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Diffstat (limited to 'development_iskeyfree.py')
1 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/development_iskeyfree.py b/development_iskeyfree.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c30976c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development_iskeyfree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# PEP8 compliant (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008)
+bl_info = {
+ 'name': 'Is key Free',
+ 'author': 'Antonio Vazquez (antonioya)',
+ 'version': (1, 0, 1),
+ "blender": (2, 6, 9),
+ 'location': 'Properties pane > IsKeyFree Tools',
+ 'description': 'Find free shortcuts and inform of used keys',
+ 'category': 'Development'}
+import bpy
+from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Class to find keymaps
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+class MyChecker():
+ lastfind = None
+ lastkey = None
+ mylist = []
+ # Init
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.var = 5
+ # Verify if the key is used
+ @classmethod
+ def check(cls, findkey, ctrl, alt, shift, oskey):
+ if len(findkey) > 0:
+ cmd = ""
+ if ctrl is True:
+ cmd += "Ctrl+"
+ if alt is True:
+ cmd += "Alt+"
+ if shift is True:
+ cmd += "Shift+"
+ if oskey is True:
+ cmd += "OsKey+"
+ cls.lastfind = cmd + findkey.upper()
+ cls.lastkey = findkey.upper()
+ else:
+ cls.lastfind = None
+ cls.lastkey = None
+ wm = bpy.context.window_manager
+ mykeys = []
+ for context, keyboardmap in wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps.items():
+ for myitem in keyboardmap.keymap_items:
+ if myitem.active is True and myitem.type == findkey:
+ if ctrl is True and myitem.ctrl is not True:
+ continue
+ if alt is True and myitem.alt is not True:
+ continue
+ if shift is True and myitem.shift is not True:
+ continue
+ if oskey is True and myitem.oskey is not True:
+ continue
+ t = (context,
+ myitem.type,
+ "Ctrl" if myitem.ctrl is True else "",
+ "Alt" if myitem.alt is True else "",
+ "Shift" if myitem.shift is True else "",
+ "OsKey" if myitem.oskey is True else "",
+ myitem.name)
+ mykeys.append(t)
+ sortkeys = sorted(mykeys, key=lambda key: (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4], key[5]))
+ cls.mylist.clear()
+ for e in sortkeys:
+ cmd = ""
+ if e[2] is not "":
+ cmd += e[2] + "+"
+ if e[3] is not "":
+ cmd += e[3] + "+"
+ if e[4] is not "":
+ cmd += e[4] + "+"
+ if e[5] is not "":
+ cmd += e[5] + "+"
+ cmd += e[1]
+ if e[6] is not "":
+ cmd += " " + e[6]
+ cls.mylist.append([e[0], cmd])
+ # return context
+ @classmethod
+ def getcontext(cls):
+ return str(bpy.context.screen.name)
+ # return last search
+ @classmethod
+ def getlast(cls):
+ return cls.lastfind
+ # return last key
+ @classmethod
+ def getlastkey(cls):
+ return cls.lastkey
+ # return result of last search
+ @classmethod
+ def getlist(cls):
+ return cls.mylist
+ # verify if key is valid
+ @classmethod
+ def isvalidkey(cls, txt):
+ "EVT_TWEAK_M", "EVT_TWEAK_R", "EVT_TWEAK_A", "EVT_TWEAK_S", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
+ "I", "J",
+ "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "ZERO", "ONE", "TWO",
+ "EQUAL",
+ "NUMPAD_4", "NUMPAD_6", "NUMPAD_8", "NUMPAD_1", "NUMPAD_3", "NUMPAD_5", "NUMPAD_7", "NUMPAD_9",
+ "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15",
+ "F16", "F17",
+ try:
+ allkeys.index(txt)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+mychecker = MyChecker() # Global class handler
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Button: Class for search button
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+class RunActionCheck(bpy.types.Operator):
+ bl_idname = "iskeyfree.action_check"
+ bl_label = ""
