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github.com/Jajcus/pyxmpp.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
authorJacek Konieczny <jajcus@jajcus.net>2004-12-28 18:55:01 +0300
committerJacek Konieczny <jajcus@jajcus.net>2004-12-28 18:55:01 +0300
commit2e06d391ba010a9a9124338cbfa20c50a2ae2412 (patch)
tree64fe22d67d2a758a4aa47b23db5a4a99cd761c4b /auxtools
parent717065c8d492efaa31d7c647804dc3cad1a50576 (diff)
- UML model building infrastructure
Diffstat (limited to 'auxtools')
2 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/auxtools/code2xmi.py b/auxtools/code2xmi.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d60ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxtools/code2xmi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import os,sys
+def main(module_list):
+ options = {'target':None, 'modules':list(module_list), 'verbosity':1,
+ 'prj_name':'', 'action':'html', 'tests':{'basic':1},
+ 'show_imports':0, 'frames':1, 'private':None,
+ 'list_classes_separately': 0, 'debug':0,
+ 'docformat':None, 'top':None, 'inheritance': None,
+ 'ignore_param_mismatch': 0, 'alphabetical': 1}
+ modules=_import(options['modules'],1)
+ # Record the order of the modules in options.
+ from epydoc.uid import make_uid
+ muids = []
+ for m in modules:
+ try:
+ muids.append(make_uid(m))
+ except:
+ raise
+ if sys.stderr.softspace: print >>sys.stderr
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Failed to create a UID for %s' % m
+ # Build their documentation
+ docmap = _make_docmap(modules, options)
+ f=Formatter(docmap)
+ print f.format(module_list)
+def escape(s):
+ return str(s).replace('&','&amp;').replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;').replace('"','&quot;').replace("'",'&apos;')
+class _Progress:
+ """
+ The progress meter that is used by C{cli} to report its progress.
+ It prints the status to C{stderrr}. Depending on the verbosity,
+ setting it will produce different outputs.
+ To update the progress meter, call C{report} with the name of the
+ object that is about to be processed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, action, verbosity, total_items, html_file=0):
+ """
+ Create a new progress meter.
+ @param action: A string indicating what action is performed on
+ each objcet. Examples are C{"writing"} and C{"building
+ docs for"}.
+ @param verbosity: The verbosity level. This controls what the
+ progress meter output looks like.
+ @param total_items: The total number of items that will be
+ processed with this progress meter. This is used to let
+ the user know how much progress epydoc has made.
+ @param html_file: Whether to assume that arguments are html
+ file names, and munge them appropriately.
+ """
+ self._action = action
+ self._verbosity = verbosity
+ self._total_items = total_items
+ self._item_num = 1
+ self._html_file = 0
+ def report(self, argument):
+ """
+ Update the progress meter.
+ @param argument: The object that is about to be processed.
+ """
+ if self._verbosity <= 0: return
+ if self._verbosity==1:
+ if self._item_num == 1 and self._total_items <= 70:
+ sys.stderr.write(' [')
+ if (self._item_num % 60) == 1 and self._total_items > 70:
+ sys.stderr.write(' [%3d%%] ' %
+ (100.0*self._item_num/self._total_items))
+ sys.stderr.write('.')
+ sys.stderr.softspace = 1
+ if (self._item_num % 60) == 0 and self._total_items > 70:
+ print >>sys.stderr
+ if self._item_num == self._total_items:
+ if self._total_items <= 70: sys.stderr.write(']')
+ print >>sys.stderr
+ elif self._verbosity>1:
+ TRACE_FORMAT = ((' [%%%dd/%d]' % (len(`self._total_items`),
+ self._total_items))+
+ ' %s %%s' % self._action)
+ if self._html_file:
+ (dir, file) = os.path.split(argument)
+ (root, d) = os.path.split(dir)
+ if d in ('public', 'private'):
+ argument = os.path.join(d, file)
+ else:
+ fname = argument
+ print >>sys.stderr, TRACE_FORMAT % (self._item_num, argument)
+ self._item_num += 1
+def _import(module_names, verbosity):
+ """
+ @return: A list of the modules contained in the given files.
