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Diffstat (limited to 'source/blender/draw/engines/eevee/shaders/effect_ssr_frag.glsl')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/blender/draw/engines/eevee/shaders/effect_ssr_frag.glsl b/source/blender/draw/engines/eevee/shaders/effect_ssr_frag.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9043a4ca768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/blender/draw/engines/eevee/shaders/effect_ssr_frag.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+/* Based on Stochastic Screen Space Reflections
+ * https://www.ea.com/frostbite/news/stochastic-screen-space-reflections */
+#ifndef UTIL_TEX
+#define UTIL_TEX
+uniform sampler2DArray utilTex;
+#define texelfetch_noise_tex(coord) texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(coord) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0)
+#endif /* UTIL_TEX */
+#define MAX_MIP 9.0
+uniform float brdfBias;
+uniform float fireflyFactor;
+uniform float maxRoughness;
+uniform ivec2 halfresOffset;
+ivec2 encode_hit_data(vec2 hit_pos, bool has_hit, bool is_planar)
+ ivec2 hit_data = ivec2(saturate(hit_pos) * 32767.0); /* 16bit signed int limit */
+ hit_data.x *= (is_planar) ? -1 : 1;
+ hit_data.y *= (has_hit) ? 1 : -1;
+ return hit_data;
+vec2 decode_hit_data(vec2 hit_data, out bool has_hit, out bool is_planar)
+ is_planar = (hit_data.x < 0);
+ has_hit = (hit_data.y > 0);
+ return vec2(abs(hit_data)) / 32767.0; /* 16bit signed int limit */
+uniform sampler2D normalBuffer;
+uniform sampler2D specroughBuffer;
+uniform int planar_count;
+uniform float noiseOffset;
+layout(location = 0) out ivec2 hitData;
+layout(location = 1) out float pdfData;
+void do_planar_ssr(int index, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 T, vec3 B, vec3 planeNormal, vec3 viewPosition, float a2, vec4 rand)
+ float NH;
+ vec3 H = sample_ggx(rand.xzw, a2, N, T, B, NH); /* Microfacet normal */
+ float pdf = pdf_ggx_reflect(NH, a2);
+ vec3 R = reflect(-V, H);
+ R = reflect(R, planeNormal);
+ /* If ray is bad (i.e. going below the plane) regenerate. */
+ if (dot(R, planeNormal) > 0.0) {
+ vec3 H = sample_ggx(rand.xzw * vec3(1.0, -1.0, -1.0), a2, N, T, B, NH); /* Microfacet normal */
+ pdf = pdf_ggx_reflect(NH, a2);
+ R = reflect(-V, H);
+ R = reflect(R, planeNormal);
+ }
+ pdfData = min(1024e32, pdf); /* Theoretical limit of 16bit float */
+ /* Since viewspace hit position can land behind the camera in this case,
+ * we save the reflected view position (visualize it as the hit position
+ * below the reflection plane). This way it's garanted that the hit will
+ * be in front of the camera. That let us tag the bad rays with a negative
+ * sign in the Z component. */
+ vec3 hit_pos = raycast(index, viewPosition, R * 1e16, 1e16, rand.y, ssrQuality, a2, false);
+ hitData = encode_hit_data(hit_pos.xy, (hit_pos.z > 0.0), true);
+void do_ssr(vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 T, vec3 B, vec3 viewPosition, float a2, vec4 rand)
+ float NH;
+ vec3 H = sample_ggx(rand.xzw, a2, N, T, B, NH); /* Microfacet normal */
+ float pdf = pdf_ggx_reflect(NH, a2);
+ vec3 R = reflect(-V, H);
+ pdfData = min(1024e32, pdf); /* Theoretical limit of 16bit float */
+ vec3 hit_pos = raycast(-1, viewPosition, R * 1e16, ssrThickness, rand.y, ssrQuality, a2, true);
+ hitData = encode_hit_data(hit_pos.xy, (hit_pos.z > 0.0), false);
+void main()
+#ifdef FULLRES
+ ivec2 fullres_texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+ ivec2 halfres_texel = fullres_texel;
+ ivec2 fullres_texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy) * 2 + halfresOffset;
