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Diffstat (limited to 'extern/qhull/include')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 3886 deletions
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/geom.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/geom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 32440cff56f..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/geom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- geom.h
- header file for geometric routines
- see qh-geom.htm and geom.c
- copyright (c) 1993-2002 The Geometry Center
-#ifndef qhDEFgeom
-#define qhDEFgeom 1
-/* ============ -macros- ======================== */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="fabs_">-</a>
- fabs_(a)
- returns the absolute value of a
-#define fabs_( a ) ((( a ) < 0 ) ? -( a ):( a ))
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="fmax_">-</a>
- fmax_(a,b)
- returns the maximum value of a and b
-#define fmax_( a,b ) ( ( a ) < ( b ) ? ( b ) : ( a ) )
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="fmin_">-</a>
- fmin_(a,b)
- returns the minimum value of a and b
-#define fmin_( a,b ) ( ( a ) > ( b ) ? ( b ) : ( a ) )
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="maximize_">-</a>
- maximize_(maxval, val)
- set maxval to val if val is greater than maxval
-#define maximize_( maxval, val ) {if (( maxval ) < ( val )) ( maxval )= ( val );}
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="minimize_">-</a>
- minimize_(minval, val)
- set minval to val if val is less than minval
-#define minimize_( minval, val ) {if (( minval ) > ( val )) ( minval )= ( val );}
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="det2_">-</a>
- det2_(a1, a2,
- b1, b2)
- compute a 2-d determinate
-#define det2_( a1,a2,b1,b2 ) (( a1 )*( b2 ) - ( a2 )*( b1 ))
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="det3_">-</a>
- det3_(a1, a2, a3,
- b1, b2, b3,
- c1, c2, c3)
- compute a 3-d determinate
-#define det3_( a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 ) ( ( a1 )*det2_( b2,b3,c2,c3 ) \
- - ( b1 )*det2_( a2,a3,c2,c3 ) + ( c1 )*det2_( a2,a3,b2,b3 ) )
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="dX">-</a>
- dX( p1, p2 )
- dY( p1, p2 )
- dZ( p1, p2 )
- given two indices into rows[],
- compute the difference between X, Y, or Z coordinates
-#define dX( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1] ) - *( rows[p2] ))
-#define dY( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1]+1 ) - *( rows[p2]+1 ))
-#define dZ( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1]+2 ) - *( rows[p2]+2 ))
-#define dW( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1]+3 ) - *( rows[p2]+3 ))
-/*============= prototypes in alphabetical order, infrequent at end ======= */
-void qh_backnormal (realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol, boolT sign, coordT *normal, boolT *nearzero);
-void qh_distplane (pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist);
-facetT *qh_findbest (pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
- boolT bestoutside, boolT isnewfacets, boolT noupper,
- realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
-facetT *qh_findbesthorizon (boolT ischeckmax, pointT *point,
- facetT *startfacet, boolT noupper, realT *bestdist, int *numpart);
-facetT *qh_findbestnew (pointT *point, facetT *startfacet, realT *dist,
- boolT bestoutside, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
-void qh_gausselim(realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol, boolT *sign, boolT *nearzero);
-realT qh_getangle(pointT *vect1, pointT *vect2);
-pointT *qh_getcenter(setT *vertices);
-pointT *qh_getcentrum(facetT *facet);
-realT qh_getdistance(facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist);
-void qh_normalize (coordT *normal, int dim, boolT toporient);
-void qh_normalize2 (coordT *normal, int dim, boolT toporient,
- realT *minnorm, boolT *ismin);
-pointT *qh_projectpoint(pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT dist);
-void qh_setfacetplane(facetT *newfacets);
-void qh_sethyperplane_det (int dim, coordT **rows, coordT *point0,
- boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset, boolT *nearzero);
-void qh_sethyperplane_gauss (int dim, coordT **rows, pointT *point0,
- boolT toporient, coordT *normal, coordT *offset, boolT *nearzero);
-boolT qh_sharpnewfacets (void);
-/*========= infrequently used code in geom2.c =============*/
-coordT *qh_copypoints (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
-void qh_crossproduct (int dim, realT vecA[3], realT vecB[3], realT vecC[3]);
-realT qh_determinant (realT **rows, int dim, boolT *nearzero);
-realT qh_detjoggle (pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
-void qh_detroundoff (void);
-realT qh_detsimplex(pointT *apex, setT *points, int dim, boolT *nearzero);
-realT qh_distnorm (int dim, pointT *point, pointT *normal, realT *offsetp);
-realT qh_distround (int dimension, realT maxabs, realT maxsumabs);
-realT qh_divzero(realT numer, realT denom, realT mindenom1, boolT *zerodiv);
-realT qh_facetarea (facetT *facet);
-realT qh_facetarea_simplex (int dim, coordT *apex, setT *vertices,
- vertexT *notvertex, boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset);
-pointT *qh_facetcenter (setT *vertices);
-facetT *qh_findgooddist (pointT *point, facetT *facetA, realT *distp, facetT **facetlist);
-void qh_getarea (facetT *facetlist);
-boolT qh_gram_schmidt(int dim, realT **rows);
-boolT qh_inthresholds (coordT *normal, realT *angle);
-void qh_joggleinput (void);
-realT *qh_maxabsval (realT *normal, int dim);
-setT *qh_maxmin(pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
-realT qh_maxouter (void);
-void qh_maxsimplex (int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints, setT **simplex);
-realT qh_minabsval (realT *normal, int dim);
-int qh_mindiff (realT *vecA, realT *vecB, int dim);
-boolT qh_orientoutside (facetT *facet);
-void qh_outerinner (facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
-coordT qh_pointdist(pointT *point1, pointT *point2, int dim);
-void qh_printmatrix (FILE *fp, char *string, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol);
-void qh_printpoints (FILE *fp, char *string, setT *points);
-void qh_projectinput (void);
-void qh_projectpoints (signed char *project, int n, realT *points,
- int numpoints, int dim, realT *newpoints, int newdim);
-int qh_rand( void);
-void qh_srand( int seed);
-realT qh_randomfactor (void);
-void qh_randommatrix (realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
-void qh_rotateinput (realT **rows);
-void qh_rotatepoints (realT *points, int numpoints, int dim, realT **rows);
-void qh_scaleinput (void);
-void qh_scalelast (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, coordT low,
- coordT high, coordT newhigh);
-void qh_scalepoints (pointT *points, int numpoints, int dim,
- realT *newlows, realT *newhighs);
-boolT qh_sethalfspace (int dim, coordT *coords, coordT **nextp,
- coordT *normal, coordT *offset, coordT *feasible);
-coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all (int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
-pointT *qh_voronoi_center (int dim, setT *points);
-#endif /* qhDEFgeom */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/io.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 351d56b3708..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-io.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- io.h
- declarations of Input/Output functions
- see README, qhull.h and io.c
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
-#ifndef qhDEFio
-#define qhDEFio 1
-/*============ constants and flags ==================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_MAXfirst">-</a>
- qh_MAXfirst
- maximum length of first two lines of stdin
-#define qh_MAXfirst 200
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_MINradius">-</a>
- qh_MINradius
- min radius for Gp and Gv, fraction of maxcoord
-#define qh_MINradius 0.02
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_GEOMepsilon">-</a>
- qh_GEOMepsilon
- adjust outer planes for 'lines closer' and geomview roundoff.
- This prevents bleed through.
-#define qh_GEOMepsilon 2e-3
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_WHITESPACE">-</a>
- possible values of white space
-#define qh_WHITESPACE " \n\t\v\r\f"
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="RIDGE">-</a>
- qh_RIDGE
- to select which ridges to print in qh_eachvoronoi
-typedef enum
- qh_RIDGEall = 0, qh_RIDGEinner, qh_RIDGEouter
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="printvridgeT">-</a>
- printvridgeT
- prints results of qh_printvdiagram
- see:
- <a href="io.c#printvridge">qh_printvridge</a> for an example
-typedef void (*printvridgeT)(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded);
-/*============== -prototypes in alphabetical order =========*/
-void dfacet( unsigned id);
-void dvertex( unsigned id);
-void qh_countfacets (facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall,
- int *numfacetsp, int *numsimplicialp, int *totneighborsp,
- int *numridgesp, int *numcoplanarsp, int *numnumtricoplanarsp);
-pointT *qh_detvnorm (vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, realT *offsetp);
-setT *qh_detvridge (vertexT *vertex);
-setT *qh_detvridge3 (vertexT *atvertex, vertexT *vertex);
-int qh_eachvoronoi (FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, vertexT *atvertex, boolT visitall, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder);
-int qh_eachvoronoi_all (FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, boolT isupper, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder);
-void qh_facet2point(facetT *facet, pointT **point0, pointT **point1, realT *mindist);
-setT *qh_facetvertices (facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets);
-void qh_geomplanes (facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
-void qh_markkeep (facetT *facetlist);
-setT *qh_markvoronoi (facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall, boolT *islowerp, int *numcentersp);
-void qh_order_vertexneighbors(vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_printafacet(FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facet, boolT printall);
-void qh_printbegin (FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_printcenter (FILE *fp, int format, char *string, facetT *facet);
-void qh_printcentrum (FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT radius);
-void qh_printend (FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_printend4geom (FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int *num, boolT printall);
-void qh_printextremes (FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, int printall);
-void qh_printextremes_2d (FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, int printall);
-void qh_printextremes_d (FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, int printall);
-void qh_printfacet(FILE *fp, facetT *facet);
-void qh_printfacet2math(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int notfirst);
-void qh_printfacet2geom(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacet2geom_points(FILE *fp, pointT *point1, pointT *point2,
- facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacet3math (FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int notfirst);
-void qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacet3geom_points(FILE *fp, setT *points, facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacet3vertex(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int format);
-void qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int id, int format);
-void qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int format);
-void qh_printfacetheader(FILE *fp, facetT *facet);
-void qh_printfacetridges(FILE *fp, facetT *facet);
-void qh_printfacets(FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_printhelp_degenerate(FILE *fp);
-void qh_printhelp_singular(FILE *fp);
-void qh_printhyperplaneintersection(FILE *fp, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2,
- setT *vertices, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printneighborhood (FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall);
-void qh_printline3geom (FILE *fp, pointT *pointA, pointT *pointB, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printpoint(FILE *fp, char *string, pointT *point);
-void qh_printpointid(FILE *fp, char *string, int dim, pointT *point, int id);
-void qh_printpoint3 (FILE *fp, pointT *point);
-void qh_printpoints_out (FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, int printall);
-void qh_printpointvect (FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius, realT color[3]);
-void qh_printpointvect2 (FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius);
-void qh_printridge(FILE *fp, ridgeT *ridge);
-void qh_printspheres(FILE *fp, setT *vertices, realT radius);
-void qh_printvdiagram (FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-int qh_printvdiagram2 (FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, setT *vertices, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder);
-void qh_printvertex(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_printvertexlist (FILE *fp, char* string, facetT *facetlist,
- setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_printvertices (FILE *fp, char* string, setT *vertices);
-void qh_printvneighbors (FILE *fp, facetT* facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_printvoronoi (FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_printvnorm (FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded);
-void qh_printvridge (FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded);
-void qh_produce_output(void);
-void qh_projectdim3 (pointT *source, pointT *destination);
-int qh_readfeasible (int dim, char *remainder);
-coordT *qh_readpoints(int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc);
-void qh_setfeasible (int dim);
-boolT qh_skipfacet(facetT *facet);
-#endif /* qhDEFio */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/mem.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/mem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e9ebd1bb9bc..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-mem.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- mem.h
- prototypes for memory management functions
- see qh-mem.htm, mem.c and qset.h
- for error handling, writes message and calls
- qh_errexit (qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL) if insufficient memory
- and
- qh_errexit (qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL) otherwise
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
-#ifndef qhDEFmem
-#define qhDEFmem
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="NOmem">-</a>
- qh_NOmem
- turn off quick-fit memory allocation
- notes:
- mem.c implements Quickfit memory allocation for about 20% time
- savings. If it fails on your machine, try to locate the
- problem, and send the answer to qhull@geom.umn.edu. If this can
- not be done, define qh_NOmem to use malloc/free instead.
- #define qh_NOmem
- to avoid bus errors, memory allocation must consider alignment requirements.
- malloc() automatically takes care of alignment. Since mem.c manages
- its own memory, we need to explicitly specify alignment in
- qh_meminitbuffers().
- A safe choice is sizeof(double). sizeof(float) may be used if doubles
- do not occur in data structures and pointers are the same size. Be careful
- of machines (e.g., DEC Alpha) with large pointers. If gcc is available,
- use __alignof__(double) or fmax_(__alignof__(float), __alignof__(void *)).
- see <a href="user.h#MEMalign">qh_MEMalign</a> in user.h for qhull's alignment
-#define qhmem_ERRmem 4 /* matches qh_ERRmem in qhull.h */
-#define qhmem_ERRqhull 5 /* matches qh_ERRqhull in qhull.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="ptr_intT">-</a>
- ptr_intT
- for casting a void* to an integer-type
- notes:
- On 64-bit machines, a pointer may be larger than an 'int'.
- qh_meminit() checks that 'long' holds a 'void*'
-typedef unsigned long ptr_intT;
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qhmemT">-</a>
- qhmemT
- global memory structure for mem.c
- notes:
- users should ignore qhmem except for writing extensions
- qhmem is allocated in mem.c
- qhmem could be swapable like qh and qhstat, but then
- multiple qh's and qhmem's would need to keep in synch.
- A swapable qhmem would also waste memory buffers. As long
- as memory operations are atomic, there is no problem with
- multiple qh structures being active at the same time.
- If you need separate address spaces, you can swap the
- contents of qhmem.
