# Changelog ## Release v1.1 - ???? th May 2017 *In the future new additions and changes will be assigned to version numbers rather than dates.* This allows you to track changes in a better fashion. The state of this theme before this release has been assigned to v1.0. ### General information The `exampleSite` folder has become a standalone demo by modified the `themesDir` property in the `config.toml`. Make sure to comment out `themesDir` in the config file if you use the theme in production. [Read more](/README.md#setup) ### Fixes - Switch CDN for Mathjax due to retirement. See #86 (thanks @Heliosmaster) ### Improvements - [Block templates](https://gohugo.io/templates/blocks/) are now used to reduce redundancy. See 7b99326 - Cache partials where possible. See d38e4be ### Deprecations - The JSFiddle shortcode has been removed. See 5203108 ### 1st April 2017 With Hugo v0.20 the `.Now` is deprecated and will be replaced by the `now` template function. v0.19 does support both and as part of the transition phase. Hence the least required version of Hugo is v0.19. ### 28th October 2016 - Option to link custom assets You're now able to link local or external assets by adding their url to the `custom_js` and `custom_css` variables in the config file. [Show me the diff](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/commit/cd1a8c02e0cf97c443cfdbf44091e66863305eba) ### 8th March 2016 - Options to disable features for single pages #### Comments The comment section can be disabled for single pages in the frontmatter. [Show me the diff](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/commit/c7dcfa6548cc71c48d39bba6367aea7d15203b37) #### Profile and widgets The profile and the widgets can be disabled for single pages in the frontmatter. Are both disabled the content will use the full width of the page [Show me the diff](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/commit/d0fcabe2fbd5e0d5d6f29b6c8d19699e5b11fdde) ### 3rd January 2016 - Allow specifying an avatar This change adds the new variable `avatar` under `[params]` in the configuration. You need to set this path in order to show an avatar image. The default one can still be found under `css/images/avatar.png`. [Show me the diff](https://github.com/larrywright/hugo-icarus-theme/commit/0850eabae7e7f79151bfcb462d4ad6795d7caeea) ### 27th November 2015 - Upgrade to Hugo v0.15 Hugo v0.15 is required in order to run the theme with the changes listed below: #### Google Analytics template The setup of Google Analytics changed slighty due to the switch to Hugo's built-in template. In order to update the theme you need to relocate thr `google_analytics` variable in the configs and rename it to `googleAnalytics`. Take a look in the example [`config.toml`](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/blob/dev/exampleSite/config.toml). [Show me the diff](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/commit/fa50238040577c80b5871772cf944681ccfc075f) ### 18th October 2015 - Rename i10n to l10n Since the right shortcut of localization is "l10n" and not "i10n" (from internationalization) I renamed the shortcut in all places of the theme. The most significant change is the renaming of the `i10n.toml` file inside the `data` folder to `l10n.toml`. This has the side effect that all key paths used for l10n changed within the templates too. [Show me the diff](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/commit/f52c1da20d8daed67bc2d51627bfe00c7a7b158e)