+ ivec2 halfres_texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+ float depth = texelFetch(depthBuffer, fullres_texel, 0).r;
+ /* Default: not hits. */
+ hitData = encode_hit_data(vec2(0.5), false, false);
+ pdfData = 0.0;
+ /* Early out */
+ /* We can't do discard because we don't clear the render target. */
+ if (depth == 1.0)
+ return;
+ vec2 uvs = vec2(fullres_texel) / vec2(textureSize(depthBuffer, 0));
+ /* Using view space */
+ vec3 viewPosition = get_view_space_from_depth(uvs, depth);
+ vec3 V = viewCameraVec;
+ vec3 N = normal_decode(texelFetch(normalBuffer, fullres_texel, 0).rg, V);
+ /* Retrieve pixel data */
+ vec4 speccol_roughness = texelFetch(specroughBuffer, fullres_texel, 0).rgba;
+ /* Early out */
+ if (dot(speccol_roughness.rgb, vec3(1.0)) == 0.0)
+ return;
+ float roughness = speccol_roughness.a;
+ float roughnessSquared = max(1e-3, roughness * roughness);
+ float a2 = roughnessSquared * roughnessSquared;
+ /* Early out */
+ if (roughness > maxRoughness + 0.2)
+ return;
+ vec4 rand = texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(halfres_texel % LUT_SIZE, 2), 0);
+ /* Gives *perfect* reflection for very small roughness */
+ if (roughness < 0.04) {
+ rand.xzw *= 0.0;
+ }
+ /* Importance sampling bias */
+ rand.x = mix(rand.x, 0.0, brdfBias);
+ vec3 worldPosition = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, viewPosition);
+ vec3 wN = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, N);
+ vec3 T, B;
+ make_orthonormal_basis(N, T, B); /* Generate tangent space */
+ /* Planar Reflections */
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLANAR && i < planar_count; ++i) {
+ PlanarData pd = planars_data[i];
+ float fade = probe_attenuation_planar(pd, worldPosition, wN, 0.0);
+ if (fade > 0.5) {
+ /* Find view vector / reflection plane intersection. */
+ /* TODO optimize, use view space for all. */
+ vec3 tracePosition = line_plane_intersect(worldPosition, cameraVec, pd.pl_plane_eq);
+ tracePosition = transform_point(ViewMatrix, tracePosition);
+ vec3 planeNormal = transform_direction(ViewMatrix, pd.pl_normal);
+ do_planar_ssr(i, V, N, T, B, planeNormal, tracePosition, a2, rand);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ do_ssr(V, N, T, B, viewPosition, a2, rand);
+#else /* STEP_RESOLVE */
+uniform sampler2D prevColorBuffer; /* previous frame */
+uniform sampler2D normalBuffer;
+uniform sampler2D specroughBuffer;
+uniform isampler2D hitBuffer;
+uniform sampler2D pdfBuffer;
+uniform int probe_count;
+uniform int planar_count;
+uniform int neighborOffset;
+const ivec2 neighbors[32] = ivec2[32](
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 1, 1), ivec2(-2, 0), ivec2( 0, -2),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 1, -1), ivec2(-2, 0), ivec2( 0, 2),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2(-1, -1), ivec2( 2, 0), ivec2( 0, 2),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2(-1, 1), ivec2( 2, 0), ivec2( 0, -2),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 2, 2), ivec2(-2, 2), ivec2( 0, -1),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 2, -2), ivec2(-2, -2), ivec2( 0, 1),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2(-2, -2), ivec2(-2, 2), ivec2( 1, 0),
+ ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 2, 2), ivec2( 2, -2), ivec2(-1, 0)
+uniform mat4 PastViewProjectionMatrix;
+out vec4 fragColor;
+void fallback_cubemap(
+ vec3 N, vec3 V, vec3 W, vec3 viewPosition, float roughness, float roughnessSquared, inout vec4 spec_accum)
+ /* Specular probes */
+ vec3 spec_dir = get_specular_reflection_dominant_dir(N, V, roughnessSquared);
