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AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-10🐛 Fix recalculate_max_e_jerkHEAD2.0.xScott Lahteine
2022-07-30🔖 Marlin Lahteine
2022-07-30🚑️ Fix XYZEval = N not setting EScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🧑‍💻 Further script updatesScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🧑‍💻 Axis macros parity with 2.1.xScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🚸 Fix, update ProUI (#24251, #24473, #24500)Miguel Risco-Castillo
2022-07-29♻️ Small sound / buzz refactor (#24520)Scott Lahteine
2022-07-29Updates from #24560Keith Bennett
2022-07-29⚡️ Optimize Planner calculations (#24484, #24509)tombrazier
2022-07-29⚡️ Optimize G2-G3 Arcs (#24366)tombrazier
2022-07-29🩹 Revert extra axis changesScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🧑‍💻 Fix and improve build_all_examplesScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🧑‍💻 Add Sim debug with lldbScott Lahteine
2022-07-29📺 SKR_MINI_SCREEN_ADAPTER for BTT SKR Mini E3 V3 (#24521)ellensp
2022-07-29📝 Update board MCU comments (#24486)Keith Bennett
2022-07-29🚸 Machine-relative Z_STEPPER_ALIGN_XY (#24261)InsanityAutomation
2022-07-29🧑‍💻 Fix MAP macro useScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🩹 Fix G60/G61 debug code (#24231)ellensp
2022-07-29🩹 Fix G33 Delta Sensorless Probing compile (#24291)lujios
2022-07-29🩹 Apply linearval in M600Scott Lahteine
2022-07-29🔧 Assert Probe Temp Comp requirements (#24468)Keith Bennett
2022-07-29🐛 Fix BACKLASH_COMPENSATION compile (#24072)ellensp
2022-07-29🎨 Misc. 6-axis cleanupScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🩹 Fix safe homing sanity-check (#24462)Pauli Jokela
2022-07-29🎨 Fix comments, formattingScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🩹 Fix ST7565 LCD contrast init (#24457)Christophe Huriaux
2022-07-29🐛 Fix laser/fan sync (#24460)Mike La Spina
2022-07-29🩹 Fix TFT image packingScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🚸 Better M350, M114 with more axes (#23986)DerAndere
2022-07-29🩹 Fix MKS UI extruder speed (#24476)toomuchwonder
2022-07-29🚸 Fix and update ProUI (#24477)Miguel Risco-Castillo
2022-07-29🐛 Fix Archim2 USB Hang (#24314)InsanityAutomation
2022-07-29🎨 Misc. 'else' cleanupScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🩹 Fix MAX31865 approximationsScott Lahteine
2022-07-29🩹 Fix manual move titles (#24518)Scott Lahteine
2022-07-29🏗️ Extend AXIS_CHAR to include EScott Lahteine
2022-07-29Fix axis string 'N' (#24259)kisslorand
2022-07-28🌐 Update German language (#24555)Ludy
2022-07-28🧑‍💻 Update planner/stepper includesScott Lahteine
2022-07-28🩹 Fix lcd_preheat compileScott Lahteine
2022-07-28🔨 Update build/CI scriptsScott Lahteine
2022-07-28🎨 PIO scripts cleanupScott Lahteine
2022-07-28📺 Fix TFT Classic UI non-Touchscreen 1024x600 (#24541)Keith Bennett
2022-07-28📝 Update MPCTEMP G-Code M306 T (#24535)Keith Bennett
2022-07-28📝 Update Driver Type commentsScott Lahteine
2022-07-24🎨 Clean up extra axesScott Lahteine
2022-07-24🔨 Add mftest --default flagScott Lahteine
2022-07-24✨ Polargraph M665 settings (#24401)Arthur Masson
2022-07-24🔨 Fix Warnings.cpp force-recompileScott Lahteine
2022-07-24🔨 Fix and update MakefileScott Lahteine