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github.com/FastLED/FastLED.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorBenoit Anastay <45088785+BenoitAnastay@users.noreply.github.com>2022-03-28 02:07:23 +0300
committerBenoit Anastay <45088785+BenoitAnastay@users.noreply.github.com>2022-03-28 02:07:23 +0300
commit580a51bef4510eb3d47ae4bd387cb20ed7190487 (patch)
parent4d73cddfe4bd2b370ee882b6f68769bf7f8309f4 (diff)
An attempt to update ESP8266 SPI integration
3 files changed, 133 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/fastspi.h b/src/fastspi.h
index 3eabce13..603e755a 100644
--- a/src/fastspi.h
+++ b/src/fastspi.h
#if defined(FASTLED_TEENSY3) && (F_CPU > 48000000)
#define DATA_RATE_MHZ(X) (((48000000L / 1000000L) / X))
#define DATA_RATE_KHZ(X) (((48000000L / 1000L) / X))
-#elif defined(FASTLED_TEENSY4) || (defined(ESP32) && defined(FASTLED_ALL_PINS_HARDWARE_SPI))
+#elif defined(FASTLED_TEENSY4) || (defined(ESP32) && defined(FASTLED_ALL_PINS_HARDWARE_SPI)) || (defined(ESP8266) && defined(FASTLED_ALL_PINS_HARDWARE_SPI))
// just use clocks
#define DATA_RATE_MHZ(X) (1000000 * (X))
#define DATA_RATE_KHZ(X) (1000 * (X))
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ template<uint8_t _DATA_PIN, uint8_t _CLOCK_PIN, uint32_t _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER>
class SPIOutput : public ESP32SPIOutput<_DATA_PIN, _CLOCK_PIN, _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER> {};
+#if defined(ESP8266) && defined(FASTLED_ALL_PINS_HARDWARE_SPI)
+template<uint8_t _DATA_PIN, uint8_t _CLOCK_PIN, uint32_t _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER>
+class SPIOutput : public ESP8266SPIOutput<_DATA_PIN, _CLOCK_PIN, _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER> {};
#if defined(SPI_DATA) && defined(SPI_CLOCK)
#if defined(FASTLED_TEENSY3) && defined(ARM_HARDWARE_SPI)
diff --git a/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastled_esp8266.h b/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastled_esp8266.h
index 8c4048db..cb444336 100644
--- a/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastled_esp8266.h
+++ b/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastled_esp8266.h
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
#pragma once
#include "fastpin_esp8266.h"
+#include "fastspi_esp8266.h"
#include "clockless_esp8266.h"
#include "clockless_block_esp8266.h"
diff --git a/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastspi_esp8266.h b/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastspi_esp8266.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be659eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platforms/esp/8266/fastspi_esp8266.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#ifndef __INC_FASTSPI_ESP8266_H
+#define __INC_FASTSPI_ESP8266_H
+#include "FastLED.h"
+#include "fastled_delay.h"
+// An attempt to use harware spi on ESP8266
+template <uint8_t DATA_PIN, uint8_t CLOCK_PIN, uint32_t SPI_SPEED>
+class ESP8266SPIOutput {
+ Selectable *m_pSelect;
+ ESP8266SPIOutput() { m_pSelect = NULL; }
+ ESP8266SPIOutput(Selectable *pSelect) { m_pSelect = pSelect; }
+ void setSelect(Selectable *pSelect) { m_pSelect = pSelect; }
+ void init() {
+ // set the pins to output and make sure the select is released (which apparently means hi? This is a bit
+ // confusing to me)
+ SPI.begin();
+ release();
+ }
+ // stop the SPI output. Pretty much a NOP with software, as there's no registers to kick
+ static void stop() { }
+ // wait until the SPI subsystem is ready for more data to write. A NOP when bitbanging
+ static void wait() __attribute__((always_inline)) { }
+ static void waitFully() __attribute__((always_inline)) { wait(); }
+ static void writeByteNoWait(uint8_t b) __attribute__((always_inline)) { writeByte(b); }
+ static void writeBytePostWait(uint8_t b) __attribute__((always_inline)) { writeByte(b); wait(); }
+ static void writeWord(uint16_t w) __attribute__((always_inline)) { writeByte(w>>8); writeByte(w&0xFF); }
+ // naive writeByte implelentation, simply calls writeBit on the 8 bits in the byte.
+ static void writeByte(uint8_t b) {
+ SPI.transfer(b);
+ }
+ // select the SPI output (TODO: research whether this really means hi or lo. Alt TODO: move select responsibility out of the SPI classes
+ // entirely, make it up to the caller to remember to lock/select the line?)
+ void select() {
+ SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(3200000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
+ if(m_pSelect != NULL) { m_pSelect->select(); }
+ }
+ // release the SPI line
+ void release() {
+ if(m_pSelect != NULL) { m_pSelect->release(); }
+ SPI.endTransaction();
+ }
+ // Write out len bytes of the given value out over SPI. Useful for quickly flushing, say, a line of 0's down the line.
+ void writeBytesValue(uint8_t value, int len) {
+ select();
+ writeBytesValueRaw(value, len);
+ release();
+ }
+ static void writeBytesValueRaw(uint8_t value, int len) {
+ while(len--) {
+ SPI.transfer(value);
+ }
+ }
+ // write a block of len uint8_ts out. Need to type this better so that explicit casts into the call aren't required.
+ // note that this template version takes a class parameter for a per-byte modifier to the data.
+ template <class D> void writeBytes(register uint8_t *data, int len) {
+ select();
+ uint8_t *end = data + len;
+ while(data != end) {
+ writeByte(D::adjust(*data++));
+ }
+ D::postBlock(len);
+ release();
+ }
+ // default version of writing a block of data out to the SPI port, with no data modifications being made
+ void writeBytes(register uint8_t *data, int len) { writeBytes<DATA_NOP>(data, len); }
+ // write a single bit out, which bit from the passed in byte is determined by template parameter
+ template <uint8_t BIT> inline void writeBit(uint8_t b) {
+ SPI.transfer(b);
+ }
+ // write a block of uint8_ts out in groups of three. len is the total number of uint8_ts to write out. The template
+ // parameters indicate how many uint8_ts to skip at the beginning of each grouping, as well as a class specifying a per
+ // byte of data modification to be made. (See DATA_NOP above)
+ template <uint8_t FLAGS, class D, EOrder RGB_ORDER> __attribute__((noinline)) void writePixels(PixelController<RGB_ORDER> pixels) {
+ select();
+ int len = pixels.mLen;
+ while(pixels.has(1)) {
+ writeBit<0>(1);
+ }
+ writeByte(D::adjust(pixels.loadAndScale0()));
+ writeByte(D::adjust(pixels.loadAndScale1()));
+ writeByte(D::adjust(pixels.loadAndScale2()));
+ pixels.advanceData();
+ pixels.stepDithering();
+ }
+ D::postBlock(len);
+ release();
+ }
+#endif \ No newline at end of file