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git.blender.org/blender.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorSergej Reich <sergej.reich@googlemail.com>2013-10-25 07:43:20 +0400
committerSergej Reich <sergej.reich@googlemail.com>2013-10-25 07:43:20 +0400
commit472a021aca3c0a6278151f7abee4e0970b026e3f (patch)
tree3456ce084e33450cc21c68beca1bd407801bf256 /extern/bullet2/src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.h
parent4514eeaa8e335a86de0bda68aa4814c0bafad7eb (diff)
bullet: Update to version 2.82 (bullet revision 2705)
Remove patch that has been applied upstream. Fixes several bugs.
Diffstat (limited to 'extern/bullet2/src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.h')
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extern/bullet2/src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.h b/extern/bullet2/src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7177bebbff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/bullet2/src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.h
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ * Class representing an articulated rigid body. Stores the body's
+ * current state, allows forces and torques to be set, handles
+ * timestepping and implements Featherstone's algorithm.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Stephen Thompson, <stephen@solarflare.org.uk>, 2011-2013
+ * Portions written By Erwin Coumans: replacing Eigen math library by Bullet LinearMath and a dedicated 6x6 matrix inverse (solveImatrix)
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+ subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ */
+#include "LinearMath/btScalar.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btQuaternion.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btMatrix3x3.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
+#include "btMultiBodyLink.h"
+class btMultiBodyLinkCollider;
+class btMultiBody
+ //
+ // initialization
+ //
+ btMultiBody(int n_links, // NOT including the base
+ btScalar mass, // mass of base
+ const btVector3 &inertia, // inertia of base, in base frame; assumed diagonal
+ bool fixed_base_, // whether the base is fixed (true) or can move (false)
+ bool can_sleep_);
+ ~btMultiBody();
+ void setupPrismatic(int i, // 0 to num_links-1
+ btScalar mass,
+ const btVector3 &inertia, // in my frame; assumed diagonal
+ int parent,
+ const btQuaternion &rot_parent_to_this, // rotate points in parent frame to my frame.
+ const btVector3 &joint_axis, // in my frame
+ const btVector3 &r_vector_when_q_zero, // vector from parent COM to my COM, in my frame, when q = 0.
+ bool disableParentCollision=false
+ );
+ void setupRevolute(int i, // 0 to num_links-1
+ btScalar mass,
+ const btVector3 &inertia,
+ int parent,
+ const btQuaternion &zero_rot_parent_to_this, // rotate points in parent frame to this frame, when q = 0
+ const btVector3 &joint_axis, // in my frame
+ const btVector3 &parent_axis_position, // vector from parent COM to joint axis, in PARENT frame
+ const btVector3 &my_axis_position, // vector from joint axis to my COM, in MY frame
+ bool disableParentCollision=false);
+ const btMultibodyLink& getLink(int index) const
+ {
+ return links[index];
+ }
+ btMultibodyLink& getLink(int index)
+ {
+ return links[index];
+ }
+ void setBaseCollider(btMultiBodyLinkCollider* collider)//collider can be NULL to disable collision for the base
+ {
+ m_baseCollider = collider;
+ }
+ const btMultiBodyLinkCollider* getBaseCollider() const
+ {
+ return m_baseCollider;
+ }
+ btMultiBodyLinkCollider* getBaseCollider()
+ {
+ return m_baseCollider;
+ }
+ //
+ // get parent
+ // input: link num from 0 to num_links-1
+ // output: link num from 0 to num_links-1, OR -1 to mean the base.
+ //
+ int getParent(int link_num) const;
+ //
+ // get number of links, masses, moments of inertia
+ //
+ int getNumLinks() const { return links.size(); }
+ btScalar getBaseMass() const { return base_mass; }
+ const btVector3 & getBaseInertia() const { return base_inertia; }
+ btScalar getLinkMass(int i) const;
+ const btVector3 & getLinkInertia(int i) const;
+ //
+ // change mass (incomplete: can only change base mass and inertia at present)
+ //
+ void setBaseMass(btScalar mass) { base_mass = mass; }
+ void setBaseInertia(const btVector3 &inertia) { base_inertia = inertia; }
+ //
+ // get/set pos/vel/rot/omega for the base link
+ //
+ const btVector3 & getBasePos() const { return base_pos; } // in world frame
+ const btVector3 getBaseVel() const
+ {
+ return btVector3(m_real_buf[3],m_real_buf[4],m_real_buf[5]);
+ } // in world frame
+ const btQuaternion & getWorldToBaseRot() const
+ {
+ return base_quat;
+ } // rotates world vectors into base frame
+ btVector3 getBaseOmega() const { return btVector3(m_real_buf[0],m_real_buf[1],m_real_buf[2]); } // in world frame
+ void setBasePos(const btVector3 &pos)
+ {
+ base_pos = pos;
+ }
+ void setBaseVel(const btVector3 &vel)
+ {
+ m_real_buf[3]=vel[0]; m_real_buf[4]=vel[1]; m_real_buf[5]=vel[2];
+ }
+ void setWorldToBaseRot(const btQuaternion &rot)
+ {
+ base_quat = rot;
+ }
+ void setBaseOmega(const btVector3 &omega)
+ {
+ m_real_buf[0]=omega[0];
+ m_real_buf[1]=omega[1];
+ m_real_buf[2]=omega[2];
+ }
+ //
+ // get/set pos/vel for child links (i = 0 to num_links-1)
+ //
+ btScalar getJointPos(int i) const;
+ btScalar getJointVel(int i) const;
+ void setJointPos(int i, btScalar q);
+ void setJointVel(int i, btScalar qdot);
+ //
+ // direct access to velocities as a vector of 6 + num_links elements.
