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Diffstat (limited to 'rigify/rigs/spines/basic_spine.py')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/rigify/rigs/spines/basic_spine.py b/rigify/rigs/spines/basic_spine.py
index 6b069c64..355b55f3 100644
--- a/rigify/rigs/spines/basic_spine.py
+++ b/rigify/rigs/spines/basic_spine.py
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ from mathutils import Matrix
from ...utils.layers import ControlLayersOption
from ...utils.naming import strip_org, make_mechanism_name, make_derived_name
-from ...utils.bones import BoneDict, put_bone, align_bone_to_axis, align_bone_orientation, set_bone_widget_transform
+from ...utils.bones import (put_bone, align_bone_to_axis, align_bone_orientation,
+ set_bone_widget_transform, TypedBoneDict)
from ...utils.widgets import adjust_widget_transform_mesh
from ...utils.widgets_basic import create_circle_widget
from ...utils.misc import map_list
@@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
Spine rig with fixed pivot, hip/chest controls and tweaks.
+ pivot_pos: int
+ use_fk: bool
def initialize(self):
@@ -34,34 +38,28 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
- #
- # org[]:
- # ORG bones
- # ctrl:
- # master, hips, chest:
- # Main controls.
- # fk:
- # chest[], hips[]:
- # FK controls.
- # tweak[]:
- # Tweak control chain.
- # mch:
- # pivot:
- # Pivot tweak parent.
- # chain:
- # chest[], hips[]:
- # Tweak parents, distributing master deform.
- # wgt_hips, wgt_chest:
- # Widget position bones.
- # deform[]:
- # DEF bones
- #
- ####################################################
+ class SplitChainBones(TypedBoneDict):
+ chest: list[str]
+ hips: list[str]
+ class CtrlBones(BaseSpineRig.CtrlBones):
+ hips: str # Hip control
+ chest: str # Chest control
+ fk: 'Rig.SplitChainBones' # FK controls
+ class MchBones(BaseSpineRig.MchBones):
+ pivot: str # Central pivot between sub-chains
+ chain: 'Rig.SplitChainBones' # Tweak parents, distributing master deform.
+ wgt_hips: str # Hip widget position bone.
+ wgt_chest: str # Chest widget position bone.
+ bones: BaseSpineRig.ToplevelBones[list[str], CtrlBones, MchBones, list[str]]
# Master control bone
- def get_master_control_pos(self, orgs):
+ def get_master_control_pos(self, orgs: list[str]):
base_bone = self.get_bone(orgs[0])
return (base_bone.head + base_bone.tail) / 2
@@ -76,12 +74,12 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
self.bones.ctrl.hips = self.make_hips_control_bone(orgs[pivot-1], 'hips')
self.bones.ctrl.chest = self.make_chest_control_bone(orgs[pivot], 'chest')
- def make_hips_control_bone(self, org, name):
+ def make_hips_control_bone(self, org: str, name: str):
name = self.copy_bone(org, name, parent=False)
align_bone_to_axis(self.obj, name, 'y', length=self.length / 4, flip=True)
return name
- def make_chest_control_bone(self, org, name):
+ def make_chest_control_bone(self, org: str, name: str):
name = self.copy_bone(org, name, parent=False)
align_bone_to_axis(self.obj, name, 'y', length=self.length / 3)
return name
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
self.make_end_control_widget(ctrl.hips, mch.wgt_hips)
self.make_end_control_widget(ctrl.chest, mch.wgt_chest)
- def make_end_control_widget(self, ctrl, wgt_mch):
+ def make_end_control_widget(self, ctrl: str, wgt_mch: str):
shape_bone = self.get_bone(wgt_mch)
is_horizontal = abs(shape_bone.z_axis.normalized().y) < 0.7
@@ -117,22 +115,27 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
if is_horizontal:
# Tilt the widget toward the ground for horizontal (animal) spines
angle = math.copysign(28, shape_bone.x_axis.x)
- rotmat = Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(angle), 4, 'X')
- adjust_widget_transform_mesh(obj, rotmat, local=True)
+ rot_mat = Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(angle), 4, 'X')
+ adjust_widget_transform_mesh(obj, rot_mat, local=True)
# FK control bones
+ fk_result: 'Rig.SplitChainBones' # ctrl.fk or mch.chain depending on use_fk
def make_control_chain(self):
if self.use_fk:
orgs = self.bones.org
- self.bones.ctrl.fk = self.fk_result = BoneDict(
- hips = map_list(self.make_control_bone, count(0), orgs[0:self.pivot_pos], repeat(True)),