+ bl_description = "Verify if the selected shortcut is free"
+ # ------------------------------
+ # Execute
+ # ------------------------------
+ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+ def execute(self, context):
+ scene = context.scene
+ txt = scene.iskeyfree_data.upper()
+ global mychecker
+ mychecker.check(txt, scene.iskeyfree_use_crtl, scene.iskeyfree_use_alt, scene.iskeyfree_use_shift,
+ scene.iskeyfree_use_oskey)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Defines UI panel
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+class UIControlPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
+ bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
+ # bl_context = "object" # Remove comment to put in object panel only
+ bl_category = 'IsKeyFree'
+ bl_label = "Is Key Free"
+ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scene = context.scene
+ row = layout.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(scene, "iskeyfree_data")
+ row.operator("iskeyfree.action_check", icon="VIEWZOOM")
+ row = layout.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(scene, "iskeyfree_use_crtl", toggle=True)
+ row.prop(scene, "iskeyfree_use_alt", toggle=True)
+ row.prop(scene, "iskeyfree_use_shift", toggle=True)
+ row.prop(scene, "iskeyfree_use_oskey", toggle=True)
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.prop(scene, "iskeyfree_numpad")
+ global mychecker
+ mylist = mychecker.getlist()
+ oldcontext = None
+ box = None
+ if len(mylist) > 0:
+ cmd = mychecker.getlast()
+ if cmd is not None:
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.label("Current uses of " + str(cmd), icon="PARTICLE_DATA")
+ for e in mylist:
+ if oldcontext != e[0]:
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label(e[0], icon="UNPINNED")
+ oldcontext = e[0]
+ row = box.row(align=True)
+ row.label(e[1])
+ else:
+ cmd = mychecker.getlast()
+ if cmd is not None:
+ box = layout.box()
+ if mychecker.isvalidkey(mychecker.getlastkey()) is False:
+ box.label(str(mychecker.getlastkey()) + " looks not valid key", icon="ERROR")
+ else:
+ box.label(str(cmd) + " is free", icon="FILE_TICK")
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Update key (special values) event handler
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+def update_data(self, context):
+ scene = context.scene
+ if scene.iskeyfree_numpad != "NONE":
+ scene.iskeyfree_data = scene.iskeyfree_numpad
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Registration
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+def register():
+ bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
+ bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_data = StringProperty(name="Key", maxlen=32,
+ description="Shortcut to verify")
+ bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_crtl = BoolProperty(name="Ctrl",
+ description="Ctrl key used in shortcut",
+ default=False)
+ bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_alt = BoolProperty(name="Alt",
+ description="Alt key used in shortcut",
+ default=False)
+ bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_shift = BoolProperty(name="Shift",
+ description="Shift key used in shortcut",
+ default=False)
+ bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_oskey = BoolProperty(name="OsKey",
+ description="Operating system key used in shortcut",
+ default=False)
+ bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_numpad = EnumProperty(items=(('NONE', "Select key", ""),
+ ("EVT_TWEAK_L", "EVT_TWEAK_L", ""),
+ ("EVT_TWEAK_M", "EVT_TWEAK_M", ""),
+ ("EVT_TWEAK_R", "EVT_TWEAK_R", ""),
+ ("EVT_TWEAK_A", "EVT_TWEAK_A", ""),
+ ("EVT_TWEAK_S", "EVT_TWEAK_S", ""),
+ ("A", "A", ""),
+ ("B", "B", ""),
+ ("C", "C", ""),
+ ("D", "D", ""),
+ ("E", "E", ""),