-typedef struct qhmemT qhmemT;
-extern qhmemT qhmem;
-struct qhmemT { /* global memory management variables */
- int BUFsize; /* size of memory allocation buffer */
- int BUFinit; /* initial size of memory allocation buffer */
- int TABLEsize; /* actual number of sizes in free list table */
- int NUMsizes; /* maximum number of sizes in free list table */
- int LASTsize; /* last size in free list table */
- int ALIGNmask; /* worst-case alignment, must be 2^n-1 */
- void **freelists; /* free list table, linked by offset 0 */
- int *sizetable; /* size of each freelist */
- int *indextable; /* size->index table */
- void *curbuffer; /* current buffer, linked by offset 0 */
- void *freemem; /* free memory in curbuffer */
- int freesize; /* size of free memory in bytes */
- void *tempstack; /* stack of temporary memory, managed by users */
- FILE *ferr; /* file for reporting errors */
- int IStracing; /* =5 if tracing memory allocations */
- int cntquick; /* count of quick allocations */
- /* remove statistics doesn't effect speed */
- int cntshort; /* count of short allocations */
- int cntlong; /* count of long allocations */
- int curlong; /* current count of inuse, long allocations */
- int freeshort; /* count of short memfrees */
- int freelong; /* count of long memfrees */
- int totshort; /* total size of short allocations */
- int totlong; /* total size of long allocations */
- int maxlong; /* maximum totlong */
- int cntlarger; /* count of setlarger's */
- int totlarger; /* total copied by setlarger */
-/*==================== -macros ====================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="memalloc_">-</a>
- qh_memalloc_(size, object, type)
- returns object of size bytes
- assumes size<=qhmem.LASTsize and void **freelistp is a temp
-#ifdef qh_NOmem
-#define qh_memalloc_(size, freelistp, object, type) {\
- object= (type*)qh_memalloc (size); }
-#else /* !qh_NOmem */
-#define qh_memalloc_(size, freelistp, object, type) {\
- freelistp= qhmem.freelists + qhmem.indextable[size];\
- if ((object= (type*)*freelistp)) {\
- qhmem.cntquick++; \
- *freelistp= *((void **)*freelistp);\
- }else object= (type*)qh_memalloc (size);}
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="memfree_">-</a>
- qh_memfree_(object, size)
- free up an object
- notes:
- object may be NULL
- assumes size<=qhmem.LASTsize and void **freelistp is a temp
-#ifdef qh_NOmem
-#define qh_memfree_(object, size, freelistp) {\
- qh_memfree (object, size); }
-#else /* !qh_NOmem */
-#define qh_memfree_(object, size, freelistp) {\
- if (object) { \
- qhmem .freeshort++;\
- freelistp= qhmem.freelists + qhmem.indextable[size];\
- *((void **)object)= *freelistp;\
- *freelistp= object;}}
-/*=============== prototypes in alphabetical order ============*/
-void *qh_memalloc(int insize);
-void qh_memfree (void *object, int size);
-void qh_memfreeshort (int *curlong, int *totlong);
-void qh_meminit (FILE *ferr);
-void qh_meminitbuffers (int tracelevel, int alignment, int numsizes,
- int bufsize, int bufinit);
-void qh_memsetup (void);
-void qh_memsize(int size);
-void qh_memstatistics (FILE *fp);
-#endif /* qhDEFmem */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/merge.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/merge.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc2afa5967..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/merge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-merge.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- merge.h
- header file for merge.c
- see qh-merge.htm and merge.c
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
-#ifndef qhDEFmerge
-#define qhDEFmerge 1
-/*============ -constants- ==============*/
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ANGLEredundant">-</a>
- qh_ANGLEredundant
- indicates redundant merge in mergeT->angle
-#define qh_ANGLEredundant 6.0
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ANGLEdegen">-</a>
- qh_ANGLEdegen
- indicates degenerate facet in mergeT->angle
-#define qh_ANGLEdegen 5.0
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ANGLEconcave">-</a>
- qh_ANGLEconcave
- offset to indicate concave facets in mergeT->angle
- notes:
- concave facets are assigned the range of [2,4] in mergeT->angle
- roundoff error may make the angle less than 2
-#define qh_ANGLEconcave 1.5
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MRG">-</a>
- MRG... (mergeType)
- indicates the type of a merge (mergeT->type)
-typedef enum { /* in sort order for facet_mergeset */
- MRGnone= 0,
- MRGcoplanar, /* centrum coplanar */
- MRGanglecoplanar, /* angle coplanar */
- /* could detect half concave ridges */
- MRGconcave, /* concave ridge */
- MRGflip, /* flipped facet. facet1 == facet2 */
- MRGridge, /* duplicate ridge (qh_MERGEridge) */
- /* degen and redundant go onto degen_mergeset */
- MRGdegen, /* degenerate facet (not enough neighbors) facet1 == facet2 */
- MRGredundant, /* redundant facet (vertex subset) */
- /* merge_degenredundant assumes degen < redundant */
- MRGmirror, /* mirror facet from qh_triangulate */
- ENDmrg
-} mergeType;
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_MERGEapex">-</a>
- qh_MERGEapex
- flag for qh_mergefacet() to indicate an apex merge
-#define qh_MERGEapex True
-/*============ -structures- ====================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="mergeT">-</a>
- mergeT
- structure used to merge facets
-typedef struct mergeT mergeT;
-struct mergeT { /* initialize in qh_appendmergeset */
- realT angle; /* angle between normals of facet1 and facet2 */
- facetT *facet1; /* will merge facet1 into facet2 */
- facetT *facet2;
- mergeType type;
-/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHmerge_">-</a>
- FOREACHmerge_( merges ) {...}
- assign 'merge' to each merge in merges
- notes:
- uses 'mergeT *merge, **mergep;'
- if qh_mergefacet(),
- restart since qh.facet_mergeset may change
- see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHmerge_( merges ) FOREACHsetelement_(mergeT, merges, merge)
-/*============ prototypes in alphabetical order after pre/postmerge =======*/
-void qh_premerge (vertexT *apex, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle);
-void qh_postmerge (char *reason, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle,
- boolT vneighbors);
-void qh_all_merges (boolT othermerge, boolT vneighbors);
-void qh_appendmergeset(facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, mergeType mergetype, realT *angle);
-setT *qh_basevertices( facetT *samecycle);
-void qh_checkconnect (void /* qh new_facets */);
-boolT qh_checkzero (boolT testall);
-void qh_copynonconvex (ridgeT *atridge);
-void qh_degen_redundant_facet (facetT *facet);
-void qh_degen_redundant_neighbors (facetT *facet, facetT *delfacet);
-vertexT *qh_find_newvertex (vertexT *oldvertex, setT *vertices, setT *ridges);
-void qh_findbest_test (boolT testcentrum, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor,
- facetT **bestfacet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp);
-facetT *qh_findbestneighbor(facetT *facet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp);
-void qh_flippedmerges(facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge);
-void qh_forcedmerges( boolT *wasmerge);
-void qh_getmergeset(facetT *facetlist);
-void qh_getmergeset_initial (facetT *facetlist);
-void qh_hashridge (setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex);
-ridgeT *qh_hashridge_find (setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge,
- vertexT *vertex, vertexT *oldvertex, int *hashslot);
-void qh_makeridges(facetT *facet);
-void qh_mark_dupridges(facetT *facetlist);
-void qh_maydropneighbor (facetT *facet);
-int qh_merge_degenredundant (void);
-void qh_merge_nonconvex( facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, mergeType mergetype);
-void qh_mergecycle (facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
-void qh_mergecycle_all (facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge);
-void qh_mergecycle_facets( facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
-void qh_mergecycle_neighbors(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
-void qh_mergecycle_ridges(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
-void qh_mergecycle_vneighbors( facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
-void qh_mergefacet(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist, boolT mergeapex);
-void qh_mergefacet2d (facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-void qh_mergeneighbors(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-void qh_mergeridges(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-void qh_mergesimplex(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, boolT mergeapex);
-void qh_mergevertex_del (vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-void qh_mergevertex_neighbors(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-void qh_mergevertices(setT *vertices1, setT **vertices);
-setT *qh_neighbor_intersections (vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_newvertices (setT *vertices);
-boolT qh_reducevertices (void);
-vertexT *qh_redundant_vertex (vertexT *vertex);
-boolT qh_remove_extravertices (facetT *facet);
-vertexT *qh_rename_sharedvertex (vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet);
-void qh_renameridgevertex(ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex);
-void qh_renamevertex(vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex, setT *ridges,
- facetT *oldfacet, facetT *neighborA);
-boolT qh_test_appendmerge (facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor);
-boolT qh_test_vneighbors (void /* qh newfacet_list */);
-void qh_tracemerge (facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-void qh_tracemerging (void);
-void qh_updatetested( facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
-setT *qh_vertexridges (vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_vertexridges_facet (vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet, setT **ridges);
-void qh_willdelete (facetT *facet, facetT *replace);
-#endif /* qhDEFmerge */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/poly.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/poly.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 294ec9527fc..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/poly.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-poly.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- poly.h
- header file for poly.c and poly2.c
- see qh-poly.htm, qhull.h and poly.c
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
-#ifndef qhDEFpoly
-#define qhDEFpoly 1
-/*=============== constants ========================== */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="ALGORITHMfault">-</a>
- use as argument to checkconvex() to report errors during buildhull
-#define qh_ALGORITHMfault 0
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="DATAfault">-</a>
- DATAfault
- use as argument to checkconvex() to report errors during initialhull
-#define qh_DATAfault 1
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="DUPLICATEridge">-</a>
- special value for facet->neighbor to indicate a duplicate ridge
- notes:
- set by matchneighbor, used by matchmatch and mark_dupridge
-#define qh_DUPLICATEridge ( facetT * ) 1L
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MERGEridge">-</a>
- MERGEridge flag in facet
- special value for facet->neighbor to indicate a merged ridge
- notes:
- set by matchneighbor, used by matchmatch and mark_dupridge
-#define qh_MERGEridge ( facetT * ) 2L
-/*============ -structures- ====================*/
-/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLfacet_">-</a>
- FORALLfacet_( facetlist ) { ... }
- assign 'facet' to each facet in facetlist
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *facet;'
- assumes last facet is a sentinel
- see:
- FORALLfacets
-#define FORALLfacet_( facetlist ) if ( facetlist ) for( facet=( facetlist );facet && facet->next;facet=facet->next )
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLnew_facets">-</a>
- FORALLnew_facets { ... }
- assign 'newfacet' to each facet in qh.newfacet_list
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *newfacet;'
- at exit, newfacet==NULL
-#define FORALLnew_facets for( newfacet=qh newfacet_list;newfacet && newfacet->next;newfacet=newfacet->next )
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvertex_">-</a>
- FORALLvertex_( vertexlist ) { ... }
- assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertexlist
- notes:
- uses 'vertexT *vertex;'
- at exit, vertex==NULL
-#define FORALLvertex_( vertexlist ) for ( vertex=( vertexlist );vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next )
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvisible_facets">-</a>
- FORALLvisible_facets { ... }
- assign 'visible' to each visible facet in qh.visible_list
- notes:
- uses 'vacetT *visible;'
- at exit, visible==NULL
-#define FORALLvisible_facets for (visible=qh visible_list; visible && visible->visible; visible= visible->next)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLsame_">-</a>
- FORALLsame_( newfacet ) { ... }
- assign 'same' to each facet in newfacet->f.samecycle
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *same;'
- stops when it returns to newfacet
-#define FORALLsame_(newfacet) for (same= newfacet->f.samecycle; same != newfacet; same= same->f.samecycle)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLsame_cycle_">-</a>
- FORALLsame_cycle_( newfacet ) { ... }
- assign 'same' to each facet in newfacet->f.samecycle
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *same;'
- at exit, same == NULL
-#define FORALLsame_cycle_(newfacet) \
- for (same= newfacet->f.samecycle; \
- same; same= (same == newfacet ? NULL : same->f.samecycle))
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighborA_">-</a>
- FOREACHneighborA_( facet ) { ... }
- assign 'neighborA' to each neighbor in facet->neighbors
- FOREACHneighborA_( vertex ) { ... }
- assign 'neighborA' to each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
- declare:
- facetT *neighborA, **neighborAp;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHneighborA_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighborA)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvisible_">-</a>
- FOREACHvisible_( facets ) { ... }
- assign 'visible' to each facet in facets
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *facet, *facetp;'
- see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHvisible_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, visible)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHnewfacet_">-</a>
- FOREACHnewfacet_( facets ) { ... }
- assign 'newfacet' to each facet in facets
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *newfacet, *newfacetp;'
- see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHnewfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, newfacet)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertexA_">-</a>
- FOREACHvertexA_( vertices ) { ... }
- assign 'vertexA' to each vertex in vertices
- notes:
- uses 'vertexT *vertexA, *vertexAp;'
- see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHvertexA_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices, vertexA)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertexreverse12_">-</a>
- FOREACHvertexreverse12_( vertices ) { ... }
- assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertices
- reverse order of first two vertices
- notes:
- uses 'vertexT *vertex, *vertexp;'
- see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHvertexreverse12_(vertices) FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(vertexT, vertices, vertex)
-/*=============== prototypes poly.c in alphabetical order ================*/
-void qh_appendfacet(facetT *facet);
-void qh_appendvertex(vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_attachnewfacets (void);
-boolT qh_checkflipped (facetT *facet, realT *dist, boolT allerror);
-void qh_delfacet(facetT *facet);
-void qh_deletevisible(void /*qh visible_list, qh horizon_list*/);
-setT *qh_facetintersect (facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, int *skipAp,int *skipBp, int extra);
-unsigned qh_gethash (int hashsize, setT *set, int size, int firstindex, void *skipelem);
-facetT *qh_makenewfacet(setT *vertices, boolT toporient, facetT *facet);
-void qh_makenewplanes ( void /* newfacet_list */);
-facetT *qh_makenew_nonsimplicial (facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew);
-facetT *qh_makenew_simplicial (facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew);
-void qh_matchneighbor (facetT *newfacet, int newskip, int hashsize,
- int *hashcount);
-void qh_matchnewfacets (void);
-boolT qh_matchvertices (int firstindex, setT *verticesA, int skipA,
- setT *verticesB, int *skipB, boolT *same);
-facetT *qh_newfacet(void);
-ridgeT *qh_newridge(void);
-int qh_pointid (pointT *point);
-void qh_removefacet(facetT *facet);
-void qh_removevertex(vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_updatevertices (void);
-/*========== -prototypes poly2.c in alphabetical order ===========*/
-void qh_addhash (void* newelem, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, unsigned hash);
-void qh_check_bestdist (void);
-void qh_check_maxout (void);
-void qh_check_output (void);
-void qh_check_point (pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *maxoutside, realT *maxdist, facetT **errfacet1, facetT **errfacet2);
-void qh_check_points(void);
-void qh_checkconvex(facetT *facetlist, int fault);
-void qh_checkfacet(facetT *facet, boolT newmerge, boolT *waserrorp);
-void qh_checkflipped_all (facetT *facetlist);
-void qh_checkpolygon(facetT *facetlist);
-void qh_checkvertex (vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_clearcenters (qh_CENTER type);
-void qh_createsimplex(setT *vertices);
-void qh_delridge(ridgeT *ridge);
-void qh_delvertex (vertexT *vertex);
-setT *qh_facet3vertex (facetT *facet);
-facetT *qh_findbestfacet (pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
- realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
-facetT *qh_findfacet_all (pointT *point, realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside,
- int *numpart);
-int qh_findgood (facetT *facetlist, int goodhorizon);
-void qh_findgood_all (facetT *facetlist);
-void qh_furthestnext (void /* qh facet_list */);
-void qh_furthestout (facetT *facet);
-void qh_infiniteloop (facetT *facet);
-void qh_initbuild(void);
-void qh_initialhull(setT *vertices);
-setT *qh_initialvertices(int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints);
-vertexT *qh_isvertex (pointT *point, setT *vertices);
-vertexT *qh_makenewfacets (pointT *point /*horizon_list, visible_list*/);
-void qh_matchduplicates (facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount);
-void qh_nearcoplanar ( void /* qh.facet_list */);
-vertexT *qh_nearvertex (facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
-int qh_newhashtable(int newsize);
-vertexT *qh_newvertex(pointT *point);
-ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d (ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp);
-void qh_outcoplanar (void /* facet_list */);
-pointT *qh_point (int id);
-void qh_point_add (setT *set, pointT *point, void *elem);
-setT *qh_pointfacet (void /*qh facet_list*/);
-setT *qh_pointvertex (void /*qh facet_list*/);
-void qh_prependfacet(facetT *facet, facetT **facetlist);
-void qh_printhashtable(FILE *fp);
-void qh_printlists (void);
-void qh_resetlists (boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh newvertex_list newfacet_list visible_list*/);
-void qh_setvoronoi_all (void);
-void qh_triangulate (void /*qh facet_list*/);
-void qh_triangulate_facet (facetT *facetA, vertexT **first_vertex);
-void qh_triangulate_link (facetT *oldfacetA, facetT *facetA, facetT *oldfacetB, facetT *facetB);
-void qh_triangulate_mirror (facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB);
-void qh_triangulate_null (facetT *facetA);
-void qh_vertexintersect(setT **vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB);
-setT *qh_vertexintersect_new(setT *vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB);
-void qh_vertexneighbors (void /*qh facet_list*/);
-boolT qh_vertexsubset(setT *vertexsetA, setT *vertexsetB);
-#endif /* qhDEFpoly */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qhull.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qhull.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 896ec1e9c18..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qhull.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1048 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- qhull.h
- user-level header file for using qhull.a library
- see qh-qhull.htm, qhull_a.h
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
- NOTE: access to qh_qh is via the 'qh' macro. This allows
- qh_qh to be either a pointer or a structure. An example
- of using qh is "qh DROPdim" which accesses the DROPdim
- field of qh_qh. Similarly, access to qh_qhstat is via
- the 'qhstat' macro.