- chest = map_list(self.make_control_bone, count(self.pivot_pos), orgs[self.pivot_pos:], repeat(False)),
+ self.bones.ctrl.fk = self.fk_result = self.SplitChainBones(
+ hips=map_list(self.make_control_bone,
+ count(0), orgs[0:self.pivot_pos], repeat(True)),
+ chest=map_list(self.make_control_bone,
+ count(self.pivot_pos), orgs[self.pivot_pos:], repeat(False)),
- def make_control_bone(self, i, org, is_hip):
+ # noinspection PyMethodOverriding
+ def make_control_bone(self, i: int, org: str, is_hip: bool):
name = self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(org, 'ctrl', '_fk'), parent=False)
if is_hip:
put_bone(self.obj, name, self.get_bone(name).tail)
@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
for ctrl in fk.chest:
self.make_control_widget(ctrl, False)
- def make_control_widget(self, ctrl, is_hip):
+ def make_control_widget(self, ctrl: str, is_hip: bool):
obj = create_circle_widget(self.obj, ctrl, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.5)
if is_hip:
adjust_widget_transform_mesh(obj, Matrix.Diagonal((1, -1, 1, 1)), local=True)
@@ -183,12 +186,12 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
mch.wgt_hips = self.make_mch_widget_bone(orgs[0], 'WGT-hips')
mch.wgt_chest = self.make_mch_widget_bone(orgs[-1], 'WGT-chest')
- def make_mch_pivot_bone(self, org, name):
+ def make_mch_pivot_bone(self, org: str, name: str):
name = self.copy_bone(org, make_mechanism_name(name), parent=False)
align_bone_to_axis(self.obj, name, 'y', length=self.length * 0.6 / 4)
return name
- def make_mch_widget_bone(self, org, name):
+ def make_mch_widget_bone(self, org: str, name: str):
return self.copy_bone(org, make_mechanism_name(name), parent=False)
@@ -211,14 +214,14 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
def make_mch_chain(self):
orgs = self.bones.org
- self.bones.mch.chain = BoneDict(
- hips = map_list(self.make_mch_bone, orgs[0:self.pivot_pos], repeat(True)),
- chest = map_list(self.make_mch_bone, orgs[self.pivot_pos:], repeat(False)),
+ self.bones.mch.chain = self.SplitChainBones(
+ hips=map_list(self.make_mch_bone, orgs[0:self.pivot_pos], repeat(True)),
+ chest=map_list(self.make_mch_bone, orgs[self.pivot_pos:], repeat(False)),
if not self.use_fk:
self.fk_result = self.bones.mch.chain
- def make_mch_bone(self, org, is_hip):
+ def make_mch_bone(self, org: str, is_hip: bool):
name = self.copy_bone(org, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(org)), parent=False)
align_bone_to_axis(self.obj, name, 'y', length=self.length / 10, flip=is_hip)
return name
@@ -242,8 +245,9 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
for mch in chain.chest:
self.rig_mch_bone(mch, ctrl.chest, len(chain.chest))
- def rig_mch_bone(self, mch, control, count):
- self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', control, space='LOCAL', influence=1/count)
+ def rig_mch_bone(self, mch: str, control: str, chain_len: int):
+ self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', control,
+ space='LOCAL', influence=1 / chain_len)
# Tweak bones
@@ -260,7 +264,7 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
- def add_parameters(self, params):
+ def add_parameters(cls, params):
params.pivot_pos = bpy.props.IntProperty(
@@ -278,7 +282,7 @@ class Rig(BaseSpineRig):
- def parameters_ui(self, layout, params):
+ def parameters_ui(cls, layout, params):
r = layout.row()
r.prop(params, "pivot_pos")
@@ -328,7 +332,6 @@ def create_sample(obj):
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['spine.002']]
bones['spine.003'] = bone.name
pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['spine']]
pbone.rigify_type = 'spines.basic_spine'
@@ -339,7 +342,10 @@ def create_sample(obj):
pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
- pbone.rigify_parameters.tweak_layers = [False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
+ pbone.rigify_parameters.tweak_layers = [
+ False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
+ False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
+ False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
except AttributeError:
pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['spine.001']]