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github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-29Merge branch 'master' into canarycanaryJimmy Cai
2022-10-29release: 3.16.0v3.16.0Jimmy Cai
2022-10-29Merge branch 'master' into canaryJimmy Cai
2022-10-29fix(article): frontmatter field `.ReadingTime` should overwrite global config...Jimmy Cai
2022-10-29feat(article): make long KaTeX equations scrollable in the x-axis (#706)MartinAramayo
2022-10-29style: fix indentJimmy Cai
2022-10-29feat: add `rel=me` to social links (#707)Tom Morris
2022-10-22release: 3.15.0v3.15.0Jimmy Cai
2022-10-22feat(page): add `keywords` front matter field for better SEO (#664)gursi26
2022-10-22feat: add a separate configuration field for site description (#672)FarisZR
2022-10-22feat(article): add `readingTime` front matter field to overwrite global confi...Ahmad Helaly
2022-10-21refactor(grid): avoid sidebar layout shift when main content loads slowly (#677)星の光
2022-10-21feat(i18n): add european portuguese translation (#699)Celso Miranda
2022-10-02release: 3.14.0v3.14.0Jimmy Cai
2022-10-02docs: update the notes about favicon in the configuration file (#670)TsaiRongFu
2022-10-02refactor(highlight): extract common parts of styles and keep line number visi...Allen Guan
2022-09-29feat(i18n): add categories cloud translation for Arabic (#673)FarisZR
2022-09-29feat(i18n): update Bengali translation (#665)Mehedi Hasan
2022-09-29feat(i18n): add missing pt-BR translations (#680)Daniel Pessoa
2022-09-29fix(comments): update Remark42 source code (#683)Dmitry Verkhoturov
2022-09-17chore: simplify README.mdJimmy Cai
2022-08-03feat(i18n): added missing korean translation (categories cloud widget) (#653)Wontory
2022-07-31release: 3.13.0v3.13.0Jimmy Cai
2022-07-31feat(comment): add `strict` and `input-position` to Giscus config (#648)辛巳流火
2022-07-28fix(article): footnote reference does not workJimmy Cai
2022-06-13fix(search): long text overflows under the Search iconJimmy Cai
2022-06-12fix(menu): jitter when closing menuJimmy Cai
2022-06-12feat: i18n support for codeblock copy textJimmy Cai
2022-06-12feat: add style to new codeblockJimmy Cai
2022-06-12fix: one line codeblock style in firefoxJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: remove some usages of `default` in templateJimmy Cai
2022-06-12fix: incorrect markdown heading level in example sitev4.0.0-alpha.0Jimmy Cai
2022-06-12fix: extra margin in search resultJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: remove PhotoSwipe from external.yamlJimmy Cai
2022-06-12chore: bump the required hugo version to 0.100.0Jimmy Cai
2022-06-12feat: upgrade to PhotoSwipe v5Jimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: drop support for `hidden` field in front matterJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: delete Emoji support post from example siteJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: delete color.tsJimmy Cai
2022-06-12feat: use Hugo's code block render hook to implement code copy buttonJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: drop linear grandient background featureJimmy Cai
2022-06-12feat: add favicon from assets folderJimmy Cai
2022-06-12fix: exampleSite not using correct themeJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor: migrate theme configuration to TOMLJimmy Cai
2022-06-12chore: modify go.mod to v4Jimmy Cai
2022-06-12chore: prepare repository for v4.0.0-alphaJimmy Cai
2022-06-12refactor(i18n): simplify the structure of the translation fileJimmy Cai
2022-06-11chore(github): delete unused Github actionsJimmy Cai
2022-06-11chore(github): add browser info field to issue formJimmy Cai
2022-06-11fix(github): try to fix errors with the issue formJimmy Cai