+ Duplicates are removed. Order is preserved.
+ @rtype: C{list} of C{module}
+ @param module_names: The list of module filenames.
+ @type module_names: C{list} of C{string}
+ @param verbosity: Verbosity level for tracing output.
+ @type verbosity: C{int}
+ """
+ from epydoc.imports import import_module, find_modules
+ # First, expand packages.
+ for name in module_names[:]:
+ if os.path.isdir(name):
+ # In-place replacement.
+ index = module_names.index(name)
+ new_modules = find_modules(name)
+ if new_modules:
+ module_names[index:index+1] = new_modules
+ elif verbosity >= 0:
+ if sys.stderr.softspace: print >>sys.stderr
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: %r is not a pacakge' % name
+ if verbosity > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Importing %s modules.' % len(module_names)
+ modules = []
+ progress = _Progress('Importing', verbosity, len(module_names))
+ for name in module_names:
+ progress.report(name)
+ # Import the module, and add it to the list.
+ try:
+ module = import_module(name)
+ if module not in modules: modules.append(module)
+ elif verbosity > 2:
+ if sys.stderr.softspace: print >>sys.stderr
+ print >>sys.stderr, ' (duplicate)'
+ except ImportError, e:
+ if verbosity >= 0:
+ if sys.stderr.softspace: print >>sys.stderr
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ if len(modules) == 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\nError: no modules successfully loaded!'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return modules
+def _make_docmap(modules, options):
+ """
+ Construct the documentation map for the given modules.
+ @param modules: The modules that should be documented.
+ @type modules: C{list} of C{Module}
+ @param options: Options from the command-line arguments.
+ @type options: C{dict}
+ """
+ from epydoc.objdoc import DocMap, report_param_mismatches
+ verbosity = options['verbosity']
+ document_bases = 1
+ document_autogen_vars = 1
+ inheritance_groups = (options['inheritance'] == 'grouped')
+ inherit_groups = (options['inheritance'] != 'grouped')
+ d = DocMap(verbosity, document_bases, document_autogen_vars,
+ inheritance_groups, inherit_groups)
+ if options['verbosity'] > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ('Building API documentation for %d modules.'
+ % len(modules))
+ progress = _Progress('Building docs for', verbosity, len(modules))
+ for module in modules:
+ progress.report(module.__name__)
+ # Add the module. Catch any exceptions that get generated.
+ try: d.add(module)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if options['debug']: raise
+ else: _internal_error(e)
+ except:
+ if options['debug']: raise
+ else: _internal_error()
+ if not options['ignore_param_mismatch']:
+ if not report_param_mismatches(d):
+ estr = ' (To supress these warnings, '
+ estr += 'use --ignore-param-mismatch)'
+ print >>sys.stderr, estr
+ return d
+HEADER="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<XMI xmi.version="1.1" xmlns:UML="org.omg/standards/UML">
+ <XMI.header>
+ <XMI.metamodel name="UML" version="1.3" href="UML.xml"/>
+ <XMI.model name="PyXMPP" href="pyxmpp.xml"/>
+ </XMI.header>
+ <XMI.content>
+ <UML:Model>
+ <UML:Stereotype visibility="public" xmi.id="/Stereotype:classmethod" name="classmethod" />
+ <UML:Stereotype visibility="public" xmi.id="/Stereotype:staticmethod" name="staticmethod" />
