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git.blender.org/blender-addons.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorLuca Bonavita <mindrones@gmail.com>2010-12-07 19:29:07 +0300
committerLuca Bonavita <mindrones@gmail.com>2010-12-07 19:29:07 +0300
commit801610a9354a9de8f38b35194722910c8b845779 (patch)
tree295b05a16328de89fa51e0d532ad8cef3bd7614f /system_property_chart.py
parent53314af7026a830a2270dadd19f90787a3c3fe3e (diff)
== propery chart ==
... and renaming it. Not sure system is valid 100%, also "object" was tempting but object is used for objects in 3d view eh... Need to talk about this, maybe it will be more clear after testscreenings will have done the add object framework (we'll move stuff anyway).
Diffstat (limited to 'system_property_chart.py')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system_property_chart.py b/system_property_chart.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0705654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system_property_chart.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
+bl_addon_info = {
+ "name": "Object Property Chart",
+ "author": "Campbell Barton (ideasman42)",
+ "version": (0, 1),
+ "blender": (2, 5, 3),
+ "api": 32411,
+ "location": "Tool Shelf",
+ "description": "Edit arbitrary selected properties for objects of the same type",
+ "warning": "",
+ "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"\
+ "Scripts/System/Object Property Chart",
+ "tracker_url": "https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?"\
+ "func=detail&aid=22701&group_id=153&atid=469",
+ "category": "System"}
+"""List properties of selected objects"""
+import bpy
+def _property_chart_data_get(self, context):
+ # eg. context.active_object
+ obj = eval("context.%s" % self.context_data_path_active)
+ if obj is None:
+ return None, None
+ # eg. context.selected_objects[:]
+ selected_objects = eval("context.%s" % self.context_data_path_selected)[:]
+ if not selected_objects:
+ return None, None
+ return obj, selected_objects
+def _property_chart_draw(self, context):
+ '''
+ This function can run for different types.
+ '''
+ obj, selected_objects = _property_chart_data_get(self, context)
+ if not obj:
+ return
+ # active first
+ try:
+ active_index = selected_objects.index(obj)
+ except ValueError:
+ active_index = -1
+ if active_index > 0: # not the first alredy
+ selected_objects[0], selected_objects[active_index] = selected_objects[active_index], selected_objects[0]
+ id_storage = context.scene
+ strings = id_storage.get(self._PROP_STORAGE_ID)
+ if strings is None:
+ strings = id_storage[self._PROP_STORAGE_ID] = "data data.name"
+ if strings:
+ def obj_prop_get(obj, attr_string):
+ """return a pair (rna_base, "rna_property") to give to the rna UI property function"""
+ attrs = attr_string.split(".")
+ val_new = obj
+ for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
+ val_old = val_new
+ val_new = getattr(val_old, attr, Ellipsis)
+ if val_new == Ellipsis:
+ return None, None
+ return val_old, attrs[-1]
+ strings = strings.split()
+ prop_all = []
+ for obj in selected_objects:
+ prop_pairs = []
+ prop_found = False
+ for attr_string in strings:
+ prop_pairs.append(obj_prop_get(obj, attr_string))
+ if prop_found == False and prop_pairs[-1] != (None, None):
+ prop_found = True
+ if prop_found:
+ prop_all.append((obj, prop_pairs))
+ # Collected all props, now display them all
+ layout = self.layout
+ row = layout.row(align=True)
+ col = row.column()
+ col.label(text="name")
+ for obj, prop_pairs in prop_all:
+ col.prop(obj, "name", text="")
+ for i in range(len(strings)):
+ col = row.column()
+ # name and copy button
+ rowsub = col.row(align=False)
+ rowsub.label(text=strings[i].rsplit(".", 1)[-1])
+ props = rowsub.operator("wm.chart_copy", text="", icon='PASTEDOWN', emboss=False)
+ props.data_path_active = self.context_data_path_active
+ props.data_path_selected = self.context_data_path_selected
+ props.data_path = strings[i]
+ for obj, prop_pairs in prop_all:
+ data, attr = prop_pairs[i]
+ if data:
+ col.prop(data, attr, text="")# , emboss=obj==active_object
+ else:
+ col.label(text="<missing>")
+ # edit the display props
+ col = layout.column()
+ col.label(text="Object Properties")
+ col.prop(id_storage, '["%s"]' % self._PROP_STORAGE_ID, text="")
+class View3DEditProps(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
+ bl_region_type = 'UI'
+ bl_label = "Property Chart"
+ bl_context = "objectmode"
+ _PROP_STORAGE_ID = "view3d_edit_props"
+ # _property_chart_draw needs these
+ context_data_path_active = "active_object"
+ context_data_path_selected = "selected_objects"
+ draw = _property_chart_draw
+class SequencerEditProps(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_space_type = 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR'
+ bl_region_type = 'UI'
+ bl_label = "Property Chart"
+ _PROP_STORAGE_ID = "sequencer_edit_props"
+ # _property_chart_draw needs these
+ context_data_path_active = "scene.sequence_editor.active_strip"
+ context_data_path_selected = "selected_sequences"
+ draw = _property_chart_draw
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.scene.sequence_editor is not None
+# Operator to copy properties
+def _property_chart_copy(self, context):
+ obj, selected_objects = _property_chart_data_get(self, context)
+ if not obj:
+ return
+ data_path = self.data_path
+ # quick & nasty method!
+ for obj_iter in selected_objects:
+ if obj != obj_iter:
+ try:
+ exec("obj_iter.%s = obj.%s" % (data_path, data_path))
+ except:
+ # just incase we need to know what went wrong!
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+from bpy.props import StringProperty
+class CopyPropertyChart(bpy.types.Operator):
+ "Open a path in a file browser"
+ bl_idname = "wm.chart_copy"
+ bl_label = "Copy properties from active to selected"
+ data_path_active = StringProperty()
+ data_path_selected = StringProperty()
+ data_path = StringProperty()
+ def execute(self, context):
+ # so attributes are found for '_property_chart_data_get()'
+ self.context_data_path_active = self.data_path_active
+ self.context_data_path_selected = self.data_path_selected
+ _property_chart_copy(self, context)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+def register():
+ pass
+def unregister():
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ register()