- includes function prototypes for qhull.c, geom.c, global.c, io.c, user.c
- use mem.h for mem.c
- use qset.h for qset.c
- see unix.c for an example of using qhull.h
- recompile qhull if you change this file
-#ifndef qhDEFqhull
-#define qhDEFqhull 1
-/*=========================== -included files ==============*/
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#if __MWERKS__ && __POWERPC__
-#include <SIOUX.h>
-#include <Files.h>
-#include <Desk.h>
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#if !_MSC_VER
-#error Neither __STDC__ nor __cplusplus is defined. Please use strict ANSI C or C++ to compile
-#error Qhull. You may need to turn off compiler extensions in your project configuration. If
-#error your compiler is a standard C compiler, you can delete this warning from qhull.h
-#include "user.h" /* user defineable constants */
-/*============ constants and basic types ====================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_VERSION">-</a>
- version string by year and date
- the revision increases on code changes only
- notes:
- change date: Changes.txt, Announce.txt, README.txt, qhull.man
- qhull-news.html, Eudora signatures,
- change version: README.txt, qhull.html, file_id.diz, Makefile
- change year: Copying.txt
- check download size
- recompile user_eg.c, rbox.c, qhull.c, qconvex.c, qdelaun.c qvoronoi.c, qhalf.c
- make copy of qhull-news.html as qh-news.htm
-#define qh_VERSION "2002.1 2002/8/20"
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="coordT">-</a>
- coordT
- coordinates and coefficients are stored as realT (i.e., double)
- notes:
- could use 'float' for data and 'double' for calculations (realT vs. coordT)
- This requires many type casts, and adjusted error bounds.
- Also C compilers may do expressions in double anyway.
-#define coordT realT
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="pointT">-</a>
- pointT
- a point is an array of DIM3 coordinates
-#define pointT coordT
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="flagT">-</a>
- flagT
- Boolean flag as a bit
-#define flagT unsigned int
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="boolT">-</a>
- boolT
- boolean value, either True or False
- notes:
- needed for portability
-#define boolT unsigned int
-#ifdef False
-#undef False
-#ifdef True
-#undef True
-#define False 0
-#define True 1
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="CENTERtype">-</a>
- to distinguish facet->center
-typedef enum
- qh_ASnone = 0, qh_ASvoronoi, qh_AScentrum
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_PRINT">-</a>
- qh_PRINT
- output formats for printing (qh.PRINTout).
- 'Fa' 'FV' 'Fc' 'FC'
- notes:
- some of these names are similar to qh names. The similar names are only
- used in switch statements in qh_printbegin() etc.
-typedef enum {qh_PRINTnone= 0,
- qh_PRINTarea, qh_PRINTaverage, /* 'Fa' 'FV' 'Fc' 'FC' */
- qh_PRINTcoplanars, qh_PRINTcentrums,
- qh_PRINTfacets, qh_PRINTfacets_xridge, /* 'f' 'FF' 'G' 'FI' 'Fi' 'Fn' */
- qh_PRINTgeom, qh_PRINTids, qh_PRINTinner, qh_PRINTneighbors,
- qh_PRINTnormals, qh_PRINTouter, /* 'n' 'Fo' 'i' 'm' 'Fm' 'o' */
- qh_PRINTincidences, qh_PRINTmathematica, qh_PRINTmerges, qh_PRINToff,
- qh_PRINToptions, qh_PRINTpointintersect, /* 'FO' 'Fp' 'FP' 'p' 'FQ' 'FS' */
- qh_PRINTpointnearest, qh_PRINTpoints, qh_PRINTqhull, qh_PRINTsize,
- qh_PRINTsummary, qh_PRINTtriangles, /* 'Fs' 'Ft' 'Fv' 'FN' 'Fx' */
- qh_PRINTvertices, qh_PRINTvneighbors, qh_PRINTextremes,
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ALL">-</a>
- qh_ALL
- argument flag for selecting everything
-#define qh_ALL True
-#define qh_NOupper True /* argument for qh_findbest */
-#define qh_IScheckmax True /* argument for qh_findbesthorizon */
-#define qh_ISnewfacets True /* argument for qh_findbest */
-#define qh_RESETvisible True /* argument for qh_resetlists */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ERR">-</a>
- qh_ERR
- Qhull exit codes, for indicating errors
-#define qh_ERRnone 0 /* no error occurred during qhull */
-#define qh_ERRinput 1 /* input inconsistency */
-#define qh_ERRsingular 2 /* singular input data */
-#define qh_ERRprec 3 /* precision error */
-#define qh_ERRmem 4 /* insufficient memory, matches mem.h */
-#define qh_ERRqhull 5 /* internal error detected, matches mem.h */
-/* ============ -structures- ====================
- each of the following structures is defined by a typedef
- all realT and coordT fields occur at the beginning of a structure
- (otherwise space may be wasted due to alignment)
- define all flags together and pack into 32-bit number
-typedef struct vertexT vertexT;
-typedef struct ridgeT ridgeT;
-typedef struct facetT facetT;
-#ifndef DEFsetT
-#define DEFsetT 1
-typedef struct setT setT; /* defined in qset.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="facetT">-</a>
- facetT
- defines a facet
- notes:
- qhull() generates the hull as a list of facets.
- topological information:
- f.previous,next doubly-linked list of facets
- f.vertices set of vertices
- f.ridges set of ridges
- f.neighbors set of neighbors
- f.toporient True if facet has top-orientation (else bottom)
- geometric information:
- f.offset,normal hyperplane equation
- f.maxoutside offset to outer plane -- all points inside
- f.center centrum for testing convexity
- f.simplicial True if facet is simplicial
- f.flipped True if facet does not include qh.interior_point
- for constructing hull:
- f.visible True if facet on list of visible facets (will be deleted)
- f.newfacet True if facet on list of newly created facets
- f.coplanarset set of points coplanar with this facet
- (includes near-inside points for later testing)
- f.outsideset set of points outside of this facet
- f.furthestdist distance to furthest point of outside set
- f.visitid marks visited facets during a loop
- f.replace replacement facet for to-be-deleted, visible facets
- f.samecycle,newcycle cycle of facets for merging into horizon facet
- see below for other flags and fields
-struct facetT {
-#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
- coordT furthestdist;/* distance to furthest point of outsideset */
-#if qh_MAXoutside
- coordT maxoutside; /* max computed distance of point to facet
- Before QHULLfinished this is an approximation
- since maxdist not always set for mergefacet
- Actual outer plane is +DISTround and
- computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
- coordT offset; /* exact offset of hyperplane from origin */
- coordT *normal; /* normal of hyperplane, hull_dim coefficients */
- /* if tricoplanar, shared with a neighbor */
- union { /* in order of testing */
- realT area; /* area of facet, only in io.c if ->isarea */
- facetT *replace; /* replacement facet if ->visible and NEWfacets
- is NULL only if qh_mergedegen_redundant or interior */
- facetT *samecycle; /* cycle of facets from the same visible/horizon intersection,
- if ->newfacet */
- facetT *newcycle; /* in horizon facet, current samecycle of new facets */
- facetT *trivisible; /* visible facet for ->tricoplanar facets during qh_triangulate() */
- facetT *triowner; /* owner facet for ->tricoplanar, !isarea facets w/ ->keepcentrum */
- }f;
- coordT *center; /* centrum for convexity, qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */
- /* Voronoi center, qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi */
- /* if tricoplanar, shared with a neighbor */
- facetT *previous; /* previous facet in the facet_list */
- facetT *next; /* next facet in the facet_list */
- setT *vertices; /* vertices for this facet, inverse sorted by ID
- if simplicial, 1st vertex was apex/furthest */
- setT *ridges; /* explicit ridges for nonsimplicial facets.
- for simplicial facets, neighbors defines ridge */
- setT *neighbors; /* neighbors of the facet. If simplicial, the kth
- neighbor is opposite the kth vertex, and the first
- neighbor is the horizon facet for the first vertex*/
- setT *outsideset; /* set of points outside this facet
- if non-empty, last point is furthest
- if NARROWhull, includes coplanars for partitioning*/
- setT *coplanarset; /* set of points coplanar with this facet
- > qh.min_vertex and <= facet->max_outside
- a point is assigned to the furthest facet
- if non-empty, last point is furthest away */
- unsigned visitid; /* visit_id, for visiting all neighbors,
- all uses are independent */
- unsigned id; /* unique identifier from qh facet_id */
- unsigned nummerge:9; /* number of merges */
-#define qh_MAXnummerge 511 /* 2^9-1, 32 flags total, see "flags:" in io.c */
- flagT tricoplanar:1; /* True if TRIangulate and simplicial and coplanar with a neighbor */
- /* all tricoplanars share the same ->center, ->normal, ->offset, ->maxoutside */
- /* all tricoplanars share the same apex */
- /* if ->degenerate, does not span facet (one logical ridge) */
- /* one tricoplanar has ->keepcentrum and ->coplanarset */
- /* during qh_triangulate, f.trivisible points to original facet */
- flagT newfacet:1; /* True if facet on qh newfacet_list (new or merged) */
- flagT visible:1; /* True if visible facet (will be deleted) */
- flagT toporient:1; /* True if created with top orientation
- after merging, use ridge orientation */
- flagT simplicial:1;/* True if simplicial facet, ->ridges may be implicit */
- flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
- flagT seen2:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
- flagT flipped:1; /* True if facet is flipped */
- flagT upperdelaunay:1; /* True if facet is upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation */
- flagT notfurthest:1; /* True if last point of outsideset is not furthest*/
-/*-------- flags primarily for output ---------*/
- flagT good:1; /* True if a facet marked good for output */
- flagT isarea:1; /* True if facet->f.area is defined */
-/*-------- flags for merging ------------------*/
- flagT dupridge:1; /* True if duplicate ridge in facet */
- flagT mergeridge:1; /* True if facet or neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge
- ->normal defined (also defined for mergeridge2) */
- flagT mergeridge2:1; /* True if neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge (mark_dupridges */
- flagT coplanar:1; /* True if horizon facet is coplanar at last use */
- flagT mergehorizon:1; /* True if will merge into horizon (->coplanar) */
- flagT cycledone:1;/* True if mergecycle_all already done */
- flagT tested:1; /* True if facet convexity has been tested (false after merge */
- flagT keepcentrum:1; /* True if keep old centrum after a merge, or marks owner for ->tricoplanar */
- flagT newmerge:1; /* True if facet is newly merged for reducevertices */
- flagT degenerate:1; /* True if facet is degenerate (degen_mergeset or ->tricoplanar) */
- flagT redundant:1; /* True if facet is redundant (degen_mergeset) */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="ridgeT">-</a>
- ridgeT
- defines a ridge
- notes:
- a ridge is DIM3-1 simplex between two neighboring facets. If the
- facets are non-simplicial, there may be more than one ridge between
- two facets. E.G. a 4-d hypercube has two triangles between each pair
- of neighboring facets.
- topological information:
- vertices a set of vertices
- top,bottom neighboring facets with orientation
- geometric information:
- tested True if ridge is clearly convex
- nonconvex True if ridge is non-convex
-struct ridgeT {
- setT *vertices; /* vertices belonging to this ridge, inverse sorted by ID
- NULL if a degen ridge (matchsame) */
- facetT *top; /* top facet this ridge is part of */
- facetT *bottom; /* bottom facet this ridge is part of */
- unsigned id:24; /* unique identifier, =>room for 8 flags */
- flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
- flagT tested:1; /* True when ridge is tested for convexity */
- flagT nonconvex:1; /* True if getmergeset detected a non-convex neighbor
- only one ridge between neighbors may have nonconvex */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="vertexT">-</a>
- vertexT
- defines a vertex
- topological information:
- next,previous doubly-linked list of all vertices
- neighbors set of adjacent facets (only if qh.VERTEXneighbors)
- geometric information:
- point array of DIM3 coordinates
-struct vertexT {
- vertexT *next; /* next vertex in vertex_list */
- vertexT *previous; /* previous vertex in vertex_list */
- pointT *point; /* hull_dim coordinates (coordT) */
- setT *neighbors; /* neighboring facets of vertex, qh_vertexneighbors()
- inits in io.c or after first merge */
- unsigned visitid; /* for use with qh vertex_visit */
- unsigned id:24; /* unique identifier, =>room for 8 flags */
- flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
- flagT seen2:1; /* another seen flag */
- flagT delridge:1; /* vertex was part of a deleted ridge */
- flagT deleted:1; /* true if vertex on qh del_vertices */
- flagT newlist:1; /* true if vertex on qh newvertex_list */
-/*======= -global variables -qh ============================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh">-</a>
- qh
- all global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
- notes:
- qhmem is defined in mem.h and qhstat is defined in stat.h
- access to qh_qh is via the "qh" macro. See qh_QHpointer in user.h
-typedef struct qhT qhT;
-#if qh_QHpointer
-#define qh qh_qh->
-extern qhT *qh_qh; /* allocated in global.c */
-#define qh qh_qh.