+ // (omega first, then v, then joint velocities.)
+ //
+ const btScalar * getVelocityVector() const
+ {
+ return &m_real_buf[0];
+ }
+/* btScalar * getVelocityVector()
+ {
+ return &real_buf[0];
+ }
+ */
+ //
+ // get the frames of reference (positions and orientations) of the child links
+ // (i = 0 to num_links-1)
+ //
+ const btVector3 & getRVector(int i) const; // vector from COM(parent(i)) to COM(i), in frame i's coords
+ const btQuaternion & getParentToLocalRot(int i) const; // rotates vectors in frame parent(i) to vectors in frame i.
+ //
+ // transform vectors in local frame of link i to world frame (or vice versa)
+ //
+ btVector3 localPosToWorld(int i, const btVector3 &vec) const;
+ btVector3 localDirToWorld(int i, const btVector3 &vec) const;
+ btVector3 worldPosToLocal(int i, const btVector3 &vec) const;
+ btVector3 worldDirToLocal(int i, const btVector3 &vec) const;
+ //
+ // calculate kinetic energy and angular momentum
+ // useful for debugging.
+ //
+ btScalar getKineticEnergy() const;
+ btVector3 getAngularMomentum() const;
+ //
+ // set external forces and torques. Note all external forces/torques are given in the WORLD frame.
+ //
+ void clearForcesAndTorques();
+ void clearVelocities();
+ void addBaseForce(const btVector3 &f)
+ {
+ base_force += f;
+ }
+ void addBaseTorque(const btVector3 &t) { base_torque += t; }
+ void addLinkForce(int i, const btVector3 &f);
+ void addLinkTorque(int i, const btVector3 &t);
+ void addJointTorque(int i, btScalar Q);
+ const btVector3 & getBaseForce() const { return base_force; }
+ const btVector3 & getBaseTorque() const { return base_torque; }
+ const btVector3 & getLinkForce(int i) const;
+ const btVector3 & getLinkTorque(int i) const;
+ btScalar getJointTorque(int i) const;
+ //
+ // dynamics routines.
+ //
+ // timestep the velocities (given the external forces/torques set using addBaseForce etc).
+ // also sets up caches for calcAccelerationDeltas.
+ //
+ // Note: the caller must provide three vectors which are used as
+ // temporary scratch space. The idea here is to reduce dynamic
+ // memory allocation: the same scratch vectors can be re-used
+ // again and again for different Multibodies, instead of each
+ // btMultiBody allocating (and then deallocating) their own
+ // individual scratch buffers. This gives a considerable speed
+ // improvement, at least on Windows (where dynamic memory
+ // allocation appears to be fairly slow).
+ //
+ void stepVelocities(btScalar dt,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> &scratch_r,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> &scratch_v,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btMatrix3x3> &scratch_m);
+ // calcAccelerationDeltas
+ // input: force vector (in same format as jacobian, i.e.:
+ // 3 torque values, 3 force values, num_links joint torque values)
+ // output: 3 omegadot values, 3 vdot values, num_links q_double_dot values
+ // (existing contents of output array are replaced)
+ // stepVelocities must have been called first.
+ void calcAccelerationDeltas(const btScalar *force, btScalar *output,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> &scratch_r,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> &scratch_v) const;
+ // apply a delta-vee directly. used in sequential impulses code.
+ void applyDeltaVee(const btScalar * delta_vee)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6 + getNumLinks(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_real_buf[i] += delta_vee[i];
+ }
+ }
+ void applyDeltaVee(const btScalar * delta_vee, btScalar multiplier)
+ {
+ btScalar sum = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6 + getNumLinks(); ++i)
+ {
+ sum += delta_vee[i]*multiplier*delta_vee[i]*multiplier;
+ }
+ btScalar l = btSqrt(sum);
+ /*
+ static btScalar maxl = -1e30f;
+ if (l>maxl)
+ {
+ maxl=l;
+ // printf("maxl=%f\n",maxl);
+ }
+ */
+ if (l>m_maxAppliedImpulse)
+ {
+// printf("exceeds 100: l=%f\n",maxl);
+ multiplier *= m_maxAppliedImpulse/l;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6 + getNumLinks(); ++i)
+ {
+ sum += delta_vee[i]*multiplier*delta_vee[i]*multiplier;
+ m_real_buf[i] += delta_vee[i] * multiplier;
+ }
+ }
+ // timestep the positions (given current velocities).