+ vec4 rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+ vec3 bent_normal;
+ float final_ao = occlusion_compute(N, viewPosition, 1.0, rand, bent_normal);
+ final_ao = specular_occlusion(dot(N, V), final_ao, roughness);
+ /* Starts at 1 because 0 is world probe */
+ for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROBE && i < probe_count && spec_accum.a < 0.999; ++i) {
+ CubeData cd = probes_data[i];
+ float fade = probe_attenuation_cube(cd, W);
+ if (fade > 0.0) {
+ vec3 spec = final_ao * probe_evaluate_cube(float(i), cd, W, spec_dir, roughness);
+ accumulate_light(spec, fade, spec_accum);
+ }
+ }
+ /* World Specular */
+ if (spec_accum.a < 0.999) {
+ vec3 spec = final_ao * probe_evaluate_world_spec(spec_dir, roughness);
+ accumulate_light(spec, 1.0, spec_accum);
+ }
+#if 0 /* Finish reprojection with motion vectors */
+vec3 get_motion_vector(vec3 pos)
+/* http://bitsquid.blogspot.fr/2017/06/reprojecting-reflections_22.html */
+vec3 find_reflection_incident_point(vec3 cam, vec3 hit, vec3 pos, vec3 N)
+ float d_cam = point_plane_projection_dist(cam, pos, N);
+ float d_hit = point_plane_projection_dist(hit, pos, N);
+ if (d_hit < d_cam) {
+ /* Swap */
+ float tmp = d_cam;
+ d_cam = d_hit;
+ d_hit = tmp;
+ }
+ vec3 proj_cam = cam - (N * d_cam);
+ vec3 proj_hit = hit - (N * d_hit);
+ return (proj_hit - proj_cam) * d_cam / (d_cam + d_hit) + proj_cam;
+float brightness(vec3 c)
+ return max(max(c.r, c.g), c.b);
+vec2 get_reprojected_reflection(vec3 hit, vec3 pos, vec3 N)
+ /* TODO real reprojection with motion vectors, etc... */
+ return project_point(PastViewProjectionMatrix, hit).xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+float get_sample_depth(vec2 hit_co, bool is_planar, float planar_index)
+ if (is_planar) {
+ return textureLod(planarDepth, vec3(hit_co, planar_index), 0.0).r;
+ }
+ else {
+ return textureLod(depthBuffer, hit_co, 0.0).r;
+ }
+vec3 get_hit_vector(
+ vec3 hit_pos, PlanarData pd, vec3 worldPosition, vec3 N, vec3 V, bool is_planar,
+ inout vec2 hit_co, inout float mask)
+ vec3 hit_vec;
+ if (is_planar) {
+ /* Reflect back the hit position to have it in non-reflected world space */
+ vec3 trace_pos = line_plane_intersect(worldPosition, V, pd.pl_plane_eq);
+ hit_vec = hit_pos - trace_pos;
+ hit_vec = reflect(hit_vec, pd.pl_normal);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Find hit position in previous frame. */
+ mask = screen_border_mask(gl_FragCoord.xy / vec2(textureSize(depthBuffer, 0)));
+ hit_co = get_reprojected_reflection(hit_pos, worldPosition, N);
+ hit_vec = hit_pos - worldPosition;
+ }
+ mask = min(mask, screen_border_mask(hit_co));
+ return hit_vec;
+vec3 get_scene_color(vec2 ref_uvs, float mip, float planar_index, bool is_planar)
+ if (is_planar) {
+ return textureLod(probePlanars, vec3(ref_uvs, planar_index), min(mip, lodPlanarMax)).rgb;
+ }
+ else {
+ return textureLod(prevColorBuffer, ref_uvs, mip).rgb;
+ }
+vec4 get_ssr_samples(
+ vec4 hit_pdf, ivec4 hit_data[2],
+ PlanarData pd, float planar_index, vec3 worldPosition, vec3 N, vec3 V,
+ float roughnessSquared, float cone_tan, vec2 source_uvs,
+ inout float weight_acc)
+ bvec4 is_planar, has_hit;
+ vec4 hit_co[2];
+ hit_co[0].xy = decode_hit_data(hit_data[0].xy, has_hit.x, is_planar.x);
+ hit_co[0].zw = decode_hit_data(hit_data[0].zw, has_hit.y, is_planar.y);
+ hit_co[1].xy = decode_hit_data(hit_data[1].xy, has_hit.z, is_planar.z);
+ hit_co[1].zw = decode_hit_data(hit_data[1].zw, has_hit.w, is_planar.w);
+ vec4 hit_depth;
+ hit_depth.x = get_sample_depth(hit_co[0].xy, is_planar.x, planar_index);