-extern qhT qh_qh;
-struct qhT {
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-const">-</a>
- qh constants
- configuration flags and constants for Qhull
- notes:
- The user configures Qhull by defining flags. They are
- copied into qh by qh_setflags(). qh-quick.htm#options defines the flags.
- boolT ALLpoints; /* true 'Qs' if search all points for initial simplex */
- boolT ANGLEmerge; /* true 'Qa' if sort potential merges by angle */
- boolT APPROXhull; /* true 'Wn' if MINoutside set */
- realT MINoutside; /* 'Wn' min. distance for an outside point */
- boolT ATinfinity; /* true 'Qz' if point num_points-1 is "at-infinity"
- for improving precision in Delaunay triangulations */
- boolT AVOIDold; /* true 'Q4' if avoid old->new merges */
- boolT BESToutside; /* true 'Qf' if partition points into best outsideset */
- boolT CDDinput; /* true 'Pc' if input uses CDD format (1.0/offset first) */
- boolT CDDoutput; /* true 'PC' if print normals in CDD format (offset first) */
- boolT CHECKfrequently; /* true 'Tc' if checking frequently */
- realT premerge_cos; /* 'A-n' cos_max when pre merging */
- realT postmerge_cos; /* 'An' cos_max when post merging */
- boolT DELAUNAY; /* true 'd' if computing DELAUNAY triangulation */
- boolT DOintersections; /* true 'Gh' if print hyperplane intersections */
- int DROPdim; /* drops dim 'GDn' for 4-d -> 3-d output */
- boolT FORCEoutput; /* true 'Po' if forcing output despite degeneracies */
- int GOODpoint; /* 1+n for 'QGn', good facet if visible/not(-) from point n*/
- pointT *GOODpointp; /* the actual point */
- boolT GOODthreshold; /* true if qh lower_threshold/upper_threshold defined
- false if qh SPLITthreshold */
- int GOODvertex; /* 1+n, good facet if vertex for point n */
- pointT *GOODvertexp; /* the actual point */
- boolT HALFspace; /* true 'Hn,n,n' if halfspace intersection */
- int IStracing; /* trace execution, 0=none, 1=least, 4=most, -1=events */
- int KEEParea; /* 'PAn' number of largest facets to keep */
- boolT KEEPcoplanar; /* true 'Qc' if keeping nearest facet for coplanar points */
- boolT KEEPinside; /* true 'Qi' if keeping nearest facet for inside points
- set automatically if 'd Qc' */
- int KEEPmerge; /* 'PMn' number of facets to keep with most merges */
- realT KEEPminArea; /* 'PFn' minimum facet area to keep */
- realT MAXcoplanar; /* 'Un' max distance below a facet to be coplanar*/
- boolT MERGEexact; /* true 'Qx' if exact merges (coplanar, degen, dupridge, flipped) */
- boolT MERGEindependent; /* true 'Q2' if merging independent sets */
- boolT MERGING; /* true if exact-, pre- or post-merging, with angle and centrum tests */
- realT premerge_centrum; /* 'C-n' centrum_radius when pre merging. Default is round-off */
- realT postmerge_centrum; /* 'Cn' centrum_radius when post merging. Default is round-off */
- boolT MERGEvertices; /* true 'Q3' if merging redundant vertices */
- realT MINvisible; /* 'Vn' min. distance for a facet to be visible */
- boolT NOnarrow; /* true 'Q10' if no special processing for narrow distributions */
- boolT NOnearinside; /* true 'Q8' if ignore near-inside points when partitioning */
- boolT NOpremerge; /* true 'Q0' if no defaults for C-0 or Qx */
- boolT ONLYgood; /* true 'Qg' if process points with good visible or horizon facets */
- boolT ONLYmax; /* true 'Qm' if only process points that increase max_outside */
- boolT PICKfurthest; /* true 'Q9' if process furthest of furthest points*/
- boolT POSTmerge; /* true if merging after buildhull (Cn or An) */
- boolT PREmerge; /* true if merging during buildhull (C-n or A-n) */
- /* NOTE: some of these names are similar to qh_PRINT names */
- boolT PRINTcentrums; /* true 'Gc' if printing centrums */
- boolT PRINTcoplanar; /* true 'Gp' if printing coplanar points */
- int PRINTdim; /* print dimension for Geomview output */
- boolT PRINTdots; /* true 'Ga' if printing all points as dots */
- boolT PRINTgood; /* true 'Pg' if printing good facets */
- boolT PRINTinner; /* true 'Gi' if printing inner planes */
- boolT PRINTneighbors; /* true 'PG' if printing neighbors of good facets */
- boolT PRINTnoplanes; /* true 'Gn' if printing no planes */
- boolT PRINToptions1st; /* true 'FO' if printing options to stderr */
- boolT PRINTouter; /* true 'Go' if printing outer planes */
- boolT PRINTprecision; /* false 'Pp' if not reporting precision problems */
- qh_PRINT PRINTout[qh_PRINTEND]; /* list of output formats to print */
- boolT PRINTridges; /* true 'Gr' if print ridges */
- boolT PRINTspheres; /* true 'Gv' if print vertices as spheres */
- boolT PRINTstatistics; /* true 'Ts' if printing statistics to stderr */
- boolT PRINTsummary; /* true 's' if printing summary to stderr */
- boolT PRINTtransparent; /* true 'Gt' if print transparent outer ridges */
- boolT PROJECTdelaunay; /* true if DELAUNAY, no readpoints() and
- need projectinput() for Delaunay in qh_init_B */
- int PROJECTinput; /* number of projected dimensions 'bn:0Bn:0' */
- boolT QUICKhelp; /* true if quick help message for degen input */
- boolT RANDOMdist; /* true if randomly change distplane and setfacetplane */
- realT RANDOMfactor; /* maximum random perturbation */
- realT RANDOMa; /* qh_randomfactor is randr * RANDOMa + RANDOMb */
- realT RANDOMb;
- boolT RANDOMoutside; /* true if select a random outside point */
- int REPORTfreq; /* buildtracing reports every n facets */
- int REPORTfreq2; /* tracemerging reports every REPORTfreq/2 facets */
- int RERUN; /* 'TRn' rerun qhull n times (qh.build_cnt) */
- int ROTATErandom; /* 'QRn' seed, 0 time, >= rotate input */
- boolT SCALEinput; /* true 'Qbk' if scaling input */
- boolT SCALElast; /* true 'Qbb' if scale last coord to max prev coord */
- boolT SETroundoff; /* true 'E' if qh DISTround is predefined */
- boolT SKIPcheckmax; /* true 'Q5' if skip qh_check_maxout */
- boolT SKIPconvex; /* true 'Q6' if skip convexity testing during pre-merge */
- boolT SPLITthresholds; /* true if upper_/lower_threshold defines a region
- used only for printing (not for qh ONLYgood) */
- int STOPcone; /* 'TCn' 1+n for stopping after cone for point n*/
- /* also used by qh_build_withresart for err exit*/
- int STOPpoint; /* 'TVn' 'TV-n' 1+n for stopping after/before(-)
- adding point n */
- int TESTpoints; /* 'QTn' num of test points after qh.num_points. Test points always coplanar. */
- boolT TESTvneighbors; /* true 'Qv' if test vertex neighbors at end */
- int TRACElevel; /* 'Tn' conditional IStracing level */
- int TRACElastrun; /* qh.TRACElevel applies to last qh.RERUN */
- int TRACEpoint; /* 'TPn' start tracing when point n is a vertex */
- realT TRACEdist; /* 'TWn' start tracing when merge distance too big */
- int TRACEmerge; /* 'TMn' start tracing before this merge */
- boolT TRIangulate; /* true 'Qt' if triangulate non-simplicial facets */
- boolT TRInormals; /* true 'Q11' if triangulate duplicates normals (sets Qt) */
- boolT UPPERdelaunay; /* true 'Qu' if computing furthest-site Delaunay */
- boolT VERIFYoutput; /* true 'Tv' if verify output at end of qhull */
- boolT VIRTUALmemory; /* true 'Q7' if depth-first processing in buildhull */
- boolT VORONOI; /* true 'v' if computing Voronoi diagram */
- /*--------input constants ---------*/
- realT AREAfactor; /* 1/(hull_dim-1)! for converting det's to area */
- boolT DOcheckmax; /* true if calling qh_check_maxout (qh_initqhull_globals) */
- char *feasible_string; /* feasible point 'Hn,n,n' for halfspace intersection */
- coordT *feasible_point; /* as coordinates, both malloc'd */
- boolT GETarea; /* true 'Fa', 'FA', 'FS', 'PAn', 'PFn' if compute facet area/Voronoi volume in io.c */
- boolT KEEPnearinside; /* true if near-inside points in coplanarset */
- int hull_dim; /* dimension of hull, set by initbuffers */
- int input_dim; /* dimension of input, set by initbuffers */
- int num_points; /* number of input points */
- pointT *first_point; /* array of input points, see POINTSmalloc */
- boolT POINTSmalloc; /* true if qh first_point/num_points allocated */
- pointT *input_points; /* copy of original qh.first_point for input points for qh_joggleinput */
- boolT input_malloc; /* true if qh input_points malloc'd */
- char qhull_command[256];/* command line that invoked this program */
- char rbox_command[256]; /* command line that produced the input points */
- char qhull_options[512];/* descriptive list of options */
- int qhull_optionlen; /* length of last line */
- int qhull_optionsiz; /* size of qhull_options before qh_initbuild */
- boolT VERTEXneighbors; /* true if maintaining vertex neighbors */
- boolT ZEROcentrum; /* true if 'C-0' or 'C-0 Qx'. sets ZEROall_ok */
- realT *upper_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k]>=upper_threshold[k]
- must set either GOODthreshold or SPLITthreshold
- if Delaunay, default is 0.0 for upper envelope */
- realT *lower_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k] <=lower_threshold[k] */
- realT *upper_bound; /* scale point[k] to new upper bound */
- realT *lower_bound; /* scale point[k] to new lower bound
- project if both upper_ and lower_bound == 0 */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-prec">-</a>
- qh precision constants
- precision constants for Qhull
- notes:
- qh_detroundoff() computes the maximum roundoff error for distance
- and other computations. It also sets default values for the
- qh constants above.
- realT ANGLEround; /* max round off error for angles */
- realT centrum_radius; /* max centrum radius for convexity (roundoff added) */
- realT cos_max; /* max cosine for convexity (roundoff added) */
- realT DISTround; /* max round off error for distances, 'E' overrides */
- realT MAXabs_coord; /* max absolute coordinate */
- realT MAXlastcoord; /* max last coordinate for qh_scalelast */
- realT MAXsumcoord; /* max sum of coordinates */
- realT MAXwidth; /* max rectilinear width of point coordinates */
- realT MINdenom_1; /* min. abs. value for 1/x */
- realT MINdenom; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom */
- realT MINdenom_1_2; /* min. abs. val for 1/x that allows normalization */
- realT MINdenom_2; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom_2 */
- realT MINlastcoord; /* min. last coordinate for qh_scalelast */
- boolT NARROWhull; /* set in qh_initialhull if angle < qh_MAXnarrow */
- realT *NEARzero; /* hull_dim array for near zero in gausselim */
- realT NEARinside; /* keep points for qh_check_maxout if close to facet */
- realT ONEmerge; /* max distance for merging simplicial facets */
- realT outside_err; /* application's epsilon for coplanar points
- qh_check_bestdist() qh_check_points() reports error if point outside */
- realT WIDEfacet; /* size of wide facet for skipping ridge in
- area computation and locking centrum */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-intern">-</a>
- qh internal constants
- internal constants for Qhull
- char qhull[sizeof("qhull")]; /* for checking ownership */
- void *old_stat; /* pointer to saved qh_qhstat, qh_save_qhull */
- jmp_buf errexit; /* exit label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() */
- char jmpXtra[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler */
- jmp_buf restartexit; /* restart label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() */
- char jmpXtra2[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler*/
- FILE *fin; /* pointer to input file, init by qh_meminit */
- FILE *fout; /* pointer to output file */
- FILE *ferr; /* pointer to error file */
- pointT *interior_point; /* center point of the initial simplex*/
- int normal_size; /* size in bytes for facet normals and point coords*/
- int center_size; /* size in bytes for Voronoi centers */
- int TEMPsize; /* size for small, temporary sets (in quick mem) */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-lists">-</a>
- qh facet and vertex lists
- defines lists of facets, new facets, visible facets, vertices, and
- new vertices. Includes counts, next ids, and trace ids.
- see:
- qh_resetlists()
- facetT *facet_list; /* first facet */
- facetT *facet_tail; /* end of facet_list (dummy facet) */
- facetT *facet_next; /* next facet for buildhull()
- previous facets do not have outside sets
- NARROWhull: previous facets may have coplanar outside sets for qh_outcoplanar */
- facetT *newfacet_list; /* list of new facets to end of facet_list */
- facetT *visible_list; /* list of visible facets preceeding newfacet_list,
- facet->visible set */
- int num_visible; /* current number of visible facets */
- unsigned tracefacet_id; /* set at init, then can print whenever */
- facetT *tracefacet; /* set in newfacet/mergefacet, undone in delfacet*/
- unsigned tracevertex_id; /* set at buildtracing, can print whenever */
- vertexT *tracevertex; /* set in newvertex, undone in delvertex*/
- vertexT *vertex_list; /* list of all vertices, to vertex_tail */
- vertexT *vertex_tail; /* end of vertex_list (dummy vertex) */
- vertexT *newvertex_list; /* list of vertices in newfacet_list, to vertex_tail
- all vertices have 'newlist' set */
- int num_facets; /* number of facets in facet_list
- includes visble faces (num_visible) */
- int num_vertices; /* number of vertices in facet_list */
- int num_outside; /* number of points in outsidesets (for tracing and RANDOMoutside)
- includes coplanar outsideset points for NARROWhull/qh_outcoplanar() */
- int num_good; /* number of good facets (after findgood_all) */
- unsigned facet_id; /* ID of next, new facet from newfacet() */
- unsigned ridge_id; /* ID of next, new ridge from newridge() */
- unsigned vertex_id; /* ID of next, new vertex from newvertex() */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-var">-</a>
- qh global variables
- defines minimum and maximum distances, next visit ids, several flags,
- and other global variables.
