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github.com/JohnAlbin/normalize-scss.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-01-29Update CHANGELOGHEADmasterJohnAlbin
2018-01-29Drop support for Bower. Fixes #130JohnAlbin
2018-01-29Drop support for CompassJohnAlbin
2018-01-29Add gemspec script to automatically update gemspec on releaseJohnAlbin
2018-01-29Remove cruft from npm package by updating .npmignoreJohnAlbin
2018-01-29Add auto-generated CHANGELOGJohnAlbin
2018-01-28Update package-lockJohnAlbin
2018-01-28chore(package): update mocha to version 5.0.0 (#126)greenkeeper[bot]
2018-01-28Add package-lock.jsonJohnAlbin
2018-01-28Update to Typey 1.1.2JohnAlbin
2017-12-05Add .npmignoreJohnAlbin
2017-12-05Drop Node.js v0.12 supportJohnAlbin
2017-05-17Remove completely out-of-date CHANGELOG.JohnAlbin
2017-05-17Update README.JohnAlbin
2017-05-17Remove completely out-of-date CHANGELOG.JohnAlbin
2017-05-15Upgrade to normalize 7.0.0. Fixes #107JohnAlbin
2017-05-10Remove opinionated properties on fieldset element.JohnAlbin
2017-05-10Update the comment on the "abbr" rule.JohnAlbin
2017-05-10Remove opinionated outline rule on "a" element.JohnAlbin
2017-05-10Update code of conduct.JohnAlbin
2017-05-10Remove opinionated font-family rule on html element.JohnAlbin
2017-05-08Prevent unnecessary $normalize-vertical-rhythm usage. Fixes #97JohnAlbin
2017-05-07Prevent unnecessary $normalize-vertical-rhythm usage. Fixes #97JohnAlbin
2017-05-06Update typey tests. Fixes #93.JohnAlbin
2017-05-06Add the Contributor Covenant v1.4 as our code of conduct.JohnAlbin
2016-11-19Update typey-chroma-kss fork with scss-lint rules.JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Merge branch 'normalize-master'JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update README.JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update docs to talk about import paths. Fixes #58JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update to normalize.css 5.0.0. Fixes #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update known issues comment. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Rearrange property order on legend element. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Don't output vertical rhythm on h1 by default. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Don't output vertical rhythm if only $indent-amount variable is set. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update "forms" section. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update "embedded" section. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update "text" section. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Update "grouping" section. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Convert old "html5" section into the new "sections" section. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-24Add "document" section. #88JohnAlbin
2016-10-22Simplify @if statements. Clean-up from #89.JohnAlbin
2016-10-21Rename ruby-sass-compass fork to deprecated-compass.JohnAlbin
2016-10-21Rename Typey/Chorma/KSS fork's styles-base.scss file.JohnAlbin
2016-10-18Add comments about !default usage in default fork. #72JohnAlbin
2016-10-18Drop support for IE6-7 and Firefox 29 in ruby-sass-compass fork. #89JohnAlbin
2016-10-17Drop support for IE 6-7 and Firefox 29. Fixes #89JohnAlbin
2016-10-17Remove support-for from README and package.json. #89JohnAlbin