+ hit_depth.y = get_sample_depth(hit_co[0].zw, is_planar.y, planar_index);
+ hit_depth.z = get_sample_depth(hit_co[1].xy, is_planar.z, planar_index);
+ hit_depth.w = get_sample_depth(hit_co[1].zw, is_planar.w, planar_index);
+ /* Hit position in view space. */
+ vec3 hit_view[4];
+ hit_view[0] = get_view_space_from_depth(hit_co[0].xy, hit_depth.x);
+ hit_view[1] = get_view_space_from_depth(hit_co[0].zw, hit_depth.y);
+ hit_view[2] = get_view_space_from_depth(hit_co[1].xy, hit_depth.z);
+ hit_view[3] = get_view_space_from_depth(hit_co[1].zw, hit_depth.w);
+ vec4 homcoord = vec4(hit_view[0].z, hit_view[1].z, hit_view[2].z, hit_view[3].z);
+ homcoord = ProjectionMatrix[2][3] * homcoord + ProjectionMatrix[3][3];
+ /* Hit position in world space. */
+ vec3 hit_pos[4];
+ hit_pos[0] = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, hit_view[0]);
+ hit_pos[1] = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, hit_view[1]);
+ hit_pos[2] = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, hit_view[2]);
+ hit_pos[3] = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, hit_view[3]);
+ /* Get actual hit vector and hit coordinate (from last frame). */
+ vec4 mask = vec4(1.0);
+ hit_pos[0] = get_hit_vector(hit_pos[0], pd, worldPosition, N, V, is_planar.x, hit_co[0].xy, mask.x);
+ hit_pos[1] = get_hit_vector(hit_pos[1], pd, worldPosition, N, V, is_planar.y, hit_co[0].zw, mask.y);
+ hit_pos[2] = get_hit_vector(hit_pos[2], pd, worldPosition, N, V, is_planar.z, hit_co[1].xy, mask.z);
+ hit_pos[3] = get_hit_vector(hit_pos[3], pd, worldPosition, N, V, is_planar.w, hit_co[1].zw, mask.w);
+ vec4 hit_dist;
+ hit_dist.x = length(hit_pos[0]);
+ hit_dist.y = length(hit_pos[1]);
+ hit_dist.z = length(hit_pos[2]);
+ hit_dist.w = length(hit_pos[3]);
+ hit_dist = max(vec4(1e-8), hit_dist);
+ /* Normalize */
+ hit_pos[0] /= hit_dist.x;
+ hit_pos[1] /= hit_dist.y;
+ hit_pos[2] /= hit_dist.z;
+ hit_pos[3] /= hit_dist.w;
+ /* Compute cone footprint in screen space. */
+ vec4 cone_footprint = hit_dist * cone_tan;
+ cone_footprint = brdfBias * 0.5 * cone_footprint * max(ProjectionMatrix[0][0], ProjectionMatrix[1][1]) / homcoord;
+ /* Estimate a cone footprint to sample a corresponding mipmap level. */
+ vec4 mip = log2(cone_footprint * max_v2(vec2(textureSize(depthBuffer, 0))));
+ mip = clamp(mip, 0.0, MAX_MIP);
+ /* Correct UVs for mipmaping mis-alignment */
+ hit_co[0].xy *= mip_ratio_interp(mip.x);
+ hit_co[0].zw *= mip_ratio_interp(mip.y);
+ hit_co[1].xy *= mip_ratio_interp(mip.z);
+ hit_co[1].zw *= mip_ratio_interp(mip.w);
+ /* Slide 54 */
+ vec4 bsdf;
+ bsdf.x = bsdf_ggx(N, hit_pos[0], V, roughnessSquared);
+ bsdf.y = bsdf_ggx(N, hit_pos[1], V, roughnessSquared);
+ bsdf.z = bsdf_ggx(N, hit_pos[2], V, roughnessSquared);
+ bsdf.w = bsdf_ggx(N, hit_pos[3], V, roughnessSquared);
+ vec4 weight = step(1e-8, hit_pdf) * bsdf / max(vec4(1e-8), hit_pdf);
+ vec3 sample[4];
+ sample[0] = get_scene_color(hit_co[0].xy, mip.x, planar_index, is_planar.x);
+ sample[1] = get_scene_color(hit_co[0].zw, mip.y, planar_index, is_planar.y);
+ sample[2] = get_scene_color(hit_co[1].xy, mip.z, planar_index, is_planar.z);
+ sample[3] = get_scene_color(hit_co[1].zw, mip.w, planar_index, is_planar.w);
+ /* Clamped brightness. */
+ vec4 luma;
+ luma.x = brightness(sample[0]);
+ luma.y = brightness(sample[1]);
+ luma.z = brightness(sample[2]);
+ luma.w = brightness(sample[3]);
+ luma = max(vec4(1e-8), luma);
+ luma = 1.0 - max(vec4(0.0), luma - fireflyFactor) / luma;
+ sample[0] *= luma.x;
+ sample[1] *= luma.y;
+ sample[2] *= luma.z;
+ sample[3] *= luma.w;
+ /* Protection against NaNs in the history buffer.
