# Icarus Icarus is a responsive and customizable theme for bloggers. It's a port of the same-named theme for [Hexo](//hexo.io) made by [Ruipeng Zhang](https://github.com/ppoffice). Noteworthy features of this Hugo theme are the integration of a comment-system powered by Disqus, localization (l10n) support, syntax highlighting for source code, optional widgets for the sidebar and a handful [shortcodes](http://gohugo.io/extras/shortcodes/) to make your life easier. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Get the theme I assume you've Git installed. Inside the folder of your Hugo site run $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme.git You should see a folder called `hugo-icarus-theme` inside the `themes` directory that we created a few moments ago. For more information read the official [setup guide](https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo. ## Setup Next, navigate to the `exampleSite` folder at `themes/hugo-type-theme/exampleSite/`. In order to get your site running, you need to copy `config.toml` and all the content of all relevant subfolders such as `data/l10n.toml` into the root folders. To turn the `exampleSite` folder in a standalone demo site the `themesDir` property has been set to `../..`. This way you can preview this theme by running `hugo server` inside `exampleSite` folder. **Due to the customized `themesDir` path Hugo will fail to find themes if you copied the `config.toml` into the root directory of a regular Hugo website.** Make sure you comment out the `themesDir` property if you use the theme in production. ## The config file Now, let us take a look into the `config.toml`. Feel free to play around with the settings. ### Comments The optional comment system is powered by Disqus. Enter your shortname to enable the comment section under your posts. disqusShortname = "" Tip: you can disable the comment section for a single page in its frontmatter: ```toml +++ disable_comments = true +++ ``` ### Menu You can also define the items menu entries as you like. First, let us link a post that you've written. We can do this in the frontmatter of the post's content file by setting `menu` to `main`. +++ menu = "main" +++ Furthermore, we can add entries that don't link to posts. Back in the `config.toml` you'll find a section for the menus: [[params.menu]] before = true label = "Home" link = "/" Define a label and enter the URL to resource you want to link. With `before` you can decide whether the link should appear before **or** after all linked posts in the menu. Therefore, `Home` appears before the linked post. ### Sidebars In order to use the full width of the website you can disable the profile on the left and / or the widgets on the right for a single page in the frontmatter: ```toml +++ disable_profile = true disable_widgets = true +++ ``` ### Tell me who you are This theme also provides a profile section on the left. Add your social network accounts to the profile section on the left by entering your username under `social`. The links to your account will be create automatically. ### Widgets Beside the profile section you can add widgets on the right sidebar. The following widgets are available: - recent articles - category list - tag list - tag cloud You can deactivate them under `params.widgets`: [params.widgets] recent_articles = false categories = true tags = true tag_cloud = true ### Date line The date line includes: post date, # of words, approximate reading, time tags and categories. However, if you want certain pages to omit the date line, simply put `nodateline = true` in the front matter for that page. ### Disable Previous / next article links To disable the inclusion of a previous/next article link at the bottom of the page, add `noprevnext = true` to the front matter. This feature, along with `nodateline` can be used to create standalone pages that are less "blog-like" ## Localization (l10n) You don't blog in English and you want to translate the theme into your native locale? No problem. Take a look in the `data` folder and you'll find a file `l10n.toml` that we've copied at the beginning. It contains all strings related to the theme. Just replace the original strings with your own. ## Linking thumbnails After creating a new post you can define a banner by entering the relative path to the image. banner = "banners/placeholder.png" This way you can store them either next to the content file or in the `static` folder. ## Mathematical equations Mathematical equations in form of LaTeX or MathML code can be rendered with the support of [MathJax](https://www.mathjax.org). MathML works out of the box. If you're using LaTeX you need to wrap your equation with `$$`. You can also print formulas inline. In this case wrap the formula only once with `$`. If you don't need equations, you can disable MathJax but putting `disable_mathjax = true` in your config.toml. This will prevent clients from unnecessarily downloading the MathJax library. ### Gallery shortcode This shortcode you to easily include a gallery into your pages. Copy the code below into your content file and enter the relative paths to your images. {{< gallery "/banners/placeholder.png" "/banners/placeholder.png" "/banners/placeholder.png" >}} ## Nearly finished In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server. $ hugo server Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313) in the address bar of your browser. ## Contributing Have you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the [issue tracker](//github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/issues) to let me know. Or make directly a [pull request](//github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/pulls). ## License This theme is released under the MIT license. For more information read the [license](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-icarus-theme/blob/master/LICENSE.md). ## Acknowledgements Thanks to - [Ruipeng Zhang](https://github.com/ppoffice) for creating this theme - [Steve Francia](//github.com/spf13) for creating Hugo and the awesome community around the project