- initialize in qh_initbuild or qh_maxmin if used in qh_buildhull
- unsigned long hulltime; /* ignore time to set up input and randomize */
- /* use unsigned to avoid wrap-around errors */
- boolT ALLOWrestart; /* true if qh_precision can use qh.restartexit */
- int build_cnt; /* number of calls to qh_initbuild */
- qh_CENTER CENTERtype; /* current type of facet->center, qh_CENTER */
- int furthest_id; /* pointid of furthest point, for tracing */
- facetT *GOODclosest; /* closest facet to GOODthreshold in qh_findgood */
- realT JOGGLEmax; /* set 'QJn' if randomly joggle input */
- boolT maxoutdone; /* set qh_check_maxout(), cleared by qh_addpoint() */
- realT max_outside; /* maximum distance from a point to a facet,
- before roundoff, not simplicial vertices
- actual outer plane is +DISTround and
- computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
- realT max_vertex; /* maximum distance (>0) from vertex to a facet,
- before roundoff, due to a merge */
- realT min_vertex; /* minimum distance (<0) from vertex to a facet,
- before roundoff, due to a merge
- if qh.JOGGLEmax, qh_makenewplanes sets it
- recomputed if qh.DOcheckmax, default -qh.DISTround */
- boolT NEWfacets; /* true while visible facets invalid due to new or merge
- from makecone/attachnewfacets to deletevisible */
- boolT findbestnew; /* true if partitioning calls qh_findbestnew */
- boolT findbest_notsharp; /* true if new facets are at least 90 degrees */
- boolT NOerrexit; /* true if qh.errexit is not available */
- realT PRINTcradius; /* radius for printing centrums */
- realT PRINTradius; /* radius for printing vertex spheres and points */
- boolT POSTmerging; /* true when post merging */
- int printoutvar; /* temporary variable for qh_printbegin, etc. */
- int printoutnum; /* number of facets printed */
- boolT QHULLfinished; /* True after qhull() is finished */
- realT totarea; /* 'FA': total facet area computed by qh_getarea */
- realT totvol; /* 'FA': total volume computed by qh_getarea */
- unsigned int visit_id; /* unique ID for searching neighborhoods, */
- unsigned int vertex_visit; /* unique ID for searching vertices */
- boolT ZEROall_ok; /* True if qh_checkzero always succeeds */
- boolT WAScoplanar; /* True if qh_partitioncoplanar (qh_check_maxout) */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-set">-</a>
- qh global sets
- defines sets for merging, initial simplex, hashing, extra input points,
- and deleted vertices
- setT *facet_mergeset; /* temporary set of merges to be done */
- setT *degen_mergeset; /* temporary set of degenerate and redundant merges */
- setT *hash_table; /* hash table for matching ridges in qh_matchfacets
- size is setsize() */
- setT *other_points; /* additional points (first is qh interior_point) */
- setT *del_vertices; /* vertices to partition and delete with visible
- facets. Have deleted set for checkfacet */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-buf">-</a>
- qh global buffers
- defines buffers for maxtrix operations, input, and error messages
- coordT *gm_matrix; /* (dim+1)Xdim matrix for geom.c */
- coordT **gm_row; /* array of gm_matrix rows */
- char* line; /* malloc'd input line of maxline+1 chars */
- int maxline;
- coordT *half_space; /* malloc'd input array for halfspace (qh normal_size+coordT) */
- coordT *temp_malloc; /* malloc'd input array for points */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-static">-</a>
- qh static variables
- defines static variables for individual functions
- notes:
- do not use 'static' within a function. Multiple instances of qhull
- may exist.
- do not assume zero initialization, 'QPn' may cause a restart
- boolT ERREXITcalled; /* true during errexit (prevents duplicate calls */
- boolT firstcentrum; /* for qh_printcentrum */
- realT last_low; /* qh_scalelast parameters for qh_setdelaunay */
- realT last_high;
- realT last_newhigh;
- unsigned lastreport; /* for qh_buildtracing */
- int mergereport; /* for qh_tracemerging */
- boolT old_randomdist; /* save RANDOMdist when io, tracing, or statistics */
- int ridgeoutnum; /* number of ridges in 4OFF output */
- void *old_qhstat; /* for saving qh_qhstat in save_qhull() */
- setT *old_tempstack; /* for saving qhmem.tempstack in save_qhull */
- setT *coplanarset; /* set of coplanar facets for searching qh_findbesthorizon() */
-/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="otherfacet_">-</a>
- otherfacet_(ridge, facet)
- return neighboring facet for a ridge in facet
-#define otherfacet_(ridge, facet) \
- (((ridge)->top == (facet)) ? (ridge)->bottom : (ridge)->top)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="getid_">-</a>
- getid_(p)
- return ID for facet, ridge, or vertex
- return MAXINT if NULL (-1 causes type conversion error )
-#define getid_(p) ((p) ? (p)->id : -1)
-/*============== FORALL macros ===================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLfacets">-</a>
- FORALLfacets { ... }
- assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.facet_list
- notes:
- uses 'facetT *facet;'
- assumes last facet is a sentinel
- see:
- FORALLfacet_( facetlist )
-#define FORALLfacets for (facet=qh facet_list;facet && facet->next;facet=facet->next)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLpoints">-</a>
- FORALLpoints { ... }
- assign 'point' to each point in qh.first_point, qh.num_points
- declare:
- coordT *point, *pointtemp;
-#define FORALLpoints FORALLpoint_(qh first_point, qh num_points)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLpoint_">-</a>
- FORALLpoint_( points, num) { ... }
- assign 'point' to each point in points array of num points
- declare:
- coordT *point, *pointtemp;
-#define FORALLpoint_(points, num) for(point= (points), \
- pointtemp= (points)+qh hull_dim*(num); point < pointtemp; point += qh hull_dim)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvertices">-</a>
- FORALLvertices { ... }
- assign 'vertex' to each vertex in qh.vertex_list
- declare:
- vertexT *vertex;
- notes:
- assumes qh.vertex_list terminated with a sentinel
-#define FORALLvertices for (vertex=qh vertex_list;vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHfacet_">-</a>
- FOREACHfacet_( facets ) { ... }
- assign 'facet' to each facet in facets
- declare:
- facetT *facet, **facetp;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, facet)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighbor_">-</a>
- FOREACHneighbor_( facet ) { ... }
- assign 'neighbor' to each neighbor in facet->neighbors
- FOREACHneighbor_( vertex ) { ... }
- assign 'neighbor' to each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
- declare:
- facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHneighbor_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHpoint_">-</a>
- FOREACHpoint_( points ) { ... }
- assign 'point' to each point in points set
- declare:
- pointT *point, **pointp;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHpoint_(points) FOREACHsetelement_(pointT, points, point)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHridge_">-</a>
- FOREACHridge_( ridges ) { ... }
- assign 'ridge' to each ridge in ridges set
- declare:
- ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHridge_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertex_">-</a>
- FOREACHvertex_( vertices ) { ... }
- assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertices set
- declare:
- vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
-#define FOREACHvertex_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHfacet_i_">-</a>
- FOREACHfacet_i_( facets ) { ... }
- assign 'facet' and 'facet_i' for each facet in facets set
- declare:
- facetT *facet;
- int facet_n, facet_i;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
-#define FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_i_(facetT, facets, facet)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighbor_i_">-</a>
- FOREACHneighbor_i_( facet ) { ... }
- assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' for each neighbor in facet->neighbors
- FOREACHneighbor_i_( vertex ) { ... }
- assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' for each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
- declare:
- facetT *neighbor;
- int neighbor_n, neighbor_i;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
-#define FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_i_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHpoint_i_">-</a>
- FOREACHpoint_i_( points ) { ... }
- assign 'point' and 'point_i' for each point in points set
- declare:
- pointT *point;
- int point_n, point_i;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
-#define FOREACHpoint_i_(points) FOREACHsetelement_i_(pointT, points, point)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHridge_i_">-</a>
- FOREACHridge_i_( ridges ) { ... }
- assign 'ridge' and 'ridge_i' for each ridge in ridges set
- declare:
- ridgeT *ridge;
- int ridge_n, ridge_i;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
-#define FOREACHridge_i_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_i_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertex_i_">-</a>
- FOREACHvertex_i_( vertices ) { ... }
- assign 'vertex' and 'vertex_i' for each vertex in vertices set
- declare:
- vertexT *vertex;
- int vertex_n, vertex_i;
- see:
- <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
- */
-#define FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_i_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
-/********* -qhull.c prototypes (duplicated from qhull_a.h) **********************/
-void qh_qhull (void);
-boolT qh_addpoint (pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist);
-void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
-/********* -user.c prototypes (alphabetical) **********************/
-void qh_errexit(int exitcode, facetT *facet, ridgeT *ridge);
-void qh_errprint(char* string, facetT *atfacet, facetT *otherfacet, ridgeT *atridge, vertexT *atvertex);
-int qh_new_qhull (int dim, int numpoints, coordT *points, boolT ismalloc,
- char *qhull_cmd, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
-void qh_printfacetlist(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
-void qh_user_memsizes (void);
-/***** -geom.c/geom2.c prototypes (duplicated from geom.h) ****************/
-facetT *qh_findbest (pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
- boolT bestoutside, boolT newfacets, boolT noupper,
- realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
-facetT *qh_findbestnew (pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
- realT *dist, boolT bestoutside, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
-boolT qh_gram_schmidt(int dim, realT **rows);
-void qh_outerinner (facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
-void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
-void qh_projectinput (void);
-void qh_randommatrix (realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
-void qh_rotateinput (realT **rows);
-void qh_scaleinput (void);
-void qh_setdelaunay (int dim, int count, pointT *points);
-coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all (int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
-/***** -global.c prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
-unsigned long qh_clock (void);
-void qh_checkflags (char *command, char *hiddenflags);
-void qh_freebuffers (void);
-void qh_freeqhull (boolT allmem);
-void qh_init_A (FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[]);
-void qh_init_B (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
-void qh_init_qhull_command (int argc, char *argv[]);
-void qh_initbuffers (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
-void qh_initflags (char *command);
-void qh_initqhull_buffers (void);
-void qh_initqhull_globals (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
-void qh_initqhull_mem (void);
-void qh_initqhull_start (FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
-void qh_initthresholds (char *command);
-void qh_option (char *option, int *i, realT *r);
-#if qh_QHpointer
-void qh_restore_qhull (qhT **oldqh);
-qhT *qh_save_qhull (void);
-/***** -io.c prototypes (duplicated from io.h) ***********************/
-void dfacet( unsigned id);
-void dvertex( unsigned id);
-void qh_printneighborhood (FILE *fp, int format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall);
-void qh_produce_output(void);
-coordT *qh_readpoints(int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc);
-/********* -mem.c prototypes (duplicated from mem.h) **********************/
-void qh_meminit (FILE *ferr);
-void qh_memfreeshort (int *curlong, int *totlong);
-/********* -poly.c/poly2.c prototypes (duplicated from poly.h) **********************/
-void qh_check_output (void);
-void qh_check_points (void);
-setT *qh_facetvertices (facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets);
-facetT *qh_findbestfacet (pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
- realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
-vertexT *qh_nearvertex (facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
-pointT *qh_point (int id);
-setT *qh_pointfacet (void /*qh.facet_list*/);
-int qh_pointid (pointT *point);
-setT *qh_pointvertex (void /*qh.facet_list*/);
-void qh_setvoronoi_all (void);
-void qh_triangulate (void /*qh facet_list*/);
-/********* -stat.c prototypes (duplicated from stat.h) **********************/
-void qh_collectstatistics (void);
-void qh_printallstatistics (FILE *fp, char *string);
-#endif /* qhDEFqhull */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qhull_a.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qhull_a.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4e69b071be..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qhull_a.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- qhull_a.h
- all header files for compiling qhull
- see qh-qhull.htm
- see qhull.h for user-level definitions
- see user.h for user-defineable constants
- defines internal functions for qhull.c global.c
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
- Notes: grep for ((" and (" to catch fprintf("lkasdjf");
- full parens around (x?y:z)
- use '#include qhull/qhull_a.h' to avoid name clashes
-#ifndef qhDEFqhulla
-#define qhDEFqhulla
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <float.h> /* some compilers will not need float.h */
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-/*** uncomment here and qset.c
- if string.h does not define memcpy()
-#include <memory.h>
-#include "qhull.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "qset.h"
-#include "geom.h"
-#include "merge.h"
-#include "poly.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "stat.h"
-#if qh_CLOCKtype == 2 /* defined in user.h from qhull.h */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
-#pragma warning( disable : 4056) /* float constant expression. Looks like a compiler bug */
-#pragma warning( disable : 4146) /* unary minus applied to unsigned type */
-#pragma warning( disable : 4244) /* conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'real' */
-#pragma warning( disable : 4305) /* conversion from 'const double' to 'float' */
-/* ======= -macros- =========== */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="traceN">-</a>
- traceN((fp.ferr, "format\n", vars));
- calls fprintf if qh.IStracing >= N
- notes:
- removing tracing reduces code size but doesn't change execution speed
-#ifndef qh_NOtrace
-#define trace0(args) {if (qh IStracing) fprintf args;}
-#define trace1(args) {if (qh IStracing >= 1) fprintf args;}
-#define trace2(args) {if (qh IStracing >= 2) fprintf args;}
-#define trace3(args) {if (qh IStracing >= 3) fprintf args;}
-#define trace4(args) {if (qh IStracing >= 4) fprintf args;}
-#define trace5(args) {if (qh IStracing >= 5) fprintf args;}
-#else /* qh_NOtrace */
-#define trace0(args) {}
-#define trace1(args) {}
-#define trace2(args) {}
-#define trace3(args) {}
-#define trace4(args) {}
-#define trace5(args) {}
-#endif /* qh_NOtrace */
-/***** -qhull.c prototypes (alphabetical after qhull) ********************/
-void qh_qhull (void);
-boolT qh_addpoint (pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist);
-void qh_buildhull(void);
-void qh_buildtracing (pointT *furthest, facetT *facet);
-void qh_build_withrestart (void);
-void qh_errexit2(int exitcode, facetT *facet, facetT *otherfacet);
-void qh_findhorizon(pointT *point, facetT *facet, int *goodvisible,int *goodhorizon);
-pointT *qh_nextfurthest (facetT **visible);
-void qh_partitionall(setT *vertices, pointT *points,int npoints);
-void qh_partitioncoplanar (pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist);
-void qh_partitionpoint (pointT *point, facetT *facet);
-void qh_partitionvisible(boolT allpoints, int *numpoints);
-void qh_precision (char *reason);
-void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
-/***** -global.c internal prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
-void qh_appendprint (qh_PRINT format);
-void qh_freebuild (boolT allmem);
-void qh_freebuffers (void);
-void qh_initbuffers (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
-int qh_strtol (const char *s, char **endp);
-double qh_strtod (const char *s, char **endp);
-/***** -stat.c internal prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
-void qh_allstatA (void);
-void qh_allstatB (void);
-void qh_allstatC (void);
-void qh_allstatD (void);
-void qh_allstatE (void);
-void qh_allstatE2 (void);
-void qh_allstatF (void);
-void qh_allstatG (void);
-void qh_allstatH (void);
-void qh_freebuffers (void);
-void qh_initbuffers (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
-#endif /* qhDEFqhulla */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qset.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0ff758de4..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/qset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-set.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- qset.h
- header file for qset.c that implements set
- see qh-set.htm and qset.c
- only uses mem.c, malloc/free
- for error handling, writes message and calls
- qh_errexit (qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
- set operations satisfy the following properties:
- - sets have a max size, the actual size (if different) is stored at the end
- - every set is NULL terminated
- - sets may be sorted or unsorted, the caller must distinguish this
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
-#ifndef qhDEFset
-#define qhDEFset 1
-/*================= -structures- ===============*/
-#ifndef DEFsetT
-#define DEFsetT 1
-typedef struct setT setT; /* a set is a sorted or unsorted array of pointers */
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
->----------------------------------------</a><a name="setT">-</a>
- a set or list of pointers with maximum size and actual size.