+ * This could be removed if some previous pass has already
+ * sanitized the input. */
+ if (any(isnan(sample[0]))) {
+ sample[0] = vec3(0.0); weight.x = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (any(isnan(sample[1]))) {
+ sample[1] = vec3(0.0); weight.y = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (any(isnan(sample[2]))) {
+ sample[2] = vec3(0.0); weight.z = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (any(isnan(sample[3]))) {
+ sample[3] = vec3(0.0); weight.w = 0.0;
+ }
+ weight_acc += sum(weight);
+ /* Do not add light if ray has failed. */
+ vec4 accum;
+ accum = vec4(sample[0], mask.x) * weight.x * float(has_hit.x);
+ accum += vec4(sample[1], mask.y) * weight.y * float(has_hit.y);
+ accum += vec4(sample[2], mask.z) * weight.z * float(has_hit.z);
+ accum += vec4(sample[3], mask.w) * weight.w * float(has_hit.w);
+ return accum;
+void main()
+ ivec2 fullres_texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
+#ifdef FULLRES
+ ivec2 halfres_texel = fullres_texel;
+ ivec2 halfres_texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy / 2.0);
+ vec2 uvs = gl_FragCoord.xy / vec2(textureSize(depthBuffer, 0));
+ float depth = textureLod(depthBuffer, uvs, 0.0).r;
+ /* Early out */
+ if (depth == 1.0)
+ discard;
+ /* Using world space */
+ vec3 viewPosition = get_view_space_from_depth(uvs, depth); /* Needed for viewCameraVec */
+ vec3 worldPosition = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, viewPosition);
+ vec3 V = cameraVec;
+ vec3 vN = normal_decode(texelFetch(normalBuffer, fullres_texel, 0).rg, viewCameraVec);
+ vec3 N = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, vN);
+ vec4 speccol_roughness = texelFetch(specroughBuffer, fullres_texel, 0).rgba;
+ /* Early out */
+ if (dot(speccol_roughness.rgb, vec3(1.0)) == 0.0)
+ discard;
+ /* TODO optimize with textureGather */
+ /* Doing these fetches early to hide latency. */
+ vec4 hit_pdf;
+ hit_pdf.x = texelFetch(pdfBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[0 + neighborOffset], 0).r;
+ hit_pdf.y = texelFetch(pdfBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[1 + neighborOffset], 0).r;
+ hit_pdf.z = texelFetch(pdfBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[2 + neighborOffset], 0).r;
+ hit_pdf.w = texelFetch(pdfBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[3 + neighborOffset], 0).r;
+ ivec4 hit_data[2];
+ hit_data[0].xy = texelFetch(hitBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[0 + neighborOffset], 0).rg;
+ hit_data[0].zw = texelFetch(hitBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[1 + neighborOffset], 0).rg;
+ hit_data[1].xy = texelFetch(hitBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[2 + neighborOffset], 0).rg;
+ hit_data[1].zw = texelFetch(hitBuffer, halfres_texel + neighbors[3 + neighborOffset], 0).rg;
+ /* Find Planar Reflections affecting this pixel */
+ PlanarData pd;
+ float planar_index;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLANAR && i < planar_count; ++i) {
+ pd = planars_data[i];
+ float fade = probe_attenuation_planar(pd, worldPosition, N, 0.0);
+ if (fade > 0.5) {
+ planar_index = float(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ float roughness = speccol_roughness.a;
+ float roughnessSquared = max(1e-3, roughness * roughness);
+ vec4 spec_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ /* Resolve SSR */
+ float cone_cos = cone_cosine(roughnessSquared);
+ float cone_tan = sqrt(1 - cone_cos * cone_cos) / cone_cos;
+ cone_tan *= mix(saturate(dot(N, -V) * 2.0), 1.0, roughness); /* Elongation fit */
+ vec2 source_uvs = project_point(PastViewProjectionMatrix, worldPosition).xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ vec4 ssr_accum = vec4(0.0);
+ float weight_acc = 0.0;
+ if (roughness < maxRoughness + 0.2) {
+ ssr_accum += get_ssr_samples(hit_pdf, hit_data, pd, planar_index, worldPosition, N, V,
+ roughnessSquared, cone_tan, source_uvs, weight_acc);
+ }
+ /* Compute SSR contribution */
+ if (weight_acc > 0.0) {
+ ssr_accum /= weight_acc;
+ /* fade between 0.5 and 1.0 roughness */
+ ssr_accum.a *= smoothstep(maxRoughness + 0.2, maxRoughness, roughness);
+ accumulate_light(ssr_accum.rgb, ssr_accum.a, spec_accum);
+ }
+ /* If SSR contribution is not 1.0, blend with cubemaps */
+ if (spec_accum.a < 1.0) {
+ fallback_cubemap(N, V, worldPosition, viewPosition, roughness, roughnessSquared, spec_accum);
+ }
+ fragColor = vec4(spec_accum.rgb * speccol_roughness.rgb, 1.0);