+ </UML:Model>
+ </XMI.content>
+class Formatter:
+ def __init__(self,docmap):
+ self.docmap=docmap
+ def format(self,modules=None):
+ self.generalizations=[]
+ ret=HEADER
+ if modules:
+ from epydoc.uid import findUID
+ for m in modules:
+ uid=findUID(m)
+ if uid.is_module():
+ print >>sys.stderr,"Formatting: %s\n" % (uid,)
+ ret+=self.format_module(uid,True)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr,"Skipping: %s (not a module)\n" % (uid,)
+ else:
+ decorated = [(u.name().lower(), u) for u in self.docmap.keys() if u.is_module()]
+ decorated.sort()
+ uids = [d[-1] for d in decorated]
+ for uid in uids:
+ if uid.is_module():
+ ret+=self.format_module(uid,False)
+ ret+="\n".join(self.generalizations)+"\n"
+ ret+=FOOTER
+ return ret
+ def format_module(self,uid,recursive):
+ if recursive:
+ name=uid.shortname()
+ else:
+ name=uid.name()
+ ret=" <UML:Package xmi.id='%s' name='%s'>\n" % (escape(uid),escape(name))
+ doc=self.docmap[uid]
+ classes=doc.classes()
+ for cls in classes:
+ ret+=self.format_class(cls)
+ if recursive and uid.is_package():
+ modules=doc.modules()
+ for mod in modules:
+ ret+=self.format_module(mod.target(),True)
+ ret+=" </UML:Package>\n"
+ return ret
+ def format_class(self,link):
+ name=link.name()
+ uid=link.target()
+ doc=self.docmap[uid]
+ descr=doc.descr()
+ ret=(" <UML:Class xmi.id='%s' name='%s' comment='%s'>\n"
+ % (escape(uid),escape(name),escape(descr.to_plaintext(None))))
+ for meth in doc.allmethods():
+ ret+=self.format_method(meth,doc)
+ for att in doc.ivariables():
+ ret+=self.format_attribute(att,doc)
+ ret+=" </UML:Class>\n"
+ for base in doc.bases():
+ buid=base.target()
+ g=(" <UML:Generalization xmi.id='%s(%s)'"
+ " child='%s' parent='%s' visibility='public'/>"
+ % (escape(uid),escape(buid),escape(uid),escape(buid)))
+ self.generalizations.append(g)
+ return ret
+ def format_attribute(self,var,container):
+ uid=var.uid()
+ name=var.name()
+ descr=var.descr()
+ cuid = container.uid()
+ inherited = (cuid.is_class() and uid.cls() != cuid)
+ if inherited:
+ return ""
+ if descr:
+ descr=" comment='%s'" % (escape(descr.to_plaintext(None)),)
+ else:
+ descr=""
+ if uid.is_public():
+ vis=" visibility='public'"
+ else:
+ vis=" visibility='private'"
+ return (" <UML:Attribute xmi.id='%s' name='%s' %s%s />\n" %
+ (escape(uid),escape(name),vis,descr))
+ def format_method(self,link,container):
+ uid=link.target()
+ name=link.name()
+ doc=self.docmap[uid]
+ descr=doc.descr()
+ cuid = container.uid()
+ inherited = (cuid.is_class() and uid.cls() != cuid)
+ if inherited:
+ return ""
+ if name.startswith("__") and not descr:
+ # ignore special/private methods without description
+ return ""
+ if doc is not None and uid.is_any_method() and not doc.has_docstring():
+ doc = self.docmap.documented_ancestor(uid) or doc
+ if descr:
+ descr=" comment='%s'" % (escape(descr.to_plaintext(None)),)
+ else:
+ descr=""
+ if uid.is_public():
+ vis=" visibility='public'"
+ else:
+ vis=" visibility='private'"
+ if uid.is_classmethod():
+ st=" stereotype='/Stereotype:classmethod'"
+ elif uid.is_staticmethod():
+ st=" stereotype='/Stereotype:staticmethod'"
+ else:
+ st=""
+ return (" <UML:Operation xmi.id='%s' name='%s' %s%s%s />\n" %
+ (escape(uid),escape(name),vis,descr,st))