- unsorted, unique -- a list of unique pointers with NULL terminator
- user guarantees uniqueness
- sorted -- a sorted list of unique pointers with NULL terminator
- qset.c guarantees uniqueness
- unsorted -- a list of pointers terminated with NULL
- indexed -- an array of pointers with NULL elements
-structure for set of n elements:
- --------------
- | maxsize
- --------------
- | e[0] - a pointer, may be NULL for indexed sets
- --------------
- | e[1]
- --------------
- | ...
- --------------
- | e[n-1]
- --------------
- | e[n] = NULL
- --------------
- | ...
- --------------
- | e[maxsize] - n+1 or NULL (determines actual size of set)
- --------------
-/*-- setelemT -- internal type to allow both pointers and indices
-typedef union setelemT setelemT;
-union setelemT {
- void *p;
- int i; /* integer used for e[maxSize] */
-struct setT {
- int maxsize; /* maximum number of elements (except NULL) */
- setelemT e[1]; /* array of pointers, tail is NULL */
- /* last slot (unless NULL) is actual size+1
- e[maxsize]==NULL or e[e[maxsize]-1]==NULL */
- /* this may generate a warning since e[] contains
- maxsize elements */
-/*=========== -constants- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >-----------------------------------</a><a name="SETelemsize">-</a>
- SETelemsize
- size of a set element in bytes
-#define SETelemsize sizeof(setelemT)
-/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelement_">-</a>
- FOREACHsetelement_(type, set, variable)
- define FOREACH iterator
- declare:
- assumes *variable and **variablep are declared
- no space in "variable)" [DEC Alpha cc compiler]
- each iteration:
- variable is set element
- variablep is one beyond variable.
- to repeat an element:
- variablep--; / *repeat* /
- at exit:
- variable is NULL at end of loop
- example:
- #define FOREACHfacet_( facets ) FOREACHsetelement_( facetT, facets, facet )
- notes:
- use FOREACHsetelement_i_() if need index or include NULLs
- nested loops can't use the same variable (define another FOREACH)
- needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
- this includes intervening blocks, e.g. FOREACH...{ if () FOREACH...} )
-#define FOREACHsetelement_(type, set, variable) \
- if (((variable= NULL), set)) for(\
- variable##p= (type **)&((set)->e[0].p); \
- (variable= *variable##p++);)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >----------------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelement_i_">-</a>
- FOREACHsetelement_i_(type, set, variable)
- define indexed FOREACH iterator
- declare:
- type *variable, variable_n, variable_i;
- each iteration:
- variable is set element, may be NULL
- variable_i is index, variable_n is qh_setsize()
- to repeat an element:
- variable_i--; variable_n-- repeats for deleted element
- at exit:
- variable==NULL and variable_i==variable_n
- example:
- #define FOREACHfacet_i_( facets ) FOREACHsetelement_i_( facetT, facets, facet )
- nested loops can't use the same variable (define another FOREACH)
- needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
- this includes intervening blocks, e.g. FOREACH...{ if () FOREACH...} )
-#define FOREACHsetelement_i_(type, set, variable) \
- if (((variable= NULL), set)) for (\
- variable##_i= 0, variable= (type *)((set)->e[0].p), \
- variable##_n= qh_setsize(set);\
- variable##_i < variable##_n;\
- variable= (type *)((set)->e[++variable##_i].p) )
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelementreverse_">-</a>
- FOREACHsetelementreverse_(type, set, variable)-
- define FOREACH iterator in reverse order
- declare:
- assumes *variable and **variablep are declared
- also declare 'int variabletemp'
- each iteration:
- variable is set element
- to repeat an element:
- variabletemp++; / *repeat* /
- at exit:
- variable is NULL
- example:
- #define FOREACHvertexreverse_( vertices ) FOREACHsetelementreverse_( vertexT, vertices, vertex )
- notes:
- use FOREACHsetelementreverse12_() to reverse first two elements
- WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
-#define FOREACHsetelementreverse_(type, set, variable) \
- if (((variable= NULL), set)) for(\
- variable##temp= qh_setsize(set)-1, variable= qh_setlast(set);\
- variable; variable= \
- ((--variable##temp >= 0) ? SETelemt_(set, variable##temp, type) : NULL))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelementreverse12_">-</a>
- FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(type, set, variable)-
- define FOREACH iterator with e[1] and e[0] reversed
- declare:
- assumes *variable and **variablep are declared
- each iteration:
- variable is set element
- variablep is one after variable.
- to repeat an element:
- variablep--; / *repeat* /
- at exit:
- variable is NULL at end of loop
- example
- #define FOREACHvertexreverse12_( vertices ) FOREACHsetelementreverse12_( vertexT, vertices, vertex )
- notes:
- WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
-#define FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(type, set, variable) \
- if (((variable= NULL), set)) for(\
- variable##p= (type **)&((set)->e[1].p); \
- (variable= *variable##p); \
- variable##p == ((type **)&((set)->e[0].p))?variable##p += 2: \
- (variable##p == ((type **)&((set)->e[1].p))?variable##p--:variable##p++))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHelem_">-</a>
- FOREACHelem_( set )-
- iterate elements in a set
- declare:
- void *elem, *elemp;
- each iteration:
- elem is set element
- elemp is one beyond
- to repeat an element:
- elemp--; / *repeat* /
- at exit:
- elem == NULL at end of loop
- example:
- FOREACHelem_(set) {
- notes:
- WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
-#define FOREACHelem_(set) FOREACHsetelement_(void, set, elem)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHset_">-</a>
- FOREACHset_( set )-
- iterate a set of sets
- declare:
- setT *set, **setp;
- each iteration:
- set is set element
- setp is one beyond
- to repeat an element:
- setp--; / *repeat* /
- at exit:
- set == NULL at end of loop
- example
- FOREACHset_(sets) {
- notes:
- WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
-#define FOREACHset_(sets) FOREACHsetelement_(setT, sets, set)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >-----------------------------------------</a><a name="SETindex_">-</a>
- SETindex_( set, elem )
- return index of elem in set
- notes:
- for use with FOREACH iteration
- example:
- i= SETindex_(ridges, ridge)
-#define SETindex_(set, elem) ((void **)elem##p - (void **)&(set)->e[1].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETref_">-</a>
- SETref_( elem )
- l.h.s. for modifying the current element in a FOREACH iteration
- example:
- SETref_(ridge)= anotherridge;
-#define SETref_(elem) (elem##p[-1])
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETelem_">-</a>
- SETelem_(set, n)
- return the n'th element of set
- notes:
- assumes that n is valid [0..size] and that set is defined
- use SETelemt_() for type cast
-#define SETelem_(set, n) ((set)->e[n].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETelemt_">-</a>
- SETelemt_(set, n, type)
- return the n'th element of set as a type
- notes:
- assumes that n is valid [0..size] and that set is defined
-#define SETelemt_(set, n, type) ((type*)((set)->e[n].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETelemaddr_">-</a>
- SETelemaddr_(set, n, type)
- return address of the n'th element of a set
- notes:
- assumes that n is valid [0..size] and set is defined
-#define SETelemaddr_(set, n, type) ((type **)(&((set)->e[n].p)))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETfirst_">-</a>
- SETfirst_(set)
- return first element of set
-#define SETfirst_(set) ((set)->e[0].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETfirstt_">-</a>
- SETfirstt_(set, type)
- return first element of set as a type
-#define SETfirstt_(set, type) ((type*)((set)->e[0].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETsecond_">-</a>
- SETsecond_(set)
- return second element of set
-#define SETsecond_(set) ((set)->e[1].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETsecondt_">-</a>
- SETsecondt_(set, type)
- return second element of set as a type
-#define SETsecondt_(set, type) ((type*)((set)->e[1].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETaddr_">-</a>
- SETaddr_(set, type)
- return address of set's elements
-#define SETaddr_(set,type) ((type **)(&((set)->e[0].p)))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETreturnsize_">-</a>
- SETreturnsize_(set, size)
- return size of a set
- notes:
- set must be defined
- use qh_setsize(set) unless speed is critical
-#define SETreturnsize_(set, size) (((size)= ((set)->e[(set)->maxsize].i))?(--(size)):((size)= (set)->maxsize))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETempty_">-</a>
- SETempty_(set)
- return true (1) if set is empty
- notes:
- set may be NULL
-#define SETempty_(set) (!set || (SETfirst_(set) ? 0:1))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
- >---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETtruncate_">-</a>
- SETtruncate_(set)
- return first element of set
- see:
- qh_settruncate()
-#define SETtruncate_(set, size) {set->e[set->maxsize].i= size+1; /* maybe overwritten */ \
- set->e[size].p= NULL;}
-/*======= prototypes in alphabetical order ============*/
-void qh_setaddsorted(setT **setp, void *elem);
-void qh_setaddnth(setT **setp, int nth, void *newelem);
-void qh_setappend(setT **setp, void *elem);
-void qh_setappend_set(setT **setp, setT *setA);
-void qh_setappend2ndlast(setT **setp, void *elem);
-void qh_setcheck(setT *set, char *tname, int id);
-void qh_setcompact(setT *set);
-setT *qh_setcopy(setT *set, int extra);
-void *qh_setdel(setT *set, void *elem);
-void *qh_setdellast(setT *set);
-void *qh_setdelnth(setT *set, int nth);
-void *qh_setdelnthsorted(setT *set, int nth);
-void *qh_setdelsorted(setT *set, void *newelem);
-setT *qh_setduplicate( setT *set, int elemsize);
-int qh_setequal(setT *setA, setT *setB);
-int qh_setequal_except (setT *setA, void *skipelemA, setT *setB, void *skipelemB);
-int qh_setequal_skip (setT *setA, int skipA, setT *setB, int skipB);
-void qh_setfree(setT **set);
-void qh_setfree2( setT **setp, int elemsize);
-void qh_setfreelong(setT **set);
-int qh_setin(setT *set, void *setelem);
-int qh_setindex(setT *set, void *setelem);
-void qh_setlarger(setT **setp);
-void *qh_setlast(setT *set);
-setT *qh_setnew(int size);
-setT *qh_setnew_delnthsorted(setT *set, int size, int nth, int prepend);
-void qh_setprint(FILE *fp, char* string, setT *set);
-void qh_setreplace(setT *set, void *oldelem, void *newelem);
-int qh_setsize(setT *set);
-setT *qh_settemp(int setsize);
-void qh_settempfree(setT **set);
-void qh_settempfree_all(void);
-setT *qh_settemppop(void);
-void qh_settemppush(setT *set);
-void qh_settruncate (setT *set, int size);
-int qh_setunique (setT **set, void *elem);
-void qh_setzero (setT *set, int index, int size);
-#endif /* qhDEFset */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/stat.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/stat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dae54ed21d..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/stat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
- /*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-stat.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- stat.h
- contains all statistics that are collected for qhull
- see qh-stat.htm and stat.c
- copyright (c) 1993-2002, The Geometry Center
- recompile qhull if you change this file
- Integer statistics are Z* while real statistics are W*.
