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github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-10-29fix: incorrect menu URL when baseURL is a subpath (#713)HEADmasterJimmy Cai
2022-10-29Revert "Merge branch 'canary' into master" (#712)Jimmy Cai
Revert "Merge branch 'canary' into master (#711)" This reverts commit 8a597a5c9c861d2bce22a5e06c7667cd9c8e263a.
2022-10-29Merge branch 'canary' into master (#711)Jimmy Cai
* refactor(i18n): simplify the structure of the translation file * chore: prepare repository for v4.0.0-alpha * chore: modify go.mod to v4 * refactor: migrate theme configuration to TOML * fix: exampleSite not using correct theme * feat: add favicon from assets folder * refactor: drop linear grandient background feature remove node-vibrant from dependencies * feat: use Hugo's code block render hook to implement code copy button Now it can have i18n support * refactor: delete color.ts * refactor: delete Emoji support post from example site * refactor: drop support for `hidden` field in front matter * feat: upgrade to PhotoSwipe v5 * chore: bump the required hugo version to 0.100.0 * refactor: remove PhotoSwipe from external.yaml * fix: extra margin in search result * fix: incorrect markdown heading level in example site * refactor: remove some usages of `default` in template No longer needed thanks to Hugo's configuration merge * fix: one line codeblock style in firefox closes https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/564 * feat: add style to new codeblock * feat: i18n support for codeblock copy text * fix(menu): jitter when closing menu It's caused by flexbox gap property, which can't animate * fix(search): long text overflows under the Search icon closes https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/515
2022-10-29release: 3.16.0v3.16.0Jimmy Cai
2022-10-29fix(article): frontmatter field `.ReadingTime` should overwrite global ↵Jimmy Cai
configuration (#710)
2022-10-29feat(article): make long KaTeX equations scrollable in the x-axis (#706)MartinAramayo
* Make long KaTeX equations scrollable in the x-axis Suggested from: https://katex.org/docs/issues.html, I have tested it adding a long equation and activating a phone user agent. * refactor: move KaTeX style to article.scss
2022-10-29style: fix indentJimmy Cai
2022-10-29feat: add `rel=me` to social links (#707)Tom Morris
Adds rel-me to social links [rel="me"] is a commonly used way to show that that two websites or social media accounts are the same, and is used for authentication and proving site ownership in a variety of ways. [rel="me"]: https://indieweb.org/rel-me
2022-10-22release: 3.15.0v3.15.0Jimmy Cai
2022-10-22feat(page): add `keywords` front matter field for better SEO (#664)gursi26
* added keywords metadata tag for google SEO * fix: avoid empty keywords meta tag Co-authored-by: Jimmy Cai <github@jimmycai.com>
2022-10-22feat: add a separate configuration field for site description (#672)FarisZR
* Add an optional site description option * Add site description to the example site (Chinese Auto-translated)
2022-10-22feat(article): add `readingTime` front matter field to overwrite global ↵Ahmad Helaly
configuration (#701) * add DisableReadTime for articles * change frontmatter disableReadingTime to readingTime
2022-10-21refactor(grid): avoid sidebar layout shift when main content loads slowly (#677)星の光
Co-authored-by: Luguoba <80254980+luguoba@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-10-21feat(i18n): add european portuguese translation (#699)Celso Miranda
Very subtle changes from the Brazilian Portuguese translation
2022-10-02release: 3.14.0v3.14.0Jimmy Cai
2022-10-02docs: update the notes about favicon in the configuration file (#670)TsaiRongFu
* Update the notes about favicon in the configuration theme * Update note about favicon Co-authored-by: Jimmy Cai <github@jimmycai.com>
2022-10-02refactor(highlight): extract common parts of styles and keep line number ↵Allen Guan
visible when scrolling (#681) * merge highlight.scss * show line number when scroll
2022-09-29feat(i18n): add categories cloud translation for Arabic (#673)FarisZR
Add categories cloud translation
2022-09-29feat(i18n): update Bengali translation (#665)Mehedi Hasan
2022-09-29feat(i18n): add missing pt-BR translations (#680)Daniel Pessoa
* feat(i18n): Add categoriesCloud for pt-BR
2022-09-29fix(comments): update Remark42 source code (#683)Dmitry Verkhoturov
update remark42 source code Updated frontend code taken from https://remark42.com/docs/configuration/frontend/
2022-09-17chore: simplify README.mdJimmy Cai
2022-08-03feat(i18n): added missing korean translation (categories cloud widget) (#653)Wontory
2022-07-31release: 3.13.0v3.13.0Jimmy Cai
2022-07-31feat(comment): add `strict` and `input-position` to Giscus config (#648)辛巳流火
* 添加giscus设置选项 根据giscus官方文档,添加了data-strict和data-input-position设置选项 * feat: add strict and inputPosition to giscus config section Co-authored-by: Jimmy Cai <github@jimmycai.com>
2022-07-28fix(article): footnote reference does not workJimmy Cai
closes https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/632
2022-06-11chore(github): delete unused Github actionsJimmy Cai
2022-06-11chore(github): add browser info field to issue formJimmy Cai
2022-06-11fix(github): try to fix errors with the issue formJimmy Cai
2022-06-11chore(github): change issue report template to a formJimmy Cai
2022-06-11docs(github): create issue config.ymlJimmy Cai
Disable blank issue
2022-06-11docs(github): remove feature request templateJimmy Cai
see https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/discussions/630
2022-06-11feat(article): GitLab Snippets Shortcode (#627)rmdhnreza
2022-06-11chore: update Hugo version in Netlify CIJimmy Cai
2022-06-11release: 3.12.0v3.12.0Jimmy Cai
2022-06-11fix(comments): Twikoo dark mode emoji selector backgroundJimmy Cai
closes https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/583 credit: https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/583#issuecomment-1096270207 (@rmdhnreza)
2022-06-11fix(article): TOC link not working when the heading starts with digits (#603)lonzzi
2022-06-11fix(style): toc counter is incorrect when there are `<a>` in heading (#601)cubercsl
closes https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/495, https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/589
2022-06-10feat(i18n): add Persian(Farsi) translation (#602)Sajjad Shirazy
2022-06-09fix: check if DISQUS is loaded before accessing it (#626)Jimmy Cai
closes https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack/issues/571
2022-06-09feat(i18n): add Bengali translation (#625)Mehedi Hasan
2022-06-08feat(comment): Update Waline to V2 version (#616)luoboQAQ
* ✨ feat(comment): 更新Waline至V2版本 * 保留placeholder属性
2022-06-08fix(article): regression in article copyright link box-shadow (#611)Simon Guest
Somewhere between hugo 0.88.1 and 0.98.0, box-shadow got applied to the article copyright, which is an ugly regression.
2022-06-08feat(shortcodes): add quote shortcode, and example (#414)Simon Guest
* Add quote shortcode, and example * Use trim to improve whitespace * Allow for quote with neither author nor source * Format code and move quote.scss to article.scss This style is only used on the article page, so it makes more sense to have it there. Co-authored-by: Jimmy Cai <github@jimmycai.com>
2022-06-05feat(i18n): add missing translation (it, nl) for categories (#614)Felix Niederwanger
2022-06-05chore: update dependencies (KaTeX, node-vibrant) (#477)baptiste313
2022-06-05chore: update twikoo version to 1.5.11 (#613)Weltolk
2022-06-05fix: read `imageProcessing.cover.enabled` correctly (#621)Jimmy Cai
2022-06-05feat(i18n): add Hungarian translation (#584)Zsombor Udvardy
2022-06-05refactor: rename "Related contents" to "Related content" (#567)Spence Churchill