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github.com/JugglerX/hugo-whisper-theme.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdate README.mdRobert Austin2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-01-03Update README.mdHEADmasterRobert Austin
2021-07-09maintain update and test with latest version, update for hugoThemesRobert Austin
2020-09-06update to hugo 0.74.3Robert Austin
2020-06-03Fixed gohugoio/hugoThemes#858Robert Austin
2020-06-03fix bug in sidebarRobert Austin
2020-03-03Merge pull request #27 from khfayzullaev/fix-docs-weightsRobert Austin
2020-03-01Fix docs weight orderKhurshid Fayzullaev
2020-01-17Update README.mdRobert Austin
2020-01-17Update README.mdRobert Austin
2020-01-17Update LICENSERobert Austin