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authorgrosglob <thomas.capelle@ubisoft.com>2020-05-13 17:30:43 +0300
committergrosglob <thomas.capelle@ubisoft.com>2020-05-13 17:30:43 +0300
commit42f6821f1e1de26b826c16dc13c0f10e5ad63816 (patch)
parent045a6597c42948d9958f46bdc3502598f849640a (diff)
Added xr navigation with controllersxr-world-navigation
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/viewport_vr_preview.py b/viewport_vr_preview.py
index ac191b56..af2d1a23 100644
--- a/viewport_vr_preview.py
+++ b/viewport_vr_preview.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
+from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion, Vector
from bpy.types import (
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ def xr_landmark_active_update(self, context):
xr_landmark_active_base_pose_angle_update(self, context)
if wm.xr_session_state:
- wm.xr_session_state.reset_to_base_pose(context)
+ wm.xr_session_state.reset_to_base_pose(context)
class VRLandmark(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
@@ -500,6 +501,148 @@ classes = (
+# this class manages VR navigation using VR controllers.
+# the Fly navigation allows user to manipulate the scene using the left controller (world scale is modified using left joystick).
+# The Bi-manual navigation is the standard VR navigation with 2 controllers.
+class Navigation:
+ griped = False
+ init_pivot_invert_matrix = None
+ init_world_matrix = None
+ scale = 1.0
+ init_distance = 0.0
+ navigation_mode = "Bimanual"
+ fixedScaleFactor = 1.05
+ hysteresis_min = 0.3
+ hysteresis_max = 0.5
+ def navigate(self):
+ try:
+ # trys to get an openxr session state
+ wm = bpy.context.window_manager
+ if not wm.xr_session_state:
+ return
+ session_state = wm.xr_session_state
+ if self.navigation_mode == "Fly":
+ self.navigation_fly(session_state)
+ if self.navigation_mode == "Bimanual":
+ self.navigation_bimanual(session_state)
+ except:
+ # openxr is not ready
+ pass
+ def set_mode(self, mode):
+ self.griped = False
+ self.navigation_mode = mode
+ def navigation_fly(self, session_state):
+ grip = session_state.left_grip_value
+ justGriped = False
+ if not self.griped and grip > self.hysteresis_max:
+ # left grip is pressed
+ self.griped = True
+ justGriped = True
+ else:
+ if self.griped and grip < self.hysteresis_min:
+ # left grip is released
+ self.griped = False
+ if self.griped:
+ # get left controller matrix
+ controller_translate = session_state.left_controller_location
+ controller_rotate = session_state.left_controller_rotation
+ controller_matrix = Matrix.Translation(controller_translate) @ controller_rotate.to_matrix().to_4x4()
+ if justGriped:
+ # get init pivot and world matrix
+ self.scale = 1.0
+ self.init_pivot_invert_matrix = controller_matrix.inverted()
+ self.init_world_matrix = Matrix.Translation(session_state.world_location) @ session_state.world_rotation.to_matrix().to_4x4() @ Matrix.Scale(session_state.world_scale, 4)
+ if self.griped:
+ # compute scale from joystick y value
+ joyvalue = session_state.left_thumbstick_y
+ if joyvalue > self.hysteresis_max:
+ self.scale *= self.fixedScaleFactor
+ if joyvalue < -self.hysteresis_min:
+ self.scale /= self.fixedScaleFactor
+ # compute new fake world matrix
+ scale_matrix = Matrix.Scale(self.scale, 4)
+ transformedWorld = controller_matrix @ scale_matrix @ self.init_pivot_invert_matrix @ self.init_world_matrix
+ # apply to fake world transform
+ session_state.world_location = transformedWorld.to_translation()
+ session_state.world_rotation = transformedWorld.to_quaternion()
+ session_state.world_scale = transformedWorld.to_scale().x
+ def navigation_bimanual(self, session_state):
+ # get controllers grip values
+ left_grip = session_state.left_grip_value
+ right_grip = session_state.right_grip_value
+ justGriped = False
+ if not self.griped and left_grip > self.hysteresis_max and right_grip > self.hysteresis_max:
+ # if both grips are pressed
+ self.griped = True
+ justGriped = True
+ else:
+ if self.griped and (left_grip < self.hysteresis_min or right_grip < self.hysteresis_min):
+ # if both grips are released
+ self.griped = False
+ if self.griped:
+ # get position of the center of the controllers
+ center_position = (session_state.left_controller_location + session_state.right_controller_location) * 0.5
+ # get vector from left controller to right controller
+ delta = session_state.right_controller_location - session_state.left_controller_location
+ # compute a controller matrix centerd between the controllers
+ # and oriented by projecting vector from left controller to right controller to a horizontal plane
+ right = delta.normalized()
+ up = Vector((0,0,1))
+ forward = Vector.cross(up, right)
+ right = Vector.cross(forward, up)
+ # create pivot matrix from this base
+ pivot_matrix = Matrix()
+ pivot_matrix.col[0] = Vector((right.x, right.y, right.z, 0.0))
+ pivot_matrix.col[1] = Vector((forward.x, forward.y, forward.z, 0.0))
+ pivot_matrix.col[2] = Vector((up.x, up.y, up.z, 0.0))
+ pivot_matrix.col[3] = Vector((center_position.x, center_position.y, center_position.z, 1.0))
+ if justGriped:
+ # get init pivot and world matrix
+ self.griped = True
+ self.scale = 1.0
+ self.init_distance = delta.length
+ self.init_pivot_invert_matrix = pivot_matrix.inverted()
+ self.init_world_matrix = Matrix.Translation(session_state.world_location) @ session_state.world_rotation.to_matrix().to_4x4() @ Matrix.Scale(session_state.world_scale, 4)
+ if self.griped:
+ # compute scale
+ distance = delta.length
+ self.scale = distance / self.init_distance
+ # compute new fake world matrix
+ scale_matrix = Matrix.Scale(self.scale, 4)
+ transformedWorld = pivot_matrix @ scale_matrix @ self.init_pivot_invert_matrix @ self.init_world_matrix
+ # apply to fake world transform
+ session_state.world_location = transformedWorld.to_translation()
+ session_state.world_rotation = transformedWorld.to_quaternion()
+ session_state.world_scale = transformedWorld.to_scale().x
+navigation = Navigation()
+def controller_handler():
+ global navigation
+ navigation.navigate()
+ return 0.0
+def register_controller_handler(context: bpy.context):
+ bpy.app.timers.register(controller_handler)
def register():
if not bpy.app.build_options.xr_openxr:
@@ -525,7 +668,8 @@ def register():
+ bpy.app.handlers.load_post.append(register_controller_handler)
+ bpy.app.timers.register(controller_handler)
def unregister():
if not bpy.app.build_options.xr_openxr:
@@ -539,8 +683,9 @@ def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.vr_landmarks_active
del bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_virtual_camera
+ bpy.app.timers.unregister(controller_handler)
+ bpy.app.handlers.load_post.remove(register_controller_handler)
if __name__ == "__main__":