+ ("F", "F", ""),
+ ("G", "G", ""),
+ ("H", "H", ""),
+ ("I", "I", ""),
+ ("J", "J", ""),
+ ("K", "K", ""),
+ ("L", "L", ""),
+ ("M", "M", ""),
+ ("N", "N", ""),
+ ("O", "O", ""),
+ ("P", "P", ""),
+ ("Q", "Q", ""),
+ ("R", "R", ""),
+ ("S", "S", ""),
+ ("T", "T", ""),
+ ("U", "U", ""),
+ ("V", "V", ""),
+ ("W", "W", ""),
+ ("X", "X", ""),
+ ("Y", "Y", ""),
+ ("Z", "Z", ""),
+ ("ZERO", "ZERO", ""),
+ ("ONE", "ONE", ""),
+ ("TWO", "TWO", ""),
+ ("THREE", "THREE", ""),
+ ("FOUR", "FOUR", ""),
+ ("FIVE", "FIVE", ""),
+ ("SIX", "SIX", ""),
+ ("SEVEN", "SEVEN", ""),
+ ("EIGHT", "EIGHT", ""),
+ ("NINE", "NINE", ""),
+ ("LEFT_CTRL", "LEFT_CTRL", ""),
+ ("LEFT_ALT", "LEFT_ALT", ""),
+ ("RIGHT_ALT", "RIGHT_ALT", ""),
+ ("OSKEY", "OSKEY", ""),
+ ("GRLESS", "GRLESS", ""),
+ ("ESC", "ESC", ""),
+ ("TAB", "TAB", ""),
+ ("RET", "RET", ""),
+ ("SPACE", "SPACE", ""),
+ ("LINE_FEED", "LINE_FEED", ""),
+ ("DEL", "DEL", ""),
+ ("PERIOD", "PERIOD", ""),
+ ("COMMA", "COMMA", ""),
+ ("QUOTE", "QUOTE", ""),
+ ("MINUS", "MINUS", ""),
+ ("SLASH", "SLASH", ""),
+ ("EQUAL", "EQUAL", ""),
+ ("UP_ARROW", "UP_ARROW", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_1", "NUMPAD_1", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_2", "NUMPAD_2", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_3", "NUMPAD_3", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_4", "NUMPAD_4", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_5", "NUMPAD_5", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_6", "NUMPAD_6", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_7", "NUMPAD_7", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_8", "NUMPAD_8", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_9", "NUMPAD_9", ""),
+ ("NUMPAD_0", "NUMPAD_0", ""),
+ ("F1", "F1", ""),
+ ("F2", "F2", ""),
+ ("F3", "F3", ""),
+ ("F4", "F4", ""),
+ ("F5", "F5", ""),
+ ("F6", "F6", ""),
+ ("F7", "F7", ""),
+ ("F8", "F8", ""),
+ ("F9", "F9", ""),
+ ("F10", "F10", ""),
+ ("F11", "F11", ""),
+ ("F12", "F12", ""),
+ ("F13", "F13", ""),
+ ("F14", "F14", ""),
+ ("F15", "F15", ""),
+ ("F16", "F16", ""),
+ ("F17", "F17", ""),
+ ("F18", "F18", ""),
+ ("F19", "F19", ""),
+ ("PAUSE", "PAUSE", ""),
+ ("INSERT", "INSERT", ""),
+ ("HOME", "HOME", ""),
+ ("PAGE_UP", "PAGE_UP", ""),
+ ("PAGE_DOWN", "PAGE_DOWN", ""),
+ ("END", "END", ""),
+ ("TIMER", "TIMER", ""),
+ ("TIMER0", "TIMER0", ""),
+ ("TIMER1", "TIMER1", ""),
+ ("TIMER2", "TIMER2", ""),
+ ""),
+ (
+ ""),
+ ""),
+ (
+ ""),
+ ""),
+ (
+ ""),
+ ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_1", "NDOF_BUTTON_1", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_2", "NDOF_BUTTON_2", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_3", "NDOF_BUTTON_3", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_4", "NDOF_BUTTON_4", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_5", "NDOF_BUTTON_5", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_6", "NDOF_BUTTON_6", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_7", "NDOF_BUTTON_7", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_8", "NDOF_BUTTON_8", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_9", "NDOF_BUTTON_9", ""),
+ ("NDOF_BUTTON_10", "NDOF_BUTTON_10", ""),
+ name="Quick Type",
+ description="Enter key code in find text",
+ update=update_data)
+def unregister():
+ bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
+ del bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_crtl
+ del bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_alt
+ del bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_shift
+ del bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_use_oskey
+ del bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_numpad
+ del bpy.types.Scene.iskeyfree_data