+ void stepPositions(btScalar dt);
+ //
+ // contacts
+ //
+ // This routine fills out a contact constraint jacobian for this body.
+ // the 'normal' supplied must be -n for body1 or +n for body2 of the contact.
+ // 'normal' & 'contact_point' are both given in world coordinates.
+ void fillContactJacobian(int link,
+ const btVector3 &contact_point,
+ const btVector3 &normal,
+ btScalar *jac,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> &scratch_r,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> &scratch_v,
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btMatrix3x3> &scratch_m) const;
+ //
+ // sleeping
+ //
+ void setCanSleep(bool canSleep)
+ {
+ can_sleep = canSleep;
+ }
+ bool isAwake() const { return awake; }
+ void wakeUp();
+ void goToSleep();
+ void checkMotionAndSleepIfRequired(btScalar timestep);
+ bool hasFixedBase() const
+ {
+ return fixed_base;
+ }
+ int getCompanionId() const
+ {
+ return m_companionId;
+ }
+ void setCompanionId(int id)
+ {
+ //printf("for %p setCompanionId(%d)\n",this, id);
+ m_companionId = id;
+ }
+ void setNumLinks(int numLinks)//careful: when changing the number of links, make sure to re-initialize or update existing links
+ {
+ links.resize(numLinks);
+ }
+ btScalar getLinearDamping() const
+ {
+ return m_linearDamping;
+ }
+ void setLinearDamping( btScalar damp)
+ {
+ m_linearDamping = damp;
+ }
+ btScalar getAngularDamping() const
+ {
+ return m_angularDamping;
+ }
+ bool getUseGyroTerm() const
+ {
+ return m_useGyroTerm;
+ }
+ void setUseGyroTerm(bool useGyro)
+ {
+ m_useGyroTerm = useGyro;
+ }
+ btScalar getMaxAppliedImpulse() const
+ {
+ return m_maxAppliedImpulse;
+ }
+ void setMaxAppliedImpulse(btScalar maxImp)
+ {
+ m_maxAppliedImpulse = maxImp;
+ }
+ void setHasSelfCollision(bool hasSelfCollision)
+ {
+ m_hasSelfCollision = hasSelfCollision;
+ }
+ bool hasSelfCollision() const
+ {
+ return m_hasSelfCollision;
+ }
+ btMultiBody(const btMultiBody &); // not implemented
+ void operator=(const btMultiBody &); // not implemented
+ void compTreeLinkVelocities(btVector3 *omega, btVector3 *vel) const;
+ void solveImatrix(const btVector3& rhs_top, const btVector3& rhs_bot, float result[6]) const;
+ btMultiBodyLinkCollider* m_baseCollider;//can be NULL
+ btVector3 base_pos; // position of COM of base (world frame)
+ btQuaternion base_quat; // rotates world points into base frame
+ btScalar base_mass; // mass of the base
+ btVector3 base_inertia; // inertia of the base (in local frame; diagonal)
+ btVector3 base_force; // external force applied to base. World frame.
+ btVector3 base_torque; // external torque applied to base. World frame.
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btMultibodyLink> links; // array of links, excluding the base. index from 0 to num_links-1.
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btMultiBodyLinkCollider*> m_colliders;
+ //
+ // real_buf:
+ // offset size array
+ // 0 6 + num_links v (base_omega; base_vel; joint_vels)
+ // 6+num_links num_links D
+ //
+ // vector_buf:
+ // offset size array
+ // 0 num_links h_top
+ // num_links num_links h_bottom
+ //
+ // matrix_buf:
+ // offset size array
+ // 0 num_links+1 rot_from_parent
+ //
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> m_real_buf;
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vector_buf;
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btMatrix3x3> matrix_buf;
+ //std::auto_ptr<Eigen::LU<Eigen::Matrix<btScalar, 6, 6> > > cached_imatrix_lu;
+ btMatrix3x3 cached_inertia_top_left;
+ btMatrix3x3 cached_inertia_top_right;
+ btMatrix3x3 cached_inertia_lower_left;
+ btMatrix3x3 cached_inertia_lower_right;
+ bool fixed_base;
+ // Sleep parameters.
+ bool awake;
+ bool can_sleep;
+ btScalar sleep_timer;
+ int m_companionId;
+ btScalar m_linearDamping;
+ btScalar m_angularDamping;
+ bool m_useGyroTerm;
+ btScalar m_maxAppliedImpulse;
+ bool m_hasSelfCollision;