- define maydebugx to call a routine at every statistic event
-#ifndef qhDEFstat
-#define qhDEFstat 1
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
- qh_KEEPstatistics
- 0 turns off statistic gathering (except zzdef/zzinc/zzadd/zzval/wwval)
-#ifndef qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="statistics">-</a>
- Zxxx for integers, Wxxx for reals
- notes:
- be sure that all statistics are defined in stat.c
- otherwise initialization may core dump
- can pick up all statistics by:
- grep '[zw].*_[(][ZW]' *.c >z.x
- remove trailers with query">-</a>
- remove leaders with query-replace-regexp [ ^I]+ (
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-enum statistics { /* alphabetical after Z/W */
- Zacoplanar,
- Wacoplanarmax,
- Wacoplanartot,
- Zangle,
- Wangle,
- Wanglemax,
- Wanglemin,
- Zangletests,
- Wareatot,
- Wareamax,
- Wareamin,
- Zavoidold,
- Wavoidoldmax,
- Wavoidoldtot,
- Zback0,
- Zbestcentrum,
- Zbestdist,
- Zcentrumtests,
- Zcheckpart,
- Zcomputefurthest,
- Zconcave,
- Wconcavemax,
- Wconcavetot,
- Zconcaveridges,
- Zconcaveridge,
- Zcoplanar,
- Wcoplanarmax,
- Wcoplanartot,
- Zcoplanarangle,
- Zcoplanarcentrum,
- Zcoplanarhorizon,
- Zcoplanarinside,
- Zcoplanarpart,
- Zcoplanarridges,
- Wcpu,
- Zcyclefacetmax,
- Zcyclefacettot,
- Zcyclehorizon,
- Zcyclevertex,
- Zdegen,
- Wdegenmax,
- Wdegentot,
- Zdegenvertex,
- Zdelfacetdup,
- Zdelridge,
- Zdelvertextot,
- Zdelvertexmax,
- Zdetsimplex,
- Zdistcheck,
- Zdistconvex,
- Zdistgood,
- Zdistio,
- Zdistplane,
- Zdiststat,
- Zdistvertex,
- Zdistzero,
- Zdoc1,
- Zdoc2,
- Zdoc3,
- Zdoc4,
- Zdoc5,
- Zdoc6,
- Zdoc7,
- Zdoc8,
- Zdoc9,
- Zdoc10,
- Zdoc11,
- Zdoc12,
- Zdropdegen,
- Zdropneighbor,
- Zdupflip,
- Zduplicate,
- Wduplicatemax,
- Wduplicatetot,
- Zdupridge,
- Zdupsame,
- Zflipped,
- Wflippedmax,
- Wflippedtot,
- Zflippedfacets,
- Zfindbest,
- Zfindbestmax,
- Zfindbesttot,
- Zfindcoplanar,
- Zfindfail,
- Zfindhorizon,
- Zfindhorizonmax,
- Zfindhorizontot,
- Zfindjump,
- Zfindnew,
- Zfindnewmax,
- Zfindnewtot,
- Zfindnewjump,
- Zfindnewsharp,
- Zgauss0,
- Zgoodfacet,
- Zhashlookup,
- Zhashridge,
- Zhashridgetest,
- Zhashtests,
- Zinsidevisible,
- Zintersect,
- Zintersectfail,
- Zintersectmax,
- Zintersectnum,
- Zintersecttot,
- Zmaxneighbors,
- Wmaxout,
- Wmaxoutside,
- Zmaxridges,
- Zmaxvertex,
- Zmaxvertices,
- Zmaxvneighbors,
- Zmemfacets,
- Zmempoints,
- Zmemridges,
- Zmemvertices,
- Zmergeflipdup,
- Zmergehorizon,
- Zmergeinittot,
- Zmergeinitmax,
- Zmergeinittot2,
- Zmergeintohorizon,
- Zmergenew,
- Zmergesettot,
- Zmergesetmax,
- Zmergesettot2,
- Zmergesimplex,
- Zmergevertex,
- Wmindenom,
- Wminvertex,
- Zminnorm,
- Zmultiridge,
- Znearlysingular,
- Zneighbor,
- Wnewbalance,
- Wnewbalance2,
- Znewfacettot,
- Znewfacetmax,
- Znewvertex,
- Wnewvertex,
- Wnewvertexmax,
- Znoarea,
- Znonsimplicial,
- Znowsimplicial,
- Znotgood,
- Znotgoodnew,
- Znotmax,
- Znumfacets,
- Znummergemax,
- Znummergetot,
- Znumneighbors,
- Znumridges,
- Znumvertices,
- Znumvisibility,
- Znumvneighbors,
- Zonehorizon,
- Zpartangle,
- Zpartcoplanar,
- Zpartflip,
- Zparthorizon,
- Zpartinside,
- Zpartition,
- Zpartitionall,
- Zpartnear,
- Zpbalance,
- Wpbalance,
- Wpbalance2,
- Zpostfacets,
- Zpremergetot,
- Zprocessed,
- Zremvertex,
- Zremvertexdel,
- Zrenameall,
- Zrenamepinch,
- Zrenameshare,
- Zretry,
- Wretrymax,
- Zridge,
- Wridge,
- Wridgemax,
- Zridge0,
- Wridge0,
- Wridge0max,
- Zridgemid,
- Wridgemid,
- Wridgemidmax,
- Zridgeok,
- Wridgeok,
- Wridgeokmax,
- Zsearchpoints,
- Zsetplane,
- Ztestvneighbor,
- Ztotcheck,
- Ztothorizon,
- Ztotmerge,
- Ztotpartcoplanar,
- Ztotpartition,
- Ztotridges,
- Ztotvertices,
- Ztotvisible,
- Ztricoplanar,
- Ztricoplanarmax,
- Ztricoplanartot,
- Ztridegen,
- Ztrimirror,
- Ztrinull,
- Wvertexmax,
- Wvertexmin,
- Zvertexridge,
- Zvertexridgetot,
- Zvertexridgemax,
- Zvertices,
- Zvisfacettot,
- Zvisfacetmax,
- Zvisvertextot,
- Zvisvertexmax,
- Zwidefacet,
- Zwidevertices,
- ZEND};
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="ZZstat">-</a>
- Zxxx/Wxxx statistics that remain defined if qh_KEEPstatistics=0
- notes:
- be sure to use zzdef, zzinc, etc. with these statistics (no double checking!)
-enum statistics { /* for zzdef etc. macros */
- Zback0,
- Zbestdist,
- Zcentrumtests,
- Zcheckpart,
- Zconcaveridges,
- Zcoplanarhorizon,
- Zcoplanarpart,
- Zcoplanarridges,
- Zcyclefacettot,
- Zcyclehorizon,
- Zdelvertextot,
- Zdistcheck,
- Zdistconvex,
- Zdistzero,
- Zdoc1,
- Zdoc2,
- Zdoc3,
- Zdoc11,
- Zflippedfacets,
- Zgauss0,
- Zminnorm,
- Zmultiridge,
- Znearlysingular,
- Wnewvertexmax,
- Znumvisibility,
- Zpartcoplanar,
- Zpartition,
- Zpartitionall,
- Zprocessed,
- Zretry,
- Zridge,
- Wridge,
- Wridgemax,
- Zridge0,
- Wridge0,
- Wridge0max,
- Zridgemid,
- Wridgemid,
- Wridgemidmax,
- Zridgeok,
- Wridgeok,
- Wridgeokmax,
- Zsetplane,
- Ztotmerge,
- ZEND};
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="ztype">-</a>
- ztype
- the type of a statistic sets its initial value.
- notes:
- The type should be the same as the macro for collecting the statistic
-enum ztypes {zdoc,zinc,zadd,zmax,zmin,ZTYPEreal,wadd,wmax,wmin,ZTYPEend};
-/*========== macros and constants =============*/
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAYdebugx">-</a>
- MAYdebugx
- define as maydebug() to be called frequently for error trapping
-#define MAYdebugx
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="zdef_">-</a>
- zzdef_, zdef_( type, name, doc, -1)
- define a statistic (assumes 'qhstat.next= 0;')
- zdef_( type, name, doc, count)
- define an averaged statistic
- printed as name/count
-#define zzdef_(stype,name,string,cnt) qhstat id[qhstat next++]=name; \
- qhstat doc[name]= string; qhstat count[name]= cnt; qhstat type[name]= stype
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define zdef_(stype,name,string,cnt) qhstat id[qhstat next++]=name; \
- qhstat doc[name]= string; qhstat count[name]= cnt; qhstat type[name]= stype
-#define zdef_(type,name,doc,count)
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="zinc_">-</a>
- zzinc_( name ), zinc_( name)
- increment an integer statistic
-#define zzinc_(id) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i++;}
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define zinc_(id) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i++;}
-#define zinc_(id) {}
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="zadd_">-</a>
- zzadd_( name, value ), zadd_( name, value ), wadd_( name, value )
- add value to an integer or real statistic
-#define zzadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i += (val);}
-#define wwadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].r += (val);}
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define zadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i += (val);}
-#define wadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].r += (val);}
-#define zadd_(id, val) {}
-#define wadd_(id, val) {}
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="zval_">-</a>
- zzval_( name ), zval_( name ), wwval_( name )
- set or return value of a statistic
-#define zzval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).i)
-#define wwval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).r)
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define zval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).i)
-#define wval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).r)
-#define zval_(id) qhstat tempi
-#define wval_(id) qhstat tempr
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="zmax_">-</a>
- zmax_( id, val ), wmax_( id, value )
- maximize id with val
-#define wwmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qhstat stats[id].r,(val));}
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define zmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qhstat stats[id].i,(val));}
-#define wmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qhstat stats[id].r,(val));}
-#define zmax_(id, val) {}
-#define wmax_(id, val) {}
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="zmin_">-</a>
- zmin_( id, val ), wmin_( id, value )
- minimize id with val
-#if qh_KEEPstatistics
-#define zmin_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; minimize_(qhstat stats[id].i,(val));}
-#define wmin_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; minimize_(qhstat stats[id].r,(val));}
-#define zmin_(id, val) {}
-#define wmin_(id, val) {}
-/*================== stat.h types ==============*/
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="intrealT">-</a>
- intrealT
- union of integer and real, used for statistics
-typedef union intrealT intrealT; /* union of int and realT */
-union intrealT {
- int i;
- realT r;
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="qhstat">-</a>
- qhstat
- global data structure for statistics
- notes:
- access to qh_qhstat is via the "qhstat" macro. There are two choices
- qh_QHpointer = 1 access globals via a pointer
- enables qh_saveqhull() and qh_restoreqhull()
- = 0 qh_qhstat is a static data structure
- only one instance of qhull() can be active at a time
- default value
- qh_QHpointer is defined in qhull.h
- allocated in stat.c
-typedef struct qhstatT qhstatT;
-#if qh_QHpointer
-#define qhstat qh_qhstat->
-extern qhstatT *qh_qhstat;
-#define qhstat qh_qhstat.
-extern qhstatT qh_qhstat;
-struct qhstatT {
- intrealT stats[ZEND]; /* integer and real statistics */
- unsigned char id[ZEND+10]; /* id's in print order */
- char *doc[ZEND]; /* array of documentation strings */
- short int count[ZEND]; /* -1 if none, else index of count to use */
- char type[ZEND]; /* type, see ztypes above */
- char printed[ZEND]; /* true, if statistic has been printed */
- intrealT init[ZTYPEend]; /* initial values by types, set initstatistics */
- int next; /* next index for zdef_ */
- int precision; /* index for precision problems */
- int vridges; /* index for Voronoi ridges */
- int tempi;
- realT tempr;
-/*========== function prototypes ===========*/
-void qh_allstatA(void);
-void qh_allstatB(void);
-void qh_allstatC(void);
-void qh_allstatD(void);
-void qh_allstatE(void);
-void qh_allstatE2(void);
-void qh_allstatF(void);
-void qh_allstatG(void);
-void qh_allstatH(void);
-void qh_allstatI(void);
-void qh_allstatistics (void);
-void qh_collectstatistics (void);
-void qh_freestatistics (void);
-void qh_initstatistics (void);
-boolT qh_newstats (int index, int *nextindex);
-boolT qh_nostatistic (int i);
-void qh_printallstatistics (FILE *fp, char *string);
-void qh_printstatistics (FILE *fp, char *string);
-void qh_printstatlevel (FILE *fp, int id, int start);
-void qh_printstats (FILE *fp, int index, int *nextindex);
-realT qh_stddev (int num, realT tot, realT tot2, realT *ave);
-#endif /* qhDEFstat */
diff --git a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/user.h b/extern/qhull/include/qhull/user.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 79558967a52..00000000000
--- a/extern/qhull/include/qhull/user.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,762 +0,0 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-user.htm"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
- user.h
- user redefinable constants
- see qh-user.htm. see COPYING for copyright information.
- before reading any code, review qhull.h for data structure definitions and
- the "qh" macro.
-#ifndef qhDEFuser
-#define qhDEFuser 1
-/*============= data types and configuration macros ==========*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="realT">-</a>
- realT
- set the size of floating point numbers
- qh_REALdigits
- maximimum number of significant digits
- qh_REAL_1, qh_REAL_2n, qh_REAL_3n
- format strings for printf
- qh_REALmax, qh_REALmin
- maximum and minimum (near zero) values
- qh_REALepsilon
- machine roundoff. Maximum roundoff error for addition and multiplication.
- notes:
- Select whether to store floating point numbers in single precision (float)
- or double precision (double).
- Use 'float' to save about 8% in time and 25% in space. This is particularly
- help if high-d where convex hulls are space limited. Using 'float' also
- reduces the printed size of Qhull's output since numbers have 8 digits of
- precision.
- Use 'double' when greater arithmetic precision is needed. This is needed
- for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams when you are not merging
- facets.
- If 'double' gives insufficient precision, your data probably includes
- degeneracies. If so you should use facet merging (done by default)
- or exact arithmetic (see imprecision section of manual, qh-impre.htm).
- You may also use option 'Po' to force output despite precision errors.
- You may use 'long double', but many format statements need to be changed
- and you may need a 'long double' square root routine. S. Grundmann
- (sg@eeiwzb.et.tu-dresden.de) has done this. He reports that the code runs
- much slower with little gain in precision.
- WARNING: on some machines, int f(){realT a= REALmax;return (a == REALmax);}
- returns False. Use (a > REALmax/2) instead of (a == REALmax).
- REALfloat = 1 all numbers are 'float' type
- = 0 all numbers are 'double' type
-#define REALfloat 0
-#if (REALfloat == 1)
-#define realT float
-#define REALmax FLT_MAX
-#define REALmin FLT_MIN
-#define REALepsilon FLT_EPSILON
-#define qh_REALdigits 8 /* maximum number of significant digits */
-#define qh_REAL_1 "%6.8g "
-#define qh_REAL_2n "%6.8g %6.8g\n"
-#define qh_REAL_3n "%6.8g %6.8g %6.8g\n"
-#elif (REALfloat == 0)
-#define realT double
-#define REALmax DBL_MAX
-#define REALmin DBL_MIN
-#define REALepsilon DBL_EPSILON
-#define qh_REALdigits 16 /* maximum number of significant digits */
-#define qh_REAL_1 "%6.16g "
-#define qh_REAL_2n "%6.16g %6.16g\n"
-#define qh_REAL_3n "%6.16g %6.16g %6.16g\n"
-#error unknown float option
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="CPUclock">-</a>
- qh_CPUclock
- define the clock() function for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
- returns CPU ticks as a 'long int'
- qh_CPUclock is only used for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
- qh_SECticks
- the number of clock ticks per second
- notes:
- looks for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or assumes microseconds
- to define a custom clock, set qh_CLOCKtype to 0
- if your system does not use clock() to return CPU ticks, replace
- qh_CPUclock with the corresponding function. It is converted
- to unsigned long to prevent wrap-around during long runs.
- Set qh_CLOCKtype to
- 1 for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or microsecond
- Note: may fail if more than 1 hour elapsed time
- 2 use qh_clock() with POSIX times() (see global.c)
-#define qh_CLOCKtype 1 /* change to the desired number */
-#if (qh_CLOCKtype == 1)
-#if defined (CLOCKS_PER_SECOND)
-#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
-#define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SECOND
-#elif defined (CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
-#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
-#define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SEC
-#elif defined (CLK_TCK)
-#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
-#define qh_SECticks CLK_TCK
-#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
-#define qh_SECticks 1E6
-#elif (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
-#define qh_CPUclock qh_clock() /* return CPU clock */
-#define qh_SECticks 100
-#else /* qh_CLOCKtype == ? */
-#error unknown clock option
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="RANDOM">-</a>
- qh_RANDOMtype, qh_RANDOMmax, qh_RANDOMseed
- define random number generator
- qh_RANDOMint generates a random integer between 0 and qh_RANDOMmax.
