsUnderTag] other = "Posts under the \"{{ .Title }}\" tag." [postsUnderCategory] other = "Posts under the \"{{ .Title }}\" category." [pageContaining] other = "Page containing" # Search form [searchLabel] other = "Search" [searchAriaButton] other = "Run search." [searchInput] other = "Search field. Accepts from {{ .minLength }} to {{ .maxLength }} characters." # Search results page [searchNoPageFound] other = "No pages found." [searchResultsFor] other = "Results for" [searchOnePageFound] other = "One page found" [searchPagesFound] other = "pages found" [searchAwaitingSearch] other = "Awaiting search." [searchTooMany] other = "Too many pages found. Please try to repeat the search using another term." # Translations [alsoAvailable] other = "Also available in" [and] other = " and " # Misc [missingCodec] other = "Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio/video." [boxContainingCode] other = "Box containing code sample." [boxContainingExpression] other = "Box containing expression."