diff --git a/auxtools/xmimerge.py b/auxtools/xmimerge.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfa6997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxtools/xmimerge.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import libxml2
+import sys
+class Merger:
+ def __init__(self,model_file,auto_file):
+ self.model_doc=libxml2.parseFile(sys.argv[1])
+ self.auto_doc=libxml2.parseFile(sys.argv[2])
+ self.xmi_id_map={}
+ self.auto_xmi_id_map={}
+ self.old_elements={}
+ def merge(self):
+ self.output_doc=libxml2.newDoc("1.0")
+ new_root=self.output_doc.newChild(None,"XMI",None)
+ uml_ns=new_root.newNs("org.omg/standards/UML","UML")
+ root=self.model_doc.getRootElement()
+ n=root.children
+ while n:
+ if n.type!="element":
+ n=n.next
+ continue
+ if n.name=="XMI.content":
+ new_content=new_root.addChild(n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,False))
+ p=n.get_properties()
+ while p:
+ new_content.setProp(p.name,p.getContent())
+ p=p.next
+ self.merge_xmi_content(new_content,n)
+ else:
+ new_root.addChild(n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,True))
+ n=n.next
+ return self.output_doc
+ def merge_xmi_content(self,target,old_content):
+ self.old_elements={}
+ n=old_content.children
+ while n:
+ if n.type!="element":
+ n=n.next
+ continue
+ try:
+ if n.ns().getContent()=="org.omg/standards/UML" and n.name=="Model":
+ self.parse_old_model(n)
+ n=n.next
+ continue
+ except libxml2.treeError:
+ pass
+ target.addChild(n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,True))
+ n=n.next
+ auto_content=self.auto_doc.xpathEval("//XMI/XMI.content/*")
+ for n in auto_content:
+ if n.ns().getContent()=="org.omg/standards/UML" and n.name=="Model":
+ new_model=target.addChild(n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,False))
+ p=n.get_properties()
+ while p:
+ new_model.setProp(p.name,p.getContent())
+ p=p.next
+ self.merge_uml_model(new_model,n)
+ else:
+ target.addChild(n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,True))
+ def merge_uml_model(self,target,subtree,path=""):
+ n=subtree.children
+ while n:
+ if n.type!="element":
+ n=n.next
+ continue
+ new_node=target.addChild(n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,False))
+ p=n.get_properties()
+ while p:
+ old_val=p.getContent()
+ if p.name in ("stereotype","parent","child"):
+ val=self.xmi_id_map.get(old_val)
+ if not val:
+ val=self.auto_xmi_id_map.get(old_val)
+ if not val:
+ val=old_val
+ else:
+ val=old_val
+ new_node.setProp(p.name,val)
+ p=p.next
+ npath="%s/%s:%s" % (path,n.name,n.prop("name"))
+ auto_xmi_id=n.prop("xmi.id")
+ xmi_id=self.xmi_id_map.get(npath)
+ if xmi_id:
+ if auto_xmi_id:
+ self.auto_xmi_id_map[auto_xmi_id]=xmi_id
+ new_node.setProp("xmi.id",xmi_id)
+ self.merge_uml_model(new_node,n,npath)
+ n=n.next
+ for oe in self.old_elements.get(path,[]):
+ target.addChild(oe)
+ def parse_old_model(self,subtree,path=""):
+ n=subtree.children
+ while n:
+ if n.type!="element":
+ n=n.next
+ continue
+ if (n.ns().getContent()!="org.omg/standards/UML" or
+ n.name not in ("Stereotype","Class","Operation","Attribute","Package")):
+ oe=n.docCopyNode(self.output_doc,True)
+ if not path in self.old_elements:
+ self.old_elements[path]=[oe]
+ else:
+ self.old_elements[path].append(oe)
+ n=n.next
+ continue
+ npath="%s/%s:%s" % (path,n.name,n.prop("name"))
+ xmi_id=n.prop("xmi.id")
+ if xmi_id:
+ self.xmi_id_map[npath]=xmi_id
+ self.parse_old_model(n,npath)
+ n=n.next
+print out.serialize(format=True)