- qh_RANDOMseed sets the random number seed for qh_RANDOMint
- Set qh_RANDOMtype (default 5) to:
- 1 for random() with 31 bits (UCB)
- 2 for rand() with RAND_MAX or 15 bits (system 5)
- 3 for rand() with 31 bits (Sun)
- 4 for lrand48() with 31 bits (Solaris)
- 5 for qh_rand() with 31 bits (included with Qhull)
- notes:
- Random numbers are used by rbox to generate point sets. Random
- numbers are used by Qhull to rotate the input ('QRn' option),
- simulate a randomized algorithm ('Qr' option), and to simulate
- roundoff errors ('Rn' option).
- Random number generators differ between systems. Most systems provide
- rand() but the period varies. The period of rand() is not critical
- since qhull does not normally use random numbers.
- The default generator is Park & Miller's minimal standard random
- number generator [CACM 31:1195 '88]. It is included with Qhull.
- If qh_RANDOMmax is wrong, qhull will report a warning and Geomview
- output will likely be invisible.
-#define qh_RANDOMtype 5 /* *** change to the desired number *** */
-#if (qh_RANDOMtype == 1)
-#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, random()/MAX */
-#define qh_RANDOMint random()
-#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srandom(seed);
-#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 2)
-#ifdef RAND_MAX
-#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)RAND_MAX)
-#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)32767) /* 15 bits (System 5) */
-#define qh_RANDOMint rand()
-#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
-#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 3)
-#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, Sun */
-#define qh_RANDOMint rand()
-#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
-#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 4)
-#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, lrand38()/MAX */
-#define qh_RANDOMint lrand48()
-#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand48(seed);
-#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 5)
-#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)2147483646UL) /* 31 bits, qh_rand/MAX */
-#define qh_RANDOMint qh_rand()
-#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) qh_srand(seed);
-/* unlike rand(), never returns 0 */
-#error: unknown random option
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="ORIENTclock">-</a>
- qh_ORIENTclock
- 0 for inward pointing normals by Geomview convention
-#define qh_ORIENTclock 0
-/*========= performance related constants =========*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="HASHfactor">-</a>
- qh_HASHfactor
- total hash slots / used hash slots. Must be at least 1.1.
- notes:
- =2 for at worst 50% occupancy for qh hash_table and normally 25% occupancy
-#define qh_HASHfactor 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="VERIFYdirect">-</a>
- qh_VERIFYdirect
- with 'Tv' verify all points against all facets if op count is smaller
- notes:
- if greater, calls qh_check_bestdist() instead
-#define qh_VERIFYdirect 1000000
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALsearch">-</a>
- qh_INITIALsearch
- if qh_INITIALmax, search points up to this dimension
-#define qh_INITIALsearch 6
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALmax">-</a>
- qh_INITIALmax
- if dim >= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate points for initial simplex
- notes:
- from points with non-zero determinants
- use option 'Qs' to override (much slower)
-#define qh_INITIALmax 8
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEdefault">-</a>
- qh_JOGGLEdefault
- default qh.JOGGLEmax is qh.DISTround * qh_JOGGLEdefault
- notes:
- rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-15 QR0 generates 90% faults at distround 7e-16
- rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-14 QR0 generates 70% faults
- rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-13 QR0 generates 35% faults
- rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 8% faults
- rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 1% faults
- rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 0% faults
- rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 86% faults
- rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 20% faults
- rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 2% faults
- the later have about 20 points per facet, each of which may interfere
- pick a value large enough to avoid retries on most inputs
-#define qh_JOGGLEdefault 30000.0
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEincrease">-</a>
- qh_JOGGLEincrease
- factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on qh_JOGGLEretry or qh_JOGGLEagain
-#define qh_JOGGLEincrease 10.0
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEretry">-</a>
- qh_JOGGLEretry
- if ZZretry = qh_JOGGLEretry, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
- notes:
- try twice at the original value in case of bad luck the first time
-#define qh_JOGGLEretry 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEagain">-</a>
- qh_JOGGLEagain
- every following qh_JOGGLEagain, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
- notes:
- 1 is OK since it's already failed qh_JOGGLEretry times
-#define qh_JOGGLEagain 1
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxincrease">-</a>
- qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
- maximum qh.JOGGLEmax due to qh_JOGGLEincrease
- relative to qh.MAXwidth
- notes:
- qh.joggleinput will retry at this value until qh_JOGGLEmaxretry
-#define qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease 1e-2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxretry">-</a>
- qh_JOGGLEmaxretry
- stop after qh_JOGGLEmaxretry attempts
-#define qh_JOGGLEmaxretry 100
-/*========= memory constants =========*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMalign">-</a>
- qh_MEMalign
- memory alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
- notes:
- to avoid bus errors, memory allocation must consider alignment requirements.
- malloc() automatically takes care of alignment. Since mem.c manages
- its own memory, we need to explicitly specify alignment in
- qh_meminitbuffers().
- A safe choice is sizeof(double). sizeof(float) may be used if doubles
- do not occur in data structures and pointers are the same size. Be careful
- of machines (e.g., DEC Alpha) with large pointers.
- If using gcc, best alignment is
- #define qh_MEMalign fmax_(__alignof__(realT),__alignof__(void *))
-#define qh_MEMalign fmax_(sizeof(realT), sizeof(void *))
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMbufsize">-</a>
- qh_MEMbufsize
- size of additional memory buffers
- notes:
- used for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
-#define qh_MEMbufsize 0x10000 /* allocate 64K memory buffers */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMinitbuf">-</a>
- qh_MEMinitbuf
- size of initial memory buffer
- notes:
- use for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
-#define qh_MEMinitbuf 0x20000 /* initially allocate 128K buffer */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="INFINITE">-</a>
- on output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity
-#define qh_INFINITE -10.101
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="DEFAULTbox">-</a>
- qh_DEFAULTbox
- default box size (Geomview expects 0.5)
-#define qh_DEFAULTbox 0.5
-/*======= conditional compilation ============================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="compiler">-</a>
- __cplusplus
- defined by C++ compilers
- defined by Microsoft Visual C++
- __MWERKS__ && __POWERPC__
- defined by Metrowerks when compiling for the Power Macintosh
- __STDC__
- defined for strict ANSI C
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="COMPUTEfurthest">-</a>
- qh_COMPUTEfurthest
- compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
- =1 to compute furthest
- notes:
- computing furthest saves memory but costs time
- about 40% more distance tests for partitioning
- removes facet->furthestdist
-#define qh_COMPUTEfurthest 0
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
- qh_KEEPstatistics
- =0 removes most of statistic gathering and reporting
- notes:
- if 0, code size is reduced by about 4%.
-#define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXoutside">-</a>
- qh_MAXoutside
- record outer plane for each facet
- =1 to record facet->maxoutside
- notes:
- this takes a realT per facet and slightly slows down qhull
- it produces better outer planes for geomview output
-#define qh_MAXoutside 1
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="NOmerge">-</a>
- qh_NOmerge
- disables facet merging if defined
- notes:
- This saves about 10% space.
- Unless 'Q0'
- qh_NOmerge sets 'QJ' to avoid precision errors
- #define qh_NOmerge
- see:
- <a href="mem.h#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> in mem.c
- see user.c/user_eg.c for removing io.o
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="NOtrace">-</a>
- qh_NOtrace
- no tracing if defined
- notes:
- This saves about 5% space.
- #define qh_NOtrace
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="QHpointer">-</a>
- qh_QHpointer
- access global data with pointer or static structure
- qh_QHpointer = 1 access globals via a pointer to allocated memory
- enables qh_saveqhull() and qh_restoreqhull()
- costs about 8% in time and 2% in space
- = 0 qh_qh and qh_qhstat are static data structures
- only one instance of qhull() can be active at a time
- default value
- notes:
- all global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
- qh is defined in qhull.h
- qhmem is defined in mem.h
- qhstat is defined in stat.h
- see:
- user_eg.c for an example
-#define qh_QHpointer 0
-#if 0 /* sample code */
- qhT *oldqhA, *oldqhB;
- exitcode= qh_new_qhull (dim, numpoints, points, ismalloc,
- flags, outfile, errfile);
- /* use results from first call to qh_new_qhull */
- oldqhA= qh_save_qhull();
- exitcode= qh_new_qhull (dimB, numpointsB, pointsB, ismalloc,
- flags, outfile, errfile);
- /* use results from second call to qh_new_qhull */
- oldqhB= qh_save_qhull();
- qh_restore_qhull (&oldqhA);
- /* use results from first call to qh_new_qhull */
- qh_freeqhull (qh_ALL); /* frees all memory used by first call */
- qh_restore_qhull (&oldqhB);
- /* use results from second call to qh_new_qhull */
- qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL); /* frees long memory used by second call */
- qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong); /* frees short memory and memory allocator */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="QUICKhelp">-</a>
- qh_QUICKhelp
- =1 to use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
-#define qh_QUICKhelp 0
-/* ============ -merge constants- ====================
- These constants effect facet merging. You probably will not need
- to modify these. They effect the performance of facet merging.
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMmergeVertex">-</a>
- qh_DIMmergeVertex
- max dimension for vertex merging (it is not effective in high-d)
-#define qh_DIMmergeVertex 6
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMreduceBuild">-</a>
- qh_DIMreduceBuild
- max dimension for vertex reduction during build (slow in high-d)
-#define qh_DIMreduceBuild 5
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTcentrum">-</a>
- qh_BESTcentrum
- if > 2*dim+n vertices, qh_findbestneighbor() tests centrums (faster)
- else, qh_findbestneighbor() tests all vertices (much better merges)
- qh_BESTcentrum2
- if qh_BESTcentrum2 * DIM3 + BESTcentrum < #vertices tests centrums
-#define qh_BESTcentrum 20
-#define qh_BESTcentrum2 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTnonconvex">-</a>
- qh_BESTnonconvex
- if > dim+n neighbors, qh_findbestneighbor() tests nonconvex ridges.
- notes:
- It is needed because qh_findbestneighbor is slow for large facets
-#define qh_BESTnonconvex 15
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewmerges">-</a>
- qh_MAXnewmerges
- if >n newmerges, qh_merge_nonconvex() calls qh_reducevertices_centrums.
- notes:
- It is needed because postmerge can merge many facets at once
-#define qh_MAXnewmerges 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewcentrum">-</a>
- qh_MAXnewcentrum
- if <= dim+n vertices (n approximates the number of merges),
- reset the centrum in qh_updatetested() and qh_mergecycle_facets()
- notes:
- needed to reduce cost and because centrums may move too much if
- many vertices in high-d
-#define qh_MAXnewcentrum 5
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="COPLANARratio">-</a>
- qh_COPLANARratio
- for 3-d+ merging, qh.MINvisible is n*premerge_centrum
- notes:
- for non-merging, it's DISTround
-#define qh_COPLANARratio 3
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="DISToutside">-</a>
- qh_DISToutside
- When is a point clearly outside of a facet?
- Stops search in qh_findbestnew or qh_partitionall
- qh_findbest uses qh.MINoutside since since it is only called if no merges.
- notes:
- 'Qf' always searches for best facet
- if !qh.MERGING, same as qh.MINoutside.
- if qh_USEfindbestnew, increase value since neighboring facets may be ill-behaved
- [Note: Zdelvertextot occurs normally with interior points]
- RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001188774 | QHULL Tv
- When there is a sharp edge, need to move points to a
- clearly good facet; otherwise may be lost in another partitioning.
- if too big then O(n^2) behavior for partitioning in cone
- if very small then important points not processed
- Needed in qh_partitionall for
- RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001032651 | QHULL Tv
- Needed in qh_findbestnew for many instances of
- RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t | QHULL Tv
- See:
- qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
- qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
- qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
-#define qh_DISToutside ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
- fmax_((qh MERGING ? 2 : 1)*qh MINoutside, qh max_outside))
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="RATIOnearinside">-</a>
- qh_RATIOnearinside
- ratio of qh.NEARinside to qh.ONEmerge for retaining inside points for
- qh_check_maxout().
- notes:
- This is overkill since do not know the correct value.
- It effects whether 'Qc' reports all coplanar points
- Not used for 'd' since non-extreme points are coplanar
-#define qh_RATIOnearinside 5
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="SEARCHdist">-</a>
- qh_SEARCHdist
- When is a facet coplanar with the best facet?
- qh_findbesthorizon: all coplanar facets of the best facet need to be searched.
- See:
- qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
- qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
- qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
-#define qh_SEARCHdist ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
- (qh max_outside + 2 * qh DISTround + fmax_( qh MINvisible, qh MAXcoplanar)));
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="USEfindbestnew">-</a>
- qh_USEfindbestnew
- Always use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint, otherwise use
- qh_findbestnew if merged new facet or sharpnewfacets.
- See:
- qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
- qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
- qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
-#define qh_USEfindbestnew (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > 50)
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="WIDEcoplanar">-</a>
- qh_WIDEcoplanar
- n*MAXcoplanar or n*MINvisible for a WIDEfacet
- if vertex is further than qh.WIDEfacet from the hyperplane
- then its ridges are not counted in computing the area, and
- the facet's centrum is frozen.
- notes:
- qh.WIDEfacet= max(qh.MAXoutside,qh_WIDEcoplanar*qh.MAXcoplanar,
- qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh.MINvisible);
-#define qh_WIDEcoplanar 6
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnarrow">-</a>
- qh_MAXnarrow
- max. cosine in initial hull that sets qh.NARROWhull
- notes:
- If qh.NARROWhull, the initial partition does not make
- coplanar points. If narrow, a coplanar point can be
- coplanar to two facets of opposite orientations and
- distant from the exact convex hull.
- Conservative estimate. Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0
-#define qh_MAXnarrow -0.99999999
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="WARNnarrow">-</a>
- qh_WARNnarrow
- max. cosine in initial hull to warn about qh.NARROWhull
- notes:
- this is a conservative estimate.
- Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0. See qh-impre.htm
-#define qh_WARNnarrow -0.999999999999999
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
- >--------------------------------</a><a name="ZEROdelaunay">-</a>
- qh_ZEROdelaunay
- a zero Delaunay facet occurs for input sites coplanar with their convex hull
- the last normal coefficient of a zero Delaunay facet is within
- qh_ZEROdelaunay * qh.ANGLEround of 0
- notes:
- qh_ZEROdelaunay does not allow for joggled input ('QJ').
- You can avoid zero Delaunay facets by surrounding the input with a box.
- Use option 'PDk:-n' to explicitly define zero Delaunay facets
- k= dimension of input sites (e.g., 3 for 3-d Delaunay triangulation)
- n= the cutoff for zero Delaunay facets (e.g., 'PD3:-1e-12')
-#define qh_ZEROdelaunay 2
-#endif